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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • DrStiffler,
    Thanks a lot.


    • Some answers to long time Questions


      Well if you can manage, working in the dark (absence of light not mental challenge type) you discover some useful information. I have at last determined why the FL tubes holding a portable charge do not like you to touch the filament ends (tips) or the metal band on the ends.

      The tube is indeed storing a charge (call it that to protect the innocent) and when you touch the filament tips of a charged tube or the metal ring, the energy causes the filament to glow and the energy is consumed in heat. Same with the ring, the capacity of the person to the ring to the filament will again cause the filament to glow and there goes the energy, back into the lattice as heat.

      Now another point to ponder and my last video I made a statement that the hand held tubes needed to be within the field of the big tube to continue to hold their charge. This I have found is not the case, the tube only has to remain within the Spatial Disturbance created by the Exciter. The bulbs can be moved away from the large tube in the direction and over the exciter itself without problem.

      I am for the most part a pure researcher, I try to shy away from applied research and that is what I look for in the public sector, ideas on how to apply SEC to real applications. Of course you need to work with SEC to be sure what you say may or does work, but my point is; You are camping and in the center of your camp sits a SEC Exciter. Night comes, you take your special light tube and walk to the exciter and bang it lights. Now you have light for as long as the exciter remains on, you can walk around go into your tent etc., now would that not be a kicker???????

      Oh I forgot this so I am doing an edit here.

      The charge in the tubes is polarized (what). I made that statement way back in the dark ages when I found that many times the tubes needed to be turned end for end to get them to relight. Now I wish help from someone that could present to me the basic mathematical view of how an electrostatic charge inside the tube is maintaining the excitation of the gas. I am really weak in the gas area (no pun intended), yet feel this can not work if only a polarized static charge was present, I feel there still has to be oscillation??? Hey any lurkers that are Ph.D.'s and understand excitation of FL's and how this could be envisioned?
      Last edited by DrStiffler; 04-11-2009, 02:53 PM.


      • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
        Here is my SEC running the neon off the SGate on a 12 volt source at less than 10 milliamps. But ---- something is wrong. I can't get a fluorecsect tube to light. Any and all comments welcome. Thanks. HELLLPPPP!!!!

        YouTube - Dr Stiffler SEC with SGate


        You are getting there pretty quick.

        One observation though, from my understanding of the Spatial Gate, and Dr.Stiffler please correct me about this, but the neon bulb should not light up on the left or the center portion of the gate, only on the right side where the load is.

        Speaking of the load, when you have the incandescent bulb connected as the load you should not expect the FL to light up as all the energy is used up to convert to heat to light in the incandescent bulb.

        To get the FL to light up, replace the bulb load with a 10K carbon resistor of some larger wattage (1-2W) and try it then...

        I do not feel any burning sensations on my fingers though so not sure about that.
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
          You are camping and in the center of your camp sits a SEC Exciter. Night comes, you take your special light tube and walk to the exciter and bang it lights. Now you have light for as long as the exciter remains on, you can walk around go into your tent etc., now would that not be a kicker???????

          Perhaps you might want to check this patent out then as it describes what you envisioned above.:
          Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
            The charge in the tubes is polarized (what). I made that statement way back in the dark ages when I found that many times the tubes needed to be turned end for end to get them to relight. Now I wish help from someone that could present to me the basic mathematical view of how an electrostatic charge inside the tube is maintaining the excitation of the gas. I am really weak in the gas area (no pun intended), yet feel this can not work if only a polarized static charge was present, I feel there still has to be oscillation??? Hey any lurkers that are Ph.D.'s and understand excitation of FL's and how this could be envisioned?
            Dang it, you edited the post while I was reading the thread and posting the other answer.

            I recall reading Tesla's lectures (and some patents) regarding lighting and gas excitation and I believe he had described why and how it occurs, both in low and high voltage/frequency situations.

            Though, remembering exactly where I read it is a completely different ball game.

            Probably before 1900, maybe it was the London lecture. In any case they are all available as PDFs on the Web.
            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


            • Originally posted by amigo View Post

              You are getting there pretty quick.

              One observation though, from my understanding of the Spatial Gate, and Dr.Stiffler please correct me about this, but the neon bulb should not light up on the left or the center portion of the gate, only on the right side where the load is.

              Speaking of the load, when you have the incandescent bulb connected as the load you should not expect the FL to light up as all the energy is used up to convert to heat to light in the incandescent bulb.

              To get the FL to light up, replace the bulb load with a 10K carbon resistor of some larger wattage (1-2W) and try it then...

              I do not feel any burning sensations on my fingers though so not sure about that.
              @amigo & Lidmotor

              The reason he sees HV all over is that L3 is still on the collector feeding it all, L3 is in the wrong place. The HV will move from the collector end to the ground end when L3 is moved.

              You are correct on the load configuration, you will not get heat and HV at the same time, I hope the (.pdf) will answer his questions and allow the minor though critical configuration change.


              • Originally posted by amigo View Post

                Perhaps you might want to check this patent out then as it describes what you envisioned above.:

                I hope the little gal does not get toasted when she steps into her tube or receives RF burn.

                Well even living on the fringe I can see this patent could cause a few fights among neighbors, "Dude you keep turning my lights off and on", or "Get of My frequency".

                A Spatial Effect does not work like this patent was conceived to.
                Last edited by DrStiffler; 04-11-2009, 03:23 PM.


                • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                  I hope the little gal does not get toasted when she steps into her tube or receives RF burn.

                  Well even living on the fringe I can see this patent could cause a few fights among neighbors, "Dude you keep turning my lights off and on", or "Get of My frequency".

                  A Spatial Effect does not work like this patent was conceived to.
                  Hehe I never thought of that, it would be funny if neighbours would control each other's appliances, inadvertently.

                  It's bad enough that you can just go through neighbourhoods and turn people's TVs off from the driveways...
                  Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                  • Thanks for the help----Happy Easter

                    @ Everyone--Thanks for all the help on this. Dr. Stiffler thanks for posting the complete instructions on the Gate. I feel that I am very close to getting the circuit to work completely right. All your tips should do the trick and I will soon have LIGHT!!!
                    I will work more on this after the weekend.



                    • DrStiffler,
                      If spatial energy is energy from the thin air, do you think having antenna will help in collecting it? Did you try it and if you did why you are not using antenna any more to increase energy collection?


                      • By the way, Doc has a new video up

                        YouTube - Need Some Replicators To Do This
                        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                        • and somebody replicated it already
                          YouTube - SEC 15-3 popcorn sphere


                          • Originally posted by stephenafreter View Post
                            and somebody replicated it already
                            YouTube - SEC 15-3 popcorn sphere

                            Thank you.

                            Do you have a variable power supply and a photo cell or light meter, even a small solar cell would work. Rather than use the eye some method to work with the light.

                            You need to setup so you can measure light output when you are the conductor, then with a power supply adjust until you get equal output when the bulb is powered by the supply. Now we know the SEC is going to be AC and your power supply will be DC, but that is ok we calculate for equivalence.

                            Knowing an approx current and overall power will tell part of the story. Knowing the above can you measure temp on the bulb?

                            Great job and fast, or were you already that step ahead?????


                            • Originally posted by mlurye View Post
                              If spatial energy is energy from the thin air, do you think having antenna will help in collecting it? Did you try it and if you did why you are not using antenna any more to increase energy collection?

                              No! You will most likely create a transmitter (conventional) that radiates the RF and coheres nothing back into the circuit. The shortest of leads, no clip leads, no long wires, no big solder spider web circuits. Antenna is not a correct direction even if you see something that might show reduced current or something, you are just changing the load and getting better or worse match.


                              • Originally posted by stephenafreter View Post
                                and somebody replicated it already
                                YouTube - SEC 15-3 popcorn sphere
                                Nice find...

                                I wonder why the FL is not lighting wirelessly though, whether it has to do with the whole "popcorn" construction or not.
                                Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?

