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ReGenX Coils and ReGenXtra switching

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  • Originally posted by Doogy2Shoes View Post
    That is not true.

    It's true, this is why Thane tells us that the range is greatly increased.

    How he is doing that is different from our work here and does not
    reflex my work. Thane is only now getting a start with his new tech
    discovered in 2017. I wish him well and anyone wanting to bet on a
    winning horse, it's Thane Heins. Anyone with that much money needs
    a place to share it so it doesn't get moldy.

    Thane has his way of flux harvesting and you have Your's right?
    As simple as it sounds Thanes innovation still requires a specific
    set of cores and magnets with there geometry to be optimized.

    Nothing is easy about it.


    • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

      It's true, this is why Thane tells us that the range is greatly increased.
      He tells us a lot of things. When it comes to proving it...not too concerned about showing any proof, is he?

      I can tell you that I figured out a way to heat a house with an electric vacuum cleaner. Does that mean its true? I should be able to prove it before you say that it is true.


      • Originally posted by Doogy2Shoes View Post
        He tells us a lot of things. When it
        comes to proving it...not too concerned about showing any
        proof, is he?
        You can't even acknowledge the basic concepts of the Tesla patent
        so what business do you have setting yourself as judge jury and

        You have attacked me and everyone who invents something solely
        based out of your inability to wrap your head around it. What Thane
        has tackled is not a new idea, he just happens to be one of the few
        who has the time and money to do it. Thane is flux harvesting the
        collapsing magnetic field. Somehow or another with tronix he is able
        to do the same thing as the principle learned from Tesla.

        You must start from the beginning to understand Thanes work.

        Simply all motors today have a rotor magnetism that fights it's
        approach and fights the departure leaving only a need to dump
        more raw power to get the HP.

        Our work centers on how to stop these conflicts. As a magnet pole
        gets close to a coil we have it so there is no opposition. Then right
        at TDC (TOP DEAD CENTER) our coils thrust the rotor foreword and
        produce. That's all it is. Why can't you see this? It is not hard.

        What did Tesla call a coil that is lenz free? Self---what? Better read
        the 1 page patent, don't you think? Start by thinking about a coil
        that is used to generator power even tho the same coil can be used
        other ways.

        What happens? Do you know how generator coils work on the
        market today? No, of course not, you read a book and teacher told you
        the best he or she could as per the govt controlled book store. The
        teacher must ONLY TEACH OUT OF THESE BOOKS.

        Now i will repeat for the sake of others as well as yourself.

        When a rotor magnet gets close to a generator coil on the market today
        the coil sees the magnet getting closer and closer then the magnetism
        or flux begins to build up in the coil making it's field the same as the
        hard magnets polarity. Okay got that? Let's say the the rotor magnet
        that is on it's way to the coil and core is a NORTH. Okay? It is a north
        hard magnet and the coil makes itself a NORTH field. NOW, I ask you
        what happens when to magnets that are north poles are forced close

        Yes two magnets of the same polarity will resist each other or fight against
        coming close together. This is how a conventional generator coil works
        because this is what factories build. So now the two north poles were
        forced tight together and they are right on top of each other. This is called

        At TDC the hard magnet is still and will always be a north but the
        north field that the coil collected up from the hard magnet flips to a
        south field after TDC as it moves away keeping the hard magnet back
        keeping the hard magnet from moving on around the circle. More HP plz
        is the answer for conventional generators.

        In order to go beyond to the Tesla patent you must first grasp present
        day generator action. So again, did you understand? And you want
        Thane to come out and explain his work when you don't know how
        generator work today? I can't get a decent answer back that you see
        how generators work on the market today.

        Now to explain Tesla's coils for electromagnets? Can you show us you
        understand any of the standard systems? No. This is why you can't see
        how our generators have reversed the process and still collects all of the
        flux into the core WITHOUT EFFORT or opposition forces. LENZ FREE!!

        And you want Thane to write all of this out for the everyday shmoe?

        Good luck with that

        Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2019, 05:15 AM.


        • I learned something from Thane just like I learned stuff from my
          experiments. Thane's first test was using 30awg wire got 100ma and I
          got that also using good cores and 50lb magnets.

          His coils looked like about 10,000 ft of wire. He tried many flux path
          re-routing experiments that only a trained eye in some cases would

          Next i learned from Dave that 23awg gave 500ma but 3 separate
          conductor giving 500ma each at far less feet per circuit. This is 1500ma
          per coil with voltages down in a usable range at 100-200vac.

          Now looking at the wire ratings in the transmission column it shows
          a max of 700ma for 23awg. Next the 25awg was max 500ma, this is
          for a big coil not short runs that these ratings are good for.

          Now using tiny magnets of 9lb each not 50lbs like my larger rotor I
          would like to see what I can produce in the way of current per the
          3 channels on the 3000foot coils suggested by Dave and then work
          up by putting bigger magnets on till I reach about 300ma per circuit
          or 3 X 300ma.

          When i do this (Not if) I will have the measurements from both a weak
          magnet rotor and the stronger ones. Of course finding out how much
          extra it takes to drive the rotor. Well that WAS my plan but knowing
          that the counter magnets will cancel out the hard start cogging of cores
          it should not matter how big the rotor magnets are or how big the
          cores are. I am sure there will be a small amount of difference.

          What does that say? Theoretically I could have 400 lb magnets on the
          rotor using a one inch thick steel rotor coming into contact with 2" cores
          and it wouldn't take anymore drive input as long as cancellation was

          All that is left is getting the steel rotor mass up to speed whatever that
          a steel wheel would need without anything but the wheel itself.

          Without the cancelling magnets it might take a huge diesel engine to
          turn a generator rotor that big while the other way with the counter
          opposing magnets could be turns by someone peddling a bike.

          A person using a 10 speed gear from a bike could easily get a 1" thick
          15" flywheel rotor turning and with 400lb magnets that would make
          a lot of juice. As long as the generator coils were this type the current
          would flow and the guy peddling would get a small relief each time
          one coil was engaged.

          If the coils were conventional the minute current began to flow the
          person peddling would not be strong enough to continue.

          So you can see that the system works the best the way Dave has


          • Question for Turion

            Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

            When a rotor magnet gets close to a generator coil on the market today
            the coil sees the magnet getting closer and closer then the magnetism
            or flux begins to build up in the coil making it's field the same as the
            hard magnets polarity. Okay got that? Let's say the the rotor magnet
            that is on it's way to the coil and core is a NORTH. Okay? It is a north
            hard magnet and the coil makes itself a NORTH field. NOW, I ask you
            what happens when to magnets that are north poles are forced close

            Yes two magnets of the same polarity will resist each other or fight against
            coming close together. This is how a conventional generator coil works
            because this is what factories build. So now the two north poles were
            forced tight together and they are right on top of each other. This is called

            At TDC the hard magnet is still and will always be a north but the
            north field that the coil collected up from the hard magnet flips to a
            south field after TDC as it moves away keeping the hard magnet back
            keeping the hard magnet from moving on around the circle.
            Hey Turion,

            Do you agree with BM's explanation?



            • How about this part?

              Originally posted by Turion
              Yes and No.
              His is a generalized description of what WE are doing, not commercial generators
              Does this describe what happens in your generator?

              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

              At TDC the hard magnet is still and will always be a north but the
              north field that the coil collected up from the hard magnet flips to a
              south field after TDC as it moves away keeping the hard magnet back
              keeping the hard magnet from moving on around the circle.


              • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                Does this describe what happens in your generator?
                This is the magnetic cogging you talk about. It is an opposition
                force in generators. Care to explain it better? Or are you going to say
                the fields all help each other and that generators have no opposing
                fields in them.

                Is that right BI? Generator fields today all work in perfect harmony?

                Most generators don't have hard magnets but they still all do the same
                thing. Take a stepper motor. When you try to generate with one the
                rotor is opposed on the approach and on it's departure of TDC.

                So give us all the reasons why I am wrong. You have no clue.


                • Just a simple question

                  I didn't say I agree, or disagree. I did not say anybody is right, or wrong. I simply asked Turion if he agrees with your description of how your (and his) generators operate.



                  • A north hard rotor magnetic field induces a North field in a coil as
                    it gets closer and close to it. It wants to stay north in the coil so
                    when the hard magnet tries to get any closer the north coil field
                    tries to stop the hard north magnet from getting further.

                    However you want to further teach on the subject in depth would require
                    the student to have an 8 year engineering degree. No one here has this.
                    We have people who can not read the patents who think they know
                    because they went to a distinguished college.

                    We don't want to depend on others for our experimental data. Anyone
                    not having any first hand testing data is in no position to correct the

                    I guess I'll have to repeat again. Where is the acknowledgement about
                    how generators work? Where are the advanced thinker with data who
                    can confirm normal everyday generator action?

                    Where is the acknowledgement of the Tesla patent

                    "COILS FOR ELECTROMAGNETS" if you understand Tesla it is because
                    you are a gifted thinker, the rest will have to humbly follow blindly
                    for a while in order to shed the scales from their eyes acquired thru
                    blindly following false teachings. AKA public schools.

                    Govt controlled thinking is what we have today, not investigators.
                    Science is investigation. Most folks here have never done any.

                    Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2019, 10:52 PM.


                    • When a North hard magnet with it's field approaches core material
                      it is drawn toward the iron block. As the iron block receives flux it
                      turns into a repelling north magnetic field so just before TDC it
                      pushes against the hard magnets north field making it hard now to
                      move foreword.

                      However in our generator the hard magnet only sees the attraction
                      of the core material, there is no opposition. Why? These Tesla coils
                      are wound in such a way as to delay this normal north field response
                      til after TDC. The energy is collected up into the coil and held there
                      longer (msec) so the opposition north field occurs as the hard magnet
                      is leaving the coil cores pole and at this point gets a big big push
                      in the right direction. Not the other way around.

                      I am gonna keep saying this and no one is going to back me down. This
                      is the way it is and all I am doing is holding out a stick to a blind man
                      the rest will be up to you to ponder thru the day til is takes root.
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2019, 10:48 PM.


                      • How generators work

                        Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                        ... Where is the acknowledgement about
                        how generators work? ...
                        This is how generators work.


                        Attached Files


                        • Like I said explain it in your own words based on your experimental
                          data. Spare us of the endless and meaningless formula copy and
                          paste out of a book.

                          I asked for an acknowledgement of certain items discussed and you
                          paste a formula? Thus you are unable to comprehend the materials
                          talked about. It's okay you will not be abandoned.

                          Formulas are great for engineering generators that are on the market
                          today. These formula's have many augmentations depending on what
                          size or type a conventional machine that is being produced in a factory.

                          These version specific formula's do not apply in blanket form to our
                          application. In our formula's the - minus signed are changed to


                          • Originally posted by Turion
                            ... As the rotor magnet approaches the coil,
                            there is no attraction to the iron core that affects either the rotation
                            of the rotor or the rotation, speed or amp draw of the motor......
                            so no effect on the rotation, speed, or amp draw of the motor.

                            At all times the amp draw and speed of the rotor is as if the coil or
                            coils did not exist

                            That is the simplest way to put it.

                            The only work required by the motor is to turn the rotor.
                            That is the advantage of this generator.
                            Agreed, very simple explanation but for some to simple. All magnets
                            are attracted to iron cores but as you say not enough to mention as this
                            does not effect the drive input amp draw.

                            However if you read the stuff wrote I was speaking about conventional
                            generator action. The part you talk about pulsing 4 series batt's
                            thru a motor to 4 parallel batteries is also incomplete. This the part I
                            have not gotten to yet and I know you are busy and wrote it before.
                            I just have a hard time following your explanations.

                            I know you are doing your best to help.
                            Last edited by BroMikey; 06-19-2019, 01:59 AM.


                            • Here I have stated the same thing.
                              Outside of this is conventional generator action that
                              I have been detailing.

                              Theoretically I could have 400 lb magnets on the
                              rotor using a one inch thick steel rotor coming into contact with 2" cores
                              and it wouldn't take anymore drive input as long as cancellation was

                              All that is left is getting the steel rotor mass up to speed whatever that
                              a steel wheel would need without anything but the wheel itself.

                              Without the cancelling magnets it might take a huge diesel engine to
                              turn a generator rotor that big while the other way with the counter
                              opposing magnets could be turns by someone peddling a bike.

                              A person using a 10 speed gear from a bike could easily get a 1" thick
                              15" flywheel rotor turning and with 400lb magnets that would make
                              a lot of juice. As long as the generator coils were this type the current
                              would flow and the guy peddling would get a small relief each time
                              one coil was engaged.

                              If the coils were conventional the minute current began to flow the
                              person peddling would not be strong enough to continue.

                              Last edited by BroMikey; 06-19-2019, 01:43 AM.


                              • Okay let us begin again.

                                First we start with Turion's generator setup that cancels everything
                                out twice which is a bad place to start when trying to understand
                                normal generator action.

                                To understand Turion's machine we must start with what most schools
                                teach.The govt schools tell us that a north pole hard magnet approaching
                                a core and coil induces a north magnetic field into the coil and this
                                generate electricity the way it's done today.

                                So there is normal or conventional generator action #1 and there
                                is the lenz free generator action with all of it's effects #2 and then
                                there is lenz free generator action WITH counter cancelling magnets
                                to change everything in the way it effects the drive.

                                What I noticed over the past 6 years is inventors talk about all 3
                                at once expecting everyone to follow them. This is because inventors
                                and builders do not think about the 3 separate functions.

                                #1 conventional generator action

                                #2 RegenX generator action

                                #3 Regenx generator action compounded with cancellation magnets.

                                Only one man does this that I know of and his name is Thane Heins.
                                Even Thane does not cover cancellation tho his video work on how
                                schools teach conventional is helpful to the inquisitive mind.

                                Confusion seems to rule these threads.

