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BiTT OverUnity Transformer Bi-Toroid Thane H. Bill A.

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  • Course on my primary I made the winding smaller. I have some
    audio amps now where before I didn't. One is just a single
    channel (Mono) and I should use my fancy generator to
    play with waves and watch the scope.

    It seems every where I look now the double coil setup
    is giving more energy back. The idea of sending and receiving
    is what the BiTT does with the 2 secondaries. Bill A. says
    the BiTT he operates as a PHASE CONJUGATE MIRROR now
    I don't know if it is true but it must be otherwise what
    theory does this apply to?

    A clock radio could be used to drive these coils being
    a sine wave is better. Kurt just used a ZVS circuit and
    it worked great, you saw that in his video.


    • Hi mike, thanks for the information, going to wire up modified ac oscillator again and see if it still works the same with the one primary core leg.
      Do you think doubling up the size of my secondary core will make it work the same (not reflecting back to primary) with both primary core legs making contact.
      peace love light

      This is interesting information here.

      The Bucking coil is activated, the square signal is sent on L1 AND L2 coils and received on L3. The flux of L1 cancels the flux of L2 ( as it seems to be for L3 ), but only during the establishment of the current ( ON sequence ).

      BUT when the current drops ( OFF sequence ), you will see a normal induction setup.

      Look at the scope pictures, this is very different from the bifilar coil configuration, this prove that the BACK EMF EXISTS REALLY!!!! So the magnetic energy exists in the bucking coil.

      FLux is not canceled, but is distorted by mutual repulsion, so it does not couple to L3. This is NOT flux cancelation, or we could not have the back EMF when the fields collapse!

      Clearly there are fields present in Bucking coils....


      • Hi folks, oh i just wanted to also say thanks for the kind words here and in the other thread mike.

        Ok, here is i think some experimental evidence of what i just posted about the bucking coils sudo cancelling when input is applied from primary and then giving it back back freely on collapse, thus causing a lower input compared to no-load.
        This first pic shows the input current when the primary is not attached to secondary core, no loads.

        This second pic shows the input current when primary core is attached to secondary and no load.

        This third pic shows the input current when primary core is flipped around when attached to secondary core and loaded, however, the led does not light, since the polarity is wrong and input current stays the same as no load.

        This fourth pic shows the input current when bucking coils are loaded with gutted led bulb and primary is oriented upon secondary core properly.

        Thoughts welcome.
        peace love light


        • nice work Sky; as usual! ;0)

          i think you are on it!
          I think more turn with bigger wire gauge on the bucking secondary vs the primary may help the effect...

          Thank for sharing!


          • Originally posted by Wistiti View Post
            nice work Sky; as usual! ;0)

            i think you are on it!
            I think more turn with bigger wire gauge on the bucking secondary vs the primary may help the effect...

            Thank for sharing!
            Yes that could help. When we see Thanes Bi-Toroid we see him using
            high impedance secondaries at 60hz. High impedance coils on his
            ReGenX also but still most of the time his ReGenX is around 140-200hz,
            not very high in frequency with only a few volts to recover.

            The pulsed systems are a BiTT different The pulsed systems running
            at high frequency make the small coils LOOK like they are high impedance
            coils and for that level of stress, they become just that.

            The square pulse is a dc pulse above the zero line, the ZVS pulse is a
            dc pulse that alternates between pulses above and then below the zero
            line. ZVS pulses can be made with delays so the pulses look more
            triangular in shape. This makes a much closer waveform to a sine wave.

            Not hard to make if you need it.

            The audio amplifier can be injected with a tiny signal called pure sine wave.
            This is what Bill Alek does when he adapted the Thane Heins technology


            • Hi wistiti, thanks for kind words, though i'm on something, but it's not quite thanes and not quite partnered coils.
              It's more like, diode only secondary load.
              Since i'm assuming the bucking coils cancel with initial primary pulse, then secondaries collapse and power led bulb.
              Though since led is diode, it wouldn't conduct anyway on initial pulse.
              Still though, input current is reducing from no load.
              I can't say if it's these bucking coils that are making this more efficient, however, as i've been tweaking the frequency on the oscillator, i'm able to get the input current flipping from 0 to .01 amps, with very usable light on led bulb.
              I mean so much so, that the filaments burn into my eyes a bit.
              I don't recall any other oscillator light that i've made, that can use only 90 milliwatts and still give decent light.
              peace love light
              Last edited by SkyWatcher; 12-10-2015, 04:53 AM.


              • Here is a rerun for the BiTT remember many versions have been done.
                The core arrangement is critical for best results.

                Last edited by BroMikey; 06-07-2020, 08:43 PM.


                • here is a rerun of Kurt doing the tuning. He low rated the figures the
                  voltage was really 35v at .47 amps and he was only using up 6 watts.
                  Look at the math, simple. And the blinding light.

                  So a 2-3X COP can be had first time around with his large cores
                  and small windings. If you have lots of extra time to follow Kurts
                  progression of video research you will see his evolution to
                  large core material and then on to adjustable circuits.

                  Each additional change improved results like WOW.


                  Published on Nov 5, 2012

                  hehe... golden egg?? i dont wanna speak too soon, but this looks like "it" ... the "it" we have been searching for. I think i did all i could to show input and output readings and the behaviour of the 3 circuits during operation.
                  The idea is to use this as a HV driver for my big Don Smith device board. one thing at a time, but that is the reason for combined designs
                  Input is 12v fixed @ .5amp
                  Output measured at 30v @ .47amp
                  2.93Khz resonant tuned
                  L1 29.5mH and 100nF
                  L2's 178mH and 17nF on each
                  Even at resonance, the output was increased even further with use of the Bitoroid.
                  (Heins Effect).
                  Last edited by BroMikey; 12-13-2015, 10:33 AM.


                  • Some of you may be interested to know that the AURORATEK
                    company did begin their shipping as of last year.



                    • Thane Heinz or this guy?

                      Ran across this BiTT patent today and thought it belonged here. It has great drawings of different configs.


                      • Beardon cites all related patents in his MEG work. What's
                        interesting is that the word "Aureka" is used for old products
                        from the Keiichiro (1999) : US5926083 listed at the bottom.

                        Maybe Bill Alek liked the name and changed it some?

                        MEG - Motionless Electromagnetic Generator from Tom Bearden

                        Experience Thomson Innovation | Intellectual Property Solutions | Thomson Reuters


                        • Bitt Over Unity Experimenter, high end equipment. Jan 2017

                          Thane Heins transformer replication




                          • Lenz free toroidal transformer




                            • Patrick Kelly on OU transformers.



                              • MORE INFORMATION HERE

                                Over Unity Transformer converter here.


