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Water & the Power of our Thoughts

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  • Water & the Power of our Thoughts

    For a graphic reminder of why we need to try & keep our thoughts positive have a look at a couple of short video's based on Dr Masaru Emoto's research of how thoughts, feelings, words & music have a profound effect on water crystals

    YouTube - Truly Amazing: Message From the Water

    YouTube - Düşünce Gücü ve Masaru Emoto Power of thinking

    Love & Abundance
    Theta Healing
    Paths 2 Potential

    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"

  • #2
    Hi Sharyn,

    It will be powerful when you graviton a message, or a picture re water crystals.

    I had graviton an ormus pic once, and I tell you, even on my computer monitor I had felt its radiation, even my friend. And I am not that energy sensitive to tell the truth



    • #3
      I went to Emoto's web site once and found a picture of the love and appreciation one.

      I right clicked it to make it my (tiled) computer wallpaper. I think Grace did the same thing after we were posting about it on PI.

      That was a a good while ago, possibly last year. I still have that wallpaper and love it

      (I don't think it's a rip off bc it's more like promoting his stuff, right? Like if I did the same thing with a company's logo they would probably like it.)
      Keep your mind on the aether


      • #4

        Thanks for sharing those links....Enya is one of my favourites, and the art of blessing was beautiful!!

        I will save those, and I am also going to change my computer wallpaper to something with a crystal!!


        • #5
          Hi Nadine,

          I'm glad that you enjoyed the links. The wallpaper idea that Future Pather mentioned sounds great.

          I read another interesting article a while ago about a lady who decided to carry out her own experiment after hearing abut Dr Emoto's work. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find it again to reread, so I can't remember the exact details & who she was.I forgot to bookmark it.

          Anyway, she worked in a medical laboratory & had experience preparing slides for examining under the microscope. With the aid of someone else who worked with her she decided to test to ascertain if she could produce similar results to those of Dr Emoto's, using blood instead of water.

          She used herself as the guinea pig. She had a sample of her blood drawn & prepared a slide as a test sample. She then continued to have samples of blood drawn after intervals ( I can't remember if this was over a period of days or with several hours in between each "test) )subjecting herself to different stimuli eg music, positive words like love etc & Negative words/thoughts. She prepared slides & photographed each one. The article showed some of the photos & there was a marked difference in how the negative blood samples appeared in comparison to the positive samples. I found it very intriguing, particularly when you take into consideration that plasma, the liquid portion of the blood contains more than 90% water.

          Henrii, if you are reading this could you please explain to me what you meant by graviton a picture or message. I didn't quite understand. How did you do this on your computer? Did you mean that you put a floating or revolving image of a crystal on your computer?
          Theta Healing
          Paths 2 Potential

          "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


          • #6
            Extract from Dr Emoto's reseach

            Just thought that I'd copy this great link that Grace posted in another thread, so that all this info is here in one spot.

            An extract from The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto, in the Cygnus Review.
            Theta Healing
            Paths 2 Potential

            "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


            • #7
              Oh my goodness. This thread has just now given me a major synchronicity. All morning I had been pondering the topic of "what is true happiness?" Then I found this thread, and out of curiosity looked up the website of Dr. Emoto. Guess what caught my eye: What is true happiness? Take special note of the last few lines, they are significant.

              (By the way, some of the tap water that is featured in the book is the very same tap water that I drink right here in my home! It was nice to see the photos.)

              Thank you for starting this thread, Sharyn! Extremely informative.


              • #8
                Thank you for posting that link with that poem. You've just created a synchronicity for me.

                I am currently rereading a book of mine that I haven't read for a while - 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle. Last night I just read the following:

                "Unhappiness spreads more easily than a physical disease. Through the law of resonance, it triggers and feeds latent negativity in others, unless they are immune - that is, highly conscious.

                Are you polluting the world or cleaning up the mess? You are responsible for your inner space; nobody else is, just as you are responsible for the planet. As within, so without: if humans clear inner pollution, then they will also cease to create outer pollution."

                then I saw your post here this morning with the link to the "True Happiness" poem & the ending is just so apt.

                "Indeed, the cosmos begins with "1"

                And "1" is yourself and myself.

                Let us each be happy first to do that.

                "Love Thyself""

                Thank you!

                Theta Healing
                Paths 2 Potential

                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                • #9
                  Late reply

                  Hi Sharyn!

                  I am quite busy these days, that's why it is just now I will answer you,

                  Read this link.

                  After reading that website, and you still have questions, post it again. I will try to answer again.

                  Enjoy charging your water


                  • #10
                    Thank you Henrii!

                    for posting that link. I can see that I had completely the wrong idea!

                    It is all very interesting. I haven't had time to explore all the links yet but I did try the head massage graviton. I didn't feel like my head was massaged but I was feeling waves going through me & when I finished I got up to go & make my breakfast. I was all off balance & walking as if I was leaning slightly over to the side . So it did something - very strange.

                    Love & Abundance,

                    Theta Healing
                    Paths 2 Potential

                    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                    • #11
                      I Am Glad


                      You are very welcome! Maybe if you tried them all (graviton), it will be interesting to post your experience/s here, if you have the time...

                      Thank you too


                      • #12

                        Hi Henrii,

                        Well, I have just spent all morning exploring a lot of the links. Absolutely fascinating! Thank you so much again for taking the time to reply to me in your busy schedule!

                        Although I have a limited capacity for understanding some of the information presented I can see that it also ties in & connects with some other areas that I am currently exploring. I have multiple links forming which are coming together to help me understand the cohesive whole, if that makes sense to you.

                        I have downloaded the crystal graviton as my computer wallpaper to see what effect it has.

                        I also tried viewing some of the heat gravitons. I think that I could detect a difference, but am not totally sure whether my imagination was coming into play or not. I am interested in trying to print out some of the heat gravitons when I have time & seeing what results I get. I will post results when I do. I might post under a separate "graviton" thread as I think that this topic is so interesting.

                        Thank you, again,

                        Love & Abundance,

                        Theta Healing
                        Paths 2 Potential

                        "We are the one's we've been waiting for"

