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Divine Openings with Lola Jones

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  • #76
    WOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Never thought I'd say this but I really am floating away in bliiiiiiiiisssssss!!!

    I don't know what it is but it's like as if slowly one by one G-d was answering each and every one of my questions and pleas! I can't say if it's doing D.O. (I just did number 4 last night), if it's what happened yesterday, if it's just a combination of everything, if it's just life. If it's that doing D.O. somehow causes things to slowly start to line up so all your answers start to tumble into your lap, brings just the right people into your life at just the moment when you most needed them so they could give you the answers you most need.

    I've been liberated from jail! And now I act differently, I know I feel differently about myself than I ever did before and that changes the way I act, and I imagine acting differently will start to bring different outcomes and results into my life. Maybe I'd make different choices now. Oh I dunno. It's indescribable.

    Tezzaa have you noticed a lot of changes in your inner and outer life since you started D.O.?

    Changing topics, I really didn't notice what format I saved Lola's songs in, they worked so I didn't pay much attention to the format. Are you sure your computer works, Pamela? Sometimes my computer's weird too.

    So I guess maybe it's true maybe things really do start to roll in your life with D.O. Not overnight of course, changes are usually gradual anyways. But maybe they do start to roll more than they did before D.O. All the same I find I get really good results combining D.O. with Paths and I continue to watch my Paths theatres. Well yesterday I had a super power day, after talking to that amazing man I went and watched all my Paths theatres (I enjoy watching them every day but since I have 3 it takes me almost an hour and unfortunately I just don't have time to watch them every day) and then I went and did D.O. number 4. So perhaps it isn't so surprising I've been spending the whole day like floating on cloud 9.

    The world just feels so unreal today. I feel like a bomb must've fallen and the world should've turned upside down, but I go out and I see that everyone is still living their lives like always, no one else has changed.
    Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
    Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


    • #77
      Yes, my computer is working - haha!! I download music all the time with no problems. I also download mp3s of various seminars and workshops, like the Abraham workshops.

      Glad to hear you are in the zone Serenac
      Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


      • #78
        [QUOTE=Pamela Vicik-Smith;79279][B][FONT=Arial]Yes, my computer is working - haha!! I download music all the time with no problems. I also download mp3s of various seminars and workshops, like the Abraham workshops.
        Hi, Pamela. I just downloaded her songs, too. I went to the web page linked above and scrolled to the bottom of each song section and right clicked on the "Click to play" link and saved to the hard drive. They saved as MP3s and opened right up in Windows Media Player. I can try emailing them to you. It would be interesting to know what the extension is on the files you have saved. If you go into Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder they are stored in, then click on "View" and then "Details" and then let us know what the extension is (should be .mp3) maybe we can help. It sounds like someone above is using a Quicktime player to open them, but they shouldn't need a special program. I'm guessing that the extension is wrong for some reason.
        Hope this helps,
        My reality does not equal your reality, but my reality is neither > nor < your reality.


        • #79

          Probably a non-issue now...... just sounds like a bit of "not real" stuff going on. Not really an issue with your computer. Let me know if you got it to work
          Marnyka Z. Buttry
          Divine Openings Giver & Healer


          • #80
            Hi Pamela

            Hi Pamela,

            Did you get the audios to work?



            • #81
              Hi all! I just wanted to mention a book I'm reading, which is recommended on other threads here, which appears to be almost a CARBON COPY of Lola Jones' book. It's called Busting Loose from the Money Game, and it's so almost exactly the same as Lola Jones' book, sometimes the only thing that changes is the actual names the author gives to things that are different from the names that Lola Jones uses to refer to the same things. For example Busting Loose uses the word Expanded Self where Lola Jones says Large Self. Busting Loose uses Phase II Living where Lola Jones says Enlightenment. But it's clear and obvious that they're talking about the exact same processes and the exact same experiences.

              It's curious both books were published in 2006. Wonder if something was in the air that year hehe?

              I find that it's most interesting to read the 2 books simultaneously, they seem to complement each other so well. The Busting Loose book EXPLAINS what's happening in ways that simple little souls like me can understand better than Lola Jones' book. For example Lola Jones often says that this or that happens just simply because it DOES, because it's what happens when someone gets enlightened. The Busting Loose book will actually explain what is happening when this or that is happening, how it works and why it happens, what's going on inside of you. If you're not interested in the mechanics of things that happen to you then maybe Lola Jones' book is enough for you. If you're like me, you'd like to know what in the world is going on?? Busting Loose will explain it.

              I also like the Busting Loose book because it's geared more specifically to people who (like me hehe!) have financial difficulties. The examples it uses, from the author's own life and his clients' lives, are related to monetary problems. Lola Jones has a more general approach, she will talk about topics like health, relationships, romantic partners, forgiveness. So I think I would recommend Lola Jones' book more for people who have relationship problems, health problems, forgiveness problems etc. I myself personally identify more with the Busting Loose book because my relationships are absolutely singing and I have NO problem people in my life at all, my health is wonderful, I don't feel particularly rencorous or have people in my life that I feel resentment towards, etc. But since I am living on welfare I obviously DO have some serious money problems!
              Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
              Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


              • #82
                Well! This thread's sure been quiet for a while!

                The only thing I can say about Divine Openings is WOW! Seems they have some sort of delayed effect with me or something heehee!

                Cause I didn't seem to be getting anywhere doing Divine Openings, didn't feel like anything was changing or happening with the Divine Openings, so I decided to forget about them for a while and explore other roads. So been thumbing through Busting Loose and doing the Process described in there, which turns out to be EXACTLY THE SAME THING that Lola Jones teaches in her course too.

                And so now as I've been looking the other way somehow my life just all by itself and without really even thinking about it it just FELL INTO PLACE!!!

                I'm not even too sure how it happened, I guess it's like a jigsaw puzzle you put in one piece and then you dash off to a different corner and plunk down a piece, each piece by itself makes no sense but when you stand back and look at it all suddenly you've got a picture!

                My life is is becoming so absolutely fabulous right now, I just can't believe how everything is coming out! Wheeeeee! I started meeting a bunch of interesting people, my project's smooth sailing better than ever before and I'm ready to take the next step in it, and just as I felt ready to take the next step everything just lined up so it was easy for me to take. I needed some money in order to be able to take the next step and a miracle occurred (rent got reduced by HALF for the next year so for the whole next year I'll be able to count on an extra 200 euros every month, without having to do a thing! ). Got accepted into this social program for unemployed people so I won't have to pay electricity bills either as long as I'm unemployed. WOW!

                I guess the only issue I still have which is my BIG ONE is as usual that I seem to be unable to manifest more income into my life. However I realize that the problem is in me and not in the outside world, as I received some interesting opportunities to do some things I like to do and earn money for them, and I JUST COULDN'T TAKE THEM! I just couldn't, I felt soooooooooo guilty about doing such a thing! I was already doing these things for free and having a ball (okay I was giving psychic readings to all my friends and everyone was super content, but I just don't feel good about charging for that, one thing is to help your friends, just because they're your friends, and a totally different thing to charge strangers).

                So I guess I'll just have to do a lot more diving in on this issue and a lot more of the Process from Busting Loose on it. But at any rate that's like a sign to me that things are moving they're jumping around! And I'll do what Lola Jones says and try and let go and look the other way.

                Okay well it's lunchtime so I'm off!
                Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                • #83
                  Little 12 minute audio to help Give it Over to The Presence

                  Hey you guys. I was inspired to make a little audio about forgiving ourselves and giving it over to The Presence today. It will help even if you're not doing Divine Openings. I would love to hear feedback on it.

                  Evoca - Forgive myself and give it up to the PresenceEvoca - Forgive myself and give it up to the Presence
                  Marnyka Z. Buttry
                  Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                  • #84

