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Occupy Wall Street

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  • #16

    Kind of makes you gag, doesn't it?

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    • #17
      I believe the elite originally set up these protests with the expectation that they would become violent. To get people who are unemployed marching against those make 6 & 7 figure incomes is not all the difficult. The goal here was to have to forcibly break up these demonstrations. That way in the name of “safety and security” for everyone they could then step in and say see this is why we need restrict your right to protest and express ideas that are contrary to the government as it might cause civil unrest. Of course by promising this type of safety and equality does it not also promise slavery?

      Unfortunately though for the elite the protesters have been as a group remarkably peaceful. Even more disturbing than that for the elite is while these groups started out without any clear goal in mind, slowly many are beginning to see the read head of the snake, the federal reserve bank.

      As mbrown mentioned what if the protesters showed up at a FED bank all wearing Ron Paul masks!
      Now that is something I would love to see on the evening news.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
        I believe the elite originally set up these protests with the expectation that they would become violent. To get people who are unemployed marching against those make 6 & 7 figure incomes is not all the difficult. The goal here was to have to forcibly break up these demonstrations. That way in the name of “safety and security” for everyone they could then step in and say see this is why we need restrict your right to protest and express ideas that are contrary to the government as it might cause civil unrest. Of course by promising this type of safety and equality does it not also promise slavery?

        Unfortunately though for the elite the protesters have been as a group remarkably peaceful. Even more disturbing than that for the elite is while these groups started out without any clear goal in mind, slowly many are beginning to see the read head of the snake, the federal reserve bank.

        As mbrown mentioned what if the protesters showed up at a FED bank all wearing Ron Paul masks!
        Now that is something I would love to see on the evening news.
        Hey there, Mad Scientist! Great post!

        Hmmmmm.... Not sure if the elite set up the protests, but wouldn't be surprised if they are behind the naughtiness of the police with the goal of inciting violence to do exactly what you say... I do suspect that most of the protesters are keenly aware of this possibility and that they (hopefully) are intelligent enought to keep their anger in check and continue on in a peaceful manner.

        And yeah...I sure would LOVE to see that same evening news show!

        But just for fun, here's a bit of humor about the situation from John Stewart... Love how he spotlights what appears to me to be the insanity of government...and the FOX News reporters!

        Truth through comedy: Occupy Wall Street on Vimeo

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        • #19
          I just tried going to your link, only to find that was deleted from the site about 2 hours after your post. Could it be that someone didn’t think it was that funny and had it removed? Who would think of doing such a thing? I thought that was what freedom of speech was all about.

          I wonder if a bunch of protesters showed up at FED bank in Ron Paul masks how would the media cover it? Considering how they go out of their way to avoid reporting about him or even mentioning his name.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Pamela View Post

            But just for fun, here's a bit of humor about the situation from John Stewart... Love how he spotlights what appears to me to be the insanity of government...and the FOX News reporters!
            Truth through comedy: Occupy Wall Street on Vimeo
            Copy at
            Jon Stewart takes on Occupy Wall Street critics | PopWatch |

            See also
            A Republic, If You Can Keep It - The American Form of Government - YouTube



            • #21
              The demonstrations, actually "OCCUPATIONS" were not set up by Soros or anyone else... they are spontaneous and set up by hundreds of people who are not wealthy, famous, or "connected".

              Go look back for real sources for these claims: THERE ARE NONE.

              Soros is the meme poster boy for anti-liberalism. He is used as shorthand for everything that some people hate about liberals/Progressives and their hatred of anything perceived to be remotely "socialistic".

              It is not "Socialism" to demand an end to the corporate / financial / government corruption, that is so bad now, that it makes Al Capone look like a dude selling bad hot dogs from his cart on the corner.

              It is not "Communism", to wish for the Restoration of the Rule of Law; to see Democracy be viable again, to stop money, greed, and cronyism from controlling EVERYTHING, including our health and future of the planet.

              It is not "Anarchy" to demand the ENDING of this corporate rule that allows the BP Gulf Disaster, and the Fukushima Fission Nuclear Disaster, to go on without mention and examination in the corporate-owned mainstream media, or any investigations of it to proceed.

              So it was inevitable that those who don't want this movement to succeed, would drag out this old and worn red herring Soros to try to discredit it "the easy way" by not actually proving anything or by using discussion/debate. Apparently Jones and others' acolytes don't bother questioning these things they are told... they claim any absurdity and some folks just accept it as Gospel.

              This is the thing: If you agree that the 2-party system is a scam, then GET OVER this hatred of liberals. Or go ahead and jump in with both feet to the "Tea Party" and get on board with the hate-fest full force. You really can't have it both ways; it's time to grow up. REJECT that paradigm and all it entails, or go with it.

              Think it over, we will wait

              But understand this movement will go on and grow. You can support it, or not; but really now, then why would you not just GET OUT OF THE WAY?
              Last edited by jibbguy; 10-10-2011, 07:56 PM.


              • #22
                REJECT that paradigm and all it entails, or go with it.
                What paradigm exactly? I understand the greed and corruption that these people are protesting against but if your saying to reject capitalism...which is the paradigm that built america then I completely disagree.

                What do these protesters support? I personally support capitalism. I think its our government that has failed us and has allowed so much corruption to take place. The reason capitalism is successful is due to the nature that people are greedy. The definition of greed is, a desire for wealth. Everyone wants to earn money. Thats the goal of every company which is why they do everything they can to be efficent and build products that are easier to sell so they can grow and expand they're operations. Everyone who starts a business wants to earn as much money as they can. That principal with the freedom of democracy has built america into the most successful nation in the world.

                Its the governments job to protect the people. Its the governments job to regulate and monitor corporations to ensure such financial catastrophe doesnt take place. I believe the absolute worst thing the government could have done was protect the corporations with any type of bailout. There is only one thing that stops a corporation from becomming too greedy and going beyond they're own means of operation.....and thats Bankruptcy. No company should ever become too big to fail. So many people are mad that these financial companies that got bailouts are still paying millions in bonuses to they're top guys...Well if the government didnt protect them in the first place, none of us would have to worry about that because they wouldnt have a job. In fact, if the government werent so corrupt and did they're job of monitoring the practices and regulations of these mega corporation we wouldnt have had a recession to begin with. Anyone who passed first grade could have taken one look at these practices that were taking place throughout the entire country and seen what was comming.

                The government failed us. Not Democracy...Not Capitalism.
                Just the politicians who are running the show. They need to go.
                Last edited by Nadda; 10-12-2011, 03:09 AM.


                • #23
                  Actually, i was referring to rhe paradigm of polarity, of DELIBERATELY-CULTIVATED and constantly re-enforced division between the two political "parties"... or the "two wings" of the vulture is another way to put it. And the insistence of always labeling and judging via this division... this all or nothing, black or white with-us-or-against-us way of viewing the world.

                  That keeps us divided and conquered.

                  Here is the recent statement, again, that sums up the Demands (YES they do exist, even if the corporate-owned mainstream media refuses to acknowledge them):

                  Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05 - YouTube

                  Look, you can "love" capitalism, and support this movement. It is NOT "communist" or "marxist" to END CORRUPTION and stop these criminals from doing it all again, whenever they like.

                  What we have now in this country in the most important sectors, is not free market capitalism, it is illegally controlled markets. Large corporations who have not budged in market share in several decades are proof; this is an impossibility in a truly free markets. They do this because they engage in illegal Trusts who run things behind the scenes; like old-time mafia families who split up "territories".

                  And we have the largest sector of all in the economy, Energy, controlled by private monopolies and entities who use illegal speculation on the commodities markets to control both Price and Supply. These are the things that never get discussed. But they should be. And that is what this movement aims to do: Significantly raise public awareness of them.
                  Last edited by jibbguy; 10-11-2011, 08:56 PM.


                  • #24
                    One of the problems with some of the protesters is what they are asking for is a basically a socialist society. They want government to solve all their problems. But in a society where the government has the power to give you everything you need it also has the power to take it all away.

                    Socialism as has been shown over and over does not work. Capitalism does work, but it can be messy. However for it to work it requires that our leaders are committed to making it work. Regulations that tell what companies can and cannot do and their responsibilities are definitely needed. It is here whereboth parties have let us down. Important regulations have been watered down and rendered worthless or worse. It matters not which party you vote for because both have been bought out and corrupted by the elite bankers who are actually running the show. Unfortunately they are master manipulators and as long as they can get people to continually blame the “other” party for all our problems this allows them to distract attention away from themselves.

                    For those protesters blaming Wall Street and the rich this is an easy target but it is the wrong target. It is not to say that Wall Street is totally blameless but they are just doing what they have been programmed to do. The real money manipulators are not “the rich” but the ultra ultra rich who control the FEB. These are the people and their fiat money system that needs be exposed and brought down.

                    And these are the people trying to control the protesters via their control of the media and unions and as long as the protesters continue to call for the “rich to pay more taxes” they’re happy. It is only when the protesters start saying “end the FED” that they get scared. Or that we are not responsible for paying off their multi-trillion dollar debit. Or that congress should regain control of our money system and bring back the gold standard.
                    It is this kind of talk that could cause their whole house of cards to come crashing down.


                    • #25
                      Nobody has been programmed to do anything....

                      Except maybe, some here are programmed to attack anything that doesn't exactly fit their world view of conspiracy theories. I feel sorry for them, they are becoming worse than religious cults in these matters of "Heresy"... listening to all they are told by their "charismatic radio hosts" and NEVER QUESTIONING IT.

                      Well, this OCCUPY movement is a wake up call for them, if they are wise enough to see it: Start following the media who attacks it, start questioning if they can offer EVEN ONE SHRED OF REAL EVIDENCE, or even a SOURCE, for the nasty claims they make...

                      And then start questioning why it is THIS and ONLY this movement that breaches the issues of corporate corruption.. and not the other so called "truth" movements who TOTALLY IGNORE IT.

                      Now, regarding their asking for a socialist society... the system we have is an UTTER FAILURE... It is destroying the Middle Class that built it, and it cannot survive WITHOUT that middle class. So going on in this manner, and even accelerating the causes for this destruction (such as getting rid of ANY regulation)... obviously is not the way.

                      But apparently any time anyone suggests this system is a failure, they are labeled a socialist. Fine then, there is nothing we can do about that lame old tactic, so lets go there:

                      1) What they sneeringly call "Socialism" exists in EVERY DEVELOPED COUNTRY... whether you like it or not. It is always a matter of degrees. Most of these developed nations who have a slightly higher degree than the US... kick our ass in trade up an down the street (Germany as an example, and Japan before Fukushima). Not even listing China here, its hard to pin down what they have as a system now, sort of a meld of feudalism, capitalism, and communism using totalitarian control (which can exist under ANY economic system INCLUDING capitalism; as banana republic dictators continue to prove over and over).

                      2) TRUE Socialism is the State Ownership of Means of Production. I don't think all that many who support the Occupy Wall St movement are "for" that.

                      So label away all you like.

                      And just be happy, that you agree with "Fox News"


                      • #26
                        Oooooohhhh....Have a lookie at how Fox News is finding it necessary to cover this event...

                        Rupert Murdoch Declares War On Occupy Wall Street

                        Gee, Rupie M....are you getting a wee bit nervous? Awwwwww....

                        Kinda makes me laugh at how they are painting this picture...

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                        • #27
                          Nice one Pamela. Yes we have been seeing a lot of that. I can only suggest, that folks look at the Livestreams. Last night, we got to see many of the folks who work in the Groups that run the emcampment at Liberty Park. Sanitation, Comfort, Media, Medical, and others that showed not only how organized and prepared for any problems they are, but the below

                          > The rules there at Liberty Park are NO illegal drugs or alcohol. This is true for all the cities, i believe. It is a smart tactic to keep Police out. IF THE FOX CLAIMS WERE TRUE... believe me we would be hearing about drug and drunk busts!! The police are ALL OVER these encampments folks, using sophisticated monitoring devices as well.

                          > Yes everyone is fed who wants food, and everyone provided blankets and sleeping bags and other things like toiletries and health aids (and warm clothing). Lol only in America would that be considered somehow "bad" !!

                          Most of this stuff was donated by sympathetic small business owners... like Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and presumably the salmon that was mentioned. But their main food, by all accounts, is "pizza". Literally THOUSANDS of good folks across the country have called in donations to the local pizza parlours so the protesters get a never-ending supply of it.

                          > The OWS General Assembly votes on everything they "do" using direct democracy (including the use/dispensing of the funds they have collected from thousands of regular people donating). Since they are not allowed by the police to have electronic megaphones or any form of amplification most of the time, they devised the "human megaphone" tactic of repeating everything said together so everyone can hear. It actually works better, lol.

                          I am PROUD to be in support of these fine people, and i stand with them!

                          Watch the Livestreams for yourself and decide. Here's one of many:

                          globalrevolution - live streaming video powered by Livestream

                          And help spread the word


                          • #28
                            The movement has problems, some are genuine people that understand the problem, some are genuine people that don't but do want a change. Then there are others that are trying to co-opt it. When it comes to political action it is most often the controllers that are running it one way or another, remember divide and rule.

                            Think of politics like a pendulum swinging from left to right about a pivot. The controllers are the pivot and the swings could not happen without their holding the system in place at the pivot point. When the pendulum is pushed by the controllers either left or right the people always push back causing the pendulum to swing further each time, this is how they divide us and use our energy to obtain their goal. Eventually the pendulum will swing past the horizontal on either the left or right and it does not mater if the system is communist or capitalist the result is the same, Dictatorship. Dictators always want control of the state and its beliefs and finances and this is fascism.

                            The dictatorship we live under is very clever because most people don't know it exists. Yes we are all brainwashed, all of us, by the media and the education system and the brainwashing is so good that peer pressure from the most brainwashed is able to keep the rest of people under control.

                            The good news is all dictatorships fall so we will win back some freedoms but the cost will be high. In history it has been very rare that the dictatorship lost all of its control and true freedom was established. It will be the same thing again if we cannot break enough peoples programming before the controllers back off. Think about the 100th monkey syndrome, the controllers use that as a tool of control, When the masses start to wake up they will back off and throw their puppets to the wolves, then finance a new set of people who do not understand what was really happening but have credibility with the masses, setting the stage to move their agenda forward. They might be having a tough fight in the info war but they have control of every aspect of our lives be it food, energy, medicine or our reproductive system. We have to not only expose them on every front but dismantle all their systems of control.

                            Things are beginning to stir but they are well prepared for this, now is the time to intensify our efforts to educate the masses on the true nature of our existence and it will be a long hard fight.


                            • #29
                              The present corrupt system is completely unsustainable. It cannot last long. What will replace it?

                              An even worse form of corporate feudalism, with no controls or protections at all? Where energy alternatives are outlawed, where no one but the handful of their servants get healthcare or education? Where perpetual wars escalate and multiply?

                              It's a possibility.

                              So is a sustainable and sane world that respects the rights of all, and insures we all receive basic human rights.

                              Lets look at what this movement is doing: It is raising awareness for these issues. That is a good thing; unless you really are a 1% 'er.

                              We constantly hear fears of control and takeover of the movement. So far there are zero signs of it. It is OUTSIDE of the right/left paradigm. It is unique, and it is surprising to me, how many people see a "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow"... and then reject it because the pot is the wrong shape

                              Meaning that many folks who have been calling for something like this for years, are against when it finally arrives because it does not follow exactly the dogma they "like". Maybe in the case of some "radio personalities"... this has something to do with narcissism, jealousy, and self interest?

                              Maybe the OCCUPY WALL STREET movement should sell gold and silver certificates; and then some will support it
                              Last edited by jibbguy; 10-13-2011, 03:55 PM.


                              • #30
                                The present corrupt system is completely unsustainable. It cannot last long.
                                What will replace it?
                                Well the elite bankers would like to see their NWO with them in complete control of everything.

                                An even worse form of corporate feudalism, with no controls or protections at all? Where energy alternatives are outlawed, where no one but the handful of their servants get healthcare or education? Where perpetual wars escalate and multiply?

                                It's a possibility.
                                No it is not a possibility, in case you haven’t noticed it is already reality.

                                So is a sustainable and sane world that respects the rights of all, and insures we all receive basic human rights.
                                Yes it is and we have a constitution that can provide it, but we have to demand it from our representatives. We need to continually remind them that it is we who tell them want they can and cannot do, and not the other way around. It is only when people stop paying attention that the system falls apart.

                                The Wall Street protesters at least realize that there is a problem unlike many who are sitting around mindlessly play their video games and watching sports. But how is picketing Wall Street or “calling for the rich to pay their fair share” going to fix the economy? If the protesters really want to have an effect they should be picketing congress. It is our congressional representatives that have created our problems through the laws that they passed, after having been bought off and corrupted by the corporations and bankers, still they are the ones who can correct the problems but only if we willing to hold their feet to the fire.

