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about the Ferrocell (ferrolens)

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  • The Fan analogy

    Utterly the magnetic flux of a dipole magnet on its two poles is best emulated by a PC fan.

    From on side it blows, turn it to other side and it sucks. Now change the skew angles of the fins and it will reverse its operation for the same direction of rotation.

    MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
    MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
    BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


    • Originally posted by Markoul View Post
      Utterly the magnetic flux of a dipole magnet on its two poles is best emulated by a PC fan.

      From on side it blows, turn it to other side and it sucks. Now change the skew angles of the fins and it will reverse its operation for the same direction of rotation.

      I agree with your theory. The field is emanating from within.
      The field grows larger as the magnetic strength is increased.
      Like blowing into a balloon (a dipolar one).

      And, you can't change the direction of rotation


      • The field grows larger as the magnetic strength is increased.
        Like blowing into a balloon (a dipolar one).

        Perfect analogy and wisdom.

        If it grows in volume with strength symmetrically, then the energy must come and originated within the structure and at the center.

        Also for anyone who believes on the aether since we can't directly detect it, it must come from a hidden domain by our reality manifesting as dipole magnetism in our reality. We call this, dark domain for a better lack of words.

        This dark monopole magnetic energy is interacting all the time with our light monopole electric energy domain reality and we experience this interaction with the phenomena called Electromagnetism.

        Dark matter and dark energy not interacting with our light matter and light energy as mainstream sciences says is wrong, it was there from the beginning in front of our nose. It is called Electromagnetism.

        I know all this sounds science fiction, but so was regarded electricity 500 years ago, and it is the only intuitive logical conclusion. If you can not specify from where magnetic energy is generated and originates (ken will hate this, for lack of better words) thus what the magnetic charge particle is you must assume it come out from an hidden domain...

        ...and what best than the domain wall (e.g. Bloch) of any magnetic dipole. A something, is always coming out from nothing thus zero.

        Last edited by Markoul; 05-28-2018, 09:47 AM.
        MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
        MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
        BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


        • clear view of dielectric plane of a pair of magnets


          ****ing hell, I see clearly the dielectric plane black line at the center!

          Specially at the end of the video.

          Looks like it's burned in the ferrocell

          It's a domain tear where dark magnetic energy gets ejected in our light electric domain, in the form of two opposite jets, thus dipole magnetism. You can call it the magnetic vibrations center and origin. The flux swirls around each pole and returns through each pole portal center void, back to the dielectric plane.

          Congratulations Brian! You never stop to amaze me!

          Last edited by Markoul; 05-28-2018, 10:43 AM.
          MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
          MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
          BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


          • Ken explaining the puzzle question he put on this tread

            Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
            Peace out Girl Scout

            Dare anyone to solve THIS IMAGE

            HOW the HELL is it possible to have the SAME IMAGE on left and right????

            cause on the right, in the center of the ring magnet, there IS NOTHING THERE

            Soooooo HOW does 'NOTHING' have the SAME image as the side/"pole" of any other normal magnet.
            MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
            MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
            BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


            • About Ken's above puzzle

              I don't know but I get the feeling that we all say the same things but are using different words.

              Its the Tower of Babel curse...

              Why we should see any different on the above quoted image link between the fields of a cube magnet (left) and a ring magnet (right)?...

              ...magnetic dipole fields don't care about the physical shape of a magnet. They are all the same geometry.

              In both cases we see the 2D compressed image projection simultaneously, of both toroidal 3D fields (top view) of the two poles of a magnet. Thus because both toroidal pole fields are induced in the ferrocell and because the ferrocell is transparent to magnetism both fields are shown as a combined, interlaced pattern in 2D. Notice that interlaced, crossing lines shown by the ferrocell are actually overlapping and not crossing in 3D space. Magnetic lines never cross on a dipole magnetic field.

              You can see that this is the case I am describing by holding a strong magnet from a distance and a bit of inclination from the ferrocell surface, and then assuming the ferrocell is sensitive enough will pick up only a single torus field of a single pole and it will appear on the ferrocell as a roled-in slinky. without any crossing and interlaced lines.

              This is difficult done with a ring magnet because its small height. Better try it with an elongated bar or rod magnet where the two poles are more physically separated.

              Also additional to Ken's question the 3D field of a magnet is holographic and some kind of a fractal meaning there are layers or shells like an onion of the same repeating itself field geometrical pattern extending out into space one inside the other forming a solid volume cloud of two hemispheres each residing on each pole of the magnet and extending out in space until the radius distance of measurable influence of the magnet.

              These two magnetic hemispheres or bubbles are tangent back to back on the Bloch ground state domain wall of the magnetic field forming the final spherical shape of the magnetic dipole field:

              It's more or less like the structure of our brain geometrically.

              Also the holographic, fractal attribute of a magnetic 3D field is also the reason why the same torus pattern appears for a ring magnet placed on a ferrocell both inside the ring condensed and also extends outside the ring on the circular surface of the ferrocell (see in below link the right picture):



              Attached Files
              Last edited by Markoul; 05-28-2018, 02:02 PM.
              MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
              MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
              BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


              • Originally posted by Markoul View Post
                About Ken's above puzzle

                I don't know but I get the feeling that we all say the same things but are using different words.

                Its the Tower of Babel curse...

                Why we should see any different on the above quoted image link between the fields of a cube magnet (left) and a ring magnet (right)?...

                ...magnetic dipole fields don't care about the physical shape of a magnet. They are all the same geometry.

                In both cases we see the 2D compressed image projection simultaneously, of both toroidal 3D fields (top view) of the two poles of a magnet. Thus because both toroidal pole fields are induced in the ferrocell and because the ferrocell is transparent to magnetism both fields are shown as a combined, interlaced pattern in 2D. Notice that interlaced, crossing lines shown by the ferrocell are actually overlapping and not crossing in 3D space. Magnetic lines never cross on a dipole magnetic field.

                You can see that this is the case I am describing by holding a strong magnet from a distance and a bit of inclination from the ferrocell surface, and then assuming the ferrocell is sensitive enough will pick up only a single torus field of a single pole and it will appear on the ferrocell as a roled-in slinky. without any crossing and interlaced lines.

                This is difficult done with a ring magnet because its small height. Better try it with an elongated bar or rod magnet where the two poles are more physically separated.


                Also additional to Ken's question the 3D field of a magnet is holographic and some kind of a fractal meaning there are layers or shells like an onion of the same repeating itself field geometrical pattern extending out into space one inside the other forming a solid volume cloud of two hemispheres each residing on each pole of the magnet and extending out in space until the radius distance of measurable influence of the magnet.

                These two magnetic hemispheres or bubbles are tangent back to back on the Bloch ground state domain wall of the magnetic field forming the final spherical shape of the magnetic dipole field:


                It's more or less like the structure of our brain geometrically.

                Also the holographic, fractal attribute of a magnetic 3D field is also the reason why the same torus pattern appears for a ring magnet placed on a ferrocell both inside the ring condensed and also extends outside the ring on the circular surface of the ferrocell (see in below link the right picture):



                All is very apparent in this recent image of mine:

                Notice how the light swirls around the poles. This is the vortex spiraling out of the Bloch region.
                Or as Ken puts it, the 'dielectric plane'
                Attached Files
                Last edited by dyetalon; 05-28-2018, 03:11 PM.


                • Originally posted by Markoul View Post
                  Dear Ufopolitcs,

                  Do you know whirlpools which eject?... they always suck (I am not talking about electric charge expelled by the plasma series of the primer fields video series, but purely about magnetic energy and flux, remember magnetism pushes away, deflects electricity as you observe on the crt, they don't like each other)
                  Dear Markoul,

                  The only reason I care about correcting your slight error(s)... is to make you understand for the best results of all your conclusions...therefore, your final paper.

                  Ok...on your example: A "whirlpool" does suck from one end...BUT, Expels/Exhausts from the other "must" expels what was sucked right?

                  A Tornado is a perfect example of a sucks from the bottom side on earth then exhaust on top spatial ends.

                  A Magnetic Field Dipole is composed of Two small Tornadoes...Both suck from the center of the field to expel at each pole ends.

                  Low Pressure, Low Magnetic Force is at Center of Magnet...while higher potential forces are located and distributed equally at each ends of the magnet...without any distinction for North or South.

                  Originally posted by Markoul View Post
                  Sorry to bust your bubble Ufopolitcs but magnetic radiation is generated and originates form zero thus the accretion disk (Bloch wall) coming out from aether domain (dark domain) into light matter (our domain):

                  In the wire-frame representation of the field you have created. Each torus on each pole of the magnet consists of elipsoid flux trajectories (I know Ken will now hate me for telling this, but just to show the flow of magnetic energy and with what we see in the ferrocell)

                  If you would apply vectors it would look like this:

                  Poles (dark void on the center of the pole) are really input portals and return points for the magnetic flux and energy.

                  So what is then the difference you ask me between "North" and "South" pole?

                  If you observe the image above (you have created ) we see the counter skew trajectories of the flux on the two poles. This creates a counter torque geometry or rotation if you prefer between the two poles. North pole vortex is whirling from an observer CCW and South pole CW. Of course all this happen in superluminal speed and we perceive only the magnetic field as a static field.

                  Wrong my friend...what the word "accretion" means to you?...increase or adding by adherence...

                  Any "return" of any flow, whether in hydraulics or in Physics in general, are points of low pressures...then how come the poles of any magnet are the strongest potential of magnetic forces...while the center of any magnet is where the lowest forces are found?

                  The Center Plane of a Magnetic Field is the very starting point, for the two linear, but opposed forces which expel spatially and centrifugally outwards into space.

                  Take a look at the drawing is originally from K. Wheeler...but I can not find the it is not on his least the Edition I have..So, I reproduce it:

                  Exactly the same way a Magnetic Field is formed....right from the very center of a coil>>> outwards, in opposite directions.

                  It is kind of hard to understand this, since we make a line from one end to the center...but only the one that math offers dividing length in two...

                  Now, imagine each "line" coming from center...spins then return back to its origin...the center...However, both spirals are spinning in the same exact direction...can you understand that?


                  Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-28-2018, 03:17 PM.
                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • Originally posted by dyetalon View Post
                    All is very apparent in this recent image of mine:

                    Notice how the light swirls around the poles. This is the vortex spiraling out of the Bloch region.
                    Or as Ken puts it, the 'dielectric plane'
                    Hi Dyetalon,

                    Yes, exactly that!!!...and so I agree that we all may have been talking same thing with different words...

                    Vortex at each pole Spirals out from center, originates from center then return back to center.

                    Centrifugal forces coming from center out to Each Pole Space, then returning back to center Centripetally...

                    Nice image btw!!


                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                      Hi Dyetalon,

                      Yes, exactly that!!!...and so I agree that we all may have been talking same thing with different words...

                      Vortex at each pole Spirals out from center, originates from center then return back to center.

                      Centrifugal forces coming from center out to Each Pole Space, then returning back to center Centripetally...

                      Nice image btw!!


                      Thanks. I took that pix a couple of months ago with a new camera. (recommended to me by who else but KEN)

                      Yes, I do believe we are getting stuck on the words and translations.

                      That's where math comes in. You don't have to translate a formula.
                      Too bad there is no simple formula to describe what we are seeing.

                      Here's a little more of my theory:
                      When the iron's domains become aligned, they form some type of 'doorway' which permits the cubic structure to increase the intensity of 'spin' (similar to your tornado analogy). The balanced nature of an iron molecule results in spin and counter-spin (N & S)

                      Adding more domains increases the amount of spinning- all of these spins add up and collectively generate a magnetic field we can detect at a distance from the metal.
                      Similar to the current flowing thru a wire.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by dyetalon; 05-28-2018, 04:03 PM. Reason: as it came to me...


                      • I can show all of you this graphic now that the paper has been accepted for publication.

                        It combines the X plane with the Y plane to give us a whole-view of what we see in the cell with a dipole magnet in the center.

                        This image is copyrighted, so don't spread it around the internet unless you want legal problems.
                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by dyetalon View Post
                          Thanks. I took that pix a couple of months ago with a new camera. (recommended to me by who else but KEN)

                          Yes, I do believe we are getting stuck on the words and translations.

                          That's where math comes in. You don't have to translate a formula.
                          Too bad there is no simple formula to describe what we are seeing.

                          Here's a little more of my theory:
                          When the iron's domains become aligned, they form some type of 'doorway' which permits the cubic structure to increase the intensity of 'spin' (similar to your tornado analogy). The balanced nature of an iron molecule results in spin and anti-spin (N & S)

                          Adding more domains increases the amount of spinning- all of these spins add up and collectively generate a magnetic field we can detect at a distance from the metal.
                          Similar to the current flowing thru a wire.
                          Nice Theory!

                          And Oxygen Molecules (O4) allow light to pass through, while Fe Blocks light...I believe...


                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • Originally posted by dyetalon View Post
                            I can show all of you this graphic now that the paper has been accepted for publication.

                            It combines the X plane with the Y plane to give us a whole-view of what we see in the cell with a dipole magnet in the center.

                            This image is copyrighted, so don't spread it around the internet unless you want legal problems.

                            Yes Dyetalon,

                            How come I do not see the Center Plane anywhere on the 3D Image?...But a Solid Bubble enclosing N-S?

                            Your Ferrocell depicts clearly a center Division between both polarizations on the side view of a magnetic field (Right Image Projection).

                            I know it seems like Ken's image...

                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • Originally posted by dyetalon View Post
                              I can show all of you this graphic now that the paper has been accepted for publication.

                              It combines the X plane with the Y plane to give us a whole-view of what we see in the cell with a dipole magnet in the center.

                              This image is copyrighted, so don't spread it around the internet unless you want legal problems.

                              WoW! nice graphic Timm

                              Eager to read your paper!!

                              MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                              MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                              BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                              • Best so far

                                Originally posted by dyetalon View Post
                                I can show all of you this graphic now that the paper has been accepted for publication.

                                It combines the X plane with the Y plane to give us a whole-view of what we see in the cell with a dipole magnet in the center.

                                This image is copyrighted, so don't spread it around the internet unless you want legal problems.
                                Hi dyetalon,

                                I like the image. The best I've seen at explaining the ferrocell patterns. Interesting comment from Ufopolitics regarding center plane.



