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U.S. President Donald J. Trump Making America Great Again 2017

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  • Meme Wars

    Fun with Donald Trump (President of course)





    • The investigation chaired by Clinton (Mueller)

      The deep state operated for so long with so little opposition that they believed themselves invincible and, they got sloppy.****-nat...rview-of-dust/
      Kunstler postulates that the blowup will affect financial markets.
      If Trump has smarts, he would put Epstein in a military prison with military guards. The effect of Epstein's revelations will / would compound the effects of the investigation of the attempted coup. Trump needs to light a fire under ALL of the attorneys general.

      Much of these problems trace back to endless efforts by isreal to control the world. Secretary of State Marshall warned President Truman that backing a jewish State in the middle of Arab / muslim countries would eventually lead to disaster.
      Israel Caged In The Muslim World | Real Jew News
      Nazrallah lays it all out. Israel has a very tiny target area. Just to make things worse, israel aligned with the Sauds. If israel wanted to make millions of new enemies, jumping into the middle of the Sunni--Shia conflict was a sure bet.

      10 years ago, I started a thread at Burning Man. I pointed out that the jews had picked a TERRIBLE chunk of real estate to build their jewish state. This thread didn't have anything to do with religion. It was about realities on the ground.

      Trump is at a crossroad. He has to cut loose from israel. He will definitely have a big fight on his hands. The alternative is; an end to the oil economy AND, a nuclear winter.


      • The contrary view

        Regarding the idea that "the jews had picked a TERRIBLE chunk of real estate to build their jewish state." I would imagine you know what you are saying.

        It is a common view or attitude that there is no god or supreme supernatural being, basically what you see is what you get. Never mind the fact obvious to 80 to 96 percent of the world population that humanity is so depraved that they would annihilate the entire race given half a chance.

        Be that as it may even pagan Plato and Aristotle realized that logically there had to be a supreme being. Even the abject heathen of ages past acknowledge that wisdom requires something above and beyond. So, you have the right to your opinion but you apparently deny that the GOD of the jews put them in the crossroads of history and geography and was elemental in their past successes.

        Now the European population to the north, call them the King of the North, and the Mohammedan population to the south, call them the King of the South are not only in opposition but seek to control the same small territory you decry.

        How does it happen that the prophet Daniel wrote of this more than 2000 year ago? What is the probability of that? Ignore facts if you will but an open mind questions such things.

        Call this the contrary view and try to resolve the conflict between the two views if you dare. Reason and logic have by and large left the public forum but yours is not the only point of view and it bears some thought.
        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


        • Post # 183 -

          The secret message behind Ivanka Trump tweeting “United Kingston”.



          • God's word is recycling as time progresses. The pattern repeats.

            Moses Trump in his royal palace giving him all kinds of favors until his talents blossomed and he became
            a system-billionaire, that this child was the very child he was looking for. When Moses Trump reached
            maturity, he realized the premises on which the kingdom was created and ran were unjust.

            He started questioning everything: the rigged elections, the fake news magicians and the slavery
            Globalist Pharaoh imposed to his People. He went to the desert and the Armies of Light met him there
            to initiate him to the Truth for 61 days. Admiral Rogers gave him the staff with which he would
            defeat the magicians and his brother Aaron fortified his hand with 71 generals who were eager to
            free their people and get their revenge against Obama Haman the Military Purger...

            As you can see, violence against our children is as ancient as Pharaoh.
            Last edited by BroMikey; 07-27-2019, 11:12 PM.


            • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
              The deep state operated for so long with so little opposition that they believed themselves invincible and, they got sloppy.

              Trump is at a crossroad. He has to cut loose from israel. He will definitely have a big fight on his hands. The alternative is; an end to the oil economy AND, a nuclear winter.
              I read the end of the book. No nuclear winter. As for those who have
              the old hatred (in the book) will fall. You can't hate and live in the light
              at the same time.

              Let me cut to the chase. There are many forms of judgement set to be
              executed but the main one you are referring to is not to fall on any
              mass group, country, region or state, it is set to fall on the wicked.

              In case we have all forgotten what the word wicked entails, let me
              specify. Those who violate THE LAW. Love God and your neighbor as
              you love yourself.

              Now you know where Judgement is going to fall. The willfully murderous
              haters. Now let me ask everyone a question. Do the masses in general
              set out everyday to violate THE LAW. No. Most do not. It doesn't matter
              what country or people you look at, we are all the same.

              The judgement set to be executed will fall on the leaders who willingly
              murder, hate and divide. Starting from the top on down. There will be
              no nuclear winter that levels the planet. It may seem at times to come
              close but salvation is of THE LORD. HE is the giver of THE LAW and LIFE.

              Picking out the Jews as targets or the Muslims is an improper rational.

              Judgement is carried out on a one of one basis. Many of those who are
              and have been seduced to follow evil for money will be forgiven and heal.
              Bad leadership has worked miracles against good people. Many young
              men have been induced into criminal circles at a tender age who did
              nothing more than deliver a package for $1000 later to be told they
              could only leave the group in a pine box.

              This is life under oppression and they will be freed. the rest of them
              will not find forgiveness, nor do they want any. They are without
              conscience, the mere suggestion of LAW and ORDER sends them into
              a fit of rage. These are the ones on whom Judge must fall.

              Not nuclear winter. Fury is in the hearts of the masses, THE FURY
              OF GOD. It's God's FURY and people will always be used as an instrument
              of judgement. The Fury is set to avenge the people.

              The next generation has raised up judges. Sheep no more.

              Last edited by BroMikey; 07-28-2019, 08:03 AM.


              • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]



                  Baltimore rec $1.8 BILLION from [HUSSEIN]'s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

                  Follow the money.

                  Follow the family.


                  Cummings and her husband, Representative Elijah Cummings is serious in nature. This is a unique situation that warrants necessary oversight to maintain public confidence in nonprofit donations. Therefore, we respectfully request that you review this financial arrangement to ensure full compliance with the law.

                  Further, the Center and GPS have each received over $5 million from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.9This close relationship alone is worthy of investigation.

                  Cummings serves as the principal officer and is the sole staff member listed on the Center’s website.5Ms. Rockeymoore Cummings is also the sole owner and only staff member listed for GPS.6The entities share the same phone number and the same address.

                  Cummings owns 100 percent of GPS, a for-profit company

                  significant amounts of money have been exchanged directly between the nonprofit Center and the for-profit GPS

                  Cummings’ nonprofit has paid significant management fees to her own for-profit company and she has been paid directly over $200,000. This potentially improper financial benefit to Ms. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings and her husband


                  Last edited by BroMikey; 07-29-2019, 09:22 AM.



                    We now have plenty of space.



                    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-29-2019, 09:14 PM.


                    • Can you keep up?



                      Last edited by BroMikey; 07-30-2019, 10:49 PM.



                        Godfather III

                        It's going to be BIBLICAL.


                        The people will eat the flesh of false religion off the bone and burn
                        it in the fire of words.


                        • SERIAL BRAIN 2

                          Taking control of the Chemtrails : CONFIRMED






                          • SerialBrain2:

                            Trump Reversed the Chemtrails: Third Confirmation.



                            • Misc headlines

                              Reportedly, Trump goes up against some democratic party hopeful who wants to unseat him. Here is what he is up against.
                              Dem Debate Throws Radical Extremists Against Extremist Radicals
                              Democrats' Identity Politics Civil War Expands To Campaign Committee
                              Communist Bernie - 'Health Care as a Human Right' Applies to All Illegal Aliens

                              Did it never occur to him that this message might not go over well with Americans who are struggling with health insurance?
                              Democrats Promise to Welcome Invaders 'Like One of Our Own'
                              Chaos At Dem Debate as Protestors shout down Candidates
                              The left is so accustomed to shouting down everybody who doesn't agree with them that, they are attacking people who are nominally in the same party.

                              Democrat Cities Are The Slums Of America
                              Of course, this is just coincidence.
                              Michael Moore - To Crush President Trump, Michelle Obama Needs To Run
                              What a marvelous idea?
                              Booker Complains About Democrats Having to Debate At Democratic Debate (Several Times)
                              They Said What? Here Are The 13 Nuttiest Quotes From Wednesday's Dem Presidential Debate

                              This should come as no surprise;
                              Martin Armstrong’s prediction of the extinction of the Democratic Party after 2020.


                              • What else could I say?


                                Last edited by BroMikey; 08-03-2019, 01:23 AM.

