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Battery Rejuvenation

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  • Battery Rejuvenation

    Hello Aron

    i bough Tesla charger 2A 12V 4th Gen, I want to rejuvenate a ups battery free of maintenance. I open the ups battery and the battery is empty It has just sulfate in the metal, I fill with distilled wáter, and I charge but I do not see nothing. What do you recomend me that I have to do?
    I have 10 ups battery empty and discharge

  • #2
    ups batteries

    Originally posted by trujillosergio8 View Post
    Hello Aron

    i bough Tesla charger 2A 12V 4th Gen, I want to rejuvenate a ups battery free of maintenance. I open the ups battery and the battery is empty It has just sulfate in the metal, I fill with distilled wáter, and I charge but I do not see nothing. What do you recomend me that I have to do?
    I have 10 ups battery empty and discharge
    Hi, are you talking about sealed gel cell batteries? You can open them and put in some distilled water sometimes and bring them back to a point, but with gel cells, for the most part, if they're dry, they're almost impossible to do anything with.

    If they are flooded cells (I haven't seen flooded cells for UPS backups), then you could bring them back but if they're dry and the sulfation is crystallized rock hard, it is very, very difficult to dissolve it back into solution.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      Originally posted by Aaron View Post
      Hi, are you talking about sealed gel cell batteries? You can open them and put in some distilled water sometimes and bring them back to a point, but with gel cells, for the most part, if they're dry, they're almost impossible to do anything with.

      If they are flooded cells (I haven't seen flooded cells for UPS backups), then you could bring them back but if they're dry and the sulfation is crystallized rock hard, it is very, very difficult to dissolve it back into solution.
      Hello Aaron:

      The battery are sealed rechargeable lead acid battery

      I opened them and put distilled wáter because they are empty

      I recharge with tesla charger battery but in the next day they voltaje of them are 0 volts

      Thank a lot


      • #4
        Solar Tracker 5

        Hello Aaron:

        I´am interesting to buy a tesla solar tracker 5 S40A24

        I have a litle solar plant of 400 watts by hour (1200 watts a day), I have to battery of 12 volts connect in series, and invertir of 2000 watts, the input voltaje of the invertir is 24 volts. I know that with the tesla solar tracker 5 I can power directly equipment while the load will be smaller capacity tan arrangement of panels
        The question is With tesla solar tacker 5 Do I need to connect a battery because I just need power suply when I have sun. I do not want tp have backup in the night or I do not power any equipment in the night just when I have sun in the day (4 hours each day).

        Can I do that or Have I a array at least of two battery

        Thanks a lot


        • #5
          From the videos john bedini put out he states that the solar trackers cannot be used solely as power supply. You have to have the battery's as a buffer. Although these chargers will let you use power while charging without taking the battery's out of charge mode. Witch is very special as no other charger I have seen can do this.


          • #6
            for consideration in designing your solar system


            Also, here are two new videos by Peter Lindemann showing you how to match batteries to the Tesla Chargers:
            Solar Charge Controllers

            Plug in Tesla Chargers
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO

