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Biochar creating stove TLUD

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  • Biochar creating stove TLUD

    YouTube - Cooking with a ten gallon TLUD

    I love the design of this stove.

    1. You don't have to keep loading like a rocket stove.

    2. Clean burn as seen in the video.

    3. When done you have biochar.

    The World stove does the same, but this appears to be out there ready to build. I may hire a welder to make one for me locally out of solid parts.
    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.

  • #2
    Global Clean Stove Intuitive;

    Just encase you missed it, The Clinton Stoves News;

    Global Clean Stove Intuitive;
    State Dept. Release;
    100 million clean-burning stoves in kitchens around the world.
    Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves: The United States Commitment By the Numbers

    Amid diplomatic speed-dating, Clinton pitches 'clean stoves'
    Error -
    Here is a compilation of coverage of Clinton' Global Stoves announcement;
    News compilation of today’s annoucement by Sec. Clinton « The Charcoal Project

    Four serious efforts at producing biochar by cookstoves are the efforts by

    Nat Mulcahy's WorldStove;
    WorldStoves in Haiti ; A Man, a Stove, a Mission « The Charcoal Project

    Paul Anderson's Champion TLUD (and offshoots from that design); Construction Plans for the “Champion-2008” TLUD Gasifier Cookstove | Improved Biomass Cooking Stoves

    Rob Flanagan's design efforts mainly in China, The Flana Stove; TerraCarbona
    Dr. Reddy in India, GoodStove; Energetic Forum - Forum Display


    • #3
      RE: clean stoves

      Yes I saw that.

      I did some searching for world stoves to buy here in the US, for the larger stoves you have to buy them in bulk, to get them shipped here.

      On ebay they do sell the tiny world stoves but for my purposes I want something I can do some serious cooking with not feed it every 10 min.

      World stoves look to be a good product, just don't see them here in the US in the larger size.
      See my experiments here...

      You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


      • #4

        When the Russians cut Nat-Gas supply a year or more ago to the EU, Nat Mulcahy started work on a WorldStove residential size unit, I believe it is in certification testing now.

        His small stoves have jumped the certification hoops;

        Measurable offsets: Reducing the world's CO2 levels one meal at a time - CCS

        In the US , Tom Reed's patio/camp stoves are available ,
        also large & patio scale TLUD gasifiers below from Paul Anderson, aka "Dr. TLUD";

        Chip Energy Biomass Furnace
        500 lb chips / day = 180,000 BTU / hr + 85lb Biochar / day
        The price of chips and / or pellets would be more than off set by bagged char sales of $80 / day
        500lb wood pellets cost = $60
        500lb Hogfuel / wood chips = $30
        In other words; Free Heat


        • #5
          Reply from DR Tlud :-)

          I just got email from Paul "Dr. TLUD" Anderson, they have just got a shipment of these stoves in the US, and he is connecting me with their supplier.

          I will keep people posted in what I find out.
          See my experiments here...

          You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


          • #6
            RE: reply.

            Originally posted by erich View Post
            When the Russians cut Nat-Gas supply a year or more ago to the EU, Nat Mulcahy started work on a WorldStove residential size unit, I believe it is in certification testing now.

            His small stoves have jumped the certification hoops;

            Measurable offsets: Reducing the world's CO2 levels one meal at a time - CCS

            In the US , Tom Reed's patio/camp stoves are available ,
            also large & patio scale TLUD gasifiers below from Paul Anderson, aka "Dr. TLUD";

            Chip Energy Biomass Furnace
            500 lb chips / day = 180,000 BTU / hr + 85lb Biochar / day
            The price of chips and / or pellets would be more than off set by bagged char sales of $80 / day
            500lb wood pellets cost = $60
            500lb Hogfuel / wood chips = $30
            In other words; Free Heat

            Thanks for your helpful information, I re-read your first message and you gave a wealth of info to this subject !

            I currently own one of Tom's camp stoves and it has been much fun here is a video of me testing it out ->


            The stove works good, very light weight and portable.

            I want to get away from the batteries it requires.

            I have picked up a new woodgas stove ->

            YouTube - Grover Rocket Stove Review

            and it works great! I was about to build a means of creating biochar, but having a ready made TLUD would save me that effort.

            Not sure about the free heat as it takes much wood to make char, but I do love woodgas stoves.
            See my experiments here...

            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


            • #7
              Wood Gas with HHo?

              I was wondering if anyone has seen or heard of anybody that has experimented with using an electolyzer and gasifier combination? Any links would be appreciated.


              • #8
                RE: wood gas and HHO

                Originally posted by Gdez View Post
                I was wondering if anyone has seen or heard of anybody that has experimented with using an electolyzer and gasifier combination? Any links would be appreciated.

                That is an interesting combination. I bet it would cut down on the smoke and make for a cleaner burn in the engine. I have not seen it done, but it sounds like it should work.

                See my experiments here...

                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                • #9

                  @ theremart,
                  Good points. I was also wondering if you could get though fuel savings that the hho gas/deisel setups claim to get( 30 to 50%?) Less wood,same energy? I realize that you need electricity for the HHO production, but if that was through solar or wind, You would be increasing your efficiancy every time the sun was shining or wind was blowing. Also the wood gasifier has the added benefit of combined heat/power options. Instead of losing your heat to the atmosphere, you could use the waste heat to power the electrolysis. Seems like scrubbing the wood gas would be much better with the hho, since the process does seem to create a dirty gas, as compared to propane and LP. I am planning on building a gasifier and I think I will have to play with this idea myself, because I can't find a single thing on the idea. I still have an hho generator that I built a while back, I just have to replace some parts I scrapped out of it and change out some of the brass fittings I mistakenly used during construction. If anybody that has any thoughts on the idea, I would enjoy hearing from you. Thanks mart.



                  • #10
                    Geet/ gasifier

                    Geet is another interesting idea with wood gasification, but I have Too much on my plate, to start learning the geet stuff at the moment. From what I have read though, this sounds like another interesting combo.


                    • #11

                      Do you think these questions would be more appropriate on another or new thread? I didn't mean to get so off topic.


                      • #12
                        RE: questions.

                        Originally posted by Gdez View Post
                        Do you think these questions would be more appropriate on another or new thread? I didn't mean to get so off topic.
                        My mind floats in many different directions at time as well :-)

                        There are several threads on geet, and hydroxy, and biochar, the challenge becomes when you mix the too, are you really on the same thread.

                        Ya feel free to start a new thread in renewable energy for your topics.

                        See my experiments here...

                        You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                        • #13
                          Good video on youtube

                          YouTube - ‪top lit updraft (TLUD) wood cook stove‬‏

                          This looks VERY simple to make. I have emailed the place that was selling these and I am still waiting on them to get back with me

                          Oh well, This design looks soo simple I may just grab a paint can and get at it.
                          See my experiments here...

                          You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by theremart View Post
                            YouTube - ‪top lit updraft (TLUD) wood cook stove‬‏

                            This looks VERY simple to make. I have emailed the place that was selling these and I am still waiting on them to get back with me

                            Oh well, This design looks soo simple I may just grab a paint can and get at it.
                            It is simple, I wouldn't bother buying it. Back in late 80' I had few burners/heaters in my woodworking shop working on the same principle. I loaded with shavings and off cuts, lit from the top. It was burning nice and slow heating few thousands feet of a floor space. I used modified 80 gal steel drums.

                            'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                            General D.Eisenhower



                            • #15
                              chimney is very important

                              Great fine. i'll have to make a few of these !!
                              i like the paint can one with lid to save the char, using water is so messy.

                              this top lit up draft design, which gasifies also, as well as a gasifier (woodgas)
                              design both do require the chimney, like the rocket stove, to create a forced air flow.

                              This is why in earlier days most stove designs where using electric
                              fans to make them function.

                              The chimney is very important from two aspects.
                              1) creates forced air flow.
                              2) shields the gas combustion from external winds.

                              i did not have a chimney in this posted woodgas stove design.
                              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."

