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How to get proper nutrition?

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  • How to get proper nutrition?

    Everyone should know the health benefits of eating a healthy balanced diet but not have exact idea how to get proper nutrition. Here we mentioned few important tips for getting optimal nutrition levels.

    1) Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits, raw or steamed

    2) Lean meats such as chicken, turkey and fish

    3) Whole grain carbohydrates such as breads and pasta

    4) Beans, peas, and other lentils

    5) Low fat dairy products

    6) Avoid foods that rich in cholesterol or salt

    7) Drinking plenty of fluids or plane water for proper hydration

    Even you can also consult with doctor for nutritional health supplements, which rich in vitamins and minerals. So try these healthy tips for getting required nutrition levels that body wants.

  • #2
    Originally posted by robinpitt123 View Post
    Everyone should know the health benefits of eating a healthy balanced diet but not have exact idea how to get proper nutrition. Here we mentioned few important tips for getting optimal nutrition levels.

    1) Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits, raw or steamed

    2) Lean meats such as chicken, turkey and fish

    3) Whole grain carbohydrates such as breads and pasta

    4) Beans, peas, and other lentils

    5) Low fat dairy products

    6) Avoid foods that rich in cholesterol or salt

    7) Drinking plenty of fluids or plane water for proper hydration

    Even you can also consult with doctor for nutritional health supplements, which rich in vitamins and minerals. So try these healthy tips for getting required nutrition levels that body wants.
    1) Correct but avoid supermarket bought veg as it usually is GM and has been grown on factory farms so lacks nutrients. Much of it has also been irradiated too destroying the nutrition. Best to buy from small local organic growers who know how to rotate crops.

    2) Again with meat, avoid factory farmed animals. Avoid grain fed cattle. It does not need to be so lean as you need some of the fats. Organ meats are good too.

    3) Avoid gluten, I believe much of the gluten has roundup chemicals in it which is causing gluten intolerance. Again avoid factory farmed produce and processed products.

    4) Again avoid factory farmed produce.

    5) Eat and drink full fat dairy produce in its raw unprocessed state.

    6) Completely wrong. Most of us are so badly brain damaged from the aspartame, fluoride and other toxins that we need cholesterol, lots of it. this is why our cholesterol levels go up. What is important here is getting the right balance of cholesterols, not the level.

    7) correct but avoid things with fluoride and sweeteners of any type.

    Basically eat as fresh as possible and in as close to a raw state as you can, obviously meet needs cooking but don't overdo it.

    Half your plate should be RAW veg 1/4th should be carbs such as rice or potato and 1/4th should be animal products of all types including dairy.

    Its a diet based on good salads. Eat like this and you can cure type II diabetes and much more. I know because i have just cured my mother


    • #3
      How to get proper nutrition

      That is a good start for getting the nutrition one needs. Thanks for posting your tips here at


      • #4
        Originally posted by jorgea View Post
        That is a good start for getting the nutrition one needs. Thanks for posting your tips here at
        Thank you for reading post and most welcome.


        • #5
          Very useful tips for getting the right nutrtion you need. Thank you for sharing.

