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PATHS - Chronic Pain Relief Module - Now Available

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  • PATHS - Chronic Pain Relief Module - Now Available

    PATHS Chronic Pain Relief Module is designed for people who experience pain on a daily basis.

    With this Module you may recieve pain relief from conditions such as Arthritis and other chronic joint problems, chronic headaches, old injuries, back pain and other general daily pains.*

    This Modules also aids in the relieving of tension by relaxing the muscles and calming the physical body.

    This Module does not guarantee elimination of pain, however, it is designed to reduce chronic pain by increasing the bodies production and utilization of it's own natural painkillers. Please do not request an adjustement (increase in strength) of this module. It is important for your body to be able to sense pain, because pain is part of the bodies healthy function to warn you that something is wrong.

    *Notice: This Module is not intended to replace doctor visits or to help mask non-chronic pain. Pain is the body's way of telling us that something is wrong, and ignoring it, or going without a diagnosis can be very dangerous. This Module does not cure injuries or conditions, but it may be helpful for those who suffer from daily chronic pain. If you have been injured, please visit your doctor.

    • Increased opioid peptide absorption and production
    • Increased dopamine absorption and production
    • Deep muscle relaxation
    • Calmed physical body
    • Calmed and aligned energy chakras
    Recommended Supplements:
    • Spirulina for necessary amino acids

    Suggested Duration of Use:

    Because this Module uses mainly biological cues, it is recommended to remain on the Module for the period of time that the pain persists.

    Energetic Forum Administrator

  • #2
    Pain Relief experience with PATHS

    Hello Fellow Revolutionaries!

    I have not used the Chronic Pain Relief Module.

    However, I do have a friend, (a fellow test subject) who has been using it for a couple of months.

    He is in his early 40's and has been taking ibuprofen every day for quite a few years for arthritis pain.

    The doctors had prescribed some sort of painkiller, but he did not want to take them, so he just used the ibuprofen instead. Even then he still had pain, but it took the edge off.

    Since using the pain relief module he has not been taking any ibuprofen, and the pain is much less for him now!.

    I was at his house for dinner the other night (yep, his wife is the one that made that kahluia chocolate cream cheese cake ) and he was telling me that the pain is 90% gone...way less than it was when he was taking the ibuprofen everyday!

    That is Great news!

    Of course, it will be even better when he can get rid of the root cause of the pain...but until then, this is better than the medications.

    Have Fun!


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
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