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  • Tri-Toroidal-Transformer

    I'm trying to replicate the effect in Thane Heins BiTT
    YouTube - MIT Dr. Zahn Bi-Toroid Transformer (BITT) Tutorial

    I have three three toroids: A,B and C.
    Three windings (the original windings are still there but unused) around AB, BC and around CA, each is 300 turns.
    (i guess the original primary winding is probably 400 turns)

    I put 226V (measured) 50Hz on AB.
    The flux splits into core A and B.
    I put one 15W 220V bulb on BC and one on CA.
    I get 106V on winding BC (but expected 113V) (didn't check CA)

    PF on input in AB is sadly still 1.0 as in the normal case
    I was hoping for PF 0.0 on input as in the BiTT.

    Any suggestion on what to change or do in order to get PF 0.0?

    Hob Nilre

  • #2
    BTW, if i disconnect one of the lamps, the other one would go out.

    Hob Nilre


    • #3
      Anyhow it dont looks for me as if it is the same as the Build from the Vid.
      When i compare, he has 2 square Path, where the Flux runs out, where the outer Path from the Load is way longer as the inner Path.
      By yours, you energise one Ring, the Flux goes in a Circle, and hit your Pickup Coil.
      The Pickup creates another AC EM field over the Resistance from the Lamps, what is transfered to the next Ring.
      But the "Run-out-Path" is not that long anymore, seems more like, it only can run out at the small Triangle at the Middle, where the Rings are attached together.
      Maybe you do need another Triangle Coil as primary in the middle

      I assume, you feed all Coils with power from the grid, about 50hz 220V.
      Maybe different Frequencies change anything, or 2 Caps at the End of the Pickups,
      or a flat Magnet from a HDD or a Iron strip between the inner Triangel, because the Cores dont fit there very close.
      Or you try to switch your Secondary Coils to your Primary.

      And beside, i look at Fluxslines as spiraled Waves in Form of Spikes like you maybe do know it from Ferrofluid.
      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


      • #4
        I energize two rings, just as Thane does,
        and then wish that the third ring will function as Thanes outer path

        Hob Nilre


        • #5

          why not like this? A and B are input, C is output


          • #6
            Not sure how it would work
            The flux really *is* completely inside a toroidal core and doesn't seems to leave it at all
            i have measured the flux around one of mine when it was fed with AC
            and i got no reading on the meter what so ever
            so tell me how this setup is supposed to work

            Hob Nilre

