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Reconstructing EM & Energy Theory from scratch

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  • Reconstructing EM & Energy Theory from scratch

    Hi there folks.

    it seems that this is the right place to open this thread.

    now, heres a brave & bold decleration :
    i want to " Reconstruct EM & Energy Theory from scratch ", Oooo.

    funny me, really funny. but, well, maybe not ?

    a little brief history ( oh so very brief ),
    i started researching this subject of EM & Energy a few years back after trying to understand and solve some puzzling electrical problems.
    the problems are not important, what is important is that thay made me look much deeper then usual and collect information.
    looking at the problems back then and after reading a lots & LOTS ( GAZILLION LOTS ) of books, articles, online meterial,
    stuff i found and anything i could put my hands on,
    anything ( , well, not anything, but meny things ) that was published in the last 400 years ( ya, 400 years )
    and from all that info, a picture emerged. very disturbing one. - we live in the matrix - ( i just had to add this )

    EM & Energy Theories are flawed. i mean really, very flawed.
    thay are flawed and twisted in such a way that thay allow us to build modern marvels but not really understand whats happaning and as such the mainstream science builds explanations upon explanations which are, well, complete bull****.

    oh, wow, hold my horses, bring the guys in white, i need a brain check, and be put away,
    i have to be very brave or very very very stupid to say such a thing.
    maybe im barve and stupid ?

    well, we shell see.
    and by we, i mean that i hope that any one of you, guys & gals, that have the same feeling ( or not ),
    will help and share your knowladge and wisdom and criticism and constructive ideas.

    i dont claim to have a full understanding ( or anywhere near ) of the subjects,
    i just see them differently from the main view points of mainstream science,
    and with my views, notions and thinking, i belive that reconstructing them will benafit science and with that, benafit us.

    as to my background in physics in general and other areas, im a self learner ( lucky me ) and
    my goal here is to learn more ( even if im entirly wrong ) with your help and share what ive learnd so far.

    to be able to understand some ideas and concepts, you have to have unbound mind by math and free imagination .

    so, lets start at the begining, some electrical and other concepts and facts.
    some of the questions that i will ask will seem extremely stupid since thay have been answered ages ago ( really ? )
    and the facts are well knowen ( again, really ? )
    but lets play the game, if you are willing, as if we dont know and have to find out by ourselfs from the known ( and unknowen ) history and facts.

    ************************************************** ***********

    what is voltage ?
    what is electrical current ?
    what is the magnetic field ( in regard to the electrical current ) and what is its source ?

    why does electrons behave as a waves in the double slit experiment ?
    ( oh, wait, this is really an advanced one, lets leave it for later, some other time, seriously )

  • #2
    what is electrical current ?
    You can discuss that in here, why a new thread?

    and read Tom Bearden (if that is not in the gazillions of books that you read)


    • #3
      1st, thanks for the pointer, i've searched the forum but managed to miss that, oooppsy,

      2nd, i do not want to make any question as a stand alone subject since thay are all related to each other and intertwined.

      my intention is a brief think tank with the folks here about those questions and others that will follow and moving on.

      about tom bearden, i've red and saw anything i could find, borrow or buy related to him and his views and explenations.
      i have an extensive collcetion of his publications, books, videos and DVD's.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Agent.A View Post
        Hi there folks.

        it seems that this is the right place to open this thread.

        now, heres a brave & bold decleration :
        i want to " Reconstruct EM & Energy Theory from scratch ", Oooo.

        funny me, really funny. but, well, maybe not ?

        a little brief history ( oh so very brief ),
        i started researching this subject of EM & Energy a few years back after trying to understand and solve some puzzling electrical problems.
        the problems are not important, what is important is that thay made me look much deeper then usual and collect information.
        looking at the problems back then and after reading a lots & LOTS ( GAZILLION LOTS ) of books, articles, online meterial,
        stuff i found and anything i could put my hands on,
        anything ( , well, not anything, but meny things ) that was published in the last 400 years ( ya, 400 years )
        and from all that info, a picture emerged. very disturbing one. - we live in the matrix - ( i just had to add this )

        EM & Energy Theories are flawed. i mean really, very flawed.
        thay are flawed and twisted in such a way that thay allow us to build modern marvels but not really understand whats happaning and as such the mainstream science builds explanations upon explanations which are, well, complete bull****.

        oh, wow, hold my horses, bring the guys in white, i need a brain check, and be put away,
        i have to be very brave or very very very stupid to say such a thing.
        maybe im barve and stupid ?

        well, we shell see.
        and by we, i mean that i hope that any one of you, guys & gals, that have the same feeling ( or not ),
        will help and share your knowladge and wisdom and criticism and constructive ideas.

        i dont claim to have a full understanding ( or anywhere near ) of the subjects,
        i just see them differently from the main view points of mainstream science,
        and with my views, notions and thinking, i belive that reconstructing them will benafit science and with that, benafit us.

        as to my background in physics in general and other areas, im a self learner ( lucky me ) and
        my goal here is to learn more ( even if im entirly wrong ) with your help and share what ive learnd so far.

        to be able to understand some ideas and concepts, you have to have unbound mind by math and free imagination .

        so, lets start at the begining, some electrical and other concepts and facts.
        some of the questions that i will ask will seem extremely stupid since thay have been answered ages ago ( really ? )
        and the facts are well knowen ( again, really ? )
        but lets play the game, if you are willing, as if we dont know and have to find out by ourselfs from the known ( and unknowen ) history and facts.

        ************************************************** ***********

        what is voltage ?
        what is electrical current ?
        what is the magnetic field ( in regard to the electrical current ) and what is its source ?

        why does electrons behave as a waves in the double slit experiment ?
        ( oh, wait, this is really an advanced one, lets leave it for later, some other time, seriously )
        Sure lets do it. You seem to be open to discovery.

        My experience with these matters are mostly taken from my experiments with Teslian technology. And I truly believe Tesla understood the very basic concepts of what ran it all. He didn't know this from the very begining but had certain hunches that allowed his to create the current system we see everyday, AC.
        But shortly after selling this Idea to the current scientific men of the day he realized that the system was too resistive. In its basic design the very concept of AC was foreign to the natural processes that were occurring around him. The chains that bound that system or circuits was always gonna have losses any which way you turned. He considered it most unnatural.

        So to your first question what is voltage. Voltage is a static charge of pure potential on a surface that is immersed in whatever you choose to have it in. That charge comes from the smallest objects in the whole universe. I like to call them conductor of potential or even a capacitor if you will. Maybe crytaline inside with a metallic covering or some kind of combination that allows a static charge build up between two surfaces. This object is the physical embodiment of the charge that resides in a fluidic medium and it's shape determines how that charge will move through that medium. I believe this vehicle/source of charge is constantly moving through this medium generating a constant charge between the surfaces. I am tending to believe that the charge resides on the tip or combination of slopes of the object with it most likely resembling a pyramid just like in Egypt. the slopes are the static generators with the base being devoid of the charge all together. Meaning just like the shuttle re-entering the atmosphere, it generates a charge on the sides that are cutting this medium. that way voltage is always present and energy is always moving. I would have to say that the material that makes up the charge carriers are made from silicon to the best of my education. That means they are semi conductors on the smallest scale.
        So now we know what voltage is and how it moves about you might be able to figure out what current is. Current is the motion and organization of these little charge carriers. Also charge carriers can have more of even less charge then the other carriers based on the speed and direction they flow. When disorganized or when not around many other carriers they are chaotic going this way and that, loosely pack and not dense at all. When they do come into proximity to other carriers they organize into little strings and the charges flow to the center of those strings.
        I believe when the universe first formed these strings had time to organize into little strings and networks. When the universe started to cool and the charges slowed from the big bang of great split the real matter of our universe condensed around the center charges of these strings through static attraction.
        Experiment. Take a comb and comb dry hair and then hold it over a bunch of loosely torn pieces of paper and you will see the type of attraction I am talking about. Since everything at that point in the universe was very very fine this makes absolute sense. and now we know what binds matter together. But this matter has two conduits or thousands of conduits sticking outside of the real matter. These are the little vehicles that allow us to charge matter up and change it state electrically. It is what causes density in all matter as well meaning more charge higher density of the matter that collected around it.
        This process works on all sizes in our universe and is actually what cause organization of our solar system and even the planets to form around super quadrillion of these strings. These strings are not glued in place as well and much smaller carriers or even much larger ones tend to organize together for the different sizes of carriers as well as can attract more or even shed carriers as the internal strings capacitance is exceeded or drained of charge.
        I believe water is a good subject to start since that seems to be the key element to all life. It seems that water in it's liquid form is mobile and energetic or full of these little strings with a tight network of carriers. Like a fine mesh. When you cause charges to seep out of water it expands in volume because the charges that are inside making the density tighter loosen their hold and allow more space in between the gases that make up water. But I believe that water in itself is in it's natural state when it has little energy or charges present and it's crystaline nature forms. Ice is it's natural form, devoid or very drained of it's charges that holds it together. The crystals that form are so diverse because they mirror the network of it's true structure.
        On to you third question: what is the magnetic field ( in regard to the electrical current ) and what is its source ?
        Well to be honest you are confusing the current to a magnetic attraction. As I have explained what voltage is magnetic attraction and repulsion are just the basic laws that all voltages (potentials) have to behave. The magnetic field is not really a field at all. It is just a huge network of strings radiating out of a higher source of voltage or potential that is provided by a carrier of channel. What I believe is that all material that is physical has these networks bound inside of them but that binding it not a permanent thing as we have found out with decay or matter. After awhile if not refreshed with a new supply of the conduits matter seems to loose it's charge or the carriers loose their connections to the outside of the matter. This causes the charges to leak out and not be replaced and the matter literally falls apart, decomposing and returning to the base charge level of the ambient background.
        I am not entirely satisfied that this is the right method or methods that are used but this is what I am realizing from everything I have taught myself. I would like as much input as you and other could give to help me flesh the rest of this out. And boy there is a lot to flesh out.
        We have been wrong the entire time and Voltage and current are not one in the same. They are very different and loosely based off of Voltage (static) first then reaction of other charges (in motion via charge carriers) going or being attracted to the voltage potential that is provided. Of course there are both energized and inert carriers as well but the inert ones tend to attach to the energized carriers. Maybe the two are different compositions I have no clue but it is put out there for reference like one being silicon and the other Iron. seeing that those two elements are widely seen thought the universe it would make the most sense.


        • #5
          Hi JBigness5, welcome to the "game".

          i feel a little .
          those questions i asked were just to set a starting point in this thread for me to continue later and not to be answered by anyone.
          i forgot to add " to be continued " at the end.

          sorry, please do not be offended


          oh, " to be continued "


          • #6
            I would have to say that the material that makes up the charge carriers are made from silicon to the best of my education.
            Kind question: Did you mean "made from a subatomic particle that behaves LIKE silicon" or are you seriously of the opinion that there is silicon particles being the smallest instance there is that can carry a charge?
            I am just asking to find out if you have a background in quantum physics to an extent or not.
            Last edited by Xenomorph; 05-25-2010, 07:45 PM.


            • #7
              Mostly self taught.

              It's a guess and yes you are right probably not made from silicon just what maybe inside silicon. I suspect that the two materials would be sub components of what is already in our universe. Silicon and Iron being the two most found components. You have got to remember that this conveyor or vehicle that carries the charge is the most common material of it all. most likely a crystaline material for the active conveyors and the other the most perfect conductor one could imagine. I think this because there are two kinds of action with these conveyors. One being the driving force and the other just a way to show potential over distance.
              Take vision for instance. Our eyes have receptors that are sensitive to the potential we receive but if that potential had any real charge they would burn out in an instant. Of course seeing that lenses can focus this potential into tighter resolutions it can become to bright and do just that. I believe even though we are millions of miles away from the sun we are still in it's charge sphere or very near to it. Meaning looking at the sun will do real damage not just exceeding the limits of the receptors. Just like if you take a magnifying glass and burn the ants doing that outside of the charge sphere would not have such an effect or would be so diminished that it would take months to have any real effect.
              I might in fact be wrong about this but it makes perfect sense. If we are to make rules about what we can not see we must make sure that it makes sense across the board. Meaning if it happens on the largest scales then it must be the same on the smallest, these are the fundamental laws.
              I have found that this basic system is like an onion. With the most fundamental rules being the core and at every resolution change or layer that you make the rules get more complicated or added translations of that energy through different mediums like mass or space. Each crossing of the added shells adds additional rules such as distances affecting conduction though a medium and that means resistances. And this crossing must include the previous laws or rules to be complete. The very basic of these rules must be that at the finest resolution there is very little resistances because the static charges are present on the surfaces of these vehicles.
              I think what we have here is these strings are the lines of force that are conducted and radiated from a magnet. You would agree they are invisible right? But they are very real in the force they impart. Just because we can't see them operate does not mean we can not infer how they work.
              Since Tesla was working with as near absolute voltage I believe this is the very mechanism that drives these particles. I say particles because they are whole even though they make up other objects, this does not mean they have to be sub particles. They are the initial particle from which all movement can be attributed to and for that very same reason they are the driving force to the eternal spinning of an atom. For which no one has a clue as to what makes the atom spin forever from our current teachings. Yes atoms decay but the cycle continues and reorganizes.
              MY experience with Quantum physics is all self taught and probably not complete. But then again since we have no ability to look at items so small it is all theory at that point. There are very few rules at that point and they must be the fundamental rules that allow everything to operate because it deals with potentials.
              Take Planks distance for instance. Solid objects at that resolution can't touch by that theory and here is why. Static charges! The same action that picks up paper with a charged comb is the very same action that keeps objects from touching at that level. I believe even charges or like charges will repel. And there is reason to believe that given the same size and shape of the objects they will gain at the same rate. Add in another body that aligns with the first but not the second and the charge becomes attractive and they align and connect to a set of 3 string.
              While I am on the subject I believe the shape to these vehicles are actually Pyramidal. This is a natural shape for crystals. and it would give a back end of surface with 4 directional sloped surfaces to become directional with. How that mechanism works I haven't fully figured out but with some help here I bet we can come up with a direct simulation with our massive computers. I am not very handy with simulations and I'm sure someone else is that is here.
              I think if we put it in a form so that we can see it, it will make more sense.


              • #8
                Sorry for me as well....

                Hmm... Wow did I miss your to be continued.. lol. I should have known. I hope this isn't an intrusion into the subject you are gonna post about. I thought you said you wanted to start a conversation about how it works...


                • #9
                  so, here we are in the " to be continued "

                  lets see what we know and what can be constructed out of that.
                  the first question was, - what is voltage - stupid question, we all know what it is, comeon Agaent.A, get a brain

                  hang on, a little (hi)story is in order to clear the atmosphere.

                  the Triboelectric Effect was discoverd ages ago and was studied by meny meny ppl, right ? right.
                  this effect shows us that the electrical phenomena behaves as if something lost, something gained or something transferd.
                  another thing is that there are two forces of electrical phenomena, attraction and repulsion.
                  and one more thing, there are materials which hold the electrical phenomena at the location of contact without spreading,
                  and others which let it spread all over the surface of the object, we all know them, insulators and conductors.

                  three little tiny cute facts. so ? wait, theres more to the (hi)story.

                  the attraction and repulsion are the result of the electric field which emanates from those objects that are in imbalanced state, ie, lost or gained something,
                  and by those forces, those "somethings" have two kinds of electric field and thay were named - Positive - & - Negative - also, the same name was given to their sources.
                  what exactly is that "something" does not really matter for the moment,
                  what does matter is the physical mechanical behaviour of this thing, "Electric Field"

                  1st, objects with the same electrical polarity do not like each other and therefor repel,
                  and objects with opposite electrical polarity like very much each other and therefor attract.
                  both polarities attract objects with no polarity, ie, natural or in balanced state.

                  2nd, enter faraday and shine some light upon this subject. oh yaa.
                  - Electrical Induction in Curved Lines -
                  in his book, "Experimental Researches in Electricity", Vol I, 1839, P.360,
                  faradey delves into the subject of electrostatic induction, electric fields and lines of forces and shows by experiment ( simple beautiful ones ) that those line of force, bend. ( P.380 )

                  good for him, whats that got to do with anything ?

                  well, this :

                  excuse us mr' Agent.A, we learned that in kindergurden, whats your point ?

                  oh, to be continued.


                  • #10
                    Be Continued - 3.

                    where was i ? ooo, ye, i recall, babbling.
                    remember faraday ? he showed that lines of force are not straight but bent, curved.

                    hay, heres some interesting questions ladies & gentlemens,
                    why are lines of force curve ? what is the mechanics behind that phenomena ?

                    what makes lines of forces to be bent 180 degrees backwards and to join to lines of force of the opposite polarity ?

                    how does lines of forces of the same polarity know that they met with the same kind and bend away ?

                    these are real question, NOT "to be continued", if anyone have anything to add, please, kindly do so.
                    about the other things that i babbled about, i'll contiune after this.


                    • #11
                      Hi Agent A., here is a couple of my thoughts.
                      what makes lines of forces to be bent 180 degrees backwards and to join to lines of force of the opposite polarity ?
                      The two polarities are seeking balance or neutrality, created the bloch wall which is neutral and probably counter rotating like gears which create attractive forces.
                      how does lines of forces of the same polarity know that they met with the same kind and bend away ?
                      these two same polarities meet and are probably rotating in same direction which like in gears creates opposition and resistance or oil and water effect, though a balance or neutral probably exists somewhere there.
                      I agree we need to think about this stuff, since it will probably lead us to understand better how creation really works and we need practical devices that any joe six pack can build to subvert the oppression. Well those were my first thoughts.
                      peace love light


                      • #12
                        hi SkyWatcher, thanks for joining.

                        i can understand why lines that point in to the center between two electrified objects will meet there and join,
                        but why and how the lines that point away "feel" that something has happened behind them and bent backwards and do round trip ?

                        what information is transferd in the direction that points away ?

                        in the case of the same polarity, the lines dont meet and dont touch so how can they "feel" each others rotation or any other effect ? and yet, thay bend away.

                        well, i asked lots and lots of ppl, physics doctors & professors, math gurus, simple joes, my dog and two cats, really ,
                        anyone i could think of that might show me the light, but alas, no one could answer that.
                        so i did gazilion lots of this ->

                        well, lets move on, to be continued.


                        • #13
                          could it be?

                          Originally posted by Agent.A View Post
                          hi SkyWatcher, thanks for joining.

                          i can understand why lines that point in to the center between two electrified objects will meet there and join,
                          but why and how the lines that point away "feel" that something has happened behind them and bent backwards and do round trip ?

                          what information is transferd in the direction that points away ?

                          in the case of the same polarity, the lines dont meet and dont touch so how can they "feel" each others rotation or any other effect ? and yet, thay bend away.

                          well, i asked lots and lots of ppl, physics doctors & professors, math gurus, simple joes, my dog and two cats, really ,
                          anyone i could think of that might show me the light, but alas, no one could answer that.
                          so i did gazilion lots of this ->

                          well, lets move on, to be continued.
                          Could it be that the lines have lines as well? Kinda like whiskers? Sorta like guiding whiskers that complete even smaller lines? What do you think about the back of leaves? Have you seen those little lines or veins?


                          • #14
                            Get Real

                            If you don't even know the basic you can't reconstruct anything.

                            500 years ago mankind didn't knew about the existence of Rome and Greece because everything about it was hidden by church, when the church started to loose credibility (before rebirth) they just opened the doors of this secret library and let the "greatest students" or thinkers of that time to enter and read all that history.
                            This writers and thinkers and students understood than that they were mere stupid, because 3000 years before there were things much more evolute than they ever could imagined. From theater plays and books, theories...
                            After this the greatest writers started to appear ex: Shakespeare...

                            However what I'm trying to say is that is too much of presumption to think that only reading some articles in internet, without even understanding them completely, that you can invent something or even give a good idea about what is already well known in science today. If you really want to do something, don't wast your time or mine making a thread about it. Go study physics to become a real scientist and then you can point what you want or believe and can prof it. And even propose something that will make a minimal or real difference.

                            Without the base that already exists your are just wasting your time making no difference in this world for the best your intentions with this can be.

                            I hope you understand what i mean.
                            Please don't get it personal i use to be just like you, but i understood myself what i just wrote to you, and would like to open your and others here eyes too.

                            Best Regards


                            • #15
                              @Agent.A: Did you not learn you will burn your fingers when playing with fire? If you go to war you should expect to be shot at. That said, I am on board since this similar question and statement did come to mind when I started research on gravity.

                              Do not mind ‘Sebosfato’ there are always those that want to remain in the main stream. And there are those few that does not want to follow the crowd – I am one of them. Besides all, it is more fun anyway. In my humble opinion the science and physics of today has reached a solid wall; as in dead end. That was because their road went astray as far back as 1790.

                              I think there is one question that precedes yours; the foundation.

                              What is Polarity? How come you have ‘positive, negative and . . . neutral’?

                              Before we can answer this, we will need to go even further back; What is an electron? Atom? How did they all come to existence? Or maybe this is after polarity.

                              Now here is the starting point: In the beginning there was only PURE ENERGY, so condensed that is was miniscule. Then that energy exploded and we have the Big Bang. Now the energy caused friction that gives us the first item God created (God in all religions did the same sequence) – LIGHT. The light that was before the sun, moon and stars!

                              From light then came all other matter.

                              I have been working since two years on this and lately with factory a bit calm, I am back to 8+ hours every day in Alternative energy – in present the phenomena of Gravity. Presently I am compiling a video series; but keep on refining . . . Originally planned only 20 minutes, now it seems will end at more than hour after stripped, dried and sliced.

                              For the record, I do accept the current Electro-Magnetic spectrum; but it is incomplete. Nothing in the universe is linear. That said, I do not agree with current trends on energy, gravity or the atom. Not at all.

                              Should I go on with my boring share?
                              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

