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SSG - Lets put Bedini concept to a test

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  • SSG - Lets put Bedini concept to a test

    Ok, the main premise of Bedini's work is that pulsing a coil or else charging it to degree (preferably before saturation) and instantly taking out the power of it. The inductive collapse brings an high voltage kick that is captured by the battery.
    Right so far? The magnets as admited by Bedini in various threads are for timing purpose only. (except if one is using a secondary passive LED operating coil)
    So pulsing it, collecting the kick back.


    I suggest a method for intensifying the effects and have some fun also.
    Instead of battery for charging the coil i suggest an high voltage cap bank. (say 5KV)
    Instead of transistor for on-off the circuit lets make an spark gap.(quenched is better)
    Pretty much like a Tesla coil. A HV HF (microwave oven?) diode could be used to ensure the collapse of the kick back is directed inside the battery(-ies)

    Carefull adjustments of all parameters by those who know to match coil's saturation level, battery capacities or perhaps capacitors for absorbing the tremendous kick-back will boost efficiency.

    But, will be OU? The current rise time by HV cap bank to a coil (cored or air core) will be fraction in relation to plain battery use(12volts). The inductive collapse due to spark gap and cap or battery absorbtion will be almost instant. (in comparison to transistor and losses via the trigger circuit) Whereas the overal stress to surround environment will be orders of magnitude greater than Simple SSG coil stresses.

    Your suggestions and mayhaps replications pls.

    Last edited by baroutologos; 10-04-2009, 12:50 PM.

  • #2
    SSG experiment proposed by baroutologos

    Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
    Ok, the main premise of Bedini's work is that pulsing a coil or else charging it to degree (preferably before saturation) and instantly taking out the power of it. The inductive collapse brings an high voltage kick that is captured by the battery.
    Right so far? The magnets as admited by Bedini in various threads are for timing purpose only. (except if one is using a secondary passive LED operating coil)
    So pulsing it, collecting the kick back.


    I suggest a method for intensifying the effects and have some fun also.
    Instead of battery for charging the coil i suggest an high voltage cap bank. (say 5KV)
    Instead of transistor for on-off the circuit lets make an spark gap.(quenched is better)
    Pretty much like a Tesla coil. A HV HF (microwave oven?) diode could be used to ensure the collapse of the kick back is directed inside the battery(-ies)

    Can you propose a circuit design to do this? That might help.


    • #3
      From what I know mechanical switch has most proficient effect, but the spark jump has to be reduced. Just like Inquorate experiment, neo magnet can be used to reduce the jump but not completely. Oil may reduce it but may introduce another problem.

      Transistor are most reliable if you run it cool. We make up the lack of punch with faster rate. Low torque at very high rpm would still have big horse power. I think pulsing transistor at 2KHz is better than doing mechanical at once every two second.

      Delivering power from the capacitor bank to the charged battery has to be done in mechanic too since using optocoupler or other semi conductor has slow rise time or low operating voltage or has leak.

      I think the diode from coil to charged battery has to have high amperate rating. A handfull of diode in parallel would be better at delivering the spike & current instead one small 1N4001, but at the cost of huge input current if battery impedance is low. I notice heat in my 7 paralleled diode, a sign of wasted energy, bad for efficiency.

      The circuit has to have duty cycle and frequency control. And then run the circuit at the coolest condition since heat means wasted energy, unless you want to get energy in form of heat like Rosemary or Robert Adams do.


      • #4
        More or less what i proposed is depicted on the attached diagram. No part specs just the concept.
        By the way, its best if we are to experiment battery to be substituted by a cap since it bears an explosion hazard due to very high voltages involved.

        edit: the coil can be an air core one of few turns tick wire or as desired. Maybe biffilar, pulse one capture the other etc etc.


        ps: Perhaps this is a good way to blast a battery..
        Last edited by baroutologos; 12-10-2009, 12:31 PM.

