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some Technical info about PATHS

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  • some Technical info about PATHS

    Hi everyone,

    Each module will show you a picture of something that is related to the subject of the module. Lean muscle shows a man with the muscular anatomy, and so on...that is the idea and there some words flash here and there, these are all things to distract the conscious mind. We can make it look like a black screen if we want.

    The universal language, if English is typed into the translator for example, will output unrecognizable data. However, the subconscious mind knows exactly what it means. It is NOT numbers, frequencies or anything like that. It is totally different from anything else. Here is the interesting thing. You can type the "affirmations" or whatever in any other language and if the meaning is the same, the output of the "universal language" is the SAME.

    It deals with very advanced and very complex fractal systems and quantum physics. Just remember that even AFTER the Wright Brothers flew their plane, the science and math experts were busy scribbling equations one after another PROVING it couldn't be done even though they saw it with their own eyes. This didn't only happen in years past...this is COMMON today with the scientists as well. The mentality of "that just can't happen if I didn't learn it in school" is very, very, very prominant.

    There is a math system called QUATERNION's. This is originally what MAXWELL, James Clerk Maxwell wrote his equations in. People today think they understand "Maxwell's Equations" but the fact of the matter is that the info in the textbooks are bastardized Maxwell's equations and are NOT what Maxwell personally wrote himself. What people think they are studying when they are studying Maxwell's Equations are really studying Heaviside's modified Maxwell Equations. Why were they modified? Because the engineers of the day were too incompetant to understand the original equations and needed a simplified version they could wrap their minds around in order to calculate electromagnetic/electrical functions while building machines (electromagnetic motors, etc...).

    Why is this relevant to PATHS? Because of the advanced understandings of what Maxwell originally wrote basically shows there is INFINITE potential in all 3D space & time. Without revealing anything proprietary, I'll just say that thoughts are constructed spacially in certain ways and in certain natural algorhythms. Each intention no matter what literal/liguistic language, the intention is the same and that intention is translated into thought and that thought will have certain parameters to it that are not only quantifiable but calculatable. If anyone has interest in seeing what the original Maxwell's equations are...not taught in the textbooks today...AN UNDISPUTABLE FACT...I will post links to the pdfs and you can see it yourself that what is taught today is a total ridiculous unscientific SCAM when it comes to Maxwell's equations.

    I can't say PATHS ties directly to Maxwell's equations as being a part of our technology but indirectly and conceptually.

    Every one of us has dna that has all the programming necessary to unfold us at our normal rates from conception to death. The informations is ALWAYS in an interplay with our subconscious mind...our subconscious mind knows how to interpret our programming and knows what our own "default" heart rate should be at a given time, respiration, skin tone, etc... the dna is also ALWAYS in an interplay with you could say a "morphic field" resonating in the collective, which is where the "holographic memory" is stored.

    Anyway, the subconscious mind can not only take dna data and act on it, it can do the acting even if not in the dna. For example in our early tests, we had some women sit in front of a black screen for 3 minutes. In less than a week, all their skin tone was several shades darker. What happened? The subconscious mind was urged to increase the production of melanin in the skin by 30% for example. It really is as simple as that.

    People have changed eye color through meditation, increased breast size, slowed and even stopped heart rate, cleared plaque from their arteries, etc... I can meditate at 1 breath every 55 seconds and drop my pulse to 38/minute and a blood pressure of 76/74 with nothing but my conscious intent. Don't underestimate the power of what our minds can do and what kind of influence it has over the body. Grief and sadness can cause a body fully of cancer, stress, ulcers, etc... People laugh at medicines with placebo effect but that is the most powerful effect medical science has ever discovered and they laught at it...the placebo can often show more powerful results than the actual medication. This is absolute fact. What does this show? It shows that the mind CAN and DOES have powerful effects over the body.

    So, the skin darkening test is just common sense that it will work as intended if the subconscious can be communicated to in such a fashion. It was quick by the sheer power of the technology. People can do the same thing if they visualize it but it will just take a very long time!

    This is how the muscle mass module works. People can actually increase lean muscle mass with this technology. NASA, the govt., professional sports knows this well. All the visualization of athletes doing their sports can in their MIND can cause electrical activity in the muscles even if there is no physical movement. There is contraction and relaxation in the muscles and this is scientifically quantifiable and measureable.

    Looking at the synchronicity diagram and my explanation..that basically erases the mystery of what is happening. Some modules focus on giving the subconsious mind stuff to constantly send out to the collective. This increases the transmitter (wattage) so to speak and more subconscious minds out there in similar resonance will pick it up and will influence their conscious thinking mind to gravitate towards you for what you want to attract. It is a very simple concept and doesn't need to be veiled in hype and mystery. It is what it is...a 3 level system of conscious thinking mind, subconscious processor and the unconscious record.

    Carl Jung didn't invent that process he just rediscovered what has been known for thousands of years. The ancient Kahuna specifically had the 3 levels model...conscious mind, subconscious and unconsciousness, but by different names of course, there are MANY cultures and ages that have realized this truth. This concept is very widely taken in the the psychology community at least in theory...but they mostly only know effects and nothing about the is still some big mystery to them.

    I have to get going and will post more soon. I enjoy the questions by the way!

    Last edited by Aaron; 11-22-2008, 07:02 AM.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2
    Fascinating Stuff


    This is truly fascinating stuff.

    Are you one of the developers of this technology?

    Professional Lifestyle Designer
    You Make it Work!

    Read About The Science Behind Spirulina


    • #3
      Here is some more Technical info on PATHS

      From the PATHS Website

      Rapid Data Transfer Protocol

      A tremendous breakthrough in the area of subconscious life enhancement, R.D.T. or Rapid Data Transfer allows high speed communication with the human subconscious.

      Specialists who attempt to develop self-help systems, and behavioral enhancement solutions have long underestimated the hyper retention and sorting capabilities of the subconscious mind. While the effectiveness of subliminal suggestion is well documented, R.D.T capable technologies are light years ahead, actually having the ability to enhance a person by delivering millions of instructions to their subconscious in short periods of time. The result is a safe and selectable system that features enhancements controlled by the end user on both a conscious and subconscious level.

      All individuals are equipped with hyper retentive subconscious ability, but like most other aspects of the human being, the level of the ability varies from person to person. Using R.D.T., the strength of ones retentive subconscious ability is judged by the speed in which certain selected enhancements take effect. Testing has yielded two groups. Those with Low Subconscious Retention or LSR, those take longer to incorporate the enhancements, and those with High Subconscious Retention or HSR who quickly retain and act on the enhancement.

      The acuteness of ones retentive subconscious ability directly contributes to the experience each subject has, for example it was found that in the beginning subjects with HSR often described feelings of being overloaded and experienced mental fatigue. Symptoms were usually relieved with a combination of supplements such as the amino acid rich Spirulina and regular multi vitamins. LSR users in most cases showed no mental fatigue.

      There has been no data to suggest that R.D.T. was ineffective in subjects with LSR, but an extended time period was usually required for the enhancements to take effect. Individuals who felt that the enhancements weren't going to work further hampered retention and incorporation. A general acceptance that the program would be effective appeared to quicken retention in a large percentage of those tested.

      Low Subconscious Retention (LSR) is the inability of an individual to quickly manifest the R.D.T. protocol. Varying the speed of the R.D.T information delivery system has not appeared to boost retention in individuals believed to have LSR. Only repeated exposure over time increased retention and incorporation. Data suggested that subconscious retention could in fact be boosted as subjects are repeatedly exposed to R.D.T.

      While it may take 1 to 2 months for the average LSR user to experience change, HSR subjects can see manifestation quickly, sometimes immediately following exposure.

      PATHS For Healing
      Energetic Science Ministries
      Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

      ESM Forum Support Link


      • #4
        development of paths

        Originally posted by LifestyleDesigner View Post

        This is truly fascinating stuff.

        Are you one of the developers of this technology?

        Hi Gayanna,

        My involvement with any development has been limited to some of the module development. Something that I am interested in developing however is a device that produces nothing but pure voltage potential lacking any electron current. This potential can be applied to a body so that our physical bodies and brains will have literally more radiant potential to work with. Theoretically, this will amplify our intentions and could increase potential our bodies use to heal itself. I can see a portable device that people can wear...this is far beyond "energy field boosters" and so forth.

        My passion in actual technology development has been mosty in replicating devices which tap the virtual photon flux of the quantum mechanical simple terms...the AETHER that we are all submerged in, and yes, it really does exist and was never disproven by the famous Michelson-Morlay experiment...their experiment had more holes than a fishnet.

        Take care,
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #5
          TV and RDT

          Hello Kevin,

          I had this thought that if PATHS RDT can get millions of info to our subconscious minds, then what is TV doing to us? Does TV send this much info to our subconscious?

          Originally posted by Kevin View Post
          From the PATHS Website

          Rapid Data Transfer Protocol

          A tremendous breakthrough in the area of subconscious life enhancement, R.D.T. or Rapid Data Transfer allows high speed communication with the human subconscious.

          Specialists who attempt to develop self-help systems, and behavioral enhancement solutions have long underestimated the hyper retention and sorting capabilities of the subconscious mind. While the effectiveness of subliminal suggestion is well documented, R.D.T capable technologies are light years ahead, actually having the ability to enhance a person by delivering millions of instructions to their subconscious in short periods of time. The result is a safe and selectable system that features enhancements controlled by the end user on both a conscious and subconscious level.

          All individuals are equipped with hyper retentive subconscious ability, but like most other aspects of the human being, the level of the ability varies from person to person. Using R.D.T., the strength of ones retentive subconscious ability is judged by the speed in which certain selected enhancements take effect. Testing has yielded two groups. Those with Low Subconscious Retention or LSR, those take longer to incorporate the enhancements, and those with High Subconscious Retention or HSR who quickly retain and act on the enhancement.

          The acuteness of ones retentive subconscious ability directly contributes to the experience each subject has, for example it was found that in the beginning subjects with HSR often described feelings of being overloaded and experienced mental fatigue. Symptoms were usually relieved with a combination of supplements such as the amino acid rich Spirulina and regular multi vitamins. LSR users in most cases showed no mental fatigue.

          There has been no data to suggest that R.D.T. was ineffective in subjects with LSR, but an extended time period was usually required for the enhancements to take effect. Individuals who felt that the enhancements weren't going to work further hampered retention and incorporation. A general acceptance that the program would be effective appeared to quicken retention in a large percentage of those tested.

          Low Subconscious Retention (LSR) is the inability of an individual to quickly manifest the R.D.T. protocol. Varying the speed of the R.D.T information delivery system has not appeared to boost retention in individuals believed to have LSR. Only repeated exposure over time increased retention and incorporation. Data suggested that subconscious retention could in fact be boosted as subjects are repeatedly exposed to R.D.T.

          While it may take 1 to 2 months for the average LSR user to experience change, HSR subjects can see manifestation quickly, sometimes immediately following exposure.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dayna View Post
            Hello Kevin,

            I had this thought that if PATHS RDT can get millions of info to our subconscious minds, then what is TV doing to us? Does TV send this much info to our subconscious?
            Everything that we are exposed to has an effect on conditioning our conscious and subconscious mind. TV and music are especially powerful.

            Have you ever noticed while watching TV or a movie that certain music can immediately cue you in on the emotions playing out on the screen? This is a result of successful conditioning by the TV/movie industry.

            However, I do not believe that TV or movies have RDT or similar technology to communicate specific instructions directly with the subconscious on a non-lingual/non-musical basis like RDT does.


            PATHS For Healing
            Energetic Science Ministries
            Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

            ESM Forum Support Link


            • #7
              Very interesting!! I'm curious, what meditation can change eye color?
              With Infinite Love and Gratitude,

