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Question - Radiant Energy Battery charging using an aerial

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  • Question - Radiant Energy Battery charging using an aerial

    Hi all

    I have now tried 2 circuits to charge a 12v battery using radiant energy – neither have worked. Both used an aerial of 100m of coax cable strung at 3 m above ground level. One circuit used a cap, auto-coil and a spark gap, and the other circuit used a cap, SCR and Neon. Has anyone built a circuit using an aerial to capture radiant energy to charge a 12v battery that has worked? If so could you point me in the right direction.

    Many thanks to all and what a great forum.


  • #2
    Hi John,

    welcome aboard

    I believe there's a misconception regarding aerials and capturing RE, if you are refering to the Tesla's patent that is. He actually had a source of aetheric stream - his Transformer that is.

    From my limited understanding, Radiant Energy (RE) is not accessible on its own or else we'd be home free long ago

    RE is "entangled" with normal electrons and in order to get to it one must fraction that connection. Tesla did that through abrupt discharges on his magnetic gap disrupter, feeding the purified aetheric stream to his "special primary" or to any variaty of beamtubes he constructed for focusing and directing the aetheric stream. The aerial (the plate in the patent) actually received that directed stream and converts it to electron current usable on a load.

    There was a discussion among some minds of that time about utilizing pure dielectric fields (heavily charged capacitor plates) to tap into aether flows, but because there was no material capable of interrupting the aetheric currents it was never practically resolved.

    Not sure if this helped or not. Perhaps you want to look into works of Thomas Henry Moray who did use aerials as well...though no one had much success replicating those either.
    Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


    • #3
      Amigo, thanks for your reply.

      So I guess I am the sucker, and my wallet that fell for it !– seems to be a lot of disinformation out there, ie:

      OS:Radiant Energy Antenna System - PESWiki

      Image:Ambient energy collection device schematic 500.gif - PESWiki

      Emergency Power -- Survival Style

      Guess I will have to get into coils!



      • #4
        Think about it this way John:

        If it worked, wouldn't we be seeing tons of aerials collecting the Atmospheric energy that's out there, being used to power homes, charge batteries etc.

        So far I haven't seen anything like this works. But that does not negate the fact that there is a huge dielectric potential waiting to be harnessed from our Atmosphere. The altitude differences give hundreds and thousands of volts/potential that could possibly be tapped into.

        The aerials idea appears to have merit, but again has anyone really produced any useful energy from such a setup?
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • #5
          Hi John,

          Let's call it a synchronisity, but I have been reading Gerry Vassilatos's book Secrets of Cold War Technology and in the HAARP chapter (7) there are some interesting remarks regarding the aerial technologies. Suffice to say, I would like to amend my previous post and point you in a direction of further research on the matter.

          Please look up the following names (years relate to when they did specific experiments) regarding extraction of energy from Atmosphere:

          - H.C. Vion (1860)

          - W.H. Ward (1872)

          - M. Dewey (1889)

          - Palinscar (1901)

          - Pennock (1909)

          - Prof. Selim Lemstrom (1882)

          Good luck !
          Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


          • #6

            Many thanks for your comments and links - I will look them up. Out of interest (off topic I know) do you know where I can get a full set of plans for a water cavitation heater that could be used for home heating?




            • #7
              Hi John,

              I am not familiar with such a device, I suppose you can search for it?

              In all honesty I would look into geothermal energy for heating homes and producing hot running water.

              Further more if you are building a home, personally I would look into a monolithic dome as a viable option to standard templated shoebox...err house.
              Last edited by amigo; 05-10-2009, 04:31 PM. Reason: monodesic->monolithic
              Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


              • #8
                Originally posted by amigo View Post
                Hi John,

                I am not familiar with such a device, I suppose you can search for it?

                In all honesty I would look into geothermal energy for heating homes and producing hot running water.

                Further more if you are building a home, personally I would look into a monodesic dome as a viable option to standard templated shoebox...err house.
                I believe you meant "Monolithic Dome".....

                Monolithic Dome Institute



                • #9
                  im working on this!

                  YouTube - Imhotep's Radiant Oscillator Video Bodkins
                  thinks its what your looking for?


                  • #10
                    Initial experiments

                    Just reporting some data and hoping others will on these fun experiments.

                    While doing some reading here, I stumbled upon the Radiant Energy Antenna System of Peswiki.

                    OS:Radiant Energy Antenna System - PESWiki

                    ...This is a little different in setup from the Radiant Energy Spectroscopy I have been playing with:

                    Nothing more than a snipped microphone cable there coming out of your soundcard input. Ground taped up (No ground). Positive aligator clip only; Sometimes clipped to a collector.

                    On the Stan Deyo thread here, I had covered some of this and made some notes on other circuits to explore -- particularly if we tune in to the peak bands of the radiant spectra with RLC circuits:

                    Today, I decided to goof off and play a bit. I have seen voltages of less than 1 Volt with my computers set up as the capacitor in Tesla's circuit. No peripheral loads or switching required, and so I wanted to explore that more.

                    I live on 5 acres with electric livestock fence around the perimeter loaded to something like 20kV(?). 3 copper clad ground rods are near the charger, so I decided to unplug the charger and tie into those. Wanted to run some tests comparing aerial, collector plate, and ground rods.

                    Grabbed a piece of wood laminate. Taped about 2.5 sq.ft. of aluminum foil to it as the collector. Ran an insulated, solid copper wire to the collector. Used the fence charger post as ground.

                    Measured the voltage difference both AC and DC, with and without ground. Also at differing heights. Also with one ground rod cut loose (leaving only 2). Also measured with 1/2 the collector area down to 1 sq. ft.


                    1) 3 ground rods -- 213 mV to 373 mV; Peaks to 5V could have been among my digital meter's swapping of decimals closer to 500mV. Likely error, but possible spiked pulse (infrequent). Collector was placed 5 feet high. Also observed a charge buildup.

                    2) Collector only (all grounds rods disconnected) -- Definite rise in voltage to a more steady 380 mV average. Matches with my in-office observations of better static buildup when eliminating the shunting to ground by just using no ground.

                    3) Error Factor / Baseline -- 6 to 7.2 mv meter only.

                    4) Then lowered the collector plate onto a chair about 2.5 feet high. Observed a clear voltage drop down to 105 to 111 mV. No ground connection. With the ground connection, voltage dropped to a more steady 15 mV.

                    5) Reduced the collector plate (folded in half) to about 1 sq. ft. No ground connection. Voltage measured at 97 to 105 mV.

                    Conclusions: Aerial height & collector area were more significant to charge buildup than any ground connection. As observed in other DAQ experiments, you get higher amplitude alternating current fluctuations (and more power to tap) by elimination of the ground. With the ground, the voltage is more clean and stable, but the AC octaves of the DC do not resonate with much amplitude. The utility of the ground connection and ample ground rod area shouldn't be ignored for capacitor issues in the Tesla circuit, however. Was just exploring some things here. I also ran the voltage into my laptop and DAQ oscilloscope -- observing fairly flatline DC with slight AC waving under the ground connection. Immediately upon pulling the ground, the voltage took on a greater amplitude AC waveform.

                    ** DC current has AC nature visible in the higher frequencies, but that is also present in the low frequencies; More subtle with a ground; More pronounced without shunting those wave amplitudes (and potential power to extract) to ground. This longer wave AC dimension to Radiant Energy's DC through the aerial is shown in the spectrogram above -- taking on the greatest intensity down in the Tesla longwaves and also having a curious peak again at 10-15 kHz (which I suspect is an octave of the Telsa longwaves). What is normally observed as AC in the MHz range to DC current is probably also a far right octave of these things, and with generally less amplitude and available power. If you study just the mathematics of waves enough, everything in the higher frequencies tends to be just a tremendous waste of power to make the same musical note (of less volume) whereas, in the longwaves, those deep bass tunes tend to resonate with great impact. A little energy input of pluck to a bass guitar string tends to carry more energy of that pluck to impact you in the ears and chest whereas that same energy of pluck given to a high note tends to sting the ears at best. All that AC amplitude of the wave (useful for rectified DC) tends to be lost to lower amplitude of higher frequency. In a pure mathematical world with no resistances, the area under the curves (total power) should be the same between various waveforms equally triggered, but circuit and component resonance is what will determine what is wasted energy or not. That's why I think the Tesla RE collector can be optimized with some RLC circuit tuning -- the same as we tune an old-style, analog radio knob until the signal meter peaks out.

                    Next, I tried a hokey installation on an old windmill tower out here. I used a galvanized steel wire (for electric fence) rather than coax or insulated for the aerial. However, probably I should have used insulated (as in the prior experiment). The aerial I strung up to about 30 feet high and bent it back down another 20 feet; Total about 50 feet of bare wire antenna.

                    The windmill tower is made of steel and runs to ground through its four base legs and concrete, so I filed off some rust and used it as the ground rod. The bare wire I looped through some PVC pipe scraps to keep insulation and separation from the grounded structure. Then, I began voltage measurements.

                    What we observed was interesting. Without a ground connection, we observed about 0.1 mV rise per second. Initial readings at 178mV climbed to about 390mV while watching. Then, mysteriously, the charge vanished -- as if shorted to ground somehow. Yet where? How? It behaved almost like high voltage jumped a spark gap to the structure which had at least 1/2" separation between the bare wire and grounded steel. Maybe the wind temporarily blew it? We don't think so. The wire was pretty rigid. It was an interesting anomaly.

                    The voltage then remained around a steady 199-200 mV for some time; As if internal currents in the wire perhaps balanced out maybe among Hysteresis Effect. I considered that perhaps, at the point of that mysterious voltage drop -- a power surge gone somewhere -- maybe that was energy used up in sudden alignment of atoms in the wire to a more magnetized condition. Considered also that, if true, there might be some Back EMF implications for that with coils, steel wire, and other things explored here.

                    With the ground connected, voltage was still a steady 200 mV. Voltage dipped, leveled off here, and then began to rise again more slowly.

                    I then grabbed an old car battery here which has been sitting for years. 5 years? 10 years sitting? More? I dunno. I always keep our old car batteries for fun like this. All I know is that it was holding a steady 3.733 Volts this afternoon.

                    Lacking some of the Peswiki hardware to try, I opted to just see what happens if installing a diode as a check valve from aerial to positive terminal. I didn't imagine the millivolt aerial would be enough positive pressure to work against 3.733 V of the battery, but wondered if maybe those possible 5V spikes or some dimension of this reported 200 Volts per meter to the aerials and radiant energy is unseen. Opted to wire it up, leave it "charging" and come back later to see if any voltage was gained. Measured 3.733 Volts with the diode between aerial and positive post with no ground connection. Measured 3.733 to 3.734 V with the battery grounded to the structure, and so left it grounded.

                    At 17:08 today, I measured voltage at 3.735V (which had me hopeful but was still well within error range of contact pressure between probes and posts).

                    At 18:33, voltage was 3.715 V (a disappointing drop in voltage! ) This, however, I optimistically credited to the considerable decrease in ambient temperature. However, hopefully some chemical changes among trickle charging are going on!

                    ...At this point, I needed to return to work, and so decided to disconnect the ground for the evening and measure again tomorrow to see if any difference between grounded and ungrounded conditions proves interesting.

                    Conclusions: Though I went upward in height by a factor of 6, voltage dropped by almost 1/2! when eliminating the insulated wire and the collector plate. The collector plate makes a difference versus just aerial, but the capacitor dimension formed by insulated wire appears to have been lost in my experiment. I will retry it later with insulated wire. My voltages do not seem to be as dramatic as some of these other pulsed current reports. My own interest, however, is in seeing if we can't eliminate some of the costly electronics and just go with various aerial, capacitor/ wire, and ground rod combinations -- in series and parallel -- to obtain a steady 14V DC trickle charge.

                    ..All in all very interesting. The changes in voltage, steady radiant supply of 1/4 to 1/3 V, along with the voltage rise of 0.1 mV/sec were interesting. So, basically, with this bare wire assembly, maybe I'd need 1200 of these setups in parallel rigged to series to obtain a 120 Volt/sec replenishment. Or, 140 such units to obtain a 14V/sec replenishment sufficient to rapidly recharge a 12V battery bank. Possible but not so practical. Other combinations should be explored.


                    • #11
                      I personally think that this method of 'radiant charging' isn't radiant at all. Its an effect where the high voltage static charges the batteries positive and attracts the ions back so that its recharging itself. I have an idea which might be of interest to you. I will be posting a thread about it soon to discuss it

                      Scribd account;


                      • #12
                        Sounds grrrreeeeeat!

                        Hi Raui!

                        That would be great. Always interesting to hear new takes on it -- especially considering that I went out today and measured 3.733 Volts. Effectively no rise on the bare wire unit in near 24 hours. Need to go back to the insulated wire and collector plate version. Then, we'll try it again. Then, if that doesn't work, I'll start pulsing in the current. I was just hoping to see something unusual. Oh well. Was fun to play with it. I'll post some pics and details when it's in a state where I am not ashamed to show it!



                        • #13
                          The discussion for my self-charging battery based on electrostatic attratction/repulsion and be found here: Hope you will contribute to it

                          Scribd account;


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by SL3 View Post
                            Hi Raui!

                            That would be great. Always interesting to hear new takes on it -- especially considering that I went out today and measured 3.733 Volts. Effectively no rise on the bare wire unit in near 24 hours. Need to go back to the insulated wire and collector plate version. Then, we'll try it again. Then, if that doesn't work, I'll start pulsing in the current. I was just hoping to see something unusual. Oh well. Was fun to play with it. I'll post some pics and details when it's in a state where I am not ashamed to show it!

                            Not sure I understand what you are refering to here...
                            Please clarify
                            "But ye shall receive power..."
                            Acts 1:8


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by wpage View Post
                              Not sure I understand what you are refering to here...
                              Please clarify
                              He was referring to his previous post about his wire antenna collection system. one problem with the straight wire i have seen is that some times it creates a capacitive coupling more so than a resonant coupling. Particularly when you are near high voltage power lines.

                              if you haven't done it try putting a coil in series with your antenna. You can use it to tune the energy you are trying to receive like a radio.

