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Free Energy | What works?

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  • Free Energy | What works?

    What free energy is currently working? Specifically I'm looking for alternatives to solar and wind power.

    What do we know is actually working to the point that a device could be put into production?

    I refused to believe that such a device or technology does not yet exist. Even if it's very crude technology, what is working?

    Something like the earth battery is what I mean, but that power output is very low into make it workable, it needs to be much larger scale

  • #2
    The only technology that I know of that seems to work and has a sound simple theoretical basis is Atomic Hydrogen.

    Rossi's ecat is a rip of William Lyne's Atomic Hydrogen Furnace that he describes in his book and provides the scientific evidence and theory for. It really is a simple theory and is basically an ether pump using atomic Hydrogen.

    Rossi's Energy Catalyzer: The Validations Continue

    Naudin did a test of it and seemed to get positive results also.

    The Moller's Atomic Hydrogen Generator

    As far as how to build one to run in your house? I think it would take a lot of work but unlike 99% of the stuff out there, at least this one has a simple engineerable principle and does not require a PhD to understand.

    I guess Bedini's battery charger could work, but you need to swap a lot of batteries. The claim is that the rotary action is the free energy.... the battery charging back and forth is just near unity. So connect that rotary motion to some type of generator and I guess you've got some sort of free energy device. Haven't seen anyone actually admit to doing this but maybe they're being quiet about it?
    Last edited by SilverToGold; 04-29-2013, 03:44 AM.


    • #3
      thanks but for the average person, that is way too much. I think the earth battery is the best bet so far, as its simple. But most I can get is about 200ma. It is not the ultimate answer to energy though.. far from it.

      Im just looking for something practical and easy we can all start using.


      • #4
        How about the Bedini Crystal Battery? It basically is a battery that runs on water and will give you more energy than an earth battery.

        John Bedini Crystal Battery Cell 2011 (1 of 11) - YouTube

        I'm not so sure this video is in copyright violation but there it is....


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hevus View Post
          What do we know is actually working to the point that a device could be put into production?
          Sorry, to disappoint you. I know this is not what you're after but...Free Energy Devices Actually Working (besides wind and solar): Hydro, tidal and other generators; nuclear and other reactors; geothermal and other temperature differential devices; fossil (yes!) and bio-fuels, methane recapture, ... (What have I missed?)

          I refused to believe that such a device or technology does not yet exist. Even if it's very crude technology, what is working?
          Do you also refuse to believe the conspiracy theory that MiB are everywhere preventing and endangering anyone who attempts to patent such a device, distribute functional prototypes or share clear, unambiguous instructions for how to build one? Anyone have the link to the FE Martyrs homepage?

          Beware, they're everywhere!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
            Sorry, to disappoint you. I know this is not what you're after but...Free Energy Devices Actually Working (besides wind and solar): Hydro, tidal and other generators; nuclear and other reactors; geothermal and other temperature differential devices; fossil (yes!) and bio-fuels, methane recapture, ... (What have I missed?)

            Do you also refuse to believe the conspiracy theory that MiB are everywhere preventing and endangering anyone who attempts to patent such a device, distribute functional prototypes or share clear, unambiguous instructions for how to build one? Anyone have the link to the FE Martyrs homepage?

            Beware, they're everywhere!!!
            How old are you? Why is it almost everytime I read a thread you have posted in, I see you attack someone (yes, you did in a very sarcastic manner)? Your most common insult is "Newbie/Newby/alternate spellings" which reflects greatly upon you at this point in time.


            • #7
              Ein~+ein, I wasnt born yesterday. I havent personally seen a MIB or anything like that, but I've been around in energy research to know people that have been approached by at least "government". While I'm not discounting the possibility of them existing, I just haven't seen them myself. Just about anything is possible in this universe.

              One or specifically after was practical technology that works, and can be used by anyone. I personally believe an adaptation of the Earth battery will be the solution, but this is also related to Tesla's magnifying transmitter.

              btw Ein~+ein, While there is definitely real resistance of all kinds to free energy technology, the real problem is not lack of technology, it is ignorance and lack of demand from people.

              We already have solar panels. The problem is they are currently too expensive for normal people. So why can't we mass-produce them and make them cheaper? We can put a man on the moon, so why not cheap solar panels? There are groups creating cheap printable panels, and they will be released eventually.

              Part of the reason I asked the question is because I wanted to get opinions. Of course I have my own opinions, but two heads are better than one

              Well it is a solution to electricity generation, it is not a solution or full understanding of creation, as would be with implosive technologies


              • #8
                Also on the note of resistance to development technology, and how our lives revolve around debt and money... It is so easy to blame external influences. Blame the illuminati, the new world order, the bankers and so on. The reality is each of us has chosen to be in the situation we are, so we only have ourselves to blame. And only us and our free will can change it. It's not the illuminati we need to change and defeat, it's us that needs to change.


                • #9
                  Silver, thanks that was what I was looking for.


                  • #10
                    Public resistance to free energy is understandable, whether in the form of opposition to nuclear power, mega-dams or in response to the tiny fraction of free energy scams mainstream media covers. But don't underestimate demand: who wouldn't cut their energy costs to save the planet?

                    Currently, it doesn't seem there's going to be one 'ulitmate solution' to our energy needs. It may depend on regional factors. While the earth or a crystal battery might light an African village, how favorably would it compare with the cost/benefit ratio of conventional renewables when you scale it up? As for Silver-to-Gold's Atomic Hydrogen, you may want to read this and this?

                    Here are breakthroughs I've reported on that do offer possible solutions and have all been published in respected journals:
                    Electrolysis improvement: The discovery of a way to make catalysts that perform just as well as expensive catalysts but cost 1,000 times less:

                    Electrolysis from urine (urine and amonia apparently contain more hydrogen than water)

                    Bacteria churn out first ever petrol-like biofuel

                    @chainmailleman I attack what I consider the promotion or acceptance of unsubstantiated claims as evidence. Some might view my skepticism as troll behavior and if so, you're obligated to report me. But can you not appreciate why I feel the way I do--do you simply believe everything anyone claims? The fact you take personal offence suggests you align yourself much closer to such claims than you perhaps should. Had I erred in anyone's opinion, I'd expect to see evidence to the contrary but where is it?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                      @chainmailleman I attack what I consider the promotion or acceptance of unsubstantiated claims as evidence. Some might view my skepticism as troll behavior and if so, you're obligated to report me. But can you not appreciate why I feel the way I do--do you simply believe everything anyone claims? The fact you take personal offence suggests you align yourself much closer to such claims than you perhaps should. Had I erred in anyone's opinion, I'd expect to see evidence to the contrary but where is it?
                      I'm not obligated to anything. I don't report trolls, it would be a full-time job with no pay.

                      I understand why you feel the way you do. But to attack someone entering this field of study is not professional, ethical, or even beneficial to this field. You make a counter-argument. When I first entered this field I had no choice but to read everything, regardless of being accepted as truth or fiction. You cannot know what the truth is without knowing what a lie is.

                      Now, evidence. What evidence is required? Look at Creationism vs. Evolution. Evidence really doesn't matter in that argument as neither side will accept the other's "evidence". Evidence only matters to the observer, and the personal belief's of the observer alter the observer's perception of the evidence.

                      Free - Not having to pay for it.

                      Nothing is free. Someone had to pay in money, sweat, or blood.


                      • #12
                        chainmaillemanm you said "Nothing is free". You know what I meant so why would you respond this way? fyi the sun is free.


                        • #13
                          In that perspective, yes the sun is free as it sits there and just works without any human involvement. The air is free, it works without any human involvement. This can go on, but you get the idea.

                          The definition of free as used here at energetic forum is "more out than in" producing a net gain, thus "free".


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Hevus View Post
                            thanks but for the average person, that is way too much. I think the earth battery is the best bet so far, as its simple. But most I can get is about 200ma. It is not the ultimate answer to energy though.. far from it.

                            Im just looking for something practical and easy we can all start using.
                            I am sorry to dissapoint you, but if you want ''cheap. easy, fast'' not gonna happen.
                            Path to energy is not simple easy or fast or as they say ''as easy as 1, 2, 3''


                            • #15
                              for the purpose of this thread let's define free as in free to the individual whatever it might be. for instance i get all kinds of gel cell 7ah batteries free from work as they are discarded, the company has to pay to dispose of them properly my manger said if they "disappear" it's less he has to worry about. at the moment I have approximately 60 of them and about 20 12ah. i usually get about 3 or so a week. it's getting to the point that i'm running out of room to put them unless i build a outdoor shed to house them. everybody's situation is different as they have different things available to them that they can get for free, not costing them one red cent out of their pocket. for me when i think about making a FE device cheaply about $100 comes to my mind whereas the OP may be thinking $1000. for me i would love to put something together for about $100 to start generating some electricity and ween myself off of the grid. as i slowly start saving on the bill apply the savings towards an improved or add to the existing, whatever will work out best. i have a 2500w gas generator i aquired from a death in the family that i have been considering converting to run off of hho boosters in conjuction with water mist for a gasless device. from what i read it will take some serious modification but i think i'm up for the challenge. unless anyone else has a better suggestion.....anyone???

