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  • OPPT Out?

    A friend sent me this last night:

    Hey guys....

    Have you heard of the One Peoples Public Trust? It could be the most exciting development of our lives!

    They have brought to light that what we though of as Governments are in fact corporations pretending to be an authority and relying on our ignorance to extract money from us. They have legally filed a UUC Claim that seems to have actually worked to forclose them all, causing anyone enforcing their "laws" to be no longer authorized and protected, and thus committing torts against the public.

    Strange as this sounds key officials all over the world are stepping down.

    Listen to this

    OPPT Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Feb 15th, 2013 - YouTube

    Peoples Trust 1776

    Do your research!
    One People’s Public Trust Lawfully Forecloses Corporations, Banks and Governments for Operating Slavery and Private Money Systems | Wake Up World

    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

  • #2
    I’m aware of this and have been following its development. And yes our republic was stolen from us by the bankers and lawyers and a corporation was substituted in its place. At first the changes were subtle and the average person did not notice them. For example; “The constitution of the United States” became “THE CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES” To the average person that may not seem like a big deal, however to a lawyer, the all capitals, screams “this is a corporation”!

    If you go into a courtroom you will see in one corner what appears to be an American flag but it is not! This flag is trimmed with gold fringe and there is an eagle on the top of its post, this is the corporation’s logo. That flag tells all who are aware that they are in a court that is controlled by the corporation. Now obviously this corporation follows many of the rules set forth in the original constitution so as not to get the general public upset. But when push comes to shove it is the corporation’s rules that will be followed. So now you the average citizen have become a “human resource” for this corporation and are a commodity that can be bought, sold and traded. What you say you don’t remember signing up to be a member of this corporation? Will I can assure you that you did, however at the time also sure no one spelled out just what was involved. It probably just slipped their mind.

    What the people at OPPT realized is that our current government is a fraud and a lie that is masquerading as our original government. Thus through mountain of mind numbing legal mumbo-jumbo they have declared sovereignty from this system. Plus they are attacking its fraudulent banking system with it worthless fiat money.

    Now this is all well and good and I would love to see them succeed as to have a truly free nation again is certainly something we should all aim for. But the bad guys are definitely not going to go down without a fight and it won’t matter if legally they don’t have a leg to stand on. If this starts coming to a head I suspect the PTP will either ignore, ridicule or forcefully suppress OPPT’s claims.

    It is one thing to claim you are now a free an independent citizen and quite another thing to actually stand up. fight for and demand it. Something about that old saying “He who has all the guns makes the rules”. Of course that wouldn’t be the reason our government is pushing so hand to get guns banned, would it? There just concerned about our safety, right?


    • #3
      Thank you dr-Green for posting this info. I'm surprised that there is not more interest shown here. Is it just because many have not seen this, or might people be afraid to once again get their hopes up that this is a real planet wide game changer, only to be let down later?

      In this 2/18/13 radio show (about 2hrs) OPPT-IN - February 18, 2013 - YouTube the discussion leads you to believe that this is a DONE DEAL!!!

      But if you go to this OPPT court case page I see a zero in archived court cases won. Free forum : OPPT Court Cases

      @ Mad S. I too believe that the PTW will not give up with out a fight and we the people had beter be ready to fight as well.

      Thanks, Gene


      • #4
        While not specifically about OPPT this video show just the kind of corruption that OPPT is fighting against. It deals with the problems an individual had while trying to import a car into Australia and his fight with the “corporate” government. However this is a world wide problem not just Australia’s, as our “original” governments have been taken over a corporate government that is beholding to its stockholders and not the people.

        What The FUQ? - Frequently Unanswered Questions of the "Australian Government" - Documentary - YouTube! FUQ

