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Energy concentration via refridgerant vapor transition.

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  • Energy concentration via refridgerant vapor transition.

    So a long long time ago somewhere on youtube I found a video demonstration of a device claimed to produce useable amounts of power and limitless hot water from a compressor, heat engine, and large heat soaking panels.

    I can not find this video any more but it seemed plausible since standard AC compressors can transfer about 4 units of heat with 1 unit of power due too the properties of a refridgerant, freon i believe, changing from liquid too vapor and back.

    The unit operated by soaking heat from the environment through the panels (cold side of the AC circuit) and then using that heat energy to power some form of heat engine which dumped a portion into a tub of hot water, and used the other portion too turn the water pump, AC compressor, and generator which powered a few flood lights in the video.

    This presenter apparently went from city too city demonstrating this contraption, and even sold some???

    I know one can use AC compressors to make a cold plate reach -76 F, so i would imagine the reverse could be done and make the system dump all it's heat into one concentrated point. If hot enough a sterling or similar could generate useable power using only the environmental energy being soaked into the system.

    This isn't overunity, it's an ambient energy concentrator.

    So.... rediscovery, discussion, ..... replication perhaps?

    Anyone seen the video I referenced?
    Last edited by Over; 01-31-2013, 08:29 AM.

  • #2
    Talking too an friend of mine today with HVAC experience and he believed this device would be possible to create.

    Will attempt to re-discover this lost tech when funds become available.

    No one here with HVAC experience?

