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Produce gold

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  • #3
    There is NO reason to believe any of Joe Champion's claims. Phonon resonance is bogus and only something he uses to give his licensing money making scheme credibility.

    Dr Champion goldmaking scam

    If he could make gold as he claimed, he would not be asking people for money to get a "license" to use his process to make gold. Let's use some of that common sense that God gave us.

    This so called method of Joe Champion of turning silver to gold was described by Fulcanelli almost a hundred years ago but Fulcanelli properly called it nascent gold. Meaning it is "baby" gold that has to be further matured. It is NOT fully formed gold and can not be made in large quantities anyways as described.

    Bedini does a much better job of explaining things and he is at least an honest man not seeking to gouge people out of their hard earned money. Though his use of Walter Russell theories to explain what is happening is disagreeable, he does do well in explaining the digestion process to extract the "seed" of metals. But this is all alchemical knowledge going back to the time of Noah at least. Get the seed and give it fertile ground to grow. Simple.


    But, if you really want to make new minerals or whatever, why not just do it as God explained in Genesis?

    Genesis 1

    1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

    4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

    6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

    7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

    8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

    9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

    10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

    If you know God exist, follow His Commandments and ask Him, He would answer your questions if they are in accordance with His will.

    But if you don't even know that God created the world and how He did it, maybe you should find out who God is first.
    Last edited by SilverToGold; 01-25-2013, 09:01 PM.


    • #4
      I read a few years ago that the US is already producing gold.
      The way they do it is very simple:

      1 - take a bar of Tungsten
      2 - add a small layer of Gold
      3 - sell it to the Chinese

      They have been successful for a number of years.



      • #5
        Actually, anyone with experience buying and selling gold in the US knows the exact opposite is true. Never buy gold with a "Made in China" stamp. If you order gold from China, they will ask if you want real or plated and how would you like that stamped? The choice is yours! Customer service with a smile. Just a little tip when perusing the jewelry store.



        • #6
          ingleseitalianospagnoloFound on History and secrets of alchemy, of Paolo Cortesi (I recommend reading it at all).


          Tifferau was a French chemist converted to alchemy, or rather that landed alchemy as a point of arrival (but looks a little!)
          its theoretical and its practical experience. After traveling along wide for 5 years in mines, quarries, Ganges, metalliferous veins
          managed to get gold for transmutation.

          Have not yet been tested in the laboratory for what I know. If someone wants to try it can not hurt!

          I carry the as they are written in the book.

          Put in a bottle containing 8 g to 10 g of fine silver filings, cover with nitric acid and sunning.

          It will have the development of nitrous gas and the formation of a black deposit, aggregate on the bottom. Leave the bottle

          to stand for twelve days, then add distilled water to the boil until the seventeenth day

          of nitrous vapors, then heated up to the total dry matter appears black and greenish. Of this compound,

          pour boiling nitric acid several times: you will get darker than green, then yellow and finally golden, at which time the

          material breaks down and reveals the gold flakes.

          It has also written another of "recipe" that the following:

          Stir twelve parts of concentrated sulfuric acid and two parts of nitric acid at 40 ° C. This mixture should be placed in glass tubes in which it will be paid

          filings silver and pure copper, in a mixture in which the copper comes in for a tenth. Bring to the boil for several days by adding sulfuric acid and pure

          concentrated, add sulphate of ammonia and bring back to a boil.

          Decant the nitric solution of the tubes and boil the remainder of nitric acid with sulfuric acid in the amount of 10.12 times the volume of the first acid.

          Heat to 360 ° C. for 36 hours after cooling the mixture deposited gold particles precipitable with oxalic acid.

          Of course, be very careful when handling these items specified by Tifferau as it is said in the "recipe" I am nitrous gases released into the air
          that are harmful.


          • #7
            Roberto Monti

            And 'my intention to provide sufficient information to demonstrate
            A) That the "principle" of Lavoisier is scientifically unfounded
            B) That Alchemy is a truly experimental science
            by an experiment easily reproducible by anyone
            with little expense.
            To this end, I chose a variant of the methods below to
            Geber (5) for the preparation of the Philosophical Mercury, which is a
            particular configuration of the isomeric Mercury "normal" or
            "Vulgar" (9), (23).
            Take therefore 1 kg of Mercury (Hg). For example: Carlo
            Erba Reagents. Code No. 460737. Cost: L.221000 + VAT.
            First operation.
            Dissolve 100 g of Hg in nitric acid (HNO3), 65% RPE,
            for analysis, for example: Carlo Erba. Code No. 408022. Price: to
            liters L. 21,800 + VAT (for 6 liters: L.17100 + VAT per liter) in the proportion
            1:5 (example: 100 cc of HNO3 + 500 cc of distilled H2O.
            Ipercoop L.1650 for 5 liters).
            It 'just put the Mercury within a beaker of 250 cc
            Pyrex glass (L.6400 + vat).
            Mercury is verses on the solution of nitric acid 1: 5 to fill
            the beaker.
            Poses the beaker on a hot plate (L.100000 + vat)
            adjusting the temperature to 90 ° C using a standard thermometer
            Mercury (L.18000 + vat).
            The dissolution can be done easily within a day (is
            add the solution of HNO3 + H2O hand in hand that evaporates
            taking it from the 600cc).
            The Mercury will dissolve completely, showing that it does not contain
            signs of appreciable gold.
            Second operation
            Arise the remaining 900 g of Mercury in a glass container
            (I find excellent packages of jam Zuegg "Traditional"
            once eaten jam. Ipercoop L.3970).
            It verses above the Mercury a mixture (50%) of wine vinegar
            white (Ipercoop. L.1350 per liter) and Acetic Acid Glacial 99 -
            100% (Polichimica srl. Bologna. L.8000 per liter + vat) to
            level of the second bulge of the jar Zuegg.
            Third operation
            It seals tightly the jar and shake the contents until you
            see the Mercury divided into tiny balls (a few minutes).
            Let it be placed in the shelter of a locked drawer.
            Repeat this operation preferably daily, when
            comes to mind.
            Fourth operation
            After 10 to 15 days (enough to eat calmly content
            of a second package of "Traditional Zuegg" and
            so have a second jar) "scum" beginning to
            "Exit" from Mercury.
            And 'appropriate at this point "clean" the mixture of vinegar and
            acetic acid using the second jar Zuegg.
            AThis purpose agitate the contents of the first jar until
            lees are well suspended in the solution.
            Then pour the solution into the empty jar (taking care not to
            pay also Mercury) to fill out the first (to the level indicated)
            with the solution prepared above (to preserve the
            which fits any glass container).
            Fifth operation
            Let the solution stand of the second jar until the
            lees are well deposited on the bottom (10 - 15 days).
            Repeat the fourth operation for about four months, when there is
            Two jars of "Traditional", a liter of white wine vinegar and a
            liter of acetic acid are therefore generally more than sufficient.
            Sixth operation
            After about four months (depending on the efforts) can
            extract the first Gold since Mercury.
            So you take 100 g of Hg "Treaty" and dissolve them in acid
            Nitric 1: 5, as in the first operation.
            Mercury dissolves slowly, and when it is reduced to a
            ball, beware.
            At one point "explode" expelling all Gold product
            will disperse on the bottom of the beaker in the form of a "dust" of
            specks of gold very beautiful to behold.
            I have done many times Gold in different ways, but the gold extracted
            directly from Mercury in this way is the most beautiful I
            have ever seen.
            You can then repeat this process eight times and produce
            enough gold to dispel any doubt about the reality of this
            Alchemy (advice to "clean" the Gold product with a solution
            1: 2 HNO3 + H2O. After that, washed with distilled water
            and dry your gold into the beaker on the hot plate.
            Stored in a glass container also nitrate
            Mercury product from time to time).


            • #8
              Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
              There is NO reason to believe any of Joe Champion's claims. Phonon resonance is bogus and only something he uses to give his licensing money making scheme credibility.

              Dr Champion goldmaking scam

              If he could make gold as he claimed, he would not be asking people for money to get a "license" to use his process to make gold. Let's use some of that common sense that God gave us.

              This so called method of Joe Champion of turning silver to gold was described by Fulcanelli almost a hundred years ago but Fulcanelli properly called it nascent gold. Meaning it is "baby" gold that has to be further matured. It is NOT fully formed gold and can not be made in large quantities anyways as described.

              Bedini does a much better job of explaining things and he is at least an honest man not seeking to gouge people out of their hard earned money. Though his use of Walter Russell theories to explain what is happening is disagreeable, he does do well in explaining the digestion process to extract the "seed" of metals. But this is all alchemical knowledge going back to the time of Noah at least. Get the seed and give it fertile ground to grow. Simple.


              But, if you really want to make new minerals or whatever, why not just do it as God explained in Genesis?

              Genesis 1

              1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

              2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

              3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

              4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

              5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

              6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

              7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

              8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

              9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

              10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

              If you know God exist, follow His Commandments and ask Him, He would answer your questions if they are in accordance with His will.

              But if you don't even know that God created the world and how He did it, maybe you should find out who God is first.

              Silvertogold, I've read your posts, and I respectfully disagree here.
              Russell's work and artwork artfully describes the seed matieral john bedini uses. (At least, the seeds I think he uses)

              I like that you reference the bible, because I've been reading it in regards to transmutation.

              Can you begin to articulate how God uses magnetic feilds (His still light) to transmute water into other minerals?

              I'd like to start this discussion. You seem to know what you're talking about most of the time.



              • #9
                Also, those three DVD's, as well as Milewski's "growing gold from glass" were very informative. Have you seen them all? If you have, let's chat.


                • #10
                  Russell got his information from demonic sources... can one really trust what devils have to say about anything, mixing truth with lies. All John really said was that Russell said you change the frequencies of the material and it transmutes to other material of some "higher" or "lower" frequency. How was this quantified? How were these "frequencies" measured? What do any of these frequencies even mean? NOTHING! I can look at the periodic chart and draw some obtuse relationship, does this make it true? Nope.

                  Russell never made any useable technology. Lots of babble that sounds nice but where's the beef? Where's the physical hardcore results? I challenge anyone to show me anything that is provable from Russell's work.

                  If you look at what the old alchemist said, they never used words like frequency shift or this or that and they were plenty smart.

                  And this method JB was using was from the old alchemists. This is why it is called the "seed" material, because this is exactly how the alchemist saw it, that they were getting the metallic "seed" material from the ores and planting it in a metallic "soil" to grow. Russell's theory has no "seed" material ideology in it! This is not Walter Russell's work but simple alchemical seed extraction.

                  The Bible quote from Genesis is EXACLY as it says. God's word is perfect and who am I to add to it? There is no hidden schemes in it. There is no extra information you need. You just need to understand basic creation (go research Kent Hovind and what he says about how God created the world) and use some common sense that God gave us all to fill in the gaps. It's all there and always has been but since most people think themselves so wise and the Bible of little value they miss it completely. I leave it to anyone to research for themselves. Foremost, follow God's Commandments, accept Jesus's as your Saviour, pray and ask God for help in understanding is the best advice I can give.

                  And no, I have no idea how God did it so I can not provide you with a theory of why it works. I just know that is how it was done because God said so.

                  Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
                  Silvertogold, I've read your posts, and I respectfully disagree here.
                  Russell's work and artwork artfully describes the seed matieral john bedini uses. (At least, the seeds I think he uses)

                  I like that you reference the bible, because I've been reading it in regards to transmutation.

                  Can you begin to articulate how God uses magnetic feilds (His still light) to transmute water into other minerals?

                  I'd like to start this discussion. You seem to know what you're talking about most of the time.



                  • #11
                    The guy that gave Milewski that gold was murdered. Someone broke into his lab and killed him, thinking perhaps that he had a hoard of gold. The truth is that it took him about 2 years to get that little gold.

                    But I would not be making gold or such if I were you, good way to get killed.

                    I study alchemy for medicinal reasons and the Bible because none of this stuff maters anyways. Jesus is soon to return and who is ready? Most will be caught off guard and they will be throwing all of their gold and silver into the streets because they have lost the greatest treasure of all time, eternity with God!

                    REVEALING GOD'S TREASURE - RON WYATT - YouTube

                    Final Events of Bible Prophecy - YouTube

                    Matthew 6:19-21

                    "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

                    But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

                    For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

                    Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
                    Also, those three DVD's, as well as Milewski's "growing gold from glass" were very informative. Have you seen them all? If you have, let's chat.
                    Last edited by SilverToGold; 01-27-2013, 04:14 AM.


                    • #12
                      According to what I've heard it is indeed some sort of nascent gold... the weight of the stuff is off somehow. It does create some interesting effects though. Apparently one guy paid Champion a couple thousand dollars and Champion told him to alloy together copper and aluminum in a certain ratio... yielding gold colored aluminum copper alloy. Before that it was resonating (heating) aluminum at 303C, and before that it was mixing yeast and silver.

                      Does anybody have any methods of achieving this? That is, producing Au via transmutation? I am very interested in this. Just post here or PM.

                      I know of a way that works (confirmed by two people), but I need assistance from someone with an HHO torch because there are some unknown factors that prevent it from working. Basically I need more data to resolve this problem. If interested just PM me. Cost <$20 if you already have the torch.
                      Last edited by crestind; 01-31-2013, 03:24 AM.


                      • #13
                        The only one who correctly says that it is nascent gold is Fulcanelli in his "The Dwelling of the Philosophers" written before 1920.

                        The only thing needed to "make" this nascent gold is to dissolve silver in Nitric Acid. There will be little black flecks in the bottom of the vile and this is the nascent gold. The thing is that nowhere is it told how to fully mature this "baby" gold. Though the process given above may be the key to this. I don't know how to do it. But neither does Joe Champion!

                        The nascent gold is yellow, it is insoluble in Nitric Acid, insoluble in HCl, soluble in aqua regia (giving a yellow color as gold trichloride), can be precipitated when dissolved in aqua regia by zinc. It has all the properties of gold but one, it is not as dense as gold - though it is denser than silver.

                        The other thing is that this process can NOT be done on an industrial scale. The amount of this baby gold produces is in an inverse relation to the amount of silver dissolved. The larger amount of silver you dissolve, the less of this nascent gold is produced.

                        Not only this but this baby gold can revert back to silver if you aren't careful with it.

                        So all sorts of test will show gold.... but it is not really gold at all and no one (esp Champion) knows, much less is willing to tell, how to get real gold out of it.

                        An interesting experiment but no gold!

                        The yeast experiment of Champions is nothing more than silver toning.

                        Champion has never made a gram of gold from his "phonon resonance" technology but did make many thousands of dollars from people giving their hard earned cash for his gold license. Though I will admit that he does know how to increase the amount of nascent gold, he has no idea how to mature it.

                        Champion's early experiment with black sand and high heat combustion did produce real gold but the amount of gold produces is very small and the smoke is radioactive. Some of the early experimenters died from the radiation when they inhaled the smoke.

                        Plenty of ways to die messing with things you don't know anything about. If the feds and local crooks don't do you in, your own ignorance will.

                        Originally posted by crestind View Post
                        According to what I've heard it is indeed some sort of nascent gold... the weight of the stuff is off somehow. It does create some interesting effects though. Apparently one guy paid Champion a couple thousand dollars and Champion told him to alloy together copper and aluminum in a certain ratio... yielding gold colored aluminum copper alloy. Before that it was resonating (heating) aluminum at 303C, and before that it was mixing yeast and silver.


                        • #14
                          This is the first time I've heard of the radioactive smoke from his thermal burns. In any event his processes don't work or are wildly impractical. He's conned many out of thousands.
                          Last edited by crestind; 01-31-2013, 03:17 AM.


                          • #15
                            Are you referring to people who take lead and heat it with an HHO torch? I saw one report where it says that it transmuted it to a sizeable quantity of gold but where they ever able to get it out of the lead? Unless someone has a gold bar that they made, I wouldn't trust any lab results. May be a surface effect.

                            People like to call this fake ..

                            Lead into Gold - Your basic alchemy - YouTube

                            but I'm not so sure.

                            Originally posted by crestind View Post
                            Does anybody have any methods of achieving this? That is, producing Au via transmutation? I am very interested in this. Just post here or PM.

                            I know of a way that works (confirmed by two people), but I need assistance from someone with an HHO torch because there are some unknown factors that prevent it from working. Basically I need more data to resolve this problem. If interested just PM me. Cost <$20 if you already have the torch.

