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Channeled Writings from the Archangels & Ascended Masters

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  • #16
    Archangel Michael - The Diamond Doorway & Infinite Love

    This is another of my favorite messages from Archangel Michael written for October this year.


    The Diamond Doorway Opens : Are you Ready to Pass Through ?

    Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

    image by Peter Chastikov of Estonia

    And so it is, dearest Lightworkers, that you stand today at the threshold of the Diamond Doorway. You are about to pass through into the radiant Diamond Light of Infinite Love. Are you Ready? You may not feel so - but we can say that you are indeed! All humanity has made the Collective decision, and so you begin the process.

    Dearest Lightworkers - you are the ones who are the pioneers, you take the first steps in consciousness so that All may follow. And so it is that you are now courageously accepting the changes in body, mind and emotions, as you integrate with your I Am presence and become the Human Angel that you are. As you step across the threshold, you allow the manifestation of the Being within you that has been seeking to emerge in the last years of this transformation process.

    And, we will say, dearest ones, that you are not simply returning in time to reclaim some lost part of yourself. That work is already complete. You are taking a step forward into the consciousness of Present Infinity, the Now moment, where Past and Present and Future merge as One. And then, you experience the "Becoming" moment, as you Become a New Creation, something that the Earth has not seen before. This is the unfolding of all Past and Present Potential into the Full Presence of Who You Are now. As we experience this "birthing" moment with you, we celebrate Who You Are Now. And we see you in this way.

    You are no longer a Third-dimensional physical being only. You are a glorious Multi-dimensional being of radiant light. You are no longer a lesser and sinful being separated from God, but you are a spark of the Divine Flame of God Source in a human body. Dearest Ones, can you see how your consciousness has expanded to embrace who you really are? You have spent thousands of years believing that you were separate from the Source or Creator Power, and so you created that separation. And you created also separation from the planet, and from others, and in this distortion of your glorious light you created much violence, and the result was a deep sadness and grief in the Planetary Heart. As many of you return to now to full God or Source Consciousness, you feel the sadness and the grief of your long separation. All humanity mourns its separation and its broken heart! But know, dearest ones, that you were never shut out of Paradise except by your own choice. For the Source, the "God Love", lives within each one of you, and it will never cut you off and abandon you. It was indeed your choice to create this experience, and now it is your choice to end this illusion and return to a full consciousness of your God self.

    What did you gain by this choice? We see that you have developed individual mental and emotional consciousness, and that the individual consciousness can be aligned with the greater consciousness of Who You Are. Is this not indeed something to celebrate. You are, in the eyes of Spirit, a myriad of perfect Crystal Beings, each one a reflection of the radiance of the Source, each one made in God's "image" of perfection, and each one containing an awareness of itself and its beauty.

    And so, as this new creation, a Human Angelic being aware of the God Source within and aware as an individual self-consciousness, you are indeed a "New Creation". But, dearest ones, it is only when you fully embrace your Power as a Creator, and when you embrace your responsibilities as a "Co-Creator" with Spirit and with Others on the Planet, that you will fully enter into your new being as a Human Angel.

    We ask you - What will you Create in your new state of Being? Will you seek personal wealth and love only, or will you seek to move into your High Heart and begin to work to create abundance for All and the awareness of Unconditional Love for All? For we say to you, dearest ones, that Abundance is there for All, and that Love is always present. These are the very fabric of Existence and Creation. The extent to which you experience these individually and as a group is determined by your ability to give yourself permission to open your awareness to the blessings of love that surround you at each moment of every day.

    In your new state of Multi-dimensional consciousness, you must choose what you will see and what you will create. For, the most important skill of a Human Angel is the exercise of CHOICE in the service of the Light. You are offered choices at every moment, and how you choose will determine the quality of your creations and how you experience them. When you pass through the Diamond Doorway into a Multi-dimensional consciousness, you have agreed to create only from Love. Your choices will be made from and through Love.
    This means, dearest souls, that you will live your lives in a new creative paradigm. You will make choices in a new way. You will, perhaps, ask yourself these questions as you create:
    Am I creating from and through Unconditional Love for myself and others?
    Will my creation bring the highest good for myself and others and the planet?
    Am I reacting to others and their creations from individual and personal emotional or mental patterns, or am I responding as a channel for the Love of Source?
    Am I ready to surrender to the flow of Love from Spirit and to Trust that my creation will manifest in perfection at the right time?
    Am I creating from my Heart in a balanced and loving way?

    Dearest ones, if you can keep asking yourselves these questions as you step across the portal into the Diamond Light, you will begin to relax into this new energy and you will begin to find the flow of creative joy in your new Multi-dimensional Being.

    And so, we will say to you, that the key to this process of shifting through the doorway, is the Heart. If you can hold your energy in your Heart in a balanced and powerful way, you will have no difficulty in moving into your full potential as a Creator.

    For, your Heart is the Creative Matrix for the New Earth. It is from and through your Heart that you will create. It is in co-operation with all the other Hearts on the grid of Love that you will create all that you desire together.
    So, we ask you to remember two things. Firstly, that in this new place of the Heart, you will be aware that All is Connected and Inter-connected. You will truly feel and understand that you are all One in the Unconditional Creative Love of Source. You will see others as manifestations of your own self, of your dreams and desires, and you will truly understand how you create together. You will learn to look at the mirror of your creations and to respond with joy and gratitude, for all that you create will be in balance and will fill your Heart with Joy and Gratitude. And, as you create the New Earth together, you will feel such Joy and Gratitude for the Creative Power that lies within your Beloved Heart.
    And, secondly, we ask you to remember that you are Infinite and Eternal. You are an Angelic Being of Light and you will never die. You will continue eternally in a process of "Becoming". Becoming All that your "I Am" can be in a process of expressing your full potential as a Being of Light and Love.

    So, we say again, what will you create? For, it is only through your creations that you will know yourself. And, as you see what you have created, both as an individual and with others, you can make new choices so that your creations can become richer and more beautiful and more dynamic, and more filled with the radiant beauty of the Diamond Light of Spirit.

    And so, you will gain experience and skill as a Creator. And so you will "Become" ever more radiant and beautiful and ever more a reflection of the Divine Light of Source on the Material Plane.
    And so, we leave you on this special day, wishing you love and beauty on your Creative Adventure.

    © 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Peter Chastikov

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
    You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

    Love, Light & Blessings to You All,
    Theta Healing
    Paths 2 Potential

    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


    • #17
      11:11:11 Energies

      These images are channeled by Jan from his guides & although they were done in 2005 I believe there is no time or space so ENJOY these beautiful images & ENERGIES of 11:11:11!

      The 11:11:11 Energies

      A Photo Essay in Crystals

      Images by Jan Custers

      Text by Celia Fenn

      At this time of Radiant Cosmic Energies, we are privileged to be able to share in Jan's interpretation of the energies through his beautiful Crystal Images.
      Each of these images holds the power of the Cosmic 11:11:11 energies, and can be used as a focus of meditation on the energies.

      The Crystal Energies
      carrying the key to Christ Consci
      flow through the Cosmic Gate

      Gold and Silver
      Indigo and Orange and Pink
      The Divine Feminine
      and the Divine Masculine
      Unite in Sacred Union
      Creating patterns and paths
      for the New Earth

      The Two that are One
      The One that is Two

      Hear the Celestial Music

      Breathe in the Sacred Energies
      allow them to flow through you
      feel the power of Alignment
      As your Higher and Lower beings merge
      in one Perfect Union
      It is time to Sing and Dance
      and harmonize with the LOVE
      of All That Is!

      04-5 Jan Custers,Celia Fenn and the Starchild Ascension Group

      This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.

      Love , Light & Blessings ,
      Theta Healing
      Paths 2 Potential

      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


      • #18

        maybe this is 11:11...The Divine Feminine
        and the Divine Masculine... Interesting!!!
        Attached Files
        Blessings with Aloha Keoi
        <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
        Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


        • #19
          Archangel Michael

          Thank you very much Sharyn,
          Here is other channellings from Michael:

          With Gratitude
          Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


          • #20
            Thank you

            Hi Elias,

            Thank you for the link . I had actually discovered that website a short time ago & although I have looked at some of the information there I had not noticed that there was some on Archangel Michael. I will check it out shortly!

            Love, Light & Blessings to You ,
            Theta Healing
            Paths 2 Potential

            "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


            • #21
              Very Interesting

              Keoi ,

              That is certainly an interesting possibility. When I first saw the painting when it was originally posted I didn't know what to make of it but it definitely looks like 2 energy sources to me & it could be construed as representing the number 11! So the energies of 11:11 would seem to fit! WOW!

              Love, Light & Blessings to You ,
              Theta Healing
              Paths 2 Potential

              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


              • #22
                11:11 -The Sacred Union of the Christos/Magdalena Energies

                11:11 : The Diamond Grid and the "Sacred Heart" of the Planet

                The Sacred Union of the Christos/Magdalena Energies

                Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

                "For Your Heart is the Creation matrix for the New Earth. It is from and through your Hearts that you will create. It is in co-operation with all the other Hearts on the Grid of Love that you will create all that you desire Together."

                Dearest Lightworkers, this was the message that we gave to you at the 10:10 portal, as you moved through what we termed the "Diamond Doorway" into a new and radiant level of consciousness. Now we can say to you that at this time, on the 11:11, the Diamond Grid has stabilized on Planet Earth.

                Because of your intentions and your focus, you have healed and created this grid of Heart energy around the planet in co-operation with Spirit and the Angelic Realms. The work is complete. And now, because the Diamond Grid is stable, the Sacred Heart of the Planet is once again stable and able to open out and pulse with the love of the Source that comes to you through the Heartbeat or pulses of the Great Cosmic Heart. Dearest Lightworkers, we cannot tell you what joy is felt in the Higher Realms of Angelic Love as we see the Sacred Heart of the Planet once more revealed in Perfect Love. Indeed, the planet is entering into that blessed and beautiful state of Sacred Union, where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are in Perfect Balance.

                This balance creates the power and the energy for the process of Creation in a perfect and balanced way. Dearest Lightworkers, we know that you have struggled to create in a balanced way, and that has been because the balance was not there on your planet. The mental or mind grid had become too strong, and those creations that came from the Heart were not able to manifest in purity and balance. And so, no matter how hard you tried, you never seemed to find that path of balance and joy. But, over the past years of your transformation, you have opened your Hearts and you have agreed to hold the Heart energy so that the Heart Grid could once again become a shining and beautiful reality on your planet. And we know, dearest ones, how hard you have had to work in order to hold that energy as it has connected up from Heart to Heart. We have seen how you have opened your Hearts to the Divine Feminine and how you have opened your hearts to each other. And so, you created a Shining grid of Radiant Diamond Light that encircles the Planet, from Heart to Heart. And, this Heart Grid which radiates Divine Unconditional Love will be the Grid that will provide the foundation for the New Earth. On this Grid you will create in Love and Harmony and with Divine Grace.

                So, dearest ones, we celebrate with you the brilliant Diamond Light and Radiance of the 11:11. We see this Radiance surround your Planet as the Heart Grid is stabilized and takes shape once again. On the 12:12 of this Year...the Sacred Union or Marriage will be completed on this Grid, and the Creation of the New Earth will flow out of this Divine Sacred Union.

                This will be a time of great power and joy - for the Balance will be Held. The Balance will return. The Great Goddess or Feminine Archetypal energy who holds the Balance in the Cosmos - Ma'at - will once again hold the Balance of Love on your Planet. And, All Life will return once again into a state of Balance and Divine Love. You have made that Choice for yourselves!

                Dearest ones, we will be giving to you a "Sacred Heart" meditation in the next weeks which will enable you, as individuals, to work with the Sacred Heart energies within yourselves, and as such, to also work with these energies for the planet in preparation for the 12:12.

                At this time, we would just ask that you see the balance of Masculine and Feminine energies on the Planet at this time as the Balance returns. First, dearest ones, with the help of the Indigo Children, you worked to establish the Christos of Christ grid on the planet. This was a grid of pure awareness and Higher Consciousness, that represented the Divine Masculine energies. It contained within itself the energy of the Spiritual Warrior, and it enabled you to reach for your Freedom to create beyond the limitations of the Third-dimensional mental matrix, and to create from the power of your I AM essence. It enabled you to connect with the Power within your being and to open yourselves to receive more and more Light into your Being.

                And then, there were those of you who opened your Heart's to the Radiance of the Divine Feminine. With the help of the Crystal Children, you welcomed the Goddess and honored her in your Life and in your Bodies and in your Hearts. You created a space for her in your Heart's once again. And you accepted her in all her Solar Manifestation, with her power to create, and her passion and her sensuality. And so, the Magdalena Grids, or the Goddess grids, which had been closed and dormant, were re-activated, and then cleansed and filled with Light. This was not an easy process, and in this year of 2007, many dedicated Lightworkers have travelled to sacred sites all over the planet with the express purpose of cleansing the Magdalena grids and re-activating the Goddess energies, so that the Sacred Heart of the Planet might once more awaken. And so, the Sacred Heart might also awaken in every human on the planet who has made the choice to live in a Fifth Dimensional Reality of Divine Inter-connected Love.

                And so, the work is done, and the Diamond grid shines around your planet and the Sacred Heart shines with a brilliant radiance.

                We ask you to see how the two grids, the Christos Masculine Flame and the Magdalena Feminine Flame blend together. They are like alternate pulses within that one heartbeat, and they come together to create that perfect moment when the Two Flames of Love fuse to Become One in the Manifestation of Source Love that you call the "Twin Flame".

                And so, dearest Lightworkers, if you ask, what does this mean for you and your planet, we will say that it will mean that you will begin to feel a softness and a gentleness and deep love returning to your planet. You will begin to feel that flow of love and nurturing that comes through the Magdalena grids, to lift your Hearts and Spirits. The time of struggle will pass away, and you will feel how you are supported and loved by the energy that flows from this new Diamond Heart grid. Dearest ones, we ask you to open your Hearts at this time! It is only with an Open Heart that you will be able to connect with the Diamond Grid and feel the flow of the Heart energy as it moves through you and surrounds you with the Love and Grace of the Creator and the Abundance that comes through Love.

                You will see this with the "eyes" of the Heart and not the Mind. In time, the mind will come to accept the Love and Support of this Shining Grid. It will come to feel the Love that pours from the Sacred Heart of the Planet. And then, Humanity will awaken to the Love within each and every Sacred Heart on the Planet, and then you will Create a New Earth from that Love.

                Dearest Lightworkers, this is your moment. Rejoice with us and feel the Love and Support that flows to You at this time. You are abundantly blessed!

                © 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
                You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

                Love, Light & Blessings
                Theta Healing
                Paths 2 Potential

                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                • #23

                  By Celia Fenn

                  14th November : Living in the Passions of the Heart in the New Earth I am going to shift the subject slightly, and share with you some information that came through to me today from Archangel Michael through a private channel, and made so much sense to me about how we are all feeling right now.

                  Many of the letters I get are about relationship energies, and people expressing pain at their inability to "connect" with that soulmate in passionate ways. Or indeed, to find a relationship where they can express their heart energies.

                  This makes them feel sad and lonely and depressed. I often used to wonder why it seemed so important to find that particular partner, and why this was a desire that never seemed to dim not matter how young or old the person was. It seemed to be a soul desire rather than a physical desire.
                  So, here are the words from Archangel Michael about the Passions of the Heart, and how we are still learning how to be in our Passions and hold our Passions in the Heart, before we can fully express them in a powerful Twin Flame or Sacred Union. It makes sense to me, and makes sense of the feelings that I have been experiencing the last few days and the need to be able to express what I was feeling and have it heard and accepted by others. This is an extract from a written channel:

                  The issue of partnership is also one that concerns many people right now. As the Earth moves into her own personal alignment with her Twin Flame energy, humans also feel a deep need to be in that Twin Flame passion. Indeed, the Milky Way Galaxy is currently merging with the Andromeda Galaxy, and the energy of passion and love that flames from that great unified Heart is very strong. Its resonance is felt on many levels, and the desire for Union is part of the great changes and transformations that you are experiencing right now.

                  ..... what you have learned about relationships in this life is not adequate to bring you into a Twin Flame Sacred Union, for that is what your heart desires. You see, the way to create Sacred Union is complete surrender to Divine Will and Power. It is not about looking for the “right” person or the person who attracts you most in a physical or sexual way. There are many people who enter into intense sexual relationships and imagine that this is the energy of the Twin Flame. Indeed, it is not. The passion of the Twin Flame burns in the Heart, and has very little to do with sexuality. It may be expressed through sexuality by two beings who are able to bring the energy down to the physical, and that can be very powerful. In Lemurian and Egyptian times, this was an art that was left to the priests and priestesses, for they were best able to carry the powerful Twin Flame energies in their bodies without being thrown into imbalance. But now, one of the gifts of this New Earth is that all humans are being enabled to create and experience the Twin Flame Union in their own Lives.

                  However, dearest one, so many self-sabotage these relationships because they seek first the material and sexual expression of the relationship before they have grounded it into their Hearts and created the required weaving of Light and Spirit that will hold the relationship.

                  So, what you are all learning, is how to "be", and to create a new kind of relationship, that emanates from the Heart and is expressed through the Heart. Until you can do this, you will find that you will continue to feel as though there is nothing for you, for you will be seeking for something in the “wrong place” as it were.

                  So, what we are saying..... is that in order to attract a partnership of great passion, you have to be able to live and hold that passion in your own life and in your own heart first. Then you will be able to hold the love and passion of another being in your Heart, and then you will create a great and powerful union. You cannot “avoid” the passion and the intensity of intimacy by escaping into work or other addictions, and still expect the relationship to be passionate and heart-based.

                  At this time, you as a people, are still in the learning stages of this energy. Both men and women are still learning how it feels to make a powerful connection through the Heart, and how to nurture and care for that connection. For, once the seed is planted in the Heart, it must be nurtured and cared for every day, otherwise, like any plant, it will wither and die. So, with these new relationship energies, the way to allow the “plant” of the heart to flourish is to water it daily with the energy of Unconditional Love and intimacy.

                  It requires great honesty and openness, and the ability to be vulnerable and to express exactly what you are feeling. For, the other person knows immediately what you are thinking and feeling through that Heart bond, and if they experience anything less than total honesty to those feelings in your actions, then the bond will wither and die. For the Heart only “speaks” in total honesty and in total alignment, the heart and the mind must speak as one, or an imbalance is created and the relationship will not grow and flourish.

                  However, if that intimacy and honesty and openness of the Heart can be established, then the relationship will become one of great power and passion and love.

                  So, .... when you ask about relationships, this is what we can say……you are all in this learning phase, and few of you have yet discovered the power of the Heart and the power of the Passion and Intimacy of the Heart. It is what you all seek, but it is what you have yet to find within yourselves as you move away from the old concepts of relationships as sexual/material experiences to the new paradigm where relationships are powerful and passionate expressions of the Heart and Soul as well as the physical body.

                  Indeed, this is why so many of you are thrown into depression and stress so often, for you feel the energy of this great passion at moments, and then it slips away as you fall into the old patterns of relationship and energy. Indeed, you are all learning, rather painfully sometimes, how to be in the moment of Intimacy and Passion and Sharing, and to be capable of carrying that intensity with Love and Joy in your Hearts and in your body.

                  Dearest one, learn to trust yourself and your feelings. If you feel great Joy, then express it to those who are near you. If you feel great pain or sadness, express that too. In this New Earth, you are learning how to support your own feelings and to support those of others by sharing what you are feeling and thinking with compassion and unconditional love. It is only when you are capable of feeling these powerful energies and expressing them, without falling into anger or into “victim” patterns, that you will be able to hold and express the powerful energies of the “Twin Flame” in all your creative relationships.

                  So, know that you are all learning and that, just as you learnt how to hold these new incoming energies in your bodies, you will learn how to hold them in your Heart and how to balance them and to nurture them through expressing them in honest and loving ways and having them received with openness and love.

                  For, dearest one, this is how passion flows between sacred hearts and loving souls. It is expressed and shared, and in that communion is the Flame of true Creative Energy. It is the dancing of Hearts in the power of Unconditional Love.
                  So, ......we hope that we have been able to show you the process that you are all experiencing as you learn how to be Passionate from the Heart and how to experience the Intense Flame of the Source within your Hearts in loving and supportive relationships. First, within your own Heart, and then by opening your Heart and sharing your already existing passion with another. The other person will not give you the passion or create it for you, it must be there already to be shared in the unfolding of the bond between you, and it must be equal and based in unconditional love.

                  Love, Light & Blessings,
                  Theta Healing
                  Paths 2 Potential

                  "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                  • #24
                    Thanks for post this!

                    This last channeling you posted was great. I copied and sent it to my daughter. She has been concerned with why she can't seem to meet the right person. It almost seemed that this was written for her!!!
                    Keep up these posts, people are reading and I think many different channelings here,resonate with different people!!!

                    Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                    <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                    Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                    • #25
                      Shifting to a Multi Dimensional Consciousness Part1

                      Thank you for your comments Keoi. I'm glad that you are enjoying the channelings & found the last article in particular useful for your daughter.

                      The following personal message from Celia & her channeling was from last September but when I was rereading it yesterday I was struck again with the beauty of the message & felt compelled to post it here.

                      Choosing Simplicity and Creative Compassion...and Releasing "Addictions" to Suffering

                      An article and channel from Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

                      image by Franziska of Germany

                      In these intense and changing times, many people are still struggling with making the shift of consciousness from a Third Dimensional reality to a Multi-Dimensional reality. Some think that they are alone in their struggles, and that they are missing out on the promised Joy and Peace, because they do not feel it.

                      This channel given below was done for a private client and is reproduced here with permission. The client felt intense anguish and pain about his life, and had many questions as to why he could not embrace the grace that was offered and why he was stuck in low self worth and feelings of negativity and fear.

                      The answer that came from Archangel Michael seems to have answered his question, but also shed light on why some people seem unable,as yet, break though the levels of suffering and pain and lack in their lives.

                      When I was at the World Congress on Illumination, we did talk much about the end of suffering and pain, and the coming of the golden age of vibrant health and well-being. But, this can only be established after the shift, and the shift is that transformation of consciousness where we understand that we, as a Collective and as Individuals, are the Creators of our own Reality, and that we can choose to create suffering or not.

                      Now, this is not a facile "blaming" of those who suffer and saying "it is your own fault". That would not be compassionate or loving or helpful in any way. However, what is being suggested is that as a Collective, Humanity has chosen to create pain and suffering that was never part of the original plan. These choices have been encoded into our culture through religion. And these choices persist on a deep subconscious level, until we can change our consciousness and recode the consciousness at a cellular level. This will activate the "blueprint" for perfect health in every cell and within our being.

                      Consider, that Christianity teaches that we die because we are sinful. This surely inculcates a deep sense of low self worth and powerlessness in dealing with life and death. The Eastern religions teach "karma", where the individual is caught in an endless web of retribution and repayment that is the rationale for suffering. The Buddhists teach that suffering is normal and must be accepted. Each of these spiritual paths includes as a main tenet a deep belief in unworthiness and suffering that is passed on from generation to generation, encoding these beliefs within the DNA of generations of people. Then, new individuals are born with these beliefs already encoded in their cells. It is only the New Children, the Indigos and Crystals who are being born with a sense of not needing this unworthiness, and taking on their power to create something new. Their new energy has enabled many of those who were born with the old "coding" to shift their consciousness and begin to move into their own personal power as Co-Creators with Spirit.

                      If we can now accept that we can release the mind created illusions that limit our creations, we can move to that place where we can accept that we are the channels for Divine Creative Essence on the Earth, and that life was meant to be lived in Harmony with the Divine Light and Love, in Peace, Harmony and Love, and that abundance and good health are the rights of each person who chooses to incarnate on this Earth. Yes, indeed a "shift" in consciousness for all of us!

                      The channel begins with Archangel Michael giving two principles that can be applied to making this shift and letting go of what he as termed "habitual" or "addictive" patterns of thought and self-destructive behavior. For, humanity has become addicted to suffering and drama, and is needing to see how it may let go and shift to a more simple and peaceful and joyous way of life.

                      Theta Healing
                      Paths 2 Potential

                      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                      • #26
                        Shifting to a Multi Dimensional Consciousness Part 2

                        The channel

                        First we will say : “Let Go”…..and then we will say : “Simplify”. These two steps, when applied to your life and to every situation, will help you to move beyond the quagmire of the mind that catches you at every turn.

                        So, let us explain. First, we say that you need to “Let go”. We see that whenever you are in a situation of great stress, your survival mechanism is to turn to the mind. On a deep level, you have given your mind permission to take over your life and to run your life. Now, the ego mind is by no means equipped for this function. The work of the ego mind is to deal with the Third Dimension. It weighs and quantifies according to what it knows. And, usually it finds that it does not know enough to cope with the larger questions of life and then it panics. In your case, the panic manifests as an endless stream of questions to which you can apparently find no answer.
                        So, let us say that this response is but a mirror for the process that goes on within you.

                        So, we would say – let go. When your mind switches into these long philosophical dialogues you have two choices The first is to acknowledge that this is what your mind is doing, and that you may “enjoy” these romps through the park with your mind, but that they will indeed solve nothing for you, except to take you around and around, for this is the nature of mind. I am sure you are familiar with the Socratic method, and the understanding that anything can be proven or disproven if you know how to rationalize and argue to good effect. So the workings of the mind are designed to do just that, to rationalize what appears in the outer world so that it can be assimilated.

                        However, at this time, life is no longer Third Dimensional, it is Multi-Dimensional, and the mind is no longer able to explain and assimilate. It panics and it rambles and it argues, but it cannot assimilate.

                        Now, at this point, it is better to let go. Switch off the mind, for the mind will not solve your problems or find your solutions. It is only consciousness that will do so. Your great scientist and philosopher, Albert Einstein, said that a problem cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness as it was created. So, obviously, what is needed is a shift of consciousness so that problems can be solved or put in true perspective.

                        Now, the great shift that is now happening is nothing other than a shift to a new level of consciousness where what seems like “problems” with time and space could be solved to the best abilities. And, we will say, that you will begin to realize that the mind will never give you answers.

                        When you move from mind and thought, to consciousness and feeling, you will experience a very different perspective on your life. For the mind panics and becomes desperate, and it moves into fear. From a basis of fear, you cannot solve anything, for fear limits manifestation and miracles. So, those who are trapped in the mind and fear tend to be unable to release themselves from the webs of their fear and anxiety.
                        Now, when you move into consciousness and the Heart, you know that all is in Divine Order and that All is Well. This brings a great sense of Peace, as well as Gratitude and Love, and from this basis you can begin to create and make changes. For, the Universe loves joy and gratitude, and it attracts the flow of abundance and love. And this flow creates the miracles that you need and desire to make changes in your life.

                        So, when you “let go” you release what holds you back and you clear the way to create something new.
                        Now, when we say “simplify” we are taking you to the next step. In your modern life there is so much “stuff” that you think that you need to be happy. When you enter into your Heart space, you will find that what you need is really very simple, and can be simplified very easily. We say, focus on the simple needs of your life, and all will be given. By this we mean, the basic needs for shelter, food and clothing and love. Well, if you have all these needs met, then you have room for gratitude, and you should express that gratitude every day. You should live the gratitude that the Earth has provided for you and those that you love.

                        Now, having met those basic needs, with gratitude, ask yourself what you might need to create an even greater gratitude and appreciation of what you already have. What simple things might you ask for that would enhance your appreciation of the abundance and love that you ALREADY HAVE in your life.

                        You see, dearest soul, we are focusing here not on what you lack, but what you have. And this is a complete change of perspective. Indeed, this is your own personal “shift” from suffering to peace. For your contract with the Earth is to be provided for while you experience life. Of course, in the modern world, everyone feels entitled to experience this at the highest level of material comfort and feels deprived if they do not. And this leads to more suffering of the mind, for the feeling of failure is intense if you do not achieve levels of material wealth and comfort that dictate the lifestyle of success.

                        You might ask yourself, dearest one, when you leave the planet, will you look back and see all the material comforts you had, all the things that you possessed, or will you look back for the love and the joy that you shared with others?
                        In truth, the great shift is not so much about moving into “quantum” reality, as in moving into COMPASSION. Both for yourself and for all others. When you start with yourself, you say “I am perfect as I am and I am in the perfect place for me at this time. God has led me here!”. When you can accept that the God-force within you has created where you are and what you are right now, then you can pause and be grateful for what you have. You can see the wonder and the miracles, instead of the lack and the pain.

                        Now, we will say, that at this time of accelerated evolution, you are indeed being “pushed” very hard to make that breakthough into Compassion consciousness. You are being pushed to almost unbearable tension, so that you will let go of the mind and its demands and illusions, and enter into the Heart Space of gratitude and creativity. When you enter into CREATIVE COMPASSION, you mind will cease its endless demands for something else, something more, something to ease the pain…..for indeed the pain is an illusion!

                        What we have termed the shift is a shift on
                        CONSCIOUSNESS. Can you not see that you have all that you need to be happy on the Earth. Can you not see the joy and the beauty and the peace around you. And if you can, can you share this with others so that they can “see” it too. For the pain and suffering that you have created, you have created with your minds. You see only the lack and the pain and the loss, and you do not see the beauty and the gifts that are given in every moment of every day.

                        For, the Source pours out its gifts of Love and Abundance at all times. The Cosmos is a place of infinite riches, if you will only allow yourself to experience these riches. When you switch off the mind and begin to feel the richness of the gifts that you are given, the mind no longer keeps demanding, and the soul is able to enjoy the richness of what has been created.

                        Dearest soul, release the old energy view of yourself as a suffering victim of your circumstances, and see yourself for what you are. You are the pinnacle of spiritual and social evolution, a being of great complexity and intelligence, but you are still, very simply, a part of the Divine Essence, a spark of Compassionate Creativity, and you are held within the Light and Love of God at all times.

                        If you can bring yourself to that place of Simple Grace, all else will fall into place for you. You will see that there is nothing that you have to do and no other place that you have to be. You will surrender your will to the unfolding of the Divine Will through you, and you will know that all will unfold for the Highest Good and as it is meant to in harmony with Unconditional Love and Creative Compassion.

                        And this surrender of the mind and the will opens up the place for gratitude and joy, and that in turn opens up the space for the creation of miracles. For the Cosmos loves to create miracles and abundant joy, so that the more gratitude and playfulness you can experience, the more the Cosmos will join in and bring you ever more things to celebrate and to be joyful about.

                        So, we would say also, release what you think that you need, and allow the Divine Will to guide your steps. You may find for a while that nothing will happen as you re-orientate your inner “compass” to this new direction. But, after a time, you will find that things will begin to move in a new direction as you open your Heart and your Being to the great and creative adventure of life.

                        For indeed, it is that simple, life is no more that the Source exploring the Dimensions of Light that were its first acts of Creative Compassion. And so, your life is simply an exploration of that place where you find yourself, and an acknowledgement of the Love that exists within all and every thing in this Light Filled dimension of Joy. The “darkness” and suffering are and always were, creations of the Mind that were an answer to the fear that arose when the explorations became intense and the being felt challenged in its growth and evolution. Fear is a way of holding back and staying in the same place, but it does not produce growth which is the nature of the Divine Light.

                        (continued next post)

                        Theta Healing
                        Paths 2 Potential

                        "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                        • #27
                          Shifting to a Multi Dimensional Consciousness Part 3

                          This has been a long discussion, but we meant to show you how simple it is once you grasp the essence of Life and the Spiritual Voyage of the Soul. It was never meant to be difficult, it was meant to be a simple unfolding and a joyful creation. If you can release the mind’s need to demand and control, then you can experience life in this way.
                          You can have all that you want, but you must start with Gratitude and Simplicity and create with Compassion from that point.

                          So, dearest soul, we hope that we can deliver you from the grasp of mind and deliver you to the angelic self within, where you can see that it is not you that provides for your family, but Spirit and the Divine, and that all you need do is be grateful for that co-operation and then work to further that co-operation in ways that bring joy to all of you.
                          Release and let go of all the old “mind stories” of low self worth and of not being good enough. Everyone is good enough to be loved and provided for, and indeed if you accept that, then that is what will be in your life.

                          Release all energies of guilt, doubt and negativity. Make a conscious effort to release these feelings and thoughts, and you will create that space of gratitude and grace that will create infinite blessings for you and all those around you.
                          It is so simple, dearest soul, it is the “formula” of life that was set into your DNA when the original blueprint was activated by the great Elohim. And it is still there, waiting for you to see how simple it can be when you allow and accept and create from Grace and Creative Compassion.

                          And so, we leave you now with a hug of love and light. You are greatly loved and you are protected at each step. You are also a powerful Master of Light, and we await your Creations with joy and love!

                          © 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Franziska

                          This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

                          Love, Light & Blessings,
                          Theta Healing
                          Paths 2 Potential

                          "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                          • #28
                            Thank You

                            This puts many things into perspective for me. I am printing this out for the times when my brain wants to rationalize every nook and cranny, which at this moment in time is more often than not.
                            Marnyka Z. Buttry
                            Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                            • #29

                              Hi Marynka,

                              I really like Celia Fenn's channels of Archangel Michael, as you have probably already guessed by now. She also writes a lot of her own personal articles with compassion & wisdom which I find are also extremely good to read. She has great love & empathy for all people, animals & this planet & this shines through in her own writings.

                              If you would like to read more, in particular her section on indigo & crystal children you will find a lot more information at her website Starchild Global

                              Love, Light & Blessings to you,
                              Theta Healing
                              Paths 2 Potential

                              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                              • #30

                                Hi Sharyn,

                                I just wanted to share my gratitude for the messages that you have posted here. I have studied the Masters works for a long time, but the things that I have created to experience in my life have been so overwhelming lately, and I have found myself hiding from my heart and from Michael et. al.
                                I came to this forum via my research into radiant energy technologies (a diversion). But I "stumbled" onto this thread because of the title. As I read through it I realized the lengths that spirit has gone through to get around the blockages that I have created to my Heart connection with who I AM.
                                The last channel from Michael really did it. I was in tears with the release that I felt as the illusions that I had created in my mind melted away in the presence of his Love.
                                I am greatful to Michael and the Masters. But I felt so compelled to share my gratitude with you for compiling this thread that I am posting this as my first post to any forum. I have a deep trust in spirit to guide me and even when I tried to hide, spirit found away around and caught me in my fall.
                                I am sure there are others that this has reached in a similar manner, but I know that for me this was of divine arrangement.


