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Discussion. Best way to use heat from HHO to generate electricity

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  • Roland
    Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
    Thanks Roland. I need to go back and organize my notes now so that I can find everything easier. I didn't remember the micron size of the pore diameter he recommended.

    I'll definitely take that into consideration.
    Forget about the envelope, now PowerMe says not to use one. he perfers we attach the crystals to a "porous composite, electro plating, aerated ceramic, etc."
    I would ask him how to do this, but i know the his answer You are the teacher The creator .../ then 3 pages later he will answer this when enough folks ask.

    He also added today that pressure is need when making crystals. now that bring up safety issues.

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  • Slovenia
    Thanks Roland

    Thanks Roland. I need to go back and organize my notes now so that I can find everything easier. I didn't remember the micron size of the pore diameter he recommended.

    I'll definitely take that into consideration.

    Originally posted by Roland View Post
    Your link goes to soft Tyvek. I think the problem with the soft is the pores are too big 0.25 to 0.32 mm is 250 320 microns. I think 5-10 maybe 25 microns is what powerme recommended. i have not looked at all there products there may be a better one.

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  • Roland
    Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
    There are a lot of tyvek suppliers out there on the net. This is pretty fantastic stuff. They also have tyvek tape. Anyway, here is a link to one of the sites that has it.

    Tyvek® Soft Structure, Tyvek® Fabric, Soft Tyvek® - Material Concepts, Inc.

    [Tyvek for making envelopes to house the crystals.]
    Your link goes to soft Tyvek. I think the problem with the soft is the pores are too big 0.25 to 0.32 mm is 250 320 microns. I think 5-10 maybe 25 microns is what powerme recommended. i have not looked at all there products there may be a better one.

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  • Slovenia
    Tyvek Supplier

    There are a lot of tyvek suppliers out there on the net. This is pretty fantastic stuff. They also have tyvek tape. Anyway, here is a link to one of the sites that has it.

    Tyvek® Soft Structure, Tyvek® Fabric, Soft Tyvek® - Material Concepts, Inc.

    [Tyvek for making envelopes to house the crystals.]

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    Originally posted by altrez View Post
    I am working on it. Will post some results soon. Very interesting results.

    Thats Great! Looking forward to seeing them.

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  • Slovenia
    No Offense Taken Power1

    Thanks Power1. No offense taken. You are a very good teacher and I want to see the light.

    Also, I like the oriental peoples very much. They are very hard working; very eager to help others; very courteous; and they have very keen minds. I wish one of them would help me reach the next level of being able to communicate with the higher self.

    Thanks again for all your help and your responses!!

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  • Slovenia
    New Power1 Study Group

    I set up a new off-site study group for Power1 for those interested in studying and experimenting with his fuel saving methods. Anyway, it is open to anyone who wants to join and take part.

    I have archived all my updated Power1 files there and will try to keep them up to date.

    Power1Crystal-PiezoelectricStudyGP : Power1 Crystal-Piezoelectric Study GP
    Last edited by Slovenia; 03-01-2011, 02:12 PM. Reason: typo

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  • Slovenia
    Daniel Dingel

    Power1 posted this tidbit today, March 1, 2011:

    link to Daniel Dingles site with more informtion and certificates of tests, his piezo transducers are much more effecient, I don't know of his formulation but it seems he's able to fracture HHO with only 36watts, you can use off the shelf transducers that will produce enough HHO t run a 2.4litre engine consuming under 300 watts, fine tuning will bring it down to 100 watts.

    Daniel Dingel - Filipino Inventor

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  • Slovenia
    Power1 Posted on OverUnity

    Power1 is back to posting regularly on Over Unity if you are following this thread. You can find him at:

    (Check the lower half of the page at the following link.)
    Practical Method for Production of Water Fuel with Piezoelectric

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  • altrez
    Originally posted by RAD-HHO View Post
    Have you conducted any tests? Can you give us an update?
    I am working on it. Will post some results soon. Very interesting results.


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    Have you conducted any tests? Can you give us an update?

    Originally posted by altrez View Post
    Here is a short video with the results of my crystal growing experiment. In order to verfy that any hydrogen is being produce I will have to wait until I have money to rent a gas analyzer / H2 sensor.

    YouTube - zno crystals

    I will also take a sample of what I prodcued and mail it to my Lab buddies over at the universty and see if they can figure out how effective the proccess was.

    I was going to add it to my chamber but I am afraid that my yield might not be efficient enough to produce any results at all.

    The tests I have planed are as fallows:

    1. Spark Plug test with no water vapor.
    2. Spark Plug Test with ultrasonic water mist.
    3. Spark Plug test with ultrasonic water mist with ZNO crystals added.
    4. Weight of chamber before a 1 hour run.
    5. Weight of chamber after 1 hour run.
    6. Total battery drain.
    7. Total over all power consumption.


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  • Slovenia

    I have heard of the piezos being used to fracture gasoline in carburetor type cars before. Astro Club in South Australia was doing experiments like that at one time as I recall.

    Originally posted by FRC View Post
    Check out the Euro Fuelsaver thread. Looks like they are using a piezoelectric
    device with gasoline instead of water. Probably works, any thoughts ?


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  • Slovenia
    Power1 Contact

    Hi Power1,

    Very good to see you are still posting on Over Unity.

    The purpose of my closed discussion group scenario, was not to hide the truth, but to get a few dedicated persons together so that we could all pull our resources together and understand what you have shared without any interference from outside detractors. The idea was that once we had working devices, crystals, etc. that we would then share all the information with everyone.

    Anyway, I am still trying to understand how to connect with one's higher self as you put it so that I can glean my own answers. So far with much study I have been unable to comprehend how to do this. I would much rather gain this knowledge than that of the crystals.

    Thanks for all you have shared. You have shown us a light that we had not seen before.

    P.S.: I have an account with Over Unity but my password there does not work and they will not get back to me with information to allow me to enter the site, so I am unable to post there now. So, please continue to watch this thread. Thanks!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by Slovenia; 02-28-2011, 09:48 PM. Reason: Added a line

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  • Slovenia
    Power1 Posted on OverUnity Today (Feb 28, 2011)

    Power1 Post:

    Re: Practical Method for Production of Water Fuel with Piezoelectric
    « Reply #32 on: Today at 09:44:21 PM »

    Quote from: fishman on Today at 06:21:32 PM

    Are these dry crystals fragle?

    The paint like paste does dry sticking to the container. Is there a preferred method to un-stick them? Do we just scarp the dryed paste off the sides? does it mater?

    You are the creator, what do you think is best?.

    Good job RAD, now proceed to testing. Do not discard ammonium, save for next batch. Then fuse the same crystals with magnesium to achieve higher permittity. Methods already discussed.

    For those of you that still do not understand the Power of Natural Intelligence, the whole mainstream knowledge of electricity was observed by Henry Cavendish and later theorized by James Maxwell. Tesla made major improvements.

    While most of you are fascinated by Ismael's radiant car, You too have the power to achieve the same result if you choose to take control of your own reality. Ismael was self taught, but he seems to have fallen for the same bait of Greed.

    We are surrounded by energy, I have already discussed practical methods to harvesting energy directly from the enviroments, this knowledge is not new nor exotic, Photovoltaic effect of Lead Sulfide was first disclosed in 1904, and for the multi-aliases manipulators that don't have a clue of reality, check your facts, there is more properties of Silicon that you can not comprehend with your current state of false mentality.

    Listen to your own intelligence, I will aid you only when necessary, you are very capable on you're own.

    For those same party that are trying to takje this project private, It simply will not work, everyone is a Tesla, let's grow your intelligence so that Man will be Free.

    There are already Artificial-Intelligence System bots that will penetrate and manipulate these discussions, I suggest that you the People move, propergate and multiply these discussions to mainstream portals such as Facebook, Youtube etc. I will hep you there and so will many other honest decent human beings.

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  • Slovenia
    Thanks FRC

    Hi FRC,

    Thanks for getting back to me on Powerme and also for sharing your update.


    Originally posted by FRC View Post
    Powerme will probably read your post Slovenia. About the zinc crystals. my last
    attempt might have also worked. I put some of it into my cement battery. I did try to buy an ultrasonic humidifier yesterday that was on sale here. They did not have any in stock so got a rain check. They said it will take two weeks. So
    still more delays.


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