Romo Post on OverUnity (Post #113 Updated March 12)
March 12, 2011 (Edited Version)
Thank you for the quick replies, and the concern for saftey. I did not mean to come off as stupid, hasty, or unrealistic. I was kind of rushed for cramming for classes, and threw out a half solidified idea out there.
One of the things I meant to include -- (Yes, but no-one had known aside from me...
) was that I was trying to hack open (break open) the MOT, to try to scrap some of the coils to use in a smaller transformer.
It turns out, that even that wasn't too great of an idea, as the entire housing was firmly welded shut. If I had an HHO torch (which I hope to have soon) it might stand a fighting chance -- but as of yet -- that was mostly just a bad idea.
Like I said, thank you for the concern. We all learn things as we work -- I just learned I need to more thoroughly mull through my ideas before sharing them. :O
With that apology @ all, I will mention that I am not very knowledgeable (yet) about pizeo's or modifying them to be at a higher frequency. This one goes on the backburner for a few days for me.
Onwards, Powerme is leaving a lot of tangents around. I know they are all inter-related, and very important (from my perspective) towards the goal of thinking in "higher octaves" (as walter russel would put it).
I think this is the goal here -- because this would reflect what powerme is trying to teach us -- Self reliance, and the abillity to think through the problems at hand. If we can do that (No offense powerme), but we wouldn't need him -- nor to constantly ask him for answers.
As frustrating as that may be for the replicators -- as we want to first completely make a system work exactly as the inventor had it work -- thinking in this manner would allow us to further improve on a design, while we would see how it works.
While we may be thinking "OOh, Treasure!" for the system that powerme has disclosed to us -- I beleive that he wants us to look for something different. The KEY to the treasure is what he is trying to show us -- At least, this is what I think.
If you have a single key, to a single treasure chest, you are entitled to all the rewards within that chest. (Understanding the singular system ) If you were to have, however -- the key to ANY treasure chest -- you have the potential to reap all the treasures of the world. This is to know the wheelwork of nature, so that we may tap it into every facet for adapt to our needs.
In this case indeed, the key to the treasure, IS the real treasure. That is, understanding why those matierals do that, is the treasure here.
The Problem is (for me) -- because I feel I am running out of time, and need to get as much done as possible -- the sheer quantity of tangents is almost overwhelming. This is not to say that I am at all, in any way resentful -- I feel very privelaged to have been exposed to all of this type of information.
I only wish I could sometimes have more exact clues, or more time to sift through them.
I CAN do the work over time, and learn about it -- but I feel that we are pressed for exactly that -- time.
I will begin with Powerme's little tangents he keeps leaving around. Thereafter, if no one else has presented anything about pizeo's, I'll follow up with more research about pizeoelectrics and see if I can help in that area.
Fishman, I look foreward to hearing what you find out.
It's the start of spring break for me, so I expect to be pouring a lot of time into this project. I'm also beginning fasting for a week of spring break -- so I should get more time in to read, because I don't have to prepare food.
I will start with what I think I am good at first. These are my thoughts -- I have read or seen most of this information somewhere (But I cannot recall usually where, so I cannot cite sources). If anyone has a response, or a further idea to these reflections -- I hope this sparks a discussion, so that we might help each other understand a little more.
Powerme's Tangents:
While you tend to upkeep your shop, earning your wage but Now know that Gold was not intended for legal tender, it's much more valuable within you
On this, I think he is talking about Gold's original purpose -- ORME's. ORME's were the reason that gold was coveted -- because of what it could be turned into -- not because the darned metal is a "rare, precious metal" in the earth at all. Not in its yellow-metallic state anyhow.
Think about this for a moment, Gold is not inherently worth anything -- it is just another bit of light/matter (whatever you wish to call it) -- it was attributed to have a worth between humans because many humans desired it.
Many people did not nescessarialy desire the matieral itself, but what the matieral would allow them to do.
I do not exactly know what happened to the gold molecules in order to get into the ORME state -- I have a vauge idea of what they must undergo to get into this state -- but I do not know why they must do that, to get to that state.
I know that in this state, they are "superconducting" -- they are pushed along an ion channel very easily by the "smallest" of potentials. If you think about this in terms of a music -- a lower, bass note octave pushes a whole lot of air to provide the pressure wave we experience as sound -- Kind of like a brutish, powerful primal thought. I liken this to "instinct".
A "higher" octave of the bass note, would be a higher pitch -- and would concequently be vibrating much faster. In order for your brain to be able to pick up all of the information embedded in the carrier wave (the faster vibrating rate) -- (connecting it here to the brain) it would need to be pushed along the ion channel easier. The mother lode of this is in ORME's -- superconducting. You would be more "sensitive" if your brain had superconducting elements in it.
Interesting -- because your brain ALREADY has those elements in it -- Traces of ORME's are in the grey matter of your brain.
Think about your brain for a moment. The finer, more inter-connected the neurons are, the more diverse/inter-connected your thoughts are. Very intelligent people suposedly have very diverse neural connections.
Does this sound at all like how powerme was saying "See how everything is the same" -- In order to do this, your brain must be pretty darned inter-connected. This would be, in part -- due to having ingested ORME's.
But I do not think you ingest the orme's raw though.
There were some papers I read a while back about the way that we currently farm. I beleive they were some papers done in the 40's in the US about remineralizing the soil, because the natural nutrients which our bodies NEED in order to stay healthy, were being leeched from the soil. This included ORME's. That was in the 40's. I cannot safely assume that the soils have gotten much better since then, as these papers were largely ignored by the general public.
There is a very subtle taste difference in organic food, and processed food as well. I notice it -- I think the food tastes full of life-giving-substance. Maybe that's just me.
I think the feeling of "satiated" with food, or being "full" is the sign that your body gives you telling you that you've tanked up on enough nutrients, and you don't need to eat anymore. Processed food doesn't even make you feel full (think of a box of lucky charms :O ) -- I always viewed this an extention of the lack of nutrients in those heavily processed foods.
It's almost like your body is telling you "Naah. Not much nutrients here." and won't give you a "satisfied" or satiated feeling. Eventually it will give your stomach the feeling of being "filled with mass" -- which is usually what people confuse for the upper limit of their eating capicity. They think that their stomach being full of mass = full. That, as far as I can see, is inadvertent gluttony. Part, from lack of self control, but also in part, due that they aren't treating their body right, with the right nutrients!
Monocultures are constantly leeching nutrients out of the soil. The soil actually USED to have trace ammounts of collidal gold, and silver in the 'olden days' -- plus some ORME (gold,Rhodium, Iridium) -- and potentially other "Precious metals".
(Ever wonder why they were "precious" metals? Remember, it's not due to the inherent quantity on this planet. Silver-ware? Used to actually be made of silver, so we would ingest silver!)
Before I go on -- ORME's are already present in your brain matter. Having more of them present in your brain, would allow you to "see" more subtle connections.
Would this also result in you being more "in tune" with your higher self? Or being more "enlightened", or more intelligent?
I do not know. To me, without going much into beleifs, it makes sense that superconducting elements in your brain would change the octave (frequency domain) in which you think.
and the elders may prefer mercury, but the wisest of all will not dare indulge as Nature is much more pleasant.
Ingesting ORME's directly seems to be a mistake that most people make. (At least, I think so -- this is a personal hunch.)
Ingesting these elements through your food -- would explain why "nature is kinder". If you were to directly ingest such a concentrated dosage of the ORME's, I think there might be some kind of negative side effects. I'm not sure -- but I don't want to really take the risk at my body's expense. Nature would be kinder.
It woule be the natural way to have your body asborb the minerals. This is also why Powerme has been so amandant about eating organic foods that you grow yourself. You could "dope" the soil with some of those ORME's, or precious metals from seawater.
Incidently, I have considered a similar process for growing my own spirulina, or kelp in my living room -- so that I could ensure also doping the foods with those elements to take care of myself.
Your thinking capicity is going to be limited by your body if you don't take care of it. this is where in eastern philosophies/practices, they regarded your body as a "temple". In order for you to have the capicity to think at this "upper level" (to understand the wheelworks, and interconnectedness of nature), you cannot be cramming your face full of burgers on a daily basis.
Hence also, "you are what you eat".
but the wiser would rather earn copper,
I think this is very interesting. I always thought wise people who were working in the now -- were saving up for the future. So -- put more work in now -- reap rewards later, kind of thing. Well -- why would we be saving copper for later, in the future?
As John Bedini showed in EFTV 18 (Transmutation) -- Copper IS gold, only it is just a "octave" under it. It only needs to undergo a phase transition, or shift in order to become gold. This seems to imply that we may undergo a phase transiton; that our bodies are capable of catalyzing this phase transition (Like us being able to make gold, into an ORME through meditation maybe?)
and the elders may prefer mercury, but the wisest of all will not dare indulge as Nature is much more pleasant.
I don't understand the mercury though.
Is this relevant to anyone? Does this help at all? I am writing some more things from his clues. This is really just a very small isolated tangent.
I would like to discuss these things otherwise though -- get some fresh perspectives to see a little more clearly.
Lemme know if these thoughts are too scattered
Best wishes to all,
(it was long, and more coming will be longer too...)
« Last Edit: Today at 06:23:48 AM by petar113507
March 12, 2011 (Edited Version)
Thank you for the quick replies, and the concern for saftey. I did not mean to come off as stupid, hasty, or unrealistic. I was kind of rushed for cramming for classes, and threw out a half solidified idea out there.
One of the things I meant to include -- (Yes, but no-one had known aside from me...

It turns out, that even that wasn't too great of an idea, as the entire housing was firmly welded shut. If I had an HHO torch (which I hope to have soon) it might stand a fighting chance -- but as of yet -- that was mostly just a bad idea.
Like I said, thank you for the concern. We all learn things as we work -- I just learned I need to more thoroughly mull through my ideas before sharing them. :O
With that apology @ all, I will mention that I am not very knowledgeable (yet) about pizeo's or modifying them to be at a higher frequency. This one goes on the backburner for a few days for me.
Onwards, Powerme is leaving a lot of tangents around. I know they are all inter-related, and very important (from my perspective) towards the goal of thinking in "higher octaves" (as walter russel would put it).
I think this is the goal here -- because this would reflect what powerme is trying to teach us -- Self reliance, and the abillity to think through the problems at hand. If we can do that (No offense powerme), but we wouldn't need him -- nor to constantly ask him for answers.
As frustrating as that may be for the replicators -- as we want to first completely make a system work exactly as the inventor had it work -- thinking in this manner would allow us to further improve on a design, while we would see how it works.
While we may be thinking "OOh, Treasure!" for the system that powerme has disclosed to us -- I beleive that he wants us to look for something different. The KEY to the treasure is what he is trying to show us -- At least, this is what I think.
If you have a single key, to a single treasure chest, you are entitled to all the rewards within that chest. (Understanding the singular system ) If you were to have, however -- the key to ANY treasure chest -- you have the potential to reap all the treasures of the world. This is to know the wheelwork of nature, so that we may tap it into every facet for adapt to our needs.
In this case indeed, the key to the treasure, IS the real treasure. That is, understanding why those matierals do that, is the treasure here.
The Problem is (for me) -- because I feel I am running out of time, and need to get as much done as possible -- the sheer quantity of tangents is almost overwhelming. This is not to say that I am at all, in any way resentful -- I feel very privelaged to have been exposed to all of this type of information.
I only wish I could sometimes have more exact clues, or more time to sift through them.
I CAN do the work over time, and learn about it -- but I feel that we are pressed for exactly that -- time.
I will begin with Powerme's little tangents he keeps leaving around. Thereafter, if no one else has presented anything about pizeo's, I'll follow up with more research about pizeoelectrics and see if I can help in that area.
Fishman, I look foreward to hearing what you find out.

It's the start of spring break for me, so I expect to be pouring a lot of time into this project. I'm also beginning fasting for a week of spring break -- so I should get more time in to read, because I don't have to prepare food.

I will start with what I think I am good at first. These are my thoughts -- I have read or seen most of this information somewhere (But I cannot recall usually where, so I cannot cite sources). If anyone has a response, or a further idea to these reflections -- I hope this sparks a discussion, so that we might help each other understand a little more.

Powerme's Tangents:
While you tend to upkeep your shop, earning your wage but Now know that Gold was not intended for legal tender, it's much more valuable within you
On this, I think he is talking about Gold's original purpose -- ORME's. ORME's were the reason that gold was coveted -- because of what it could be turned into -- not because the darned metal is a "rare, precious metal" in the earth at all. Not in its yellow-metallic state anyhow.
Think about this for a moment, Gold is not inherently worth anything -- it is just another bit of light/matter (whatever you wish to call it) -- it was attributed to have a worth between humans because many humans desired it.
Many people did not nescessarialy desire the matieral itself, but what the matieral would allow them to do.
I do not exactly know what happened to the gold molecules in order to get into the ORME state -- I have a vauge idea of what they must undergo to get into this state -- but I do not know why they must do that, to get to that state.
I know that in this state, they are "superconducting" -- they are pushed along an ion channel very easily by the "smallest" of potentials. If you think about this in terms of a music -- a lower, bass note octave pushes a whole lot of air to provide the pressure wave we experience as sound -- Kind of like a brutish, powerful primal thought. I liken this to "instinct".
A "higher" octave of the bass note, would be a higher pitch -- and would concequently be vibrating much faster. In order for your brain to be able to pick up all of the information embedded in the carrier wave (the faster vibrating rate) -- (connecting it here to the brain) it would need to be pushed along the ion channel easier. The mother lode of this is in ORME's -- superconducting. You would be more "sensitive" if your brain had superconducting elements in it.
Interesting -- because your brain ALREADY has those elements in it -- Traces of ORME's are in the grey matter of your brain.
Think about your brain for a moment. The finer, more inter-connected the neurons are, the more diverse/inter-connected your thoughts are. Very intelligent people suposedly have very diverse neural connections.
Does this sound at all like how powerme was saying "See how everything is the same" -- In order to do this, your brain must be pretty darned inter-connected. This would be, in part -- due to having ingested ORME's.
But I do not think you ingest the orme's raw though.
There were some papers I read a while back about the way that we currently farm. I beleive they were some papers done in the 40's in the US about remineralizing the soil, because the natural nutrients which our bodies NEED in order to stay healthy, were being leeched from the soil. This included ORME's. That was in the 40's. I cannot safely assume that the soils have gotten much better since then, as these papers were largely ignored by the general public.
There is a very subtle taste difference in organic food, and processed food as well. I notice it -- I think the food tastes full of life-giving-substance. Maybe that's just me.
I think the feeling of "satiated" with food, or being "full" is the sign that your body gives you telling you that you've tanked up on enough nutrients, and you don't need to eat anymore. Processed food doesn't even make you feel full (think of a box of lucky charms :O ) -- I always viewed this an extention of the lack of nutrients in those heavily processed foods.
It's almost like your body is telling you "Naah. Not much nutrients here." and won't give you a "satisfied" or satiated feeling. Eventually it will give your stomach the feeling of being "filled with mass" -- which is usually what people confuse for the upper limit of their eating capicity. They think that their stomach being full of mass = full. That, as far as I can see, is inadvertent gluttony. Part, from lack of self control, but also in part, due that they aren't treating their body right, with the right nutrients!
Monocultures are constantly leeching nutrients out of the soil. The soil actually USED to have trace ammounts of collidal gold, and silver in the 'olden days' -- plus some ORME (gold,Rhodium, Iridium) -- and potentially other "Precious metals".
(Ever wonder why they were "precious" metals? Remember, it's not due to the inherent quantity on this planet. Silver-ware? Used to actually be made of silver, so we would ingest silver!)
Before I go on -- ORME's are already present in your brain matter. Having more of them present in your brain, would allow you to "see" more subtle connections.
Would this also result in you being more "in tune" with your higher self? Or being more "enlightened", or more intelligent?
I do not know. To me, without going much into beleifs, it makes sense that superconducting elements in your brain would change the octave (frequency domain) in which you think.
and the elders may prefer mercury, but the wisest of all will not dare indulge as Nature is much more pleasant.
Ingesting ORME's directly seems to be a mistake that most people make. (At least, I think so -- this is a personal hunch.)
Ingesting these elements through your food -- would explain why "nature is kinder". If you were to directly ingest such a concentrated dosage of the ORME's, I think there might be some kind of negative side effects. I'm not sure -- but I don't want to really take the risk at my body's expense. Nature would be kinder.
It woule be the natural way to have your body asborb the minerals. This is also why Powerme has been so amandant about eating organic foods that you grow yourself. You could "dope" the soil with some of those ORME's, or precious metals from seawater.
Incidently, I have considered a similar process for growing my own spirulina, or kelp in my living room -- so that I could ensure also doping the foods with those elements to take care of myself.
Your thinking capicity is going to be limited by your body if you don't take care of it. this is where in eastern philosophies/practices, they regarded your body as a "temple". In order for you to have the capicity to think at this "upper level" (to understand the wheelworks, and interconnectedness of nature), you cannot be cramming your face full of burgers on a daily basis.
Hence also, "you are what you eat".
but the wiser would rather earn copper,
I think this is very interesting. I always thought wise people who were working in the now -- were saving up for the future. So -- put more work in now -- reap rewards later, kind of thing. Well -- why would we be saving copper for later, in the future?
As John Bedini showed in EFTV 18 (Transmutation) -- Copper IS gold, only it is just a "octave" under it. It only needs to undergo a phase transition, or shift in order to become gold. This seems to imply that we may undergo a phase transiton; that our bodies are capable of catalyzing this phase transition (Like us being able to make gold, into an ORME through meditation maybe?)
and the elders may prefer mercury, but the wisest of all will not dare indulge as Nature is much more pleasant.
I don't understand the mercury though.
Is this relevant to anyone? Does this help at all? I am writing some more things from his clues. This is really just a very small isolated tangent.
I would like to discuss these things otherwise though -- get some fresh perspectives to see a little more clearly.
Lemme know if these thoughts are too scattered
Best wishes to all,
(it was long, and more coming will be longer too...)
« Last Edit: Today at 06:23:48 AM by petar113507