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Rick & Bits Lawn Mower - Window Motor Beast

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  • Rick & Bits Lawn Mower - Window Motor Beast

    Hi All,

    I thought it would be a great idea to start a new thread regarding Rick & Jeff's Rideon Lawn Mower Project which was shown at the Conference last week. Also Rick debuted a similar tractor On memorial day.

    I know a lot of people worldwide would love to build this project especially father and sons... What a great little device to drive to the corner store on!

    It would be great if Rick or Jeff could post some details about the design and what would be required to successfully build one.

    I know the device was brand new and hadn't undergone any testing before the conference but I am sure we would all love to hear of any tests you have done since then. I know we all can't wait to find out the range of that little beauty!

    Once again thank you for taking this technology to the world, I hope we will be able to follow your clear concise instructions and change the world forever!

    Look forward to your thoughts!



  • #2
    Peswiki Article

    This is from Sterlings Peswiki article found here:
    Bedini Renaissance Conference marks turning point in overunity electromagnetic research

    "Perhaps the most overlooked thing at the convention was the lawn mower on display that supposedly could run continuously with some occasional battery switching, powered by the large window motor demonstrated at the last Bedini Conference. (Ref.) Friedrich started the Conference off by driving into the room with what is called "The Superman lawn mower." The second day was also begun with it being started and him throwing it into gear only to have his front tires come off the ground at least 6 inches. There was no hesitation in driving the load, whatever the demand, even though it was running on low amperage and 36V. Then he drove it around in circles while he opened the day with introductions.

    He later explained the whole history of this lawn mower as run by gas, the monopole motor and finally the magnetic window motor. It was finished minutes before they put it on the truck to the convention, and they only had time to put a very small new Bedini controller product on it. This will be sold on their website shortly. He said this motor is capable of producing around 35HP if a suitable size controller and higher voltage batteries are used. And if two more coils were added it would be capable of at least 100HP."

    Is this all correct Bits?



    • #3
      Comments? Bits?
      Anyone at Conference?
      I can't find any info on this anywhere.



      • #4
        Lawn Mower

        Originally posted by aussieaussieaussie View Post
        Comments? Bits?
        Anyone at Conference?
        I can't find any info on this anywhere.

        I was sitting right up front when Rick was just about thrown off the lawn mower. Though the mower was going about 2/3 the speed of normal operation it did have quite a bit of torque.

        Tim Johnson


        • #5
          Torque converter mod


          • #6
            Nobody else has said this far, So I'll say it

            I hope you can take this in the best way possible.
            I do not have any bitter intent when writing here.
            It is with this post, that I wish to help you realize why you might not get information you're looking for.

            I was at the conference.
            I think it's useless for you to speculate about how "powerful" the motor is.
            Unless rick was going to try to sell it, or mass produce it -- it doesn't really matter how beefed up it is.

            I'm mostly a reader here, and do experiments myself on the side -- and I'm irritated with the way you keep pushing for information, when those details don't matter. Read the following post, if you want to know why it doesn't matter.

            Why you continue to push for specific information for "How strong it is" or "How well it works", is beyond me.
            If you need to convince your friends -- or tell them that there are self-runners out there, build one! Be the example yourself!

            Questions like you're asking sound to me like they're from a state of dis-beleif.
            If you don't beleive it's possible, asking questions about nitty-gritty details, probably won't change that.
            Experiments are the strongest convincers for anyone. Again, Be that example that convinces others!
            That's what I'm doing -- and now my friends beleive me!
            I'm still a college student on a broke-ass budget.

            If you want to find it out how strong it is in "Horse-power" or any other unit of measurement -- build it for yourself, and measure it. If it's not strong enough for what you need, tweak it.

            Because you asked about the lawn mower window motor:
            It runs.
            I saw it run.
            It has quite a kick to it.
            I wasn't too close -- But I stood up to get a better look -- and I saw rick have to adjust the "Gas" to be a little nicer to the acceleration. It lurched him forward a bit.

            Originally posted by aussieaussieaussie View Post
            It would be great if Rick or Jeff could post some details about the design and what would be required to successfully build one.
            It would be great, you're right. Passively Suggesting that they jump in and post everything they know about it, is also asking them to be your intellectual tow truck.

            I'll tell you, they have some pretty good information on the net already. They've already talked about it.
            Asking them to repeat themselves over time is insulting.
            It implies that you think your time is more valuable than theirs. This is simply not true.

            Other people have posted information on other forums, and other Yahoo groups about the window motors.
            Asking rick, or bits to spoon feed you information about it probably isn't why they post on these forums.
            If they wanted to have that responsibility, they'd probably get an intern to pass the information to.

            Asking for people to bring you links about the information is also insulting.
            Your time is not more valuable than mine.
            While I do have information, and links about the window motor, plus some potential schematics, and principals of operation -- I will not post them because of the way you presented this question.
            It's insulting to MY time.

            This is something I see on these forums and I call it "value leeching".
            You ask about a concept without first giving clarifying information to others.
            That way, if someone didn't know about the things you're looking for -- you bring them up to speed, and they can either help you if they know it, or look up information themselves, and then report back.
            It's more helpful for everyone this way. It also takes work. If you're unwilling to do the work, that's just lazy. You only have yourself to blame for that.

            If you had done exhaustive research about the topic you're asking about -- I would have no problem comparing my notes to yours.
            I would be very willing to -- as most people on these forums are -- because in such collaboration is where growth happens, and where people learn the most.

            You have not yet contributed in such a way -- So I'll point you in the right direction.

            This is what I feel you have not yet done -- or at least not provided evidence that you have done this so far.
            Because of this lack of evidence, I am left to assume that you have not put in the work. Please, Prove me wrong.

            If you had done a google search about the window motor -- found a few articles, or stories about it -- Drawn out a map of those keywords which you had searched so extensively for -- You would have found lots of results and information across the web.

            Because this might be unclear, I'll even give you an example:
            Step1: Gathering Leads
            A potential Google search for:
            Bedini window motor
            Window motor schematics
            Bedini window motor discussion
            Window motor principals

            Whatever information you find, write down more search keywords which might flush out more information from the internet.

            If you're having trouble thinking of keywords for your desired subject -- google search "keyword suggestion tool", and then type in those above keywords. Pairing keyword names from different searches always gives enough searches to pile through.

            Most of your results will give you some forums, or groups of some kind.
            Yahoo groups are good, some have older information. Some are just dead wrong. It is up to you to discern the good from bad.

            Step 2: Recording it, or writing the information in your memory

            Personally -- because I do not know if the information will be changed, or deleted from the internet -- I save all the images, and text I gather into PDF's.
            Individual information PDF files, based on the host site I got the information from. Images included in PDF's.

            I put these PDF files into different "project folders". Usually I number my PDF's -- and after reading through them, I take notes in a solid notebook.

            Step 3: Comprehension

            I write notes to myself summarizing the information I got from each PDF I made -- whether it was useful or not. If it sounds familiar, I'll make a note of which summary it sounds most similar to.

            This requires careful reading, and comprehension of what other people are saying. This involves a lot of thinking.

            Further Help with searching:
            As a note -- You don't always have to register for the forum web sites in order to use a "search" function. If you know of a goldmine web site (Like energetic forums) -- you can register, or use google creatively.

            You can input whatever Keywords where I've circled "keywords"
            And you input the "goldmine" site/forums where I have labeled "search".

            If you search this way, you can avoid the whole registration bit for most sites!

            This is a simple function of google advanced search.
            Google Advanced Search

            Step 4: Principals of Operation/Building it

            When I think I understand the principal of operation of the device -- the way that I think it harvests extra energy (Most devices function under very similar principals) -- I try to build accordingly.
            If it doesn't work -- THEN, I find it appropriate to ask questions about why it might not have worked.
            After work is done, then you have the right to ask questions about it -- because you are helping others in sharing your mistakes.
            You are showing people how not to do something.

            Perhaps you may not have even been aware of the presupposition you presented in your questions, and ways of asking.
            I hope this helps you understand as to why some members of this forum feel you are "wearing out your welcome" in some threads.

            I understand that what I listed above, is a lot of work. I am aware of that, as I do this obsessively on a daily basis. It's a long haul.

            But, If you're not willing to put in the work, you're not deserving of the answers contained therein.

            This is the difference between teaching, and collaboration. Correct me if I'm wrong, but these forums are for collaboration. Nobody's going to be your intellectual tow truck.

            You seem to put a lot of time in dividing your posts all over different areas in this forum. While great, these forums aren't the end-of-all-searches. You simply cannot expect people to spoon feed you anything in the "free energy feild".
            If they do help you -- it is a gift from them.
            You are not entitled to any of their ideas. They are the inventor's ideas -- a product of their work. Asking for repetitively gifts, is to be an intellectual beggar.

            If you were to put in the amount of time you spend on these forums in various threads -- researching -- I can tell you from experience, You'll understand a whole lot more.

            Now, I'm only 20 years old, but I've been researching for two years like this. I feel I have a good grasp on what I do, because of putting in all that work.
            Some people at the conference mentioned to me they were suprized I was young, and was tit-for-tat on knowlege exchange with them.
            I feel it is due to the work I have put in so far, in this direction.

            Even then, I am still dwarfed in understanding by people like bedini, rick, Bits, Lindemann, Aaron, Matthew Jones -- just to name a few whom I saw at the conference.
            I can only imagine how much work they have done to accordingly match their understandings.
            Last edited by petar113507; 11-30-2010, 11:24 PM.


            • #7

              These Generous Men -- bedini, rick, Bits, Lindemann, Aaron, Matthew Jones -- are all sharing their ideas and work. They're making themselves the examples for us to follow.

              It's when people like you, ask questions that aren't relevant towards building the devices -- that chase the inventors,creators or helpers away, because "they won't listen".

              In reality -- It's not that all of us are unwilling to listen.
              The inventors give us all we need to know, in order to put together the puzzle to make it ourselves. If they don't -- it's still further off than we were before.

              They get the impression that we won't listen, when we press for more -- wanting to be spoon fed the answers.
              This is vastly untrue, and makes an unfair representation for those of us who are willing to work for those nuggets of wisdom.

              They're kind enough to give us little clues along the way, to make our discoveries easier than they had it.
              It is for this reason, I have an inexpressible grattitude towards anyone who helps the rest of us -- it is they who "pay it foreward" to the rest of us!
              They give us direction, for us to take baby-steps towards.

              They don't want to be bombarded with useless press-questions! If they did that, they'd go to the press!
              We can clearly see -- those men came here to share instead .

              The point of building these, and showing them off to us, is to show us what's possible if we work for it. It is my belief that they set the example in order to provoke us to push towards "the impossible", to Push our limits.

              This was the vibe I got from the conference. They weren't saying "Look how far past the impossible is".
              They either purposely didn't measure it themselves, or purposely didn't tell us!
              Maybe they didn't care how many horsepower it took to lurch rick foreward! It already showed us it was past our pre-conceived notions.

              Maybe Rick or Bits don't need to speculate and say "we bump it up to 100 HP with another coil".
              For their build, it might have been strong enough already.
              Instead of asking to be spoon fed like a toddler -- Try to add another coil yourself!

              At the conference, They showed us an initial shock -- that we might see that "the impossible" is shattered.
              Perhaps, they purposely avoided showing us the upper limits of our machines, perhaps that we might not be limited by them as well.
              Perhaps they didn't care.

              Either direction -- is irrelevant. They left us the pieces to be curious and explore ourselves.

              Speculating about the devices without building them, is akin to mental masturbation and leads to mis-understandings for the rest of us.
              It's misleading when it starts rumors -- Those rumors make the real inventors seem less credible, even if they're the real deal!
              Rumors which are mis-interperted leads to dis-information -- This isn't helping the general public become more informed.

              Pretending to look for clarity, when you aren't contributing build information -- information that clairifies to other people how to do it themselves -- doesn't add clairity, it only makes the water murkier!

              If it's not a question targeted towards making it clearer how to do it for yourself, Please don't ask it!
              This means, not detail oriented -- Action oriented questions are much better received by contributors, in my sole experience.

              I do not know if it was your intent to pester anyone -- But I could see from some reactions, you've ticked off a few people. I don't want to discourage a potential ally from the research field, but you need to be more considerate sometimes!

              I'm a youngster -- It will be up to my generation to pass on the baton of this information, the same as these kind Men are doing for my generation. I just can't see that happening if most of my generation can't get good information, or if the inventors don't help!

              I may speak for only myself here, but Chasing away inventors with petty requests, is the last thing I want.

              I implore you -- Please, don't chase them away. Don't ruin it for the rest of us.

              I still need to learn from them, and the results they are currently willing to share. I cannot do that if they're not around, because they are fed up with questions that aren't directed towards understanding a build.

              Please don't be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
              It can't be unbroken after that.

              I hope you take this the right way aussie, I know I'd like to see a little bit less hesitation towards research, or building. I don't post much, but most of my time is spent in understanding, and research.

              If you're looking for a "project on a silver platter" with plenty of details -- buy the lockridge device lecture lindemann gave, the EFTV DVD, and Lindemann's "Electric motor secrets".
              Contained therein, is in and of itself, a hearty project.
              I suspect that it will also be a pouplar thread in the future.

              I hope I can look foreward to working with you in the future.

              Last edited by petar113507; 11-30-2010, 11:25 PM.


              • #8
                Hi, I am back!

                Sorry folks for the late reply,
                I was banned by Aaron for pointing out an obvious mistake he made in a post over on the great global warming thread. Check it out!

                But I couldn't just give up that easy!

                Thanks for your post, I started this thread for those of us who didn't attend the conference and were interested in this design - good to see someone contributing!

                FROM YOUR POST:
                I hope you can take this in the best way possible.
                I do not have any bitter intent when writing here.
                It is with this post, that I wish to help you realize why you might not get information you're looking for.
                You don't need to worry about offending me mate! It is obvious you are not attacking me, you are trying to help - I think most of your beefs with me are just a misunderstanding of my intentions and a stereotyping of me as just another 'naysayer'.

                I was at the conference.
                I think it's useless for you to speculate about how "powerful" the motor is.
                Unless rick was going to try to sell it, or mass produce it -- it doesn't really matter how beefed up it is.
                Totally agree, finding out the horsepower is a lengthy process, and is only required by LAW if he was to sell it. You may notice I only asked one question and that was concerning the range of the lawn mower mod.
                I only ask this question because it is the most obvious one. If I had built a machine like this, the first thing I would do is take it for a long drive and see how long it ran for.

                I built an electric go-kart a few years back and it ran for over 20km on three 12 volt batteries, so I wanted to compare the difference and use this as a gauge of how much more efficient this design is to a regular design.
                I don't think my question was out of line at all, and remember they have Free Will, they can choose to answer or just ignore me.

                They have total free will, they can choose to tell us the details of their design, or they can keep it a secret. Thats totally up to them! But it never hurts to ask? I know a lot of people would like to replicate it, so why not ask? John Bedini is helping people replicate the ferris wheel, it is fair to assume that there might be a chance Bits & Rick would do the same here.
                Remember though I am just asking, they can always say no!

                A few other points to note:
                Press questions would be ten times worse then mine! My questions are those that should be asked by any normal person wishing to replicate this design.
                I am never asking for them to do a test just for me, I am only asking them to tell us how they got to their conclusion. As in what tests they did? and what where the results? This is the same method I use for everything in life... Coke is better then Pepsi...Why? This machine runs perpetually...Why? Simple.
                Their methods of testing may be good enough for them, but not good enough for me. Or it may be enough for me, but not for others... This is just life.
                But we can't even begin to talk about someones claim, until we know how they came to that conclusion. You got to show the working!

                Thanks for your input, about what you saw at the conference, I was hoping for a little more details then just it runs though...

                As for your help with searching on google, I worked for a company that answered TXT questions, they gave me a two month course on how to find everything on the net with google. So I am more than capable! But maybe you should post a new thread and your advice?

                Please understand this Petar, I have been researching this stuff for three years, I have build kits from Rick, I am not here to pester, I am not here to debunk anyones claims. I am simply here asking for clarification.

                I want to build a exact replication of Bits setup, and I intend to do it, but I promised myself and my wife, that I wouldn't go spend $10,000 on the next step in the research, without someone showing that it can be done first.
                I was hoping Bits would be the one, but maybe Plasma will be the one now.

                I honestly don't know what Bits' problem is, I asked very nicely a few times and he totally ignored me and spent his time writing big long rants to other people about how they were not worthy of his answers. By the time he answered me directly I was lumped in with the rest of the naysayers and he was quite rude and arrogant about a very basic simple question.
                I had watched his youtube video from a few months back, and was wondering if he had any updates? That was it! Meanwhile, I spend most of time responding to idiots attacking and still don't have any answers sigh...

                And, no offense but I am over this Spoon Feeding thing.....
                Asking about a device that was shown publicly, but no other information can be found on it, is not spoon feeding thats called research!

                As for the ten coiler and bits, if you state that you have built a device that produces excess energy and runs forever.
                The first two questions out of anybodies mouth, believer / non believer, scientist / redneck, should be:
                How long did you run it for?
                How much excess energy did it produce?
                This has nothing to do with spoon feeding!
                This is just common intrigue!
                But, if someone is not able to answer those two questions - then they really can't make the statement that it runs forever and produces excess energy, can they?

                I think it's great that you can go so head strong into building something, without any information on how the inventor came to his conclusion that this is a device WORTH replicating. I admire your courage and youth!

                I on the other hand, in my years of experience, have first hand witnessed my friends been lead down the same 'mystery' path and spend 1000s of $$$ on a device that is better as a paper weight than COP>1.

                I am choosing not to make the same mistake as my friends, because I can't afford too and because I saw the way that the scams destroyed my friends lives.

                I am going to wait for an independent replication of the 10 coiler, who is willing to publish their results and the methods they used to obtain those results. When this happens then I will feel confident enough to replicate the device myself.

                We have two different methods of attaining the same goal, I respect your method, I hope you can respect mine.

                Hope this helps



                • #9
                  Why would you re join if you were banned? Ridiculous Seriously mate, your not welcome here for a reason, if your banned tough.

                  Sorry mate. You had your chance.We are a community here and are more interested in brothers and sisters, not distractions. Only REAL people who CONTRIBUTE and do not argue. Those who have nothing helpful to say only perpetuate their anger on to others and frustrate them.

                  If you have a suggestion, have common courtesy, do not offend people. There are good people on this forum, better then any thing you have got, including yahoo groups and

                  I think you might find every one reports your post. NEVER make fun of What did i call you a joke? I was being nice. Mate some one really needs to call you what you are, i dont think that would be of any use tho . So ill say some thing that will, Go take a silver spoon where the sun does not shine mate, your banned. Tell your friends who decide to annoy GOOD people what happened to you, do some ting useful in your life for ONCE. What a waste

                  For Bits and Aaron

                  Last edited by ashtweth; 11-30-2010, 07:15 AM.


                  • #10
                    This guy is back with 2 user names one that was initially banned?



                    • #11
                      Patience is a Virtue, especially with long posts...

                      Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                      [COLOR="Blue"]I only ask this question because it is the most obvious one. If I had built a machine like this, the first thing I would do is take it for a long drive and see how long it ran for.
                      I built an electric go-kart a few years back and it ran for over 20km on three 12 volt batteries, so I wanted to compare the difference and use this as a gauge of how much more efficient this design is to a regular design.
                      Aussie, it sounds like you're posing an question which might force an answer of "it'll run forever" or something. Running "forever", first of all -- is a myth. The parts will eventually wear out, just like anything else.

                      Second, What you're posing as a question is still detail oriented. Your go-kart information is a good start for putting out information, as a requisite for the rest of us to gauge what you know, and don't know yet. People in this forum are more than willing to help, if you ask in the right way, looking for the right things.

                      The way I figure it, the inventors, or builders already know how the darned thing works -- they'll pick the best of us, and nudge us along in the right direction.
                      I mean "Best of us", as in, those of us who are already furthest along in understanding -- and headed in the right direction anyways.

                      I have reasoned, they pick those people for simplicity's sake -- they have less to explain to those people. It is my goal to become one of those who is "better off" in understanding.

                      Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                      I don't think my question was out of line at all, and remember they have Free Will, they can choose to answer or just ignore me.
                      You're absolutely right -- it wasn't out of line at all.
                      Part of my post was dedicated towards suggesting that you include a little bit of requisite knowledge -- What you already know and understand -- so that those builders/inventors will be more likely to pick you to help.

                      Not to be an insult here, but it is this kind of "requisite information" which I have not typically found in your posts.
                      The kind of information that says "I am this far along with investigating/making/planning to make 'X' device. Can anyone correct me if I'm wrong? Does anyone have pointers?"

                      If you were to include any kind of information like that -- Like I said, I am one of the people who does at least have my own ideas of how the device(s) work.
                      I'm more than happy to help a brother along -- We are all kin in the human race -- But I can't help, if I don't know what you already know/don't know.

                      If I don't know, what you don't know -- I would be using a large portion of my time to explain how it works, or what parts are nescessary. Like I said before, expecting this from other people is disrespectful of their time.

                      If they haven't replied, it would seem they chose the latter. I beleive this choice is both triggered by the type of answer you're looking for, and the lack of requisite understanding you have presented.

                      Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                      They have total free will, they can choose to tell us the details of their design, or they can keep it a secret. Thats totally up to them! But it never hurts to ask? I know a lot of people would like to replicate it, so why not ask?

                      Remember though I am just asking, they can always say no!
                      Aussie, I never said they didn't have free will. It is this kind of response, which to me, scream "Reactionary".
                      In the part which I have quoted, you are presenting me as though I was one who is insulting inventors; and you, who is apparently correcting me.
                      I'm a little irritated with that kind of improper framing -- you're putting me in a role which I am clearly not.
                      That kind of framing, makes me a little less inclined to further help, or respond in the future.

                      I'm only trying to help you here. Allright? Help me, help you.

                      Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                      A few other points to note:
                      Press questions would be ten times worse then mine! My questions are those that should be asked by any normal person wishing to replicate this design.
                      I understand here Aussie. I'm saying I have found potential schematics and designs elsewhere on the net.

                      I can't claim any validity for any of the window motors designs -- or if they'll work or not.
                      It sounds like your friends might have also blindly followed those schematics, or something.
                      What I'm saying here -- is this is a fantastic forum. This is the first go-to place where, after I've done my research, I will propose a project plan to the people here.
                      This, to me, is kind of like "Hey! Look at what I found! This might work in a certain way -- Does anyone see a reason it shouldn't work that way? Does anyone see a better way to do it?"

                      Perhaps other people might have embarked on the same project, on this forum, or others. They might have found errors with their build, or yours -- and will usually tell you about it.

                      Sharing this kind of information is completely counter-intuitive, according to a business plan.
                      If you're trying to sell a product of any kind -- you usually don't share this kind of information.
                      That's part of the beauty of this open-source principal -- We're not in it for profit.
                      We're a bunch of people who happened to come together in this site, looking to share our findings in similar interest areas.
                      It's kind of like a big, communal potluck.

                      With that, you might be able to see -- if you run in with your palms outstretched, looking for everyone to give you answers, without first sharing yourself -- you might find people retract their seasoned knowledge.
                      Imagine yourself doing the same thing -- going to a weekly potluck, bringing no food to share with anyone, and only seeking to eat your fill. I'd imagine that after a little while -- people would know you as a "leech", and eventually probably kick you out.

                      I'm not saying you're a leech -- I'm saying, what you are doing is coming across that way.
                      I'm not saying anything about your intents -- I can't reasonably interpret those, as I am not you.
                      It may be naive, but I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, that they are "good".

                      I can, however, tell you what I see -- and the impression I get about the way in which you are requesting information.
                      If you continue to go about your same ways of asking -- which can even come across a bit harassing if done repetitively enough -- You'll probably encounter a negative result accordingly.

                      I don't want anyone to genuinely desire to build stuff, and then write it off as "they're fakes" or something absurd like that -- because it was the way in which they asked.

                      If you've really been in this hobby for three years -- you've probably had a good reason to stick with it. If that is really the case, encountering people who you do not work well with, is a mere speedbump.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                        I am never asking for them to do a test just for me, I am only asking them to tell us how they got to their conclusion. As in what tests they did? and what where the results? This is the same method I use for everything in life... Coke is better then Pepsi...Why? This machine runs perpetually...Why?
                        A "Perpetual machine", like I said before -- is an erronious notion. Parts will wear.

                        If they are claiming it will "run indefinitely" -- this doesn't really mean it will run forever. This stems from the simple idea -- that "forever" hasn't happened yet. Now, because this is an assumed understanding from most of the members of this forum -- I'll spell it out for you, because you persist in asking questions that seem to illustrate that you do not understand it.
                        After this, you can say "Oh, I knew that" or otherwise -- but because you have not illustrated that you understand this in your asking questions.

                        It's better to think of it in terms like children do. When you make them wait for 10 minutes -- they can call it "forever" as well. What this really means, is they've got a closed-loop system.

                        The output of Bit's battery swapper can power the 10-coiler.
                        The output of the 10-coiler can keep the batteries charged -- or power something that will keep it charged.
                        As far as I could see -- the 10-coiler produced more than enough power -- and was able to power additional external loads. Bits powered an additional lightbulb -- but I somehow think this isn't the limit of this outupt.

                        Whether you knew this or not is irrelevant. It is up to you, to see the limit in your own questions. It is up to you to make the distinction, to ask better questions -- if they don't "get" what you're asking for -- it isn't because they have a "problem" -- the responsibillity is squarely on your shoulders to help them understand what you're looking for.

                        They may have been under the impression you are asking, why it can power itself. Once more -- Irrelevant if you actually were asking or not. The ambiguity allows for a mis-interpretation.
                        It is up to you to clarify this.

                        They just don't have the time to clear up, to each individual, what radiant energy is, or how it works. This is why they have written books, and made videos explaining the stuff -- because, even if they wanted to -- they don't physically have the time to explain it to everybody.

                        Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                        Their methods of testing may be good enough for them, but not good enough for me. Or it may be enough for me, but not for others... This is just life.
                        But we can't even begin to talk about someones claim, until we know how they came to that conclusion. You got to show the working!
                        As a result of going to to the conference, it is probably safe to assume they tested the window motor quite a bit, before showing it off.

                        My impression of the window motor -- was that the motor ran itself, switching battery packs on the back of the vehicle, and recharging them.

                        I am not sure if this is the actual case for their build -- this is where it requires a little bit of creative thinking. Even if their build didn't run itself -- you need to use YOUR ideas to make it work towards your ideas

                        -- You can use Bit's battery swapper to funnel the output of the window motor to switch battery packs.
                        --You could probably make the motor slightly higher torque, and make it run a small alternator -- Chargng the battery backs which are "off" of their duty cycle. A similar method was claimed to have been employed by the "Grey motor". This would probably require more battery pairs to run the window motor -- and wouldn't run indefinitely, but would probably get you very far.

                        --You could attach a different circut to the rotational axis of the window motor. If you had conducted research about this before posting about it -- you might have found pictures of the window motor running. it's not hard to take a rotatonal axis and attach something to make a work-able power output -- in addition to the motor running.

                        If you HAD been researching the window motor -- you'd also know that it isn't the most effective way to produce overunity. If you're looking for it -- you will eventually find a way to do it.

                        This is what I'm saying, where you need to understand these things yourself.

                        I am skeptical that you really have been researching for three years -- because of your aparrent lack of synthesizing ideas together.
                        You appear to be looking for others to show you the exact way how to do it.
                        Get that fantasy out of your head.
                        Instead -- you can either be creative, yourself -- or be compiling with others to see the ways in which it could happen.

                        Whatever it is you're looking for, you will find. Too many people try to see the way that things won't work -- and they're dumb enough to actually find it. Look for the ways in which it could work, and come back and discuss what you've found. Each person researching "Overunity" has had their discouragements -- Bits and Bedini, at the very least -- have had enough idiots bombarding them with ways in which their devices shouldn't work, based on limited understanding.

                        I'm not going to spell out something for you again -- which your own creativity and "noodle" be doing for you. Other members probably won't spell it out for you either.
                        Your brain consumes about 20% of the oxygen you breathe each day.
                        Breathing, being such a laborous task, consumes energy. Make your 'noodle' earn its keep.

                        Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                        As for your help with searching on google, I worked for a company that answered TXT questions, they gave me a two month course on how to find everything on the net with google. So I am more than capable! But maybe you should post a new thread and your advice?
                        I'm not sure if you've heard this already, but When I was a kid -- I used to hear a saying "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst".

                        I'm glad you know how to find information on the web.
                        That is something I had hoped.

                        With that, You have not presented very much research here yourself.
                        It thus follows, I am left to assume that you do not know how to research some things on the web.

                        As such, I could not reasonably suggest that you research something without giving you general guidelines as per-how-to do it.

                        It is this exact kind of behavior that I can see in your other posts -- I simply didn't know that you knew how to research.
                        I can say that your perception of other people being "difficult" to get information from, probably stems from a similar cause.
                        I don't know if you do not tell me.

                        I'm sure others must have found this when responding to your other posts.

                        Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                        Please understand this Petar, I have been researching this stuff for three years, I have build kits from Rick, I am not here to pester, I am not here to debunk anyones claims. I am simply here asking for clarification.

                        I want to build a exact replication of Bits setup, and I intend to do it, but I promised myself and my wife, that I wouldn't go spend $10,000 on the next step in the research, without someone showing that it can be done first.
                        I was hoping Bits would be the one, but maybe Plasma will be the one now.
                        If you've been in this "biz" for three years, it would be safe to assume that you've encountered some pretty wild claims -- and some pretty expensive looking projects.

                        It sounds like the exaggerated 10,000 (USD/AU) tab would be picking a rather large project to begin with.
                        While I do admire the high-up-goals -- I usually find that "baby steps first" is a safe way to protect your wallet.

                        As such, usually I determine the principal by which the larger-device must operate, and build a cheaper, "proof of concept" of device.
                        I beleive larger corporations do this as a test-way to protect their assets.

                        Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                        I honestly don't know what Bits' problem is, I asked very nicely a few times and he totally ignored me and spent his time writing big long rants to other people about how they were not worthy of his answers. By the time he answered me directly I was lumped in with the rest of the naysayers and he was quite rude and arrogant about a very basic simple question.
                        I had watched his youtube video from a few months back, and was wondering if he had any updates? That was it! Meanwhile, I spend most of time responding to idiots attacking and still don't have any answers sigh...
                        Aussie, I am saying that you have not shown any of us:
                        1)Evidence for your research/Where you have gotten your research from
                        2)What you currently understand about the device you'd like to build/Principals of operation
                        3)Potential designs for any stage of your project (Proof-of-concept or beyond)

                        Usually this requires someone to be well-versed in the area they're looking to build that device in.

                        I'd imagine that you, or your wife, would need this kind of information anyways, if you were going to take the initiative to put the project in your own hands.

                        If bits won't tell you about his switching device, it would seem that he didn't "pick" you as one of the people who he deemed, understood it in the first place.

                        I don't think bit's "problem" was with you at all aussie. It was the way in which you so persistently asked for him to give you the secrets to the digital switch, when you did not present your own understanding of it first.

                        HE is the one with the Privileged information. YOU are the one who is looking to understand the information.
                        It would behoove you to adhere to HIS standards.
                        It is YOU who needs to prove to HIM that you have the available understanding -- that you are already SO close, that you would make the short time he would give you, would be used in its most effective way.

                        This may be off-topic towards the "window motor" -- but I feel this suggestion will help you work with bits better.

                        Even then -- he can choose.
                        So, if he won't answer it -- Maybe following in his footsteps will.
                        Bits made a digital tesla switch. Digital is the "new" addition -- this is bits's spin on the original tesla switch. The original "tesla switch" was analogue.

                        If you had made an analogue switch, and understood how it really worked -- and THEN asked bits, "How can I turn this thing digital?" -- I feel confident that either bits would help you -- or other members of this forum would brainstorm with you about your project.


                        • #13
                          As far as I can tell -- You have not done ANY investigation yourself as to how even the analogue switch works.
                          If you have -- you need to let us know, somehow!
                          Otherwise, we are left to assume that you know nothing about it. As far as I can tell -- builders, or inventors don't want to deal with people who have no requisite understanding.

                          Using myself as an example again -- I do not have the funds to build an analogue switch -- nor is it the primary project on my mind.
                          However, IF I were to make it my primary project -- I would need two things,
                          1)A good understanding of how the tesla switch works
                          2)A good understanding of digital circutry -- Or know someone else who DOES have that knowlege.

                          I beleive that bits did not appreciate the way you approached him about it -- As you did not provide evidence that you knew about either.

                          There are some people who I've seen try to pretend they understand something I am well versed in -- So I'll throw out little tests to see if they are the real deal. Every single person who has tried to fake their understanding, has called me a "jerk" for not telling them exactly how the whole system works.

                          I am called a "jerk", because I have assessed where their aparrent knowledge/understanding stands -- and am usually nice enough to point towards them towards sources where they'll find the next-step to peice together their understanding.
                          Most people do not do this.
                          They have no obligation to.
                          Most people will feel that you are wasting their time, if you are not first informed.

                          Showing you, will not make you understand. You need to do it youself. The other members will not do it for you.

                          If you are truly not looking for others to do it for you -- and you're willing to work for it yourself -- I suggest you change the manner in which you are presenting your ideas, and questions.

                          If you're "asking" us further to clarify your lack of understanding, without first looking for yourself -- Like I said before, that's insulting. You're not going to get very many answers insulting others.

                          Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                          And, no offense but I am over this Spoon Feeding thing.....
                          Asking about a device that was shown publicly, but no other information can be found on it, is not spoon feeding thats called research!

                          As for the ten coiler and bits, if you state that you have built a device that produces excess energy and runs forever.
                          The first two questions out of anybodies mouth, believer / non believer, scientist / redneck, should be:
                          How long did you run it for?
                          How much excess energy did it produce?
                          This has nothing to do with spoon feeding!
                          This is just common intrigue!
                          But, if someone is not able to answer those two questions - then they really can't make the statement that it runs forever and produces excess energy, can they?

                          Aussie, this has EVERYTHING to do with spoon feeding.

                          Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                          I think it's great that you can go so head strong into building something, without any information on how the inventor came to his conclusion that this is a device WORTH replicating. I admire your courage and youth!
                          Subtle. If you're going to say something, you need to be clear, and direct.
                          Even though you were implying it -- You're taking about stupidity, aussie.
                          I don't appreciate that.

                          You're also flatly describing an un-educated build.
                          Assuming I am un-educated enough to make a bad build myself, is also an insult.
                          I don't appreciate that either. Watch your tounge.

                          Your friends didn't make their inventions work -- because they were too lazy to do the proper research.
                          Find how the invention is suposed to work.
                          If the inventors are dead, for whatever reason -- and your friends are trying to pursue the build, based on their understandings, and the inventor's claims -- that is a RISK.
                          That is an inherent risk they took.
                          If they took it without aknowledging they could fail -- it is their own ignorance which hurt them. That is, their own fault -- whether anyone wants to admit it or not.
                          My sympathies towards your friends.

                          It is up to you to do the proper research to make sure you do not encounter the same end. Asking people to do the research for you -- while not presenting your own resarching results -- does not qualify for "research".

                          You won't always find "conventional" terms, and often times -- you need to use your imagination to discern what they are really talking about.

                          If they didn't have the right information -- The lesson of researching -- was taught to their wallets.

                          Bedini, Bearden, and Lindermann all have excellent products, which explain how their devices should work.
                          If you view the inventor's devices in the same "light" by which the inventor views it themselves -- will be very insightful. It is, however -- In my youthful experience -- damned near impossible to fail if you also talk with other people who have already made the devices.

                          You have not provided evidence for the following:
                          1)that you understand how the inventors think their device works
                          2)That you understand how other people who have built the device
                          3)That you understand how those other people, also think the device works

                          It is this information that you need to look for elsewhere on the internet -- not get others to "spoon feed" you.
                          That information is your responsibillity to find. It is also, that information which you seem to be consistently asking for.
                          If you're going to ask other people you put yourself at the mercy of the answerer's understanding.
                          You can't fix their stupid mistakes.
                          This is why you need to do it yourself.

                          If you are not willing to put that work in -- you do not deserve the privelage of sharing ideas with the brilliant contributing members of this forum.
                          They owe us nothing.

                          Aussie -- Hastily, and Incorrectly labeling me as stupid, is not going to get you far.
                          I'm pointing this one out -- as you are doing it.
                          I am not a saint. I do not have infinite patience with you.

                          You, and you alone are driving away the people who could help you, because of your reactionary attitude. And it is my "inexperienced youth" that can spot that one in plain sight.
                          [QUOTE=aussieaussie;119280]I on the other hand, in my years of experience, have first hand witnessed my friends been lead down the same 'mystery' path and spend 1000s of $$$ on a device that is better as a paper weight than COP>1. [QUOTE]

                          Then it is up to your "years of experience" to discern what is good information or not.
                          Do the research first, and then decide if it's plauseable or not.

                          If you don't trust the internet -- Look to the inventor's books. Then share your project.
                          It sounds like you're looking for a way to be absolutely certain that you will not fail.
                          I can't make any assessment of your judgement skills, so I cannot give this to you -- nor can anyone else.
                          If you fail, it is your own fault.

                          Knowledge has a price. So does other person's time. So did the conference.
                          If you're stingy enough to look for the knowledge, without expecting to pay for it, in your OWN time, or your OWN money -- you're sorely mistaken.

                          Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                          I am choosing not to make the same mistake as my friends, because I can't afford too and because I saw the way that the scams destroyed my friends lives.
                          I'm sorry you think your friends were swindeled.
                          You either need to put in the time to work, and make money to BUY the information from other credible people.
                          This is up to your own judgement.

                          Originally posted by aussieaussie View Post
                          I am going to wait for an independent replication of the 10 coiler, who is willing to publish their results and the methods they used to obtain those results. When this happens then I will feel confident enough to replicate the device myself.

                          We have two different methods of attaining the same goal, I respect your method, I hope you can respect mine.

                          Hope this helps


                          Like I said before -- it seems You are looking for a way that is 100% certain.
                          No one can offer this to you, even if they give you all of the correct information.

                          If you fail, it's on your shoulders.

                          Now, I have given you all the help I can offer. You need to do this stuff yourself.

                          I've spend 3 ish hours of MY time giving you a well-thought out response, with the intent that you do things yourself.

                          I will not do this again.


