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Tesla pancake / Bedini self oscillator w/ high voltage output

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  • Tesla pancake / Bedini self oscillator w/ high voltage output

    Hello again. I have had some inquiries about my set up recently. I've spent a lot of time looking for a way to increase efficiency with my self oscillators. In this video, I hook up a tesla pancake coil in series with my bifilar wound coil to generate the resonance and the sharp gradient discharge that creates a vacuum flux. I run the CFL on about .07amps @12.42volt + 0.8694 watts! Around the bifilar pancake coil, I have also placed what would normally be a primary discharge coil (of tesla pancake) made of 1/2" plumbing copper tube that runs around it.

    The bedini self oscillating circuit is being tapped at the collector to the neg of the ignition coil. The high voltage + is connected to a 20 watt CFL bulb with the internal circuitry removed and the negative goes to one side of the copper tubing primary of the pancake. The copper primary is gathering up radiant energy in the form of negative current (opposite to a tesla coil) and increasing both brightness and efficiency of the light. This is a win / win situation.

    To watch my most recent video illustrating the effects i'm describing click here.

    Here is a general schematic of a Bedini self oscillating circuit rigged with high voltage output.

    (NOTE: the schematic shown actually has 2 self resonating circuits in it, a mirror image of the left to the right. In video i'm only using one such circuit. Also a neon bulb should be shown at the collector to the emitter of the MJL21194 transistor to protect the circuit should a discharge path to the secondary battery or CLF bulb happen to disconnect)

    Thanks for your interest and feel free to comment or make any suggestions.

    I am considering putting this set up live on to properly illustrate the extreme power longevity it presents, given that your lighting and charging at the same time.

    Love and light to all.
    Last edited by thedude; 11-15-2010, 05:07 AM. - Where technology goes Live! - Your Portal Here on Earth

  • #2
    Nice work Dude. I really enjoyed your video and I think you have a good system running.


    • #3
      Thank you very much Jiffycoil!

      Originally posted by Jiffycoil View Post
      Nice work Dude. I really enjoyed your video and I think you have a good system running.
      I appreciate your kind words. Its a good start for a new system of lighting for my home.

      Due to some interest i'm receiving, I have decided to make it easy to illustrate the benefits of such a lighting system and have put it up on the web in real time on
      Click here to go to a web page that is running the stream right now. (note- it is good to use firefox with ad blocker plug in to avoid having to watch the commercial at the start)
      I have been running since last night but just got it all rigged up at about 11am this morning.

      I will be swapping the batteries back and forth manually as they run and approach 12.10volts. In the future a auto swapping circuit will be employed. This test is being done to help exhibit the extreme efficiency of this set up. I will be adding a 300 watt solar panel input to the system to help augment and facilitate lighting for my home. I already have the 6"x6" cells with triple bus bars to assemble and simply need more time to build the panel.

      Thank you for your interest and come back soon for an update.

      Love and Light

      Your friend, TheDude - Where technology goes Live! - Your Portal Here on Earth


      • #4
        I think I'll give a replication a try. Please excuse me if my coil replication will be slightly different from yours. I think anytime we see a chance to more effectively use energy it is worth looking at. Thanks Dude.


        • #5
          Tesla's writings

          Hi Guys,

          I wonder, I was reading Tessa's life again for the umpteenth time and I get the feeling that he may have coded his writings.

          Does anyone else get that sense?

          Maybe its just wishful thinking but ......

          and anyway, how do you do a decode of something like that??

          OK so I am nuts, but there it is




          • #6

            Originally posted by Jiffycoil View Post
            I think I'll give a replication a try. Please excuse me if my coil replication will be slightly different from yours. I think anytime we see a chance to more effectively use energy it is worth looking at. Thanks Dude.
            Thats great Jiffycoil. I can easily imagine that the pancake coil used in this fashion would be beneficial to augment many different types of circuits. I know we've all seen these self oscillating circuits in action before, but what excites me about the pancake in series with it is that even with the CFL absorbing most of the radiant spikes, I am able to read 3.5-4 volts on the copper primary tubing when checking it against the positive end of my earth battery. I added a load to it with a 12volt encased red LED and it lights with out affecting the circuit. I think that another oscillator will gain just as much from tapping the potential of the copper primary with out much effect to the CFL or current levels of the first one, even it it isn't running in series with the coaxial part of the pancake. I will be doing more experimentation. I would expect the potential of the primary of the pancake to jump way up when using a spark gap instead of a CFL. Going to be making more videos.

            For the record I was able to make the pancake coil oscillate without the 800 wound bifilar coil, however it would not run as stable or with as much current as with it in series. Having it in the circuit seems to allow greater control of the frequency.

            Thanks for having a look Jiffycoil. I look forward to your insight here.
   - Where technology goes Live!
   - Your Portal Here on Earth


            • #7
              Wow, Dude, that is a nice setup, I like it very much, you give some very good idea's and insights. I would like to have a very low power lighting setup like that, very efficient, thanks for sharing, that's a download video for me.

              Tassie Mike

              Tesla's writings in "code" well maybe some are, I wouldn't doubt that, I think a lot of the time that the only person that really understood what Nikola was doing was Nikola, there were no words to describe some things at the time, the formula's for some equasions to explain the things he found did not exsist either.

              Regards dude and all


              • #8
                Finally............Usable Devices

                Glad you finally are contributing usable devises ..... I am working on the same set up on my Eric Dollard Vibrator/ Tesla Radiant Harvester.

                I totally forgo the Bedini circuit, not needed. It is too early to speculate but I will be adding more input soon.

                You got no right denying me from the completion of the cycle, heck I'm sending you my last PM, and for future reference, Discuss everything OPENLY.

                We do not need conversation in the dark, lay out everything in the open for all to see.

                But again, thanks for your contribution.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tassie Mike View Post
                  Hi Guys,

                  I wonder, I was reading Tessa's life again for the umpteenth time and I get the feeling that he may have coded his writings.

                  Does anyone else get that sense?

                  Maybe its just wishful thinking but ......

                  and anyway, how do you do a decode of something like that??

                  OK so I am nuts, but there it is


                  No Mike your not nuts. ;P I doubt that i need to tell you that he used a lot of his own language, much of which is not standard terminology by conventional electronics. He seems to brush back and forth upon subjects and even his specific descriptions are kinda difficult to interpret. Not a conventional man at all. In only considering the contributions that he made and the hundreds of patents that ARE public, it can cause the mind to reel a bit. I have a lot of his material and even some FBI docs that are now revealed by freedom of information (with huge chunks blacked out).

                  I have his picture on the wall of my lab in the highest place i can put it. His eyes follow me around the room and i'm sure if he was really watching me, he would be shaking his head over and over and over again. However, i do spend a fair bit of time trying to channel just a wee bit of his inspiration. If only I had a small part of his genius, I would grab that ball and run with it.

                  Your not alone Mike my friend.

                  Here is some more documentation on the pancake coil. I'm going to add this to the pancake coil thread as well as i saw the diagram but not his cryptic writings. :P

                  Read and enjoy!
                  Love and Light!
         - Where technology goes Live!
         - Your Portal Here on Earth


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                    Wow, Dude, that is a nice setup, I like it very much, you give some very good idea's and insights. I would like to have a very low power lighting setup like that, very efficient, thanks for sharing, that's a download video for me.

                    Regards dude and all
                    Thanks very much Farmhand. I consider it a honour to hear nice things from our members here. I dream of being able to contribute in some way amongst so many great minds that come here. I'm still very much a layman, but i'm trying very hard to do something with what i've got.

                    Originally posted by electricity View Post
                    Glad you finally are contributing usable devises ..... I am working on the same set up on my Eric Dollard Vibrator/ Tesla Radiant Harvester.

                    I totally forgo the Bedini circuit, not needed. It is too early to speculate but I will be adding more input soon.

                    You got no right denying me from the completion of the cycle, heck I'm sending you my last PM, and for future reference, Discuss everything OPENLY.

                    We do not need conversation in the dark, lay out everything in the open for all to see.

                    But again, thanks for your contribution.
                    lol Ok. All is well Electricity. :P I only asked you not to reply based on your insinuating that i needed to "wake up" in some fashion. I really felt that you thought that i was a major sceptic of new energy systems while we were corresponding in the Captret thread. I was trying to contribute there up to the point that you were accusing everyone of having limited consciousness and narrow views. Systems by which we can generate something new and unresolved, be it from Tesla, Bedini, Peter Lindeman, Eric Dollard or you or I for that matter are of very great importance to me. I really was having a hard time with you calling everyone in that thread blind and sceptical. There is no need to try and raise the supposed "PTB" from out of the dark corners of these forums, if indeed they are even here at all. We all need to make strong efforts to work together and not insult one another. I spoiled my entire saturday of experimental time allowing myself to become flustered with our discussion. I would like to have you here to discuss this work if that is what you would like. And by all means there is no harm in a PM either. I was upset with you and i'm all good now. I'm sorry about that.

                    On that note I would like to invite anyone who wishes to comment or contribute to the line of thought as it progresses here. However, as just a cautionary note, please make founded and evidential observations, not just statements and conclusions. We can all hypothesize until the cows come home, that is fantastic! Much can be benefited through hypothesis. When we make statements and conclusions here on these forums, they really should be backed up with data and as much evidence as we can provide within our means to do so. We'll get some where much faster this way. This absolutely applies to me as well!

                    Sorry for the long rant here. I sure do feel better now Electricity.
                    Thank you.
                    L and L!
                    Last edited by thedude; 11-15-2010, 11:17 PM.
           - Where technology goes Live!
           - Your Portal Here on Earth


                    • #11
                      About my pancake coil

                      I realized just now that i haven't spec'd much about my pancake coil. It is comprised of 32 inner windings of ?RG-6 coaxial cable and 4 windings of 1/2" copper flexible plumbing pipe for the outer (typically) primary. I've ran the positve on the outer mesh wrap and the negative it on the interior insulated copper wire at the middle. This seemed to be the best for producing results in my case, but perhaps not in all cases.

                      Just wanted to add that i will also be doing some higher amplitude testing with this set up. At this time i am doing comparative tests to those I had done prior without the pancake coil involved. So far there is no comparison. Cheaper and brighter, or well the two are kinda interchangeable. But i will try and log some better details of these tests here.

                      Need a method of determining luminosity? Any suggestion as to best way to figure a constant so a real efficiency can be compared? Right now its all by observation.
                      Last edited by thedude; 11-16-2010, 01:10 AM.
             - Where technology goes Live!
             - Your Portal Here on Earth

