Bedini's "Tesla Switch Solar Amplifier" is available now for orders.
Tesla Switch Solar Charger to debut at Bedini conference
Tesla Switch Solar Charger to debut at Bedini conference
Free Energy Convention - Windows Live
Looking forward to learning what it does and how it performs
Why the need for solar panels?
Regards, Mike R.
Renaissance Charge - Intelligent Solutions to Premature Battery Failure
Tesla Solar Power Amplifier. The newest Bedini charger for offline solar charging/controlling. Three products rated for 10A, 20A, or 30A 12/24V solar panels and battery systems. See a prototype picture for details. Will ship within two months of ordering in order of payments received.
Tesla Solar Power Amplifier. The newest Bedini charger for offline solar charging/controlling. Three products rated for 10A, 20A, or 30A 12/24V solar panels and battery systems. See a prototype picture for details. Will ship within two months of ordering in order of payments received.
Tesla Switch Solar Charger to debut at Bedini conference
Free Energy Convention - Windows Live
Looking forward to learning what it does and how it performs

Why the need for solar panels?
Regards, Mike R.