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Snow Labs Releases Bedini Motor Hot Rod Tweaks!

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  • Snow Labs Releases Bedini Motor Hot Rod Tweaks!


    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year guys! Have fun with it.

    Please do download and circulate among the underground so that the ideas may never be squashed.

    Bedini Motor Hot-Rodding. How To.

    Part 1 YouTube - Bedini Motor Hot-Rodding!! How To. (Part 1)
    Part 2 YouTube - Bedini Motor Hot-Rodding!! How To. (Part 2)
    Part 3 YouTube - Bedini Motor Hot-Rodding!! How To. (Part 3)
    Part 4 YouTube - Bedini Motor Hot-Rodding!! How To. (Part 4)
    Part 5 YouTube - Bedini Motor Hot-Rodding!! How To. (Part 5)
    Part 6 YouTube - Bedini Motor Hot-Rodding!! How To. (Part 6)
    Part 7 YouTube - Bedini Motor Hot-Rodding!! How To. (Part 7)

    ....Do sign up for the Snow Labs mailing list at Snow Labs - Research & Development, Online Portfolio to receive any future notices. We might crank out some commercial items for the experimenter world in the future. Books, DVD's, plans, kits. For now, build it yourself and grow our craft! Plenty further to go with it!

    Plenty of room for everyone. As you can see, they're some pretty good hot rodding tricks. If we give that away freely as technical surplus, imagine what more can be done if this industry would actually grow to new heights! Would be nice to have some competition out there. Gets a little lonely when you're the best there is.

  • #2
    The magnetic field in the peswiki pages is very interesting.

    What is the use of kilowatt bedini motor? Isn't that very dangerous device? I imagine if the output part being suddenly disconnected then the device would produce million of volts?

    Can it be done with transistor?


    • #3
      Snow Labs MagnaFlux

      Nice seeing you again on the forums. I'm going to leave this open for others to play with and need to get back to focus on other power devices, but, yeah, a hot rodded Bedini motor can be very dangerous.

      The purpose of a kilowatt unit would be to power your electric cars, your homes (such as with the John Christi motor), or to push for industrial megawatt output. All that can be done on a modified Bedini. You get better torque off an E.V. Gray setup and with the same U or C coring + the noted tweaks in the video. Dangerous, indeed, as you move to higher voltages and amps, but standard electrical work.

      ....At least as I noted elsewhere, you want to develop maximum torque per mag motor with stronger drive coils. Depending on what you want to design, you can put one or two drive coils and leave the rest around the rotor as pickup coils. Preferably make them all drive coils/ over-unity coils (bifilars), and then shaft drive to an AXIFUS type PMA that I noted in the videos. Or, you can use old washing machine stepper motors, or any variety of PMA's.

      ...There's a guy on YouTube who is making car alternators into Bedini motors. He's just putting magnets on the pulley and spinning it. You waste some wattage in energizing the non-Permanent Magnet Alternator field, but that's still about 1000 Watts potential output right there versus very little in. I don't know his measurements, but you can see and know OU right with his unit. In his vids, the alternator does not appear to be operating at peak RPM and max power, so its output is probably somewhere less than 1kW.
      You can use that alone to run homes and trailers in impoverished areas or for farmers looking to lower their irrigation costs by running 12VDC pumps. And that's on caveman alternator designs that haven't changed much in the last couple decades.

      ....Once you step up the torque of Bedinis or any pulsed mag motor while connecting to modern permanent magnetic alternators of the next generation, then you can have automotive, residential, and industrial power. Fuel-less, clean & green, etc. No need to wait for some inventor and corporation to see funding and commercialization. You can build it yourself in the world. In garages. It's fully within the reach of most experimenters here. And the Bedini designs are far easier for most to play with and understand which is why I focused on that as a video lesson.

      ...As for my earlier nastiness, that was mostly for a couple pricks over on the forum and some YouTube pests. I'm still scratching my head why these lame asses cannot see that, but probably they're trolls or energy establishment moles lurking the forums.

      Anyhow, all the best to you guys. I make a habit of it these days to just not respond to forum questions or YouTubers unless they take the time to post a video response, submit intelligent questions from a builder, state their true name, show face, etc. All this hiding behind avatars is lame. I can't take the time to answer all questions and most of you engaged in serious experimentation with Bedini motors here are fully capable of exploring these things. There are thousands of design directions you can go on each, so I can't get boggled down in that while our attention needs to focus on paying clients. But, now and then, as people are seriously building these things and have serious technical questions, I will try to reply to some as video replies. I'm sick of this email and typing b.s. Fornicating forumite babble and all that.

      The vids were not made as Intro to Bedini Motors 101 lessons, but were meant for those of you who have built and enjoyed Bedini SSG's while seeing their limitations. Bedini, Bearden, Konzen, Lidmotor, Daftman, Imhotep, Slayer007, some other names I don't recall at the moment, etc. When they start playing with those tweaks of the video series, you'll see a lot more interesting things from these pulsed mag motors and they'll be able to spend the time answering whatever questions people have.

      Down the road -- many months from now -- if I can set aside some time to play with it more, I might show you some of our own pulsed mag motor goodies, but you get greater OU, power, and much more interesting things from solid state. I spend my time at the moment basically hot rodding devices kinda like the Sweet VTA, Bearden MEG, Tesla devices. No motor needed.

      The primary reason I took focus on it and cranked something out for the Free Energy crowd is so you can build as outlined. Motors are fun. They make noise. They're sexy. If you get the torque up and move more along the lines of E.V. Gray machining and setup -- modified with those Snow Labs tweaks -- there's no reason you can't use the motors to power your car projects, electric motor bikes, go carts, well pumps, whatever you like. It's heavier, bulkier technology. It's down in the lower and more reliable COP realm. The argument I make to the U.S. military maybe annoyed that I taught you such things is that, if we can keep you busy and happy working on Free Energy projects of lower COP, you'll be too busy having fun to mess around with higher COP affairs. And I tell you that candidly.

      I think low COP devices should be encouraged the world over, and they are fully capable of revolutionizing energy. You don't need high COP. It's actually a more unstable arena. As for high COP, Snow Labs will not likely be talking about that ever in public. That's a reasonable compromise. As things change over time, we can decide upon a new position, but, for the moment, that's where it is. That's why I'm not really into all these pulsed mag motor things, but, in the future, it might be fun to play some with you all. Just not now. A little later, I could task someone to it but not at the moment and it's better overall to allow each of you to fill in this gap.

      You can use relays and reed switches if you like in your experiments, but I suggest Hall effect and mosfet or transistor selections of high capacity. Problem with any mechanical switches is the arc and erosion. You can reduce that with a capacitor -- as Doug Konzen does with his motors -- but the reed switches still have maximum cycle lifetime. At higher RPM's, you're only going to see months of operation before failure. You could daisy chain them into some cheesy setup, but transistors are best. Use the Hall effect sensors to trigger that firing and away you go!

      As far as achieving OU:

      Increase volts and amps in.
      Increase RPM.
      Increase # of magnets for more Hertz if you like.
      Tighten up the gap between magnet and coil.
      More efficient coils & cores.
      ...All stuff noted in the video series.

      * Silicon Steel laminate will give you the best bang for the buck. Ferrite will give a little more. Other than that, you're getting into expensive materials like Mu metal which magnifies coil power by thousands fold. Welding rods for cores are okay, but laminate is better.

      Basically, the same Bedini SSG or E.V. Gray stuff you already do with just a couple engineering upgrades. When you look at all these pulsed mag motors -- Bedini, Konzen, E.V. Gray -- they're all open coil designs. All that field energy is lost to freespace rather than Q Factor confined in the toroid. If you lock it in better by tightening down the magnetic flux with the tighter machining and if you also magnetically shield the can better contain that energy. Containment = more wattage through your wires rather than all that field energy just wasted to freespace and radio noise.

      On the typical Bedini SSG people play with, just take those magnets on the radius and stick them horizontal instead. North facing up. South facing bottom of the rotor. Then, C clamp over them with your coils down to 0.5 to 1 mm air gap. Start exploring there. See what you get. Make coils any way you like from there. Build your motors any way you like from there.

      When you see it working and are happy, I'd appreciate if you call that form of mag motor using U or C shaped cores the "Snow Labs MagnaFlux" design. That way we can search the web and keep tabs on their evolution and variations over the years. We could draw stuff out nicer for you, but most of you can see it already in your head what I'm talking about and in the videos.

      Have fun with it, don't get electrocuted, and Happy New Year!


      • #4
        Millons of volts

        Oh, no, it's not Megavolt dangerous. You can drive much more volts and amps through coils like this, but, for most your Bedini explorations, you'll see a several fold amplification of coil output compared to open coils. The "Back EMF" spikes will be more powerful, yes, but you start out small. Low revs. Observe on your scope and meters. Tabulate things. Step up the RPM. Measure watts in vs. out. Design it and set its operation in the range you want. No need for Megavolts. Because I toss around Bedini or E.V. Gray motor visions for these upgrades, it can be easy to confuse the two. My statement here is in regard to Bedini upgrades.

        If you're going to do those U or C coils on an E.V. Gray configuration, then, yes, you're dealing with the ability to drive far higher volts in those coils and it can be very dangerous. However, if you want to drive kilowatt to megawatt AXIFUS type PMA....or just a washing machine stepper can do all that on the safer Bedini SSG upgrades.

        It's really all up to you how you want to go with it and the so many directions possible are why I can't get heavily involved in your explorations. Right now, everything you're doing in Bedini SSG's on this can amplify by tens, hundreds, and thousands fold depending on what you want to do. Same for E.V. Gray things or any other system.

        Flying saucers are toroidal containment saucers for a reason, remember!


        • #5
          Thanks for the long answer. The "Snow Labs MagnaFlux" design remind me of Ted's motor which is a variation of Bedini SSG:
          Switched magnet motor - Heretical Builders
          Contained Field Motor - Heretical Builders

          Maybe U shaped can be the magnet or the coil.

          About the way to switch, I am thinking of transistor being triggered with mechanical. This way, no spark but very sharp trigger for transistor.

          Many thanks for the tips .


          • #6
            Interesting experiments! Thanks for the links.

            Mechanical running transistors is a great, too. Just stay away from reed switches, relays, or any form of points.


            • #7
              Originally posted by SL3 View Post
              Oh, no, it's not Megavolt dangerous. You can drive much more volts and amps through coils like this, but, for most your Bedini explorations, you'll see a several fold amplification of coil output compared to open coils. The "Back EMF" spikes will be more powerful, yes, but you start out small. Low revs. Observe on your scope and meters. Tabulate things. Step up the RPM. Measure watts in vs. out. Design it and set its operation in the range you want. No need for Megavolts. Because I toss around Bedini or E.V. Gray motor visions for these upgrades, it can be easy to confuse the two. My statement here is in regard to Bedini upgrades.
              Hi SL3,

              Just to mention that, from my observations, if one builds a larger Bedini machine, he must also use larger batteries, so that the small batteries don't get destroyed. The Impulse is what draws the vacuum energy and the current is what prepares the battery for charging, and stronger spikes, may destroy the battery, so we need stronger batteries.

              Anyway, thank you for the good info on tuning these devices.

              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


              • #8
                The books, DVDs and inspiring teaching is the trend in this field.
                Better come up with concrete evidence of explicit useful OU and a useful device and then sell anything regarding its know-how, rather than selling interesting plans of almost no value claiming its all infront ur eyes.

                Sorry to be bitter, but that's a fact.


