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strange effects in the components of bedini's chargers : cap, battery, transistors...

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  • strange effects in the components of bedini's chargers : cap, battery, transistors...

    Hello everybody !

    it's my first web post on free energy, so, i want first to thanks for this forum and all the free energy researchers & peace workers & all the spirits wich work for us.

    i want to speak about my understanding of the stange effects occuring in the components of Bedini's charger :
    -capacitor and tunneling/electret effects, cold boiling and pre glow discharge with ormus generation in battery, tunneling effect in transistors, zeta potential and radiant energy collection, and little more..

    Perhaps i make big mistakes or misunderstands, and i am OPEN to all constructives critics, each others we catch understanding by various ways and i think it's important to release a part of these investigations (and sorry for my poor english : i am learning everytime !)

    I note there is a lot of questions about Capacitors : HV / low farads vs LOW voltage / high farads... radiant energy conversion, anormalous production of energy after totally discharged... and understand what is the transformation of normal capacitor TO "conditionned capacitor" (regarding to Free energy generation book)...
    each subject has his topic :



    In fact, i have seen nobody speak about the ELECTRET EFFECT in the Bedini pulse cap' discharge,
    According to my understanding of the phenomenon, i will try to give you clear explanations of this effect : an electret is simple free energy device, it's a capacitor wich recovery itself its charge without charging it, normally you make it by passing pure DC high voltage through acrilyc plastic capacitor heated around 300°C (but others materials are possibles), voltage depends of the thickness/material of the dielectric, after turn off when it take cold, you wrap it in aluminium paper, wait 2 or 3 weeks (becareful when you removed the aluminium paper, this is high voltage!) and you have a capacitor wich take itself the ambiant energy, charge in 2 or 3 minutes and it can be discharged every 2 minutes or so, since a dozen of years ...There is a voltage amplification: if you treated it with 15KV you will have something like a 20KV discharge.

    The ambiant energy is very high frequency oscilations ... so high there's not a lot of things for catch it freely like electrets : germanium diodes but with very little power, So for catch it we need supraconductors here........... SO guys, WHAT IS THE MYSTERY of electrets ?

    That is simple, by application of electricity through the dielectric , We stressed the dielectric wich take a little amount of time to be polarised and conduct electricity like in a transistor, the energy pass by "tunneling effect" in the dielectric,
    ---Some scientists discovered that : cosmic particles pass more rapidly through matter than in the vacuum by "tunneling effect".
    At a sufficient level of energy (voltage and current) this tunneling effect becomes permanent : the dielectric is printed by nanotubulures (very very thin tube) were electricity pass.

    So, we make NANOTUBES in the dielectric, and if the dielectric is based on carbon, so you make carbon nanotubes (search on this), in other mediums, you can make others nanotubes... in fact these nanotubes are supraconductors, and have an other very great particularity : they conduct the electron flow in just ONE way !
    In an electret capacitor thousands of nanotubes are polarised in the same way (if DC treatment) and they catch the ambiant high frequency oscilations and charge the plates of the capacitor, so it's a simple way low cost to make supraconductor here !

    Another consideration : when you treat your electret one side with positive, this side becomes negative, and inversement.

    At a lower stage of energy, dielectric is not printed by physic/ solid nanotubulures, but it occurs as low energy plasma "tubes", wich are removed after the electric stress.
    --- why is there a voltage amplification in a discharge ?

    Nanotubes has been discovered since a time, and there is already any applications for new generation of televisions wich will use carbon nanotubes in place of the cathodic tube, simply by adding a coil around nanotubes and you have a electron cannon...

    Generaly Electrets are heated under High voltage (15 / 30 KV) with 3mm acrylic plastic capacitor, but you can use others materials here.....and Thomas Brown added metallic powders [heavier the better] in the dielectric to increase wattage (but less voltage), (if the metalic powders are ferromagnetic its will help for something).

    I see a nanotube like a nanometer supraconductive secondary of a tesla coil freely oscillating in the ambiant oscilations, mounted with a very fast high voltage diode connected to the plates of a polarised capacitor....
    You can try to play with a magnet around an electret you will see the interaction like with a little coil...
    ---Some scientists disvored a "field effect"around the plates of capacitors.

    Can you see that ? a supraconductive (HV) nano coil wich conduct electron in just one way....
    So, you have a very special capacitor, and when it is discharged strange properties appear because thousands of nanocoils are in the dielectric :
    1- the discharge cause EM/scalar stress through the capacitor, wich stress the nanotubes = generate high frequency oscillations in the output pulse,
    2- the electric stress create back EMFs into the nanotubes = making high freqency oscillations,
    3- discharge cause nanotubes can suddently collects ambiant energy, that's create a vacuum in the scalar field (like thousands of nano black holes)... wich attract strongly the scalar field, and generate resonance with the vacuum = generate high frequency oscillations...

    So, Stop here if you think about that, it's can be a key of free energy, because at this moment, when we conduct the scalar field momentainly polarised by the nanotubes through the load- COP is infinte, So, you connect the load to the polarised vacuum wich generate very high frequency pulses like an infinity of polarised particles wich resonate with the discharge stress.

    Another simple consideration : if you look the discharge of variants tesla coils you can see differents forms of arcs : white and thin with a classic solenoidal secondary or large purpule flames with flat spiral secondary... when the arc pass through a solid transparent glass or acrylic plastic we can see the forms of arcs, here an arc in acrylic plastic here we can see bigger tubes than nano because high energy tesla coil since long time..
    There is various forms of arc, The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum (C) Jeff Behary 2007 -Thomas Burton Kinraide Archives - 22 x 28 Prints from the collection of Steve and Pamela here glass treated with kinraid coil
    and we can see what if a coil have good vortex effect (spiral, kinraid coil) the tubes printed have more branch of trees. we can see that too in the of rodin's coil field

    The nanotubes (or low energy plasma "tubes") formed in a capacitor take the form of arcs in air... what form did you prefer trees or just a branch ?



    Bedini chargers create very high frequency voltage oscilations in the battery, wich cause pre glow discharge between the plates, pre glow discharge (see Korrea[s]'s research) is a short timing BEFORE the right discharge of current, since this very little amount of time a strange thing occur : a tiny amount of matter on the cathode is vaporised, and form very little crater on the cathode, matter pass through a another state : matter to gas, this is sublimation ("magnifiying" said tesla for his coil), the gas released form a tunneling/ vortex in the way of the anode, but STOP his way in the middle way between the battery's plates, because at this moment the medium (electrolyte here) create a resistance to be polarized, and the conduction stop here... it generates very short pulse (dozen of nanoseconde) into the battery's plates.

    The matter vaporised/ transmuted in gas has released high state energy materials : ORMUS particles, ormus are supraconductive nanoparticles at room temperature, and when they are present in the battery, since the battery's discharge they attract the scalar field and conduct it to the load by low state nanotubulures in water/electrolyte between the plates (my opinion !)
    --- I think this is why the capacitance increase in conditionned battery : billions of tinies craters increase the area of the cathodes.
    --- Ormus particles have anti-gravity properties, this is an explanation of fluctuations of the battery's weight

    When the electrolyte of battery is fully charged of solubilised gas/ormus particles, water start to boiling because gas bubbles are formed in; ormus have implosive properties, and when it form tiny bubbles, they implode and generate a blue/green light wich release energy.
    This is sololuminescence, cold fusion... same things as joe cell & likes.
    Ormus can pass through anything and in conditionned battery the gas is in the same time in and out of the battery.... Mr Bedini say something like that "in conditionned battery energy is more out than in".
    There is various way to catch ormus, but Barry Carter say that is possible to catch it in magnetic collapsing fields... this is under our noze ! (french """expression""")

    The ormus particles resonate at the MHz range, and WHAT DOES BEDINI with his "10 000KHz" resonances in the pulse? what do tesla with his "magnifiying coil", and the others ? discharge into high impedance to generate very high frequency by collapsing field / resonnance with the nanoparticles (ormus) medium,
    righ no ? Gray tube, secondary of tesla coil, joe cell pulsed are always discharge into high impedance; just different form... scalar or EM/scalar field, no ?

    Can you see that ? An ormus particle is described like a tetrahèdre of very high spin with an electron of very high spin around it... this is like a nano spinning top, a rotative little supramagnet, so they are attracted by themselves and form a merkabah1 : Two tetrahèdres overlapped in themselves, making cancellation of magnetism, no EM energy, but now a monopole magnet, scalar energy we can't measure with conventional EM technology, strike it at 90° like Flynn do with his monopole magnet (VTA) and they release EM energy, what happens every time in discharges wich polarise the monopole medium wich become a little time an infinity of resonant nanomagnets, wich resonates at "nanofrequency" (the MHz range)...

    Pre glow discharge occurs with voltage but don't need current -or very little-, i think this effect is just a part of what bedini charger does, radiant discharge create
    high pulsepower of free electrons of high state energy, is there others effects than pre glow discharge ?
    --- Mr Bedini says "the right amount of current at the right time" (or like that), I want to understand more on that, anyone can help me ?

  • #2
    second parts



    A capacitor is not just static energy : it attracts ormus particles by a simple way what you must understand : ZETA POTENTIAL EFFECT, the ormus particles are positive inside (proton) and negative outside (electron), so the positive plate of a capacitor attract the negative (out)side of ormus particles, but when this particle is next the negative plate the positive energy inside the ormus particle (proton) [wich is more powerfull than the electron] is attracted and accumulated on the negative plate (this is why the center of joe cells start first to boiling)

    Free energy/ ormus collection is made in the STATIC MODE, (as say Bearden and Bedini), so the zeta potential permits the ormus collection on capacitors (joe cells & likes) with DC current and little power because static... but free energy collection in a coil use the same zeta potential effect, each wires are like capacitors and the difference of potential attract ormus by zeta potential effect, but we must use pulsed energy for collect them here.

    If it's right, the capacitor effect in a coil and the difference of potential between the wires are strongly important, there is many ways to incrase capacitance in a coil, and there is the tesla's way for increasing difference of potential between the wires with bitifilars or multifilar coils, tesla said bifilar coil is 250,000 times greater than a standard coil.... but for the static collection !
    And here we can understand the importance of voltage : higher is the voltage, higher is the attraction of gas/ormus particles, like Mr Bedini says : "high voltage is the KEY".

    And what about the difference of potential between the wires of a heavy litz wire ?

    another consideration with zeta potential : You can catch ormus powders in charged water (as joe cell's water) by turning up the PH (from acid to basic) around PH 13, why ? the same way as static collection : make the water basic by adding caustic solution (HO-) is add electrons to water , make it electronegative,(most of) ormus materials are negative outside , negative repulse negative so water repulse ormus wich precipitate... in contrary acid water attract ormus.



    So, free energy ormus particles pass through the dielectric of the capacitor, like say Bearden in FEG book: a cascade is both static and dynamic.
    Capacitors are scalar generators : look at the biefeld and brown effect with High K dieletric capacitor at 70KV wich make anti-gravity (and look perhaps more on Thomas brown and electret effect..)

    Ormus particles are repulsed by magnetism, because whithout stress there are in monopole configuration, it's a fact, you can build magnetic traps to catch it from water, but they pass easyly and are attracted by PARAMAGNETIC MATERIALS..... So, there is a lot of paramagnetic materials wich attract strongly ormus..... Reich said Orgone is attracted strongly by water and beez wax (never heat it more than 64°C !!), Barry Carter speak about the high paramagnetic properties of pink quartz used in large quantity in the king's chamber of "Kheops" pyramid... others crystals have very good paramagnetic properties too.

    So, if we think about all these things, we will use paramagnetics materials in capacitor no ?
    All that is perhaps stupid, maybe i am totally wrong !?!
    But when i read John bedini's notes about the device for charging battery from an antenna : "it's important to use a capacitor something like mica or a glass tinfoil capacitor" ..... my heart make a "bit", you know : high frequency scalar waves "booom booom booom" , because mica is highly paramagnetic, if not the best of paramagnetic materials !!!

    SECOND thing what i think is about the form of capacitors..... if the sheets metal and the dielectric film of the capacitor are rolled generally like in plastic and electrolytic capacitors, it will generate an EM field when charged/discharged witch unsettle the scalar field making loss of scalar potential and EM energy ..(it's my opinion)...

    And THIRD thing, i think electrolytic capacitors are good for bedini application ( very good electret effect)... but they are rolled, and another problem they use aluminium as conductors plates, and aluminium in water....... Bah !!! not good ! teflon and aluminium are good materials, but at the right place ! they both attract so much the ambiant energy they saturate and slow down the flux of energy through them and so through water/capacitor. This is why we don't make joe cell with aluminium.

    Better caps must be classic flat plates, but today for HF or VHF aplications, the better caps we can find are 3D closed, spherical or pyramidal capacitors, for less losses (pyramidal seems to be the best)... 3D closed capacitor looks like orgone accumulator no ? William Reich had built an orgone accumulator triggered by a pulse in the middle like tesla(gray) tube to run a little DC motor..... some UFO[2] seems to use sphericals capacitors.

    anothers ideas in vrac :
    - i think Bedini use his "conversion capacitor" as the same stuff as tesla's "conversion tube" (replicated by Ewin Gray as"gray tube") but just triggered differently.
    - if the capacitor catch the scalar field why not make a bedini's FLUX GATE around the capacitor ??? the monopole rotor is a very amazing stuff too.
    - the replication of tesla's motor by edwin gray EMA1 used a large amount of little capacitors as input, why ? A litlle cap resonate at higher frequency than a big cap, the surface around capacitors is increased and increase the field effect (?)



    So, we have seen strange effects occurs when electricity pass through dielectrics: tunneling / electret effect, pre glow discharge, nanotubes,
    so WHAT HAPPENS IN A TRANSISTOR when turned on ? current pass by tunneling effect ?.... and if enough energy is used dielectric is printed by nanotubes ?
    YES ! WHY nobody speak about that ? when turned ON the dielectric take a litlle time to be polarised, but this time can be totally reduced by making nanotubes into the dielectric.... making a better high frequency transistor with better SHARP PULSE.

    ---Mr Bedini tune his transistors, but without say more than "you can't make it, this is too dangerous" or something like that. i can understand this is a dangerous tuning!!
    ---Some Russian scientists polarise their transistor by ONE high voltage pulse through a HV silicone transistor to print the dielectric with nanotubes; that's give to them a better sharp pulse for nanoseconde pulse generation and higher frequency switch ...(you can search on this, they've got a website, try with "nanoseconde pulse generation + polarised transistor " or something like that ).

    Nanotubes are polarised, so if you want to do something like that in what way do you want to send the pulse positive side or negative ? the both ways are possibles, but one way have little more interesting results for us.

    [[[ BE CAREFULL WITH HIGH VOLTAGE !!!! always use your right hand (for the heart), rubber gloves and take your time !!! ]]]

    In fact, what really happens in the tunneling effect ? E-AMPLIFICATION (scalar amplification) ???
    And what happens IN A DIODE ? Is there scalar amplification everywhere ? perhaps in a diode the effect is very little, but ?
    ---Some diodes are polarised when builded and have a voltage without anything, ELECTRET EFFECT occur here too...

    In discharge radio frequency are generated, because charged particles have differents state of energy (THE FERMIONS), the particles with the highest state of energy moved more rapidly, this create waves of differents states of energy.
    Very short pulsetime seems to be very interesting, conditionned battery have better state of energy particles as charged capacitor with radiant energy.

    A diode mounted inversed take a little time to stop conduction and can cut a pulse,



    If we search to generate very high frequencies in the resonant pulse, the core material is VERY important, a heavy ferrite core sature rapidly at High Frequency,
    Mr Bedini says something like "Start with welding rods, air core is the second stage" because air core generate higher frequencies,
    But, but, but... okay, but what is the third stage ???
    The answer is perhaps : NANO FERROMAGNETIC POWDERS, or nano magnetite powders (perhaps you can't read more because you think i am crazy "nano, still nano, everytime nano...all is nano with me, and my pseudo is nanotube...make to much ?") because these particles don't saturate at very high frequency and will generate a big amplification of the high frequency's medium resonance, righ no ?

    ---Today scientists are playing with ferromagnetic nanoparticles and speak about supramagnetism, because the vander waals force interactions are in the nanometre size, so this is simple : if we cut the interactions between the particles and align them by magnetism we make supramagnets (you can search on this word),
    so in a simple way we can play with supracores !!! In just adding resin to the nanppowders (and we can polarise them in various configurations.........)
    Magnetite or ferromagnetic nanopowders are expensives, if you find a great way for buying it not too expensive i am interested !
    For the moment i have found synthetic magnetite 2-5 microns at 15$US / pound, on miniscience

    And the best for the end :
    I think LITZ NANOWIRES can have very great properties, but this is for tomorrow ! because you can't read more, right no ?
    ---Some scientists found that nanowires have piezoelectrics effects.



    The fourth state of matter : PLASMA absorbs all virbrations, radiations, cosmics particles... all you says ? .... any ideas ?


    So guys, i don't think what make a good bedini charger is just :" take a BJY723 and a H1D1446, put a 600V 3µF cap and tune the 555..."
    We use electronic components not built for radiant energy applications, so we must first REALLY understand what effects occurs in them (and between them !), right no ? "find the FORM not the FORMULE" said Victor Schaumberger.


    • #3
      the end of the post

      Perhaps you will have any ideas about all that, and i will be happy for that.... if you work for peace on planet !

      That's all for today, I have make a part of work without have spent some years in scientist's schools, we can all clear our mind and catch informations from the scalar field!

      i am 25 years old since one month, i have no lab, no scop, spectrometer or LCRmeters, i don't like too much electronic... i prefer the simplicity of plasma opening switchs, and don't want spent dozens of years to search the rights components..
      So, if you can help me for something , if i have ONE question : A VERY LITTLE QUESTION with a VERY LITTLE ANSWER..... this is :

      WHAT IS THE DIVIN LIGH BULB WICH CAN MAKE THE PERFECT LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH ???? (something like 25V/high current, short pulsetime at high frequency)

      and i'll give you a REAL REAL GREAT THANKS !!!!!!!!!
      pleeeeaase ! just a little word .... my email is

      So, have a good fun,
      i am open to all constructives critics.

      this thread is for all strange effects in components of bedini's chargers SS or SG.


      • #4
        Hi nano I would like to you and thank you from your insite and links.
        I Love your understanding but have no useful comment for you sorry!
        But saying that it was a great read
        Take Care


        • #5
          Thanks Bodkins !

          Hello Bodkins and thanks for your welcome !
          i hope my english is not too bad !

          In fact this thread is more for strange effects AND tuning/choice of bedini's chargers components...

          i want to speak more about voltage amplification in a discharge regarding the "electron cascad effect" in the dielectric/medium, an other effect : in french the name is the "plasmon effect" and make the parallel with metamaterials.

          when a discharge occur in a capacitor (like a tesla [gray] tube) the dielectric/medium is since a quick time "polarised" and an amplification occur by electron cascad effect between the plates, an electron pass through the dielectric/medium and carry others electrons from the vacuum, each electrons form the vacuum carry others electrons in a cascade : this is like send a music note "DO" and recept at the terminal plate the resonant song of the universe OOOM, wich has much much much more notes in.

          This amplification occur in the same way in a nanotube... that's my opinion !

          you have no more energy at the output but much usefull in a load, because you have the good song wich resonate with all loads... in fact we spoke about current, but not of QUALITY / STATE of currents, i think the new way of free energy is not the old paradigm "quantity of current" but quality.

          the plasmon effect is the same way, it gives the same understanding of the phenomenon, when the first plate of capacitor receive the pulse (or any energy:light,hot...) the energy is manifested by a plasma of charges positive and negatives wich oscilates on the plate, each electronic charge on the plate have his own counter-charge behind the plate and are both reversed in the oscilations of this plasma """"""statics""""" charge (there is nothing static here no ?!)

          can you see that ? you send the pulse and you have a plasma beam of charged electronics particles freely oscilating on each sides of the plate like waves...

          So, another effect occur, this is the "spash effect" on the others plates of capacitor : the plasma beam is splashed on the second capacitor plate by the energy pulse, and the charged particles are multiplied as "quantic electron, or virtual electron" ... we can see the plates capacitor as multiples mirrors (of both sides) you look your image in the first mirror and your image is reflected behind the mirror and in the same time from you... so with multiples mirrors at the the last plate of the cap, you've got an infinity or your image.... this virtual energy can be used for "quantic discharges" !

          --- Scientists discovered this efffect in some materials and give the name "metamaterials" as quantic materials.

          i think all these effects occurs in the capacitor of bedini's discharge cap.

          thanks to all,


          • #6
            Welcome nanotube to our little oasis of insanity.

            You present some interesting ideas and I will definitely go back and re-read your posts again.

            Your English is fairly good though I still have to put it all in context, but don't worry the more you write the better you get. Too bad I don't speak French else it would probably be easier to communicate.

            So what did you mean by this?

            WHAT IS THE DIVIN LIGH BULB WICH CAN MAKE THE PERFECT LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH ???? (something like 25V/high current, short pulsetime at high frequency)
            Are you looking for something that will switch fast at low trigger voltage with high currents?

            ---Some Russian scientists polarise their transistor by ONE high voltage pulse through a HV silicone transistor to print the dielectric with nanotubes; that's give to them a better sharp pulse for nanoseconde pulse generation and higher frequency switch ...(you can search on this, they've got a website, try with "nanoseconde pulse generation + polarised transistor " or something like that ).
            Could you please provide a direct link to this, I am not having much luck with google tonight...
            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


            • #7
              Salut Marc,

              great ideas you've got there. Quite intense posts which will necessitate another reading (or two).

              I agree with your capacitor ideas.
              I always wondered why the experimenters at the beginning of the century seemed to have no problem getting effects with their simple equipment, while we struggle to find the smallest overunity gains. Maybe it was just the fact that the construction of their capacitors was totally different than what we use now.
              Maybe the physically large flat plate capacitor has indeed properties that allow it to interact easier with aether.

              Anyway I'd like to help you with your "divin light bulb" but can't understand what you mean...

              Keep posting, we need fresh new outlooks on technology. And don't feel bad because of the low response to your posts, it's always like that when you blow people's minds
              Just give them some time to absorb



              • #8
                nanotube, I understand where you are coming from, generally.
                I've been coming across a lot of stuff that backs up what you say is "there" and is "possible".
                As I was reading your post, I was finding in my mind previous things I had read which make what you say ring true.
                There isn't a 1,2,3 how-to instruction booklet to be found. Most of it is really focused on a very narrow "this" aspect or narrow "that" aspect and isn't bringing it all together like you have been talking about.

                Most of the things I've read are not within my reach right now for posting.
                I am unable bring together, due to a lack of a more detailed understanding and express it as you have done.
                Thus did not save most of the information that would support what you are saying that I have read.
                I hope I can will be able to back up your words with documentation in the future so others with realize this
                isn't pie-in-sky words you are speaking, but scientific fact ...
                Well, experimental fact, at least..
                I don't care what they call it: Voo-Doo, witch-craft or BS ..
                I only care about the results.
                Let us all not get HUNG up on the words and make new words if we have to.

                I was going to tell Bodkins about you, but I see he beat me here.

                Stick around
                Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                • #9
                  the divin light bulb and more links

                  Thanks for your answers,

                  i will give more links soon...i have no time for that now !
                  and i must first answer to Amigo :

                  -QUEST about my "divin light bulb" : something that will switch fast at low trigger voltage with high currents ?

                  YES , this is that : low voltage, short/sharp pulse of high wattage, with high frequency the faster the better.
                  In fact there is many ways to switch current without transistor: spark gap or plasma opening switch (POS), for exemple Mr bedini use a neon bulb (NE2)
                  60V / 0,01A to switch a signal for the SCR (this is a POS), but me i don't want to just trigger a signal 0,01A... i need more amperage !

                  Mr Bedini knows what is the right bulb wich make the right switch for each battery... AAaaaah, it's a dream...

                  no ideas ?


                  • #10

                    souds like you could use a Thyratron tube as that will give you very fast switching (even ms) at high currents. We are talking here 100A and 2500V on the Anode, in 10ms triggering.

                    Unfortunatelly the best tubes (with high amps, ms switching) are regulated commodity in North America - military use only, thus getting one might be difficult, but nothing is impossible if you are outside the "paranoid" zone (North America).

                    Another option is a triggered spark gap - yet again forbidden for public use item, if they go over 500A, 2000V, <1ms triggering.

                    I swear this continent is all ****ed up...but I'll guess you are not living here so there still might be hope to get those items.
                    Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                    • #11

                      I want to know from someone with experience in the electronics field about capacitor charging.

                      How a capacitor is really charged? With pure amperage, provided the voltage will "push" it through the capacitor or somehow else?

                      My experience with charging caps off an passive generator coil mounted at the rotor of my SSG is the following:

                      My top "energizer" passive coil (29awg 340 ohms) outputs some 100 Vac at 100 hz magnet frequency. When shorted it tops 20 mA current circulating through it.
                      When applied a load like a 10KoHm resistor it outputs 8mA AC current. Some 0.6 watts.
                      When trying to light a bulb - of course - it does not light since its amperage rating is far more (even the 6volt 50ma bulb)

                      Now the funny part. When i charge a capacitor (2500 uf) at 60 volts it takes some 12sec.
                      Then, in turn the cap could - not done yet - in a properly arrangemet to light the bulb for some 10-15 secs. That means the coil can SUSTAIN the bulb lit via a capacitor.
                      When trying a step-down transformer loses are huge and the bulb is barely lit

                      My question again.

                      Does the CAP charge with current? With voltage? A combo of them? How can 20mA@ 100 volt be transmuted in a cap to higher amperage lower voltage? Does a cap, actually behaves as an efficient step down transformer?

                      Enlighten me pls



                      • #12
                        Radiant energy charging cap

                        Dear guys,

                        In the FEG (free energy generation book) Bedini and Bearden teach that a capacitor (or a battery) charged with radiant energy charge 50 time faster than conventional (positive) energy, that's because the outpout of the energiser is (like) a "signal" wich force radiant energy to flow directly from the vacuum into the cap.
                        So the charging of a cap in radiant energy mode is very different... we can't mesure radiant energy in terms of voltage/amperage...
                        A cap can be used as step down transformer in pulsed mode if the input is sufficiantly short to not fully charge the cap.... but with radiant energy i think it's not possible to have permanently the same voltage on the cap because radiant energy enter directly in your cap from the vacuum and vary at each pulse : sometimes very strongly... another time less, depends daytime or nightime... in FEG book they say that a 160V in daytime could be +300V in midnight.

                        a thyratron is used in many pulsed motors but there is better.
                        mS i long... depends what you want, a rotative spark gap can achive even shorter with higher voltages... But my question is for low voltages as well as 24 to 50V, what bulbs can switch this voltage without triggering it ?

                        thanks to read,

