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JB's Perspective on Time

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  • JB's Perspective on Time

    Hello All!

    Does anyone know JB's perspective on TIME?

    We're all told that light travels at a certain speed (186,000 miles/sec) and it takes times for electricity to move through a circuit... Are there experiments to prove time exists in existence (not just in our linear dimensions and limited perspective)???

    I strongly intuitively feel that we're in a Sea of Energy (Aether), I'm sure everyone on here (or nearly everyone) would agree to that as we're all studying from many of the same Inventors on here from over the past 300 years...

    In compliment to this Aether Theory (Tesla preferred gaseous reference), I also strongly feel that energy as well as light is OMNIPRESENT. I do not feel that it takes "Time" for energy to travel through the circuit or time for rays of sunlight to hit Earth. However, I do agree that from our limited linear perspective that "Time" is passing (even at Planck Time 10^-44) for the sun rays to hit our planet. In essence, I believe we're only experience "Time" or delays when measuring with our devices because we're all from this plane and the light/energy is from another plane. In theory, there is no way to prove (or more importantly) disprove this Theory. I WELCOME ALL INPUT/IDEAS PLEASE!!!

    I believe Black Holes (which are actually pure light, not a dark abyss... I prefer the term "Light Holes") and Suns are very similar in Nature. Professor Eric P. Dollard studied the Sun intensely for numerous years (I think 6 years in Sonoma, California) and I believe he says they act as transformers; transforming energy from another plane to here (please don't lynch my if my general quote on Prof. Dollard is incorrect, would appreciate confirmation and/or correction on this point, thanks!). Light Holes emit the frequency from another plane and from my understanding the many Suns receive and transform/emit this to the planet's core to receive and permeate through it's planetary body. On our plane it seems like it takes "time" for this to happen. I believe we're all just experience a delay when in actuality it is instantaneous and omnipresent.

    I believe all energy, light, etc... is omnipresent and doesn't not actually take "Time" to travel, only seems this way because it is frequencies way beyond what our frequency of the human body/brain is operating at. So in theory, there is no real way to test unless we were able to travel to where the White Holes & Sun were emitting from and even then we would likely still have "delays" or "Time" experience because of how we are wired. Can't figure out a set or procedures to disprove this theory, any and all ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    After many in depth and continuing discussions with Engineers and Friends, it seems we do not have the ability to disprove this theory as it's dealing with transdimensional and/or a plane above/beyond/between ours.

    Any thoughts and especially insights anyone has from JB on Time would be immensely appreciated!

    Thank You!

    "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson

  • #2
    Bedini's Magnetic Model

    Read this: John Bedini's Magnetic Model
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      Aaron, you're the man!

      Thank you sincerely! Going to dive deep on this link... THANK YOU!

      "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


      • #4
        The subject of space-time from different perspectives and various types of energy takes a lifetime to cut through the sludge of mis-information to highlight the advances.
        Starting with a bedini motor and vacumn in a mechanical perspective.
        refering to the section subtitled "FORWARD"
        The medical dominance over energy research and the loss of documentation.
        Sure, we'll spend an hour with that subject someday.

        Controlling the narative on Myron Evans paper is typical mainstream debunk claiming
        "no scientific basis" from the Math/Physics perspective.
        No Lorentz property of M W Evans' O(3)-symmetry law - IOPscience
        Last edited by mikrovolt; 04-10-2017, 04:09 AM.


        • #5
          Thank You Mikrovolt ! ! !

          Greatly appreciate the links, will get to digging.

          Hadn't read the Forward before, thank you for that!

          "Controlling the narative on Myron Evans paper is typical mainstream debunk claiming
          "no scientific basis" from the Math/Physics perspective.
          No Lorentz property of M W Evans' O(3)-symmetry law - IOPscienc"

          Transverse/Longitudinal Waves:
          Transverse & Longitudinal Electric Waves and Tesla's Longitudinal Electricity - Eric P. Dollard - Official Homepage

          And yes, there is an asserted effort from certain organized groups to spread dis-info in many different industries/sectors throughout human society... Too bad good always triumphs over evil

          to JB!

          Last edited by ET-Power; 04-10-2017, 05:05 AM. Reason: EPD Link
          "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


          • #6
            Originally posted by ET-Power View Post
            Hello All!

            Does anyone know JB's perspective on TIME?

            We're all told that light travels at a certain speed (186,000 miles/sec) and it takes times for electricity to move through a circuit... Are there experiments to prove time exists in existence (not just in our linear dimensions and limited perspective)???

            I strongly intuitively feel that we're in a Sea of Energy (Aether), I'm sure everyone on here (or nearly everyone) would agree to that as we're all studying from many of the same Inventors on here from over the past 300 years...

            In compliment to this Aether Theory (Tesla preferred gaseous reference), I also strongly feel that energy as well as light is OMNIPRESENT. I do not feel that it takes "Time" for energy to travel through the circuit or time for rays of sunlight to hit Earth. However, I do agree that from our limited linear perspective that "Time" is passing (even at Planck Time 10^-44) for the sun rays to hit our planet. In essence, I believe we're only experience "Time" or delays when measuring with our devices because we're all from this plane and the light/energy is from another plane. In theory, there is no way to prove (or more importantly) disprove this Theory. I WELCOME ALL INPUT/IDEAS PLEASE!!!

            I believe Black Holes (which are actually pure light, not a dark abyss... I prefer the term "Light Holes") and Suns are very similar in Nature. Professor Eric P. Dollard studied the Sun intensely for numerous years (I think 6 years in Sonoma, California) and I believe he says they act as transformers; transforming energy from another plane to here (please don't lynch my if my general quote on Prof. Dollard is incorrect, would appreciate confirmation and/or correction on this point, thanks!). Light Holes emit the frequency from another plane and from my understanding the many Suns receive and transform/emit this to the planet's core to receive and permeate through it's planetary body. On our plane it seems like it takes "time" for this to happen. I believe we're all just experience a delay when in actuality it is instantaneous and omnipresent.

            I believe all energy, light, etc... is omnipresent and doesn't not actually take "Time" to travel, only seems this way because it is frequencies way beyond what our frequency of the human body/brain is operating at. So in theory, there is no real way to test unless we were able to travel to where the White Holes & Sun were emitting from and even then we would likely still have "delays" or "Time" experience because of how we are wired. Can't figure out a set or procedures to disprove this theory, any and all ideas would be greatly appreciated!

            After many in depth and continuing discussions with Engineers and Friends, it seems we do not have the ability to disprove this theory as it's dealing with transdimensional and/or a plane above/beyond/between ours.

            Any thoughts and especially insights anyone has from JB on Time would be immensely appreciated!

            Thank You!

            Maybe the sun transforms energy from another dimension, into this one. and the light hole also does this, but into another direction, inwards. Time... I do think that if you travel to another dimension, and then travel back into this dimension, you would not need time to cover insanly great distances.

            What if we could make another dimension bubble? surrounding us and our vehicle. the bubble would have its own set of laws (inertia), separate from the laws of this dimension (universe). than it would be easy...

            But hej... How to do this?

            Almost Full moon...


            • #7
              this website shows the angular momentum of the planets is linked to the output of the sun
              Beyond Landscheidt.... | Planetary Theory Moves to the Next Level
              but that link can be explained a few other ways already


              • #8
                Yes, the full moon was great! Trippy dreams!

                Originally posted by evostars View Post
                Maybe the sun transforms energy from another dimension, into this one. and the light hole also does this, but into another direction, inwards. Time... I do think that if you travel to another dimension, and then travel back into this dimension, you would not need time to cover insanly great distances.

                What if we could make another dimension bubble? surrounding us and our vehicle. the bubble would have its own set of laws (inertia), separate from the laws of this dimension (universe). than it would be easy...

                But hej... How to do this?

                Almost Full moon...
                In theory, on a smaller scale, I believe we're already creating "the bubble." There are much better examples out there but one that comes to mind... have you ever left your house and you KNOW there is no linear way for you to be on time, however YOU do get there in the nick of time or even sooner? Have you ever seen the clocks in your car jump around? My woman and I have. In fact, the time in the car changes often.

                EM Crafts definitely use this bubble as does hummingbirds and bees... have you ever observed them for extended periods of time? they do no fly! they hover/levitate. They both have a cavity in their chest that when their wing flap a resonance/frequency is emitted that creates an EM field and they lift off... watch them THEY DO NOT FLY, they move just like an EM Craft. Moreover, the bee exoskeleton is HIGHLY DIELECTRIC! An eastern euro inventor back at the turn/early 20th century had a hover craft that went a few meters in the sky and all he used was the exoskeleton of a specific beetle. WOULD LOVE TO KNOW WHAT THE BEETLE WAS!!!
                "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


                • #9
                  Thanks Spacecase!!!

                  Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                  this website shows the angular momentum of the planets is linked to the output of the sun
                  Beyond Landscheidt.... | Planetary Theory Moves to the Next Level
                  but that link can be explained a few other ways already
                  That link is a TRIP! I've got to spend time researching on there, lots of interesting stuff, thank you very much for contributing and sharing!
                  "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson

