I did some research on the Blue Phoenix Ignition company - Karthikeyan
Ramananthan is behind it. The domain by proxy was done a few days
- but the original one with Karthikeyan Ramananthan as registrant
was done LAST YEAR. So this has been brewing for a while. The domain
by proxy was done the very day Luc responded here so he obviously
informed Karthikeyan and Karthikeyan is watching this thread like a hawk
Bluephoenix.biz - Blue Phoenix Blue Phoenix Racing Ignition[IMG]chrome://searchshield/content/safe.gif[/IMG]
Nov 30, 2010 ... Whois Record For BluePhoenix.biz. Acquire this Domain Name. Search Whois Records ... Administrative Contact Name: karthikeyan ramanathan ...
Karthikeyan Ramanathan is the owner and one of the listed inventors
on the patent application in question. The same is true for bluephoenix.com.
That is in google cache at the moment showing his name as the contact
and registrant but when going there now:
BluePhoenix.biz - Blue Phoenix Racing Ignition
It is now domains by proxy but it is already too late to hide this fact.
Simply click here and see it for yourselves:
bluephoenix.com Karthikeyan Ramanathan - Google Search

On the contact page is:

I thought K.R. was in Louisiana but this number is in Tennessee:
(423) 388-0177
If found on a couple references online for this phone number in relation to
Town of Unicoi Tennessee
Richard’s Performance Center
Owner: Richard Hann
2200 Marbleton Rd
Unicoi, Tennessee 37692 Phone: (423) 388-0177 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (423) 388-0177 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Mobile Number:
Fax Number:
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am to – 8 pm. Website:
Owner Richard Hann, of Richard’s Performance Center, has been in automobile racing since he was seventeen. His business reflects that experience, drawing a loyal customer base from all over the United States. Located in Unicoi since 1980, Richard’s is the place to build pro street and drag race cars. The business also offers auto detailing and services such as Richard’s “Jazz It Up Powder Coating.” Hann has also been actively involved with the Bristol Dragway for many years, previously working as a track announcer.
So it appears that Karthikeyan Ramanathan and Richard Hann are now
business partners in Blue Phoenix Ignition.
We know Aquapulser turned into Ecoignition. Luc said the company was
dissolved. Luc posted about there being a fight between two of the
other partners. I found the following updated assignment of the
USPTO Assignments on the Web
The previous assignee Arvind is no longer an assignee so it appears that
Luc and Karthikeyan joined forces to dissolve Ecoignition booting Arvind
out of the picture as evidenced by what Luc said and what I found.
Then it appears that Karhikeyan started their own company Blue Phoenix
Ignitions with Richard Hann and I suppose Luc would have part ownership
of this.
I wonder what really happened that Luc would have joined forces to close
down Ecoignition? That really bugs me. It appears that Blue Phoenix is
practically the same company as far as the product line. But definitely
Luc and Karthikeyan booted Arvind to start their own company. I am
surprised Luc would be behind something like this. Luc says he isn't
interested in the money so why start a new company? Not that I'm against
him making money but this seems fishy.
The modules are IDENTICAL and even the MARKINGS on the boxes are
the same!
Ramananthan is behind it. The domain by proxy was done a few days

was done LAST YEAR. So this has been brewing for a while. The domain
by proxy was done the very day Luc responded here so he obviously
informed Karthikeyan and Karthikeyan is watching this thread like a hawk

Bluephoenix.biz - Blue Phoenix Blue Phoenix Racing Ignition[IMG]chrome://searchshield/content/safe.gif[/IMG]
Nov 30, 2010 ... Whois Record For BluePhoenix.biz. Acquire this Domain Name. Search Whois Records ... Administrative Contact Name: karthikeyan ramanathan ...
Karthikeyan Ramanathan is the owner and one of the listed inventors
on the patent application in question. The same is true for bluephoenix.com.
That is in google cache at the moment showing his name as the contact
and registrant but when going there now:
BluePhoenix.biz - Blue Phoenix Racing Ignition
It is now domains by proxy but it is already too late to hide this fact.
Simply click here and see it for yourselves:
bluephoenix.com Karthikeyan Ramanathan - Google Search

On the contact page is:

I thought K.R. was in Louisiana but this number is in Tennessee:
(423) 388-0177
If found on a couple references online for this phone number in relation to
Town of Unicoi Tennessee
Richard’s Performance Center
Owner: Richard Hann
2200 Marbleton Rd
Unicoi, Tennessee 37692 Phone: (423) 388-0177 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (423) 388-0177 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Mobile Number:
Fax Number:
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am to – 8 pm. Website:

So it appears that Karthikeyan Ramanathan and Richard Hann are now
business partners in Blue Phoenix Ignition.
We know Aquapulser turned into Ecoignition. Luc said the company was
dissolved. Luc posted about there being a fight between two of the
other partners. I found the following updated assignment of the
USPTO Assignments on the Web
The previous assignee Arvind is no longer an assignee so it appears that
Luc and Karthikeyan joined forces to dissolve Ecoignition booting Arvind
out of the picture as evidenced by what Luc said and what I found.
Then it appears that Karhikeyan started their own company Blue Phoenix
Ignitions with Richard Hann and I suppose Luc would have part ownership
of this.
I wonder what really happened that Luc would have joined forces to close
down Ecoignition? That really bugs me. It appears that Blue Phoenix is
practically the same company as far as the product line. But definitely
Luc and Karthikeyan booted Arvind to start their own company. I am
surprised Luc would be behind something like this. Luc says he isn't
interested in the money so why start a new company? Not that I'm against
him making money but this seems fishy.
The modules are IDENTICAL and even the MARKINGS on the boxes are
the same!
