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Luc Choquette Fraud Dispute

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  • #91
    Ramset deceit

    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
    and now the Elephant in the room
    There is no elephant and your claims separating TK & Poynt99 from Milehigh is laughable. Your phony elephant distraction is to take the focus off the original fact that you are supporting Luc, a known liar. With Mile high, you even post TKs posts quoting Mile High - that supports both mile high and tk. All these people are on the route of trying to debunk something before they even know what it is hence the claims that automatically there can't be recovery since it is a resistor. LOL That isn't skepticism, they're skepticlowns - that is who you promote. Don't try to misdirect the attention to anything else. The point of my original post in this thread is how you quickly come to Luc's rescue by posting his response about the plasma ignition, which is filled with blatant lies. So do you support liars? Yes, and it is indisputable. No matter how you try to weasel out of it, the facts will never change.

    COP of 17? Thanks for bolding it multiple times - makes it much easier to see. Has ZERO to do with the conversation, the only thing relevant is WHO you associate with.

    I've gone public years ago that those 17 COP claims are bogus (or I should at least say that I've never seen anything that comes remotely close to that) and the only thing I found at the most was COP 2.0 - i got 2 times the joules out of the battery compared to the manufacturer's rating before the batteries came down to 12.00 volts where it was before it was charged up to the top. I was more interested in the fact that I also was able to get the resistor to drop 5C below ambient, which is a form of cold electricity when you can get the current to flow in the same direction as the voltage.

    I don't know what is more interesting - that you are trying to change the subject that it is a fact that you continue to strongly support known cons, trouble makers and liars or the fact that you are the cleanup man for a FBI assisted bombing of the WTC in 1993.
    Last edited by Aaron; 03-26-2018, 12:59 AM.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
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    • #92
      Chet K. deceit

      Originally posted by citfta View Post
      There is really only one reason I still come to this forum. There are sometimes people that come to this forum that have actual interest in learning about OU and in particular electronics. So I still from time to time have an opportunity to answer technical questions for them. I enjoy helping others learn about electronics. As far as I know the only two people left on this forum that actually have working experience in electronics are bistander and myself. Even UFO who used to consider me a know nothing has come to recognize that bistander and myself do have something to offer.

      As far as you constantly trying to lump Chet in with others, you are way off base. Chet will work with anyone that he thinks may have something to offer. That does NOT mean he approves of all they do. If you want to use that kind of logic you need to be careful. I was at the first energy conference. I saw you clearly introduce Rick Frederick and give him high praise before he rode his electric lawn mower into the conference room. So are we to assume that you approve of his later actions and you are in league with him in his actions?


      I've supported your presence on this forum from the beginning and appreciate your assistance to others. But I pay the bills to enable you to help others here so I don't think you have any room to judge me for selling books and videos. Your post was also making a false claim because I don't push the "final secret" of free energy and never have.

      Is there any video or pictures of me in front of the room at either of the two conferences organized by Rick? I never had the microphone at either of the first two conferences put on by Rick Friedrich and I never introduced him - if I did it is news to me and I have zero recollection of it. I don't believe I would have given him high praise because I didn't like him. I'll give him credit where credit is due, but for the most part, I didn't like him.

      Rick wanted any involvement by Peter and I to be at a minimum because he didn't want anyone else stealing his thunder. What I mean by that is that it was the promotions that Peter and I put out on the lists that filled most of the seats - John was thankful for this but Rick, never a single word of gratitude. We didn't want to even do that much because Rick didn't deserve it but we decided it was worth doing to support John - we knew John's business needed it.

      Peter's Battery Secrets presentation done by Peter was only done because Rick was incompetent in managing the conference and was in desperate need of a presentation to fill up some valuable time so he begged Peter. Peter literally put that talk together that night and presented it the next day. Peter's Lockridge device talk was also to support John since it was John who pretty much put that device into the public conversation.

      Ask anyone else who was at that conference how many times I was in front of the room on the mic. The answer is zero. You must have me mistaken for Tom Childs possibly or someone else.

      As far as Chet - I post the indisputable proof that Luc was fully aware I was the inventor of the circuit - one of many examples - Luc even asks me to check it to make sure he got it right:

      Chet posts Luc's response from 2015, with Luc posting blatant lies about what actually happened in the chronology of the development of my circuit. I point it out and instead of acknowledging that it is obvious that Luc is indeed lying, he goes on about what others thing about Luc, which is irrelevant. So if you want to use logic, Chet doesn't have the integrity to admit this and goes on with his misdirection attempts. So yes, Chet is being lumped together with those other clowns for good reason - he is pulling the same nonsense.
      Last edited by Aaron; 03-26-2018, 01:00 AM.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
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      • #93
        This is why you have helpers who can do things to aid a project
        but should not be considered a leader. And remember the leader
        has a dirty job, always getting his rear kicked over his head by the
        underclassmen. The little big man syndrome.

        It's okay we understand. Thanks for your super human ability to
        cope, Aaron. Out in the hay fields we put these rebels catching bails
        as they are spit out of the machine.

        Nice thread, segregation just took on a whole new meaning.


        • #94
          Chet K - assistant of the suppressors

          Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
          the others you mentioned [TinselKoala and Poynt]
          Do believe in this path [FE] ,and actually did want to understand the Rosemary A claim one thousand seven hundred percent
          more heat out than in ???

          and yes I did ask for help understanding the claim

          its a process I go thru to keep from bothering much bigger "assets" with Nonsense.
          not a slight against TinselKoala or Poynt or anyone
          but there are people available to the open source community with HUGE resources to help us
          You have been deceived by TK and Poynt99 into thinking they actually do believe in any of this or that they wanted to understand Ainslie's claims. Their goal from the beginning was to debunk it - not to understand it. Their first goal was to launch their little campaign to discredit me, which didn't work, by claiming that my mosfet was actually not oscillating, which is beyond laughable. Then the claims that any recovery is impossible because the inductive resistor is a resistor that must burn up everything so there can't be any recovery? Those are not just lies because , it is also completely laughable. with their background, they're not stupid enough to actually believe that nonsense. The only way someone with their backgrounds would actually make such ridiculous statements that are obviously false is just like what has been stated - they are only interested in spreading disinformation about technologies that may actually show overunity.

          With your background, you're too informed to buy that garbage yet you defend them. Why is that? And why is it that any of those liars are removed from here, it is YOU that conveniently comes to their assistance by copying their posts from OU into this forum despite the fact that their statements are blatant lies? Why is that? You don't do that to others that are banned from here - just the "experts" who are all working in collaboration with each other who are liars who have been proven to be knowingly spreading misinformation.

          This post by Ainslie is correct - at the time: "it seems that Mark Dansie has joined the battle against Ainslie (she is speaking of herself) and has stepped in to assist our Little TK as he falls against the ropes. No surprise as they share the same employer. And the same agenda. And that agenda has nothing to do with the promotion of scientific discovery. Far from it. Mark unashamedly denies free energy claims across the board. This includes Rossi’s data that has been independently verified by acknowledged experts in the art. And that refusal alone is more than enough to destroy his public credibility. And – from a more personal perspective – his credibility for me was UTTERLY voided when he REFUSED to publish the fact that we’d withdrawn our RETRACTION of the claims in Paper 1 & 2"

          That was may be 4 years ago in Dansie's forum - he is another time wasting troublemaker who is part of the TK, Milehigh, Poynt99 crew - the difference is that he did not participate here like they did. These clowns have one agenda - to discredit anything that comes close to looking like legitimate free energy. Anyone that believes they are sincere in wanting to help out or to learn the truth is completely dedicated to self deception.

          Don't twist my quote of Rosemary into being an agreement with her original COP 17 claims. I distanced myself from here because she was acting crazy, sending me messages telling me how unacceptable that it was for me to delete all the threads related to her, etc. when they're all still here perfectly preserved, etc. I got tired of it and refused to communicate with her anymore.

          She spent a lot of time personally communicating with Milehigh, Poynt99, etc. learned all their real names, where they worked, etc. and she assembled a really good picture of who they really were. Who they are is alluded to in the post above. Early on, I was in communication with her about her communications with them - she had the patience to deal with them, I did not but I got an ear full and also verified quite a bit of it - that was a long time ago.

          There is no question that their only true aim is to spread disinformation about these technologies and to construct their weak little character assassination campaigns.
          Aaron Murakami

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          RPX & MWO

