Originally posted by BroMikey
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When we perfect ourselves we wouldn't have anything to discuss.
I feel the Triune is Time, Bromikey.
You know the I am I am I am, the one that was is and shall always be(Time)
The all knowing the everywhere at once.
The unseen, the glue, the root. I am within all things.
The immovable mover.
Time is perfect ion.
Time is always aligned.
Time is the truth.
The ruler that rules.
The most high.
There is only one free mason.
Only one cornerstone that all are rise and fall.
Time stands still for no man.
Time creates all things, through them all is come nothing is new to them.
What will you do with this truth?
You cannot reply without time.
We cannot comprehend them or love them enough.
Only a fool lay claims to wisdom.
Only a fool can become wise.
Only a wise person can return a fool.
Innocent as lambs wise as serpants.
I would know there is a GG.
How can there be creation without a creator.
33 verterbrae you have, 33 years Jesus lived, 33 degrees in Time masonry (Society of secrets not a secret society, also the truth is for all mankind, women and children as the Freemasonry compendium states, you don't n33d to knock if you know the door)
I would not be able to hide in the dark I would be a lighthouse.
As the dark is more unseen light.
The moth seeks the darkest place, behind the light.
We see very little of the truth.
We be very little of the truth.
Excuse the rant, back to your post reply,I agree, Imagine profiting from a deceased person and no royalties given to family as you stated, not cool, what a D----. I.e. Nikola Tesla, Victor Schauberger heard as saying on his death bed, they took everything from me, I don't even own my name. I used to think more of Rick
Ever play snakes and ladders? I would be a ladder!
My father told me when I was a child the answer is in the stars. The rest are all quest ions.
lol, I loved the Philips tip bits, bit. Also do not be concerned, for what more does one cubit of worry do for a man's stature? Those that have their eye upon, another has their eye upon them.We watch time while it watches us, the all seeing.
Although wat wood I know I was a grubby coal minner amung udder tings.
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