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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • Dare Call it Conspiracy?

    1) It is great to see my Tesla-Marconi video has escaped censorship. Unfortunately, at that time and in my prior descriptions of the Bolinas site, certain R.C.A. misconceptions still existed in my mind. It seems that R.C.A. altered the history of what preceded their takeover from Marconi and also altered the common descript ions of the Alexanderson network. While "A Day at the Beach" opened the conspiratorial "Can of WOrms", let us now dump this can on the deck and examine the worms more closely.

    2) Later, through the writings of Vassilatos and his pictorial "Vril Compendium" my childhood archetypal memories of R.C.A. Bolinas came back to me. Now I had the complete picture in my mind of the pre R.C.A. Bolinas configurations from 1913 to 1919. (1998)

    3) Next in my effort was to write a book combining the book/video "Empire of the Air" with the visual portrayal in the "Vril Compendium". At the same time the park service initiated their own book on the history of this important facility, which at the time was operationally intact as station KPH. The title of the first is "Electric Wave Telegraphy" by E.P. Dollard. The second is "Wireless Giant of the Pacific" by local historian Dewey Livingston. Both of these books are censored.

    4) Censored, but censored by who? The parent agency of this censorship is called the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, G.G.N.R.A. of the U.S. Park Service, Dept. of the Interior. The local office directly enforcing this censorship is the Point Reyes National Sea Shore, Olema California. The principle operatives are;

    1. Richard Dillman - Green Peace executive
    2. Thomas Horsfall - L. Livermore technician
    (whales and bombs)

    These two run a fraudulent historical society, MHRS, this society is now forcing all Navy and radio historical sites into its control, a syndicate.

    5) Borderland sciences held vast quantities of my R.C.A. research and it all just vanished to the winds. Also every R.C.A. paper at Landers also vanished, and now the station itself is gone. This is in part due to an effort by the "Integratron Goddess Temple". And now we have the so called "Tesla" society, what a joke. It is another Einstein society, no Tesla. This outfit is run by a Georges Gaboury, of San Francisco, Ca. It is of interest to note how he consumed millions in capital fighting for another free energy moron that gets himself in trouble, but in two years did nothing about the priceless Landers installation and even refused to mention it in his newsletters. His handler is Charles Ostman, and you guessed it, he is from L. Livermore Labs. (Also the Hell's Angel's swine that got my dog is tight with L.L. Labs !) Ostman uses the "Tesla" group as a platform for his expression of neo-pagan quantum mysticism, and its rising Goddess Shiva. His videos are readily available from the "Tesla" society, but not mine.

    6) As a side note, a Congress Inquiry was conducted into the situation in Bolinas and this had been held by Barbara Boxer. My following letters or "online" as the "Barbara Boxer Report". Make a copy before it disapears. It would be great fun if every person reading this physically send a registered copy to her office, requesting the F.B.I. documents on the Bolinas matter.

    7) So are we dealing with a government conspiracy, an international communist conspiracy, or just a concatenated string of human filth? The U.S. Coast Guard also operates a giant radio facility in Bolinas, station NMC. The Coast Guard took great interest in my Bolinas efforts and they even offered refuge for me from hostile Park Police. It hereby can be inferred that they were not part of the conspiracy. Their efforts to get involved in my conversion of R.C.A.'s KPH station were hampered every way. As a final "slap in the face" the entire KPH facility was handed over to Green Peace MHRS, and Green Peace is an AVOWED ENEMY OF THE US NAVY!

    8) Years later I dropped by Coast Guard station NMC to see how things were going. The commanding officer I knew, as well as the master chief, were at new duty stations now, so I expected the usual difficult introduction required in order to enter a military installation. That was not required the first class (Mate) came out and seeing my military Corolla says "Oh you're that guy". Looking at his fellow sailors nervously he ask me to join him in an antenna inspection. When we got beyond hearing range of the crew he asks; "Who are these people anyway that come here and tell US that we are not to talk to you???"

    73 DE N6KPH

    Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
    Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


    • suggestion topics

      Hey Everyone,

      I hope you are doing very well.

      I am willing to perform a systematic research on many of the phenomena discussed here and after some simple tests, am ready to move on to applying for funds.

      I would like to word my topic in a way that entices interest and yet is encompassing of various activities that go around here, in order to provide excellent research results.

      Topics that seem to resonate with me to study include, please help me choose one :

      Systematic study of scalar wave phenomena
      Systematic study of high frequency high voltage wave phenomena
      Systematic study of dielectric power transfer

      Other side topics I like to pursue is:
      Using crystal and Amplitude Modulation
      Quantum Resonator
      Other Coil Geometry such as Rodin and Bashar and finding links between these.

      Any assistance and help is much appreciated. In return, when successful I would share videos, pictures, comprehensive reports for the audience on this wonderful and exciting forum.
      * Your best is good enough.


      • Open Source

        Originally posted by pnajafi View Post
        Hey Everyone,

        Any assistance and help is much appreciated. In return, when successful I would share videos, pictures, comprehensive reports for the audience on this wonderful and exciting forum.
        Or... you could just share with the Forum as you go, before you become successful.

        I'm just saying... I'm sure that's what you meant.



        • Sacrifice

          You mentioned that 2 turn primary and 20 turn is the best. How and what am I sacrificing if I did 3-30 turns? I found an appropriate former that would work with the 3 to 30 ratio.

          Even though building this is quite simple. Every step presents a person with a choice because we don't always have exactly what we need. Lacking a full understanding it becomes fustrating when faced with these choices.

          14ga is in hand and I am working on a former and trying to decide what to use for a primary. Flat stock does not come in the width I need. Is it better to go with a smaller width or wider width? Is flat absolutely necessary? Im considering copper pipe and a sledge hammer to flatten as a last resort.




          • Originally posted by jake View Post
            You mentioned that 2 turn primary and 20 turn is the best. How and what am I sacrificing if I did 3-30 turns? I found an appropriate former that would work with the 3 to 30 ratio.

            Even though building this is quite simple. Every step presents a person with a choice because we don't always have exactly what we need. Lacking a full understanding it becomes fustrating when faced with these choices.

            14ga is in hand and I am working on a former and trying to decide what to use for a primary. Flat stock does not come in the width I need. Is it better to go with a smaller width or wider width? Is flat absolutely necessary? Im considering copper pipe and a sledge hammer to flatten as a last resort.



            flat stock gives the fastest rise time. (lots of surface area for conduction)

            Precision Brand 17s15 .015 Brass Shimstock 6" x 100" on eBay!




            if you want silver plated this is the way I used to do it when I was a kid

            Setting up the Apparatus


            • the little things

              I have a good size bottle of solid silver nitrate that I have been saving for such an occasion. I just need to get the coil built first and working. I can plate after it’s complete.

              Also I could possibly cut those bronze strips length wise and get the proper width but I need 116inches they are just a bit to short.

              I probably worry too much about the little things.



              • Originally posted by Raui View Post
                Thanks for the links Doc! While I cannot start building for a little while yet it's great to have these references. Can't wait to see what you have to show after another 10 hours experimenting, I'm sure it'll be big! No pressure of course
                No problem The one Mike posted of the 4th edition ( link) is a bigger file size so might be better quality. At the moment I'm building a new base. The coil I'm using now was primarily wound to find out how much space the wire would take up on the base, along with a last minute decision to make the secondary closely coupled to the primary after reading something Tesla wrote about resonant rise, so I'm using less than half the number of turns I can fit on there (plus a lot of bends and kinks in the wire). So I'm making a new base that this wire will almost completely fill, with free space on the outside to try different primary couplings. Then with the aid of a USB scope and Excel I should easily be able to compare the different configurations But it's worth noting again the secondary wire was measured before the crystal radio stuff came up so it's about 2.5 metres shorter than what Eric's equation gives for the frequency I'm tuned to, so I think it's only a relative approximation to get an idea for future reference.

                [edit] Oh, anyone know whether Blu Tac is conductive with HV? It would make test windings a lot easier to keep in place than using tape.
                Last edited by dR-Green; 03-10-2012, 10:57 PM.

                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                • The Electric Field & its Flux Q with relation to the Poynting Vector S, E.M. Flux

                  I don't know if this is the best place to post this question (if its found be out of place I will post it on another thread). I thought about emailing this to Mr. Dollard but I decided to post it here for anyone interested in reading it.

                  I must point out that my understanding of Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra is lacking and at best superficial. So bear that in mind when confronted by any inadequacies in logic or mathematics that I may present in which their understanding is needed.

                  I have been contemplating the importance of the “Electric Field” that Mr. Dollard and Steinmetz have lectured about. Steinmetz says that the Electric Field has a finite Velocity, which following Maxwells “paper theory”, was found to be the same velocity of Light. It would follow that the “energy flux” of the Electric Field could be said to be photonic (composed of photons) in nature, but it is also said to be fibrous in nature as well, this being from the Lines of Dielectric and Magnetic Induction that compose the Energy Flux Q of the Electric Field. If we examine this situation more closely, one would come to the conclusion that there are at least two or more Modes or States of the Electric Field.

                  If I may be so bold to give my thoughts, I believe there are two archetype transverse electro-magnetic modes, one photonic or metallically unbounded Energy Flux, Hertzian Waves, and the other consisting of orthogonal lines of Dielectric and Magnetic induction bound between metallic surfaces, as described by classical circuit theory. Both of which (in an overly simplified view), can be seen as sine-wave-like motion similar to the cross-section of a ripple moving across a distance of water. Furthermore I believe there to be two more archetypes, both of which are longitudinal magneto-dielectric, one photonic (I don’t know if that’s the best word to use) which travels in straight lines or “rays” directly from one point to the next with no scattering, unlike a transverse photonic Energy Flux, and is unbounded by metallic surfaces. The other would be parallel lines or “rays” of Dielectric and Magnetic Induction bounded between metallic surfaces, where the magnetic loops transition to become lines (be it mere perspective or otherwise). These unlike the transverse modes are more akin to “bidirectional Pulses” (ray like) rather than two orthogonal sine like waves, if a stick floating vertically in the same pool of water as described before, be put under the same waves the stick (if its cross-section radius was infinitely small) would not move with the direction of force (across the water) but would only move up and down relative to the waves vertical magnitude passing through its location.

                  The “Poynting Vector”, or the flow of electro-magnetic Energy Flux, was independently discovered by both Heaviside and Poynting. An interesting quote on this subject reads:

                  “On transmission lines it [Poynting Vector S] serves to illustrate ‘for education purposes’ that power flows in the space surrounding a conductor and not to our preconception that it should be inside the conductor.” J A Ferreira, Electromagnetic Modelling of Power Electronic Converters

                  The question I have for Mr. Dollard, which I admit may be in need of more contemplation, is regarding the connection of the Poynting Vector S or electro-magnetic Energy Flux with the Electric Field’s Energy Flux Q that both Mr. Dollard and Steinmetz refer to. Are they the same thing? Or at least connected on some level? The notion that the Poynting Vector only relates to transverse electro-magnetic Energy Flux is hard for me to take in. What of a longitudinal magneto-dielectric Energy Flux (I believe there to be one)? What can we use to model or at least describe this energy flow? (This seen not as separate dielectric and magnetic field lines, but as a new single, energy flux vector)

                  The “Slepian Vector”, which is an alternative formulation of the Poynting Vector, shows a contradictory relation in the flow of energy to the Poynting Vector, in which there is a longitudinal (electro-magnetic) steady-state flow of energy confined in the conductor and two radial flows about the wire, one for the Dielectric Field and the other for the Magnetic Field. This seems to describe Continuous Current circuits and Alternating Current circuits where only self-inductions L & C exist, but what of M & K, the Mutual Inductions of the Magnetic and Dielectric Fields?

                  If we go back to only contemplating the constituent fluxes of the Electric Field, and examine the telegraph equation of Heaviside, we could say in a most general sense; RG is the Direct Current TEM phenomena or time-invariant portion, RX & GB are Impulse TM & TE phenomena or single energy time-variant portion. XB can be both TEM and LMD, “Forced Alternations” (needs only one field energy magnetic or dielectric) and “Free” (damped) or “Forced” (continuous) Oscillations (needs both magnetic and dielectric field energies). The XB case having multiple paths of propagation where Mutual and Self inductions can interact, is not limited to needing both Magnetic and Dielectric fields. A generator and a transformer are both Magnetic but both have Mutual and Self Magnetic Inductions to allow “ALTERNATIONS” (where’s the dielectric field in all of this?). Oscillations on the other hand can only take place when there is a means for the storage and return of both field energies.

                  I believe the answer to the understanding of the Tesla transformer lies at the heart of the understanding of XB and its distinct wave possibilities (and the interaction of those waves with each other). Furthermore, in understanding the actual Energy Flux flow, this is not in magnetic or dielectric field lines but the multiplication of the two, forming a new quantity the Electric Field and its Flux Q (and in the various modes of propagation of Q).


                  It would appear that Mr. Dollard already partially explained this situation in another thread, I only recently found this post.

                  When considering waves on coiled windings, leave out the electrons, let us forget them once and for all. They are for electronic devices (RG) NOT for electrical devices (LC). Forget the electrons, forget it!

                  It is generally considered that any wave must consist of a conjugate pair of energies, magnetic and dielectric let's say. Only then an interaction between time and space is possible. As I have shown recently it is through the union of a conjugate pair (L and C) that the dimension of time is produced. The propagation constant is then equal to:

                  (1) Negative Gamma Square

                  Having a pair of imaginary roots, plus j Gamma and minus j Gamma

                  It is however that the JJ Thompson Longitudinal Dielectric Motions cannot have a periodic solution, there is one energy only, dielectric. This needs to be resolved.

                  There are four distinct forms of energy stored in a winding,
                  Magnetic Pair:

                  L, Leakage Inductance, Henry
                  M, Mutual Inductance, per Henry

                  Dielectric Pair:

                  C, Leakage Capacitance, Farad
                  K, Mutual Capacitance, per Farad

                  The Magnetic Distribution along the coil axis is given by

                  (2) Epsilon to the square root of LM power. It is an exponential curve along the axis.

                  The Dielectric Distribution along the coil axis is given by

                  (3) Epsilon to the square root of CK power. It too is an exponential curve along the axis.

                  LM an CK are time scalars hence it can be seen that these initial distributions at t = 0 give rise to complex energy exchanges because of the exponential space distributions. We have now a fourth order differential in space and time. Alice lands in Wonderland. Forget Maxwell, forget the Corums, dead ends, forget them once and for all!!

                  Continuing with the four energy co-efficients:

                  LC, this gives the space scalar frequencies of oscillation, having no distribution in space, only in time (dot product)

                  MK, this gives the "Tesla Vector" normal to the coil windings, a counter-velocity in per centimeters per second. (axial product)


                  L/K this gives the clockwise "Poynting Vector" around the circumference of the coil windings, a velocity in centimeters per second (cross product)

                  C/M, this gives the counter-clockwise "Poynting Vector" around the circumference of the coil windings, a velocity in centimeters per second (cross product)

                  (4) Hence (LC + MK(k^2)) + k(L/K - C/M)

                  (5) a +kb
                  The Heaviside relation for the dimension of space. For the condition of balance,

                  (6) L/K = C/M
                  The T.E.M. component vanishes and the "Poynting Vectors" cancel out. The resistance of the coil also cancels out giving rise to a very great magnification factor, as well as a pure longitudinal wave, a "Tesla Coil".

                  Forget the Corums, the Bewelly-Dollard Theory has made them obsolete. Also it is my own belief that we have outgrown Maxwell. The path started by Tesla, Through Steinmetz and Alexanderson, to L.V. Bewelly has taken us far beyond the primordial physics interpretation of J.C. Maxwell. Leyden Jars and scales have grown to giant substation transformers and high speed oscilloscopes. We are entering a brave new world of electricity, electricity without electrons.
                  Garrett M
                  Last edited by garrettm4; 03-18-2012, 09:01 PM.


                  • magnostrictive oscillators

                    I have researched various methods to produce the hyperbolic non asymptotic waveform.
                    I see that a periodic discharge into various metals will produce a the correct form.
                    I did find synthetic approaches as well but the basic idea can be seen here.
                    note: tfor 1.62 MHz the nickel rod should be around an inch long.
                    Engineering Physics(for Anna University),1/e - Chitra - Google Books


                    • Ah, Bolinas! It always seemed like a place of refuge.... a groovy little hippie haunt off the beaten track. But lo... the dark side lurks even in the most
                      beautiful of places. My fondest memory of Bolinas was getting to go to a production there by the San Francisco Mime troupe. The play they put on pretty much prophesized the whole future of the Bush Cheney and successors.
                      1700 Transylvania Ave. Blood suckers one and all.

                      It seems now its hard to know if your blood is flowing here in the
                      U.S. You almost have to leave the country to feel it again.

                      I bought and viewed the now famous Dollard videos and wish I had a better handle on science therein.... alas I am not gifted in the engineering department but I do appreciate the gift Eric D. has/ and continues to share with us.


                      • Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post
                        A generator and a transformer are both Magnetic but both have Mutual and Self Magnetic Inductions to allow “ALTERNATIONS” (where’s the dielectric field in all of this?).
                        I have also been wondering the same thing. All this talk of conductors and electrification seems to make sense, but what about transformer cores? When you have a transfer of energy through the core via magnetic lines of induction, where does the dielectric component go?
                        A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard


                        • Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
                          I have also been wondering the same thing. All this talk of conductors and electrification seems to make sense, but what about transformer cores? When you have a transfer of energy through the core via magnetic lines of induction, where does the dielectric component go?
                          I believe it is in a state of transition.

                          Over Ten years ago I passed 9 hours of calculus, 4 hours of quantum mechanics, and 6 hours of physics. I still have trouble understanding what's going on with this math. I almost wish there was an exam on this thread. That way I could figure out if I was passing.


                          Eric. Do you have any exam questions for us?
                          Last edited by jake; 03-12-2012, 03:37 PM. Reason: Siskin to transition...


                          • Eric,
                            I know this is a lot to ask, but if you had some time, could you take a look at the 3 Battery Generator thread and give us your take on it? We would certainly value your opinion if you chose to comment on what we are seeing. We are getting positive results, so we already HAVE a working system, but are looking to replace the third battery in our setup with a circuit that will mimic its behavior. If anyone can do that I figure you're the man.

                            Dave Bowling
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • Originally posted by jake View Post
                              I believe it is in a state of transition.

                              Over Ten years ago I passed 9 hours of calculus, 4 hours of quantum mechanics, and 6 hours of physics. I still have trouble understanding what's going on with this math. I almost wish there was an exam on this thread. That way I could figure out if I was passing.


                              Eric. Do you have any exam questions for us?
                              yeh me too. I have difficulty distinguishing it from the inverse functions. So far I just assume I am missing some nuance somewhere but have yet been able to add it all up myself. Someone tried to set me straight earlier in the the thread on it but it still does not add up for me.

                              While it feels like I have learned a lot, one person put up their understanding of the math and showed the coils will result in a double resonance as being inherent in the design. If that is the case then tesla would have erred with the 1.5c or it is tesla folklore.

                              I have not gotten an answer on the DC beam theory yet, and it seems from Dr Greens test that the speed through the ground is also c, presuming he was receiving tem with one and telluric with the other. So at this point I still have gaping holes in the theory forward. Maybe I am just slow LOL


                              • Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
                                it seems from Dr Greens test that the speed through the ground is also c, presuming he was receiving tem with one and telluric with the other. So at this point I still have gaping holes in the theory forward. Maybe I am just slow LOL
                                The telluric velocity is definitely greater than c. I was being kind to the relativists The time difference is a bit bigger than my approximate average because I also took other readings into account that weren't necessarily accurate and had a lower time difference, so the telluric velocity I stated is slower than the actual velocity. The next set of tests will be better.

                                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

