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Eric Dollard

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  • Shanjaq
    Do want this book! Hope you're doing alright, Eric. Remember to stay focused on what works for you; There will always be noise/negativity thrown at you from all angles, but you know how to squelch that interference so you remain open to signals carrying the music you're seeking. Time is precious insofar as we exercise our objective intent.

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  • Aaron
    Comments enabled on

    Comments are enabled on Eric P. Dollard – Official Homepage | The only man who has replicated Tesla's wireless transmission technology. - go here for details: Comments Enabled on | Eric P. Dollard – Official Homepage

    If you haven't purchased a copy of Eric's last few presentations, you can do that here: Books & Videos | Eric P. Dollard – Official Homepage Eric & EPD Laboratories will earn 70% of the purchase.

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  • Marcus Neuhof
    Thanks, John. You did a great job formatting everything and making it readable, by the way.

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  • jpolakow

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  • Aaron
    Aether Force - Techzombie Loves Adolf Hitler

    Techscumbie is at it again... due to his constant and ongoing slander, here is definitive and irrefutable PROOF that Adolf Hitler is Aether Force's #1 hero:


    Part 2 - Who is Wad (Techzombie)? Documents prove Adolf Hitler is his #1 Hero, he calls him an "Arch Aether Mage", shows all his pro Hitler rhetoric, this is a very long list. Techzombie is the most prolific racist and is doing harm to the alternative energy community.

    Part 1 - Who is Techzombie? - Some of you have seen this showing that Techzombie of Aether Force was born as Rayam Azab Youssef, changes his name to Ray Savant, then changed his name to Mohamed Youssef. This shows his violent past, chronic drug use, trying to destroy people's lives to don't want to associate with him, etc...

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  • jpolakow
    Hey all,
    Here is the rest of chapter 9. I've almost completed the first part of chapter 10, it will be posted either later today or tomorrow. Also I will be going back and uploading these files to my blog so these files aren't lost. I'm still catching up with life, but will be posting some updates soon.

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  • Marcus Neuhof
    Thanks for posting that, Aaron. Eric's concerns regarding the difficulty of getting new material out reminded me... it's been 11 days since John Polakowski said he was going to post a new chapter every week.

    This is not to poke him too hard -- I find it interesting to observe John's troubles seem to have come on after he announced he'd be giving a talk on energy synthesis using Eric's ideas.

    But, John, if you're out there, we would love to see the next instalment.

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  • Aaron
    Eric Dollard 2015-01-20

    Here is the new update from Eric Dollard:

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  • Aaron
    Eric Dollard update

    Today, Eric and I recorded a 1 hour general update. Will post on YouTube soon.

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  • Marcus Neuhof
    It is good to hear you are recovering.

    The post was lost in the server move, but another user had posted a very interesting question in a new thread on this forum.

    The question was approximately this: the "double slit experiment" ( shows that there is indeed a particle quality to the so-called electrons.

    If "electrons" are the terminating ends of aether tubes, how is it possible for them to display this property?

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  • dR-Green
    This is a clip from a BBC program called "Nature's Weirdest Events". The point of the program is mainly in the fact that "weird natural events" are now captured on camera and put on the internet, when before the claims could be dismissed as the rantings of a lunatic.

    This clip discusses lights in the sky in relation to earthquakes, the cause of which is said to be massive electrical currents/discharges produced by rock when it's under extreme pressure, such as is the case leading up to or after an earthquake, +/- up to 2 weeks.

    Now if only someone could devise a system that responds to the electrical activity...

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  • dR-Green
    Eric: I hope you're recovering well from the surgery, and it's nice to see you back! I have a question or two regarding the CRI if you don't mind, which I'll post shortly.

    Sputins: Excellent tip with that silicon tape, should come in handy for all kinds of stuff. Bought a roll years ago I think after someone suggested something similar for experimental use but always forget I have it, so thanks for the reminder.

    John: Sorry to hear about the bad news, hopefully you will get everything sorted and back to normal soon. Thanks for posting the infos.

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  • t-rex
    Cosmic Ray Detector

    My transmission capabilities are very limited at present, therefore my responses are also limited.

    The Tesla Cosmic Ray is something unique. Another name for it is the Le Sage Particle, which is postulated to be the cause of Gravity.

    These particles are the cause of radioactivity in matter, according to Tesla.

    An alternative viewpoint is given in the book "Evolution of Matter", by Dr. G. Le-Bon. Both Tesla and Le-Bon theories are in opposition to the notions of Physics.

    The purpose of the Photo Tube is to provide a Secondary Emission Surface. A Le Sage Particle strikes the Photo Cathode, dis-lodging an Electron. This creating a current to the trigger in the 0A4-G. (A Western Electric 313-C will also work, but it is radioactive).

    It is my theory that this will detect a Cosmic Ray, a theory only. Some other means may work better; Tesla used Almagmated Metal Plates for this. This is why I recommended starting with a conventional G-M tube.

    The Capacitor size to fire the 0A4-G is based upon Capacitance, C, times Potential, e, is Dielectric Induction.
    Hence a 1000 pico-Farad condenser at 100 volts has the same "charge" as a 100 pico-Farad condenser at 1000 volts, 10 pF at 10 KV, 1 pF at 100 KV, and etc.

    How much charge is required to fire an 0A4-G, 313-C, etc?
    Find this out for me and make a graph of Capacitance vs Voltage to fire the tube.

    More to follow:

    73 DE N6KPH

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  • orgonaut314
    Another one. Does counterspace have something to do with dimensions? Or is it just a term that could be astral space or something?
    Sometimes I get the idea that counterspace is an imaginairy dimension but to be honest Eric never said that. Is it the Einstein in my head ?

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  • orgonaut314
    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
    In response to the previous post, my mathematical expressions for Versors in Space appears at the end of my paper titled "Theory of Wireless Power". Refer to this for more information. A complex product in space has four components:
    1) Scalar Product
    2) Line Product
    3) Clockwise cross-product
    4) Counter clockwise cross-product
    For complete information on my derivations of these ideas refer to the paper titled, "The Principals of the Algebra of Physics" by Alexander McFarlane.

    I will be able to see the internet for another week or so giving the rare opportunity to ask me questions.
    My main interest is the Cosmic Ray Detector.

    73 DE N6KPH
    Thanks Eric. I got stuck somehow and while rereading "Theory of Wireless Power" I think I do not see the problems anymore
    I see now you combine the two components of electromagnetic induction (longitudional and transversal) with the two components of the dielectric and magnetic field in a Tesla coil. That gives the quadrature of relations.
    Sometimes I have to ask a stupid question to get further

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