Hi it is on page 28 of this document:
But it is also in the new document or the crystalradioinitiative pdf.
It is about the longitudional induction along the coil perpendicular to the coil windings.
You see three wires cut and you see the magnetic field that is mutual to the three wires around them all three. The electric field is between the wires.
Now the longitudional energy is the induction of the magnetic and the electric field in the same direction perpendicular to the coil windings. To be honest the electric field is only perpendicular to the coil windings between the wires. The magnetic field is only perpendicular to the coil windings in the interior of the coil or outside of the coil in the opposite direction.
So I do not get the picture of the composite flux at all. It seems all wrong. They go in the same direction but are not on the same place. And the lowest lines go in the opposite direction not as the composite flux picture shows.
The pictures on the transversal flux are on page 26 they do make sense to me.
Anyway I was also thinking if the longitudional energy is an induction like the transversal energy is an induction than it could be a kind of exchange between electric and magnetic field in the same direction like the transversal wave is an exchange between electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other. Than the energy would make a longitudional magnetic field and that energy would go into a longitudional electric field etc.
That would be something else than a longitudional wave in electric or magnetic field lines. That wave would be restricted to the field while the wave that is the result of longitudional induction could travel outside the field like the Hertzian transversal waves do.
The fact that Eric mentions induction of the field makes me think he means a real longitudional wave like energy exchange but I am just guessing here.
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But it is also in the new document or the crystalradioinitiative pdf.
It is about the longitudional induction along the coil perpendicular to the coil windings.
You see three wires cut and you see the magnetic field that is mutual to the three wires around them all three. The electric field is between the wires.
Now the longitudional energy is the induction of the magnetic and the electric field in the same direction perpendicular to the coil windings. To be honest the electric field is only perpendicular to the coil windings between the wires. The magnetic field is only perpendicular to the coil windings in the interior of the coil or outside of the coil in the opposite direction.
So I do not get the picture of the composite flux at all. It seems all wrong. They go in the same direction but are not on the same place. And the lowest lines go in the opposite direction not as the composite flux picture shows.
The pictures on the transversal flux are on page 26 they do make sense to me.
Anyway I was also thinking if the longitudional energy is an induction like the transversal energy is an induction than it could be a kind of exchange between electric and magnetic field in the same direction like the transversal wave is an exchange between electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other. Than the energy would make a longitudional magnetic field and that energy would go into a longitudional electric field etc.
That would be something else than a longitudional wave in electric or magnetic field lines. That wave would be restricted to the field while the wave that is the result of longitudional induction could travel outside the field like the Hertzian transversal waves do.
The fact that Eric mentions induction of the field makes me think he means a real longitudional wave like energy exchange but I am just guessing here.
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