Hi Dave ,Where did your post go ,about charging the plate ,and running load off the submerged plate?
Am I losing my mind?
It was there the other day ,now it's gone.
Can I make the plate layered , since the wife uses lots of foil pans for cooking.
Also as for using just a single battery, I just keep using that charged battery for testes, when it gets low , the 3bgs brings it right back to life.
Not really what we want but, if it's there may as well use it.
Never say die.
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3 Battery Generating System
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The plate setup
The container I have my water in is just a plastic container I had lying around…an old plastic storage box with a removable lid. I have about two inches of water in it and the plate is connected by a wire with an alligator clip on each end.
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the container
Hi Dave, you said submerge the plate, What is the container made of?
You may have already said, no time to catch up.
JFP, you shouldn't slam the door , when you come in the room.
" Where's the AC in the 3 battery arrangement?"
Is DC pulsating equivalent? Not alternating but pulsating?
"After a heater."
The cheaper the better.
You have to build it to see it.
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@ turion
Take it easy my freind, we may just not have your spare time and material under hand... One thing are sure "its a must to try" all the parts are cheap and easy available so i think many people like me how work in silence realy apreciate what you share and i also think do not reply cause just dont want to be involve and waste is time in a now where to go discution with the sceptic...
I just want to say thank you for the passion you share with us and dont worry if we find something we will share with you; just like the body how share the aluminum plate tricks!
Keep up your great work with the fate there is many beside you!
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Everyone for Themselves?
Is no one going to try this setup with the aluminum plate and report back besides Luther and I? If only a couple of us are trying this stuff, why should we post our results for YOU to read?
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Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostBesides the derogative statement you made as new comer, the above quote is whats wrong. Had you built the circuit and everything worked out for you would soon realize he taking NOTHING from the primaries. That the way the thing works. Although current flows out the battery is not diminished. So with only an education in the conventional, you really have lost the opportunity to make statement like you did. Your credentials mean nothing.
Thats miss conception a lot engineers come here with. Unless you have worked with Heat pumps you more than likely have never seen a device that performs over 100% efficient. So you have no concept of the possibilities yet invoke this mundane and tired set of rules on an individual you do not know and you have no clue what your talking about.
Clear your pretaught misconceptions about whats happening, open your mind, build the thing cause its simple, then make the comments. Otherwise you'll encounter hostile behavior towards the dogma you preach.
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Originally posted by JFP View PostThis was what I said was wrong - and added that although there was a current being delivered into the battery, the energy returned would be less than that originally extracted form the battery. I never commented specifically on the viability or otherwise of the 3BGS system.
Thats miss conception a lot engineers come here with. Unless you have worked with Heat pumps you more than likely have never seen a device that performs over 100% efficient. So you have no concept of the possibilities yet invoke this mundane and tired set of rules on an individual you do not know and you have no clue what your talking about.
Clear your pretaught misconceptions about whats happening, open your mind, build the thing cause its simple, then make the comments. Otherwise you'll encounter hostile behavior towards the dogma you preach.
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Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostNo you misunderstand like the rest of the supposedly educated people who come here and try to discredit everything they don't understand.
The question, Have you built the 3bgs circuit as outlined in the beginning of the thread?
And few more question. Does your education allow you to even understand the flow of energy in this circuit and the potentials that show up when the dipoles are not used up? Do you have the means to measure the input of environmental energy into this system?
How much experience do actually have with systems that are entirely routed through the difference of potential without grounding the circuit? Thats not a battery charger....
And since you must have years experience with these circuits and your education of course taught you all forms of electrical engineering even to cover what we look at can you provide us with the name of text book that would acknowledge the electrical interaction between a potential in a circuit and potentials in the environment are capturable energy?
Can you provide one academically known reproducible example of a system that is greater than unity and purely electrical?
Surely with all your credentials this should just another small task of memory and typing.
This is the reason to pick a fight. Someone who might be able to tell a person with none to little experience the correct way to do something instead chooses to be derogative and attempts to be superior in intellect.
And the real flaw in all that is not that he is experienced or wrong is that instead teaching or ignoring he has to make himself feel superior by demeaning people he doesn't know.
This is the classic behavior of the conventional engineering cult..... When it doubt destroy.
My original comment was related to the OP's calculation (by Ohm's Law) of the figure of 64mW... whilst the figure calculated was correct, it was the OP's assertion that this meant that 64mW was being returned to the battery, and by extension that if he modified his circuit to increase the current flowing that 10.8W would be returned to the battery, that was wrong.
This was what I said was wrong - and added that although there was a current being delivered into the battery, the energy returned would be less than that originally extracted form the battery. I never commented specifically on the viability or otherwise of the 3BGS system.
Oh, and thank you for highlighting my typing error - In mitigation, I can only say that I am a better engineer than typist.Last edited by JFP; 01-08-2014, 12:00 PM.
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Oh, I wouldn't have really given up. I would have simply gone on to other projects and this would never have been a priority, just something I drug out once in a while when I had some extra time, so this thread would never have happened, and we wouldn't be as close as we are NOW to solving this puzzle.
Gotta love it. The world works in mysterious ways.
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Originally posted by Turion View Post
I would have put this thing on the shelf long ago and forgotten it.
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Originally posted by LutherG View PostSo, when it starts rising in the negative, its because negative energy is beginning to flow INTO THE BATTERY -
Best regards to all,
BTW, the AC in the system is coming out of the motor. The AC battery configuration of Randy's proved that...
Good Luck,
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Follow up to Luther's comments
Luther and I talked late last night about this, and again this morning, and again this afternoon. We are sharing results, thoughts and ideas. We are testing new things and seeing what happens. We are LISTENING to what other people have to say and how it aligns to what we believe is happening with the 3BGS. That was the purpose in bringing it here in the first place. It's funny to me that Luther and I are the two working on this right now, because if not for him, I would have put this thing on the shelf long ago and forgotten it. In fact I HAD put it on the shelf. No one was seeing what I was seeing, and I was tired of fighting with people about this being for real or not.
So thank you Luther. I know where this project would be if it weren't for you contacting me out of the blue and telling me that you could see what I was seeing. It would be DEAD.
Ok, so as to what happened this afternoon….
When I got home at 2:30 the motor was still running. It has been running off the setup since 7:30 this morning. The voltages on the primaries had dropped into the 11+ area, which was NOT impressing me. I have had better runs. So I thought I would shut it down. I disconnected the motor from the + side of battery One to stop it. Then I measured the voltages on the primaries and on battery 3 and took a little video. The voltages on all three batteries were rising, which is what I expected, so I left the basement. Then a thought occurred to me and I decided to go back down and shoot a video of the motor connected just across the primaries to show that the charge on them was not just a "fluff" charge as many people have claimed.
When I connected across the two batteries in series the motor started out very fast, but NOT as fast as it had been running while connected in the 3BGS setup. BUT it rapidly began to slow down. So I stopped and measured the voltage just across battery One, even thug it was connected in series with battery Two. It was very low…like 11.2. Then I measured the voltage across battery 2. It was negative!
I immediately connected the motor to both sides of battery Two. Then I disconnected battery One from it. Then I connected the aluminum plate to the neg terminal of battery Two. It was running the motor at the high speed I wanted, and the voltage was going up on battery 2. I wasn't sure what a load on the motor would do to the system. I pinched the shaft on the motor with a hand full of packing material to slow it down, and the voltage on Batt 2 went down. It didn't seem to be climbing as well, so I disconnected the meter and am letting it just run. It is now 4:30 and I will go check voltages again. The motor is still running on batt 2 which is at 8.24 volts and is drawing.
Batt 1 is at 11.91 and climbing very, very slowly
Batt 3 is at 12.40
The motor is drawing about 1 amp on battery Two
The adventure continues
Edit: Note to self…LREAVE THE MOTOR ALONE. The system responds to the load that is on the motor when you start, and has trouble balancing when you mess with the motor. Add loads to battery 3 if you want, but leave the motor alone…Start it with a consistent load already on it.!!!
DaveLast edited by Turion; 01-08-2014, 01:17 AM.
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