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SR 193 / SR193 - Study of the Device, Theories, Diagrams, Schematics & Experiments

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  • #46
    Type of Gas in the CSET

    Originally posted by Dr Poppy View Post
    "Conversion Switching Element Tube" - Therein lies the part that matters but everyone ignores. I am doing a series of experiments presently to determine the multipactor effect on different gases.

    I suspect that it is the gas we are looking for which is the part that everyone also tends to ignore about the Gray tube. So far I have found that it does matter which gas is in the tube but have not tested the one I suspect is it.

    Until I see some sort of gas vessel in the SR device, I would suggest it is completely different than Kapanadze or a hoax. The Kapanadze device clearly uses a gas inside a copper tube under the blue tape and appears to be a magnetic compression generator. These devices have known about for around for nearly 100 years.
    Personally, I believe that the CSET contained either common atmosphere or Nitrogen or some other common inert gas or possibly Carbon Dioxide. I read somewhere that modern gas discharge tubes contain Hydrogen. I also read somewhere that Gray liked to stay away from exotic components as far as the building materials for his device were concerned. The idea is that he didn't want to have to rely on materials that would be difficult to obtain.

    Tesla used to quench arcs in a spark gap with a magnetic field and with pressurized air. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, this can be seen in one of his patents. Also, I believe that Gray's triode connected to the CSET served the same purpose, that is, to quench the arc in the CSET but at a high frequency.

    I, too, believe that the SR193 device is different from Kapanadze device. Though, I don't believe that the SR193 is a hoax.



    • #47
      SR193 Replication

      YouTube - Kapanadze Replication with Scope shots

      It looks like he is using a 555 timer circuit to drive the push-pull amplifier.

      The spark gap on this one is tiny.



      • #48
        I'm not electronic, but I can build simple circuits.
        Here is what I found. There best sinewave output oscillator can be build very easily with op-amplifier like LF357 and is called Wein bridge (?).
        Now, because either push-pull amplifier on darlington pair of power transistors and op-amplifier both are using dual power source (+ and -) I don't know how to join them together and to use single 12V battery as source.
        Please somebody with deeper electronic knowledge help !

        See attached pdfs.This sinewave generator should be connected to such push-pull follower Improved Push-Pull Follower

        While I can connect both circuits I don't know how to eliminate two power sources ! HELP ! And of course the output need to HAVE POWER, judging from SR video at least 50-60W , in other case no radiators and cooling fan would be required.
        Last edited by boguslaw; 01-11-2015, 10:03 AM.


        • #49
          Wien bridge oscillator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


          • #50
            Essence of Physical Effect of Generation of Energy of 2nd Field of Ferromagnet

            Essence of Physical Effect of Generation of Energy of 2nd Field of Ferromagnet

            Re-posted from Next-Energy Forum

            Source Through Google Translate: Google Translate

            1. Эффект основан на преобразовании вторичного ферромагнитного поля ферромагнетика в полезную (свободную) электроэнергию. Effect based on the transformation of secondary ferromagnetic field ferromagnet in a useful (free) energy. Работа на намагничивание (затраты электроэнергии) определяется только тем магнитным полем, что непосредственно образует потокосцепление(индуктивную связь) с обмоткой намагничивания. Work on the magnetization (electricity costs) is determined only by the magnetic field, which have direct linkage (inductive coupling) with a winding magnetization.

            Ap = ψn*I/2 Ap = ψn * I / 2
            I ток; I - current;
            ψn - потокосцепление Bi*S*Nk ψn - linkage - Bi * S * Nk
            Ap - работа на намагничивание Ap - Work on the magnetization
            Установка состоит из намагничивающей обмотки с ферромагнитным сердечником(обязательно!) и расположенного через воздушный (диэлектрический) зазор вторичного ферромагнитного сердечника (их может быть несколько). The installation consists of the magnetizing coil with a ferromagnetic core (required!) and located through the air (dielectric) gap secondary ferromagnetic core (there may be several).
            Свободное магнитное поле Bi2 (вторичное) - это поле (см. рисунок), которое замкнуто только вокруг вторичных сердечников. Free magnetic field Bi2 (secondary) - this field (see figure), which closed just around the secondary cores. Поле Bi2 не пронизывает витки индуктора и вообще не участвует во взаимодействии ферромагнитных объемов системы. Bi2 field does not permeate the inductor coils and is not involved in the interaction of the ferromagnetic volume of the system. Т.е. Ie поле Bi2 образует свободную магнитную энергию Wn2. field Bi2 forms of free magnetic energy Wn2. При фазе размагничивания поле Bi2 преобразуется в электроэнергию в специальной дополнительной съемной обмотке (на рисунке не показана) на вторичном ферромагнитном сердечнике. When the phase of the demagnetization field Bi2 is converted into electricity in a special additional detachable coil (not shown) in the secondary ferromagnetic core. При этом и генерируется дополнительная свободная "сверхзатратная" электроэнергия (во вторичной съемной обмотке). At the same time and generating additional free "sverhzatratnaya" electricity (secondary detachable coil).
            2. 2. Свободное магнитное поле Bi2 не образует потокосцепление с намагничивающей обмоткой. Free magnetic field Bi2 not form flux linkage with the magnetizing winding. На образование свободного магнитного поля источник электроэнергии не тратит никакой энергии. The formation of free magnetic field source of electricity does not waste any energy. Поле Bi2 не входит в формулу работы на намагничивание. Bi2 field is not included in the formula work for the magnetization.
            Все затраты электроэнергии в обмотке ограничены (больше затратить источник тока просто не может!) только той магнитной энергией, что образует связь с обмоткой намагничивания. All costs of electricity in the coil is limited (more costly source of power simply can not!) Only the magnetic energy that forms a link with coil magnetization. Поле Bi2 и связанная с ним магнитная энергия образуется абсолютно даром без дополнительных затрат энергии. Bi2 field and the associated magnetic energy produced absolutely nothing without the additional cost of energy.
            3. 3. В результате полученная магнитная энергия системы полей оказывается больше, чем затраты электроэнергии на ее образование. As a result, the resulting magnetic energy of the system of fields is greater than the cost of electricity to its formation. Нужно лишь преобразовать всю эту магнитную энергию при размагничивании в электроэнергию. Just need to convert this entire magnetic energy into electricity for demagnetization. Это весьма похоже на режим работы обратноходового трансформатора (fly back), но с преобразованием более сложной топологии магнитного поля. This is very similar to the mode flyback transformer (fly back), but with the transformation of more complex magnetic field topology. Полученная в результате этого электроэнергия (с нескольких обмоток) будет больше, чем затраченная (так как в электроэнергию преобразуется и энергия поля Bi2 - Wn2) The resulting electricity (with a few coils) will be more than spent (since converted into electricity and energy fields Bi2 - Wn2)

            Все это возможно благодаря тому, что ферромагнетик образован спиновыми квантовыми токами. All this is possible because the ferromagnet formed by spin quantum currents. На спин электрона (этот квантовый ток) не действует вихревое электрическое поле Максвелла. On the electron spin (the quantum current) are not a vortex electric field, Maxwell. Квантовый ток может идти даже против встречного вихревого электрического поля, ЭДСi. Quantum current can go even against the oncoming vortex electric field, EDSi. Ферромагнетик обладает нулевым индуктивным сопротивлением, импедансом (и собственным, и вносимым). Ferromagnet has zero inductive reactance, impedance (and his own, and insertion).

            В отличие от токов в катушках из провода, в ферромагнитный сердечник невозможно внести дополнительный импеданс. In contrast to the currents in the coils of wire, the ferromagnetic core is impossible to make an additional impedance. Например, квантовые магнитные токи в магните динамика никак не зависят от внешней ЭДСi. For example, quantum magnetic currents in the magnet speaker does not depend on external EDSi. Магнит намагничивает железо без затрат. Magnet magnetize iron without the cost.
            4. 4. Вся работа на намагничивание совершается за счет квантовой энергии спинов токов. All work on the magnetization occurs due to the quantum energy spin currents. Каждый спин электрона в ферромагнетике совершает как бы "квазиработы" против контрЭДСi за счет квантовой энергии. Each electron spin in a ferromagnet commits like "kvaziraboty v. kontrEDSi by quantum energy. Ферромагнитный сердечник индуктора не совершает работу на намагничивание других ферромагнитных объемов. Ferromagnetic core inductor does not work on the magnetization of ferromagnetic other volumes. Затраты совершает только ток в обмотке! Costs commits only the current in the coil!

            Часто спрашивают: "Но ведь сердечники взаимодействуют?" People often ask: "But the cores interact?" Да, есть взаимное подмагничивание. Yes, there is mutual magnetization. Но оно не увеличивает затраты, на намагничивание, а уменьшает их. But it does not increase costs to the magnetisation, and reduces them. Второй сердечник не добавляет дополнительных затрат в индуктор. The second core does not add additional costs to the inductor. Изменяется лишь форма кривой намагничивания (становится круче). Changes only the shape of the magnetization curve (becomes steeper). Сам ферромагнитный сердечник индуктора не совершает никакой работы на намагничивание (спинам электронов не нужно преодолевать ЭДСi против тока) соседних ферромагнитных объемов. Sam ferromagnetic core inductor is not committing any work on the magnetization (spins of the electrons do not have to overcome EDSi against the current) of adjacent ferromagnetic volumes. В отличие от витков с током из провода, добавить, внести в ферромагнитный сердечник индуктора дополнительное индуктивное сопротивление (импеданс) невозможно. In contrast to the coils with a current from the wire, add to a ferromagnetic core inductor additional inductive resistance (impedance) is impossible.

            Эти уникальные физические (квантовые) свойства ферромагнетиков открывают технические возможности для генерации электроэнергии. These unique physical (quantum) properties of ferromagnetic materials offer technical possibilities for generating electricity.



            • #51
              Re-post From Overunity Research Forum

              Re-posted from Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator

              The voltage could not be measured because the output was not a clean sinus output at 50Hz - this has been said and said again. I cannot measure the output of my second coil because it's resonating at 180KHz but I can power a resistive load fine as you can see. You would need to rectify the output with schottky diodes then measure it in DC to avoid measuring mistakes.

              The clamp ammeter works (though not stable) in the video because the HF output is pulsed at 50 Hz so the ammeter acts as a low pass filter ignoring the HF, nothing mysterious about it. This is also why he could place a step down transformer, with the relevant filters (in the box) to get 12V, rectify them and close the loop.

              The conversion system is a HF system (not VHF nor UHF, just HF) working in the KHz range. This is why there is an inverter and why it is fed by DC and why the GB input is AC, because that's where he started.



              • #52
                yes,this is true

                Question about SR device. Assuming he was using sinewave generator which require dual power supply, how he could use single 12V DC power supply ??


                • #53
                  SR193 Circuit

                  SR193 is made up of the following elements:

                  Spark Gap
                  Output Transformer
                  HV Module
                  Frequency Generator Module
                  Push-Pull Amplifier
                  Transformer & Rectifier Module
                  Start Battery
                  Last edited by vidbid; 03-08-2011, 08:19 PM. Reason: Addition



                  • #54
                    Positive Source of SR193

                    It is often the overlooked, little things that reveal the most information.

                    I found it interesting that man in the SR193 YouTube Video at time index 4:55/7:01 attempts to turn off the device but is unable to do so because the off button is a normally closed momentary open contact switch. This is a design flaw in the device in the video. He pushes the button switch but as soon as he lets off of the switch, the device starts up again.

                    Why is that? That is so because the smoothing capacitors C29 and C30 have not been discharged.

                    See time index 5:00/7:01 where he has to short the input start power terminals to the start capacitors, so he can push the start button (normally open momentary closed contact switch) with input start power terminals shorted together so he can short C29 and C30 when he pushes the off button (normally closed momentary open contact switch) to finally turn off the device.

                    At time index 5:24/7:01, he essentially states that the device is off.

                    The above schematic has the off switch as a toggle switch between the toggle state of disconnect positive source from rectifier to toggle state of discharging the start capacitor across a resistor.
                    Last edited by vidbid; 03-08-2011, 10:04 PM. Reason: addition



                    • #55
                      Earlier TK Replication by SR193

                      This video is said to be an earlier TK replication by SR193. Source: Overunity Research Forum



                      • #56
                        Observation about SR193 Videos

                        It appears that the same rug shows up in both videos.

                        Reported Earlier SR193 Video.

                        Latest SR193 Video.

                        Look at the rug on the floor on both videos. Are they not the same.

                        I would say that that is pretty good proof that both videos were done by SR193.

                        It has also been reported that SR193 is the admin of Энергия будущего - альтернативные источники энергии, свободные энергии, генерация энергии, генераторы

                        You can read a Google translation of that forum.



                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Dr Poppy View Post
                          Has anyone contemplated the possibility that those are ferrite ring magnets and that is an accelerator coil? E=MC2 is a highly peer reviewed process for converting mass into energy through acceleration.
                          I agree - this device is suspiciously close (in appearance) to the newer video release of Stan Meyer's Canadian patented electrical generator - which is stated to be, exactly as you say: a particle acceleration device.
                          Alberta is under attack...

                          Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by kcarring View Post
                            I agree - this device is suspiciously close (in appearance) to the newer video release of Stan Meyer's Canadian patented electrical generator - which is stated to be, exactly as you say: a particle acceleration device.
                            Suspiciously close? How about I post a photo of the oxygen and nitrogen tanks, pressure gauges and hoses showing in the back of one of his larger generators?

                            Quarktoo got banned by Pirate and Hartman in 60 seconds and all the information deleted when he tried to disclose this. That web site is obviously not what it appears.


                            • #59
                              Kapanadze stated (it is rumored) that the SR193 device is not the same. I agree with that statement. Vladimir Utkin shows how displacement current can charge a capacitor. Here is a video of the SR device under construction. Note how the wire changes in the middle yet there is no tape? Ah.. that is but an illusion...

                              YouTube - SR.AVI

                              You should find a capacitor inside. A copper plate probably rotates the field and I suspect that is what the rectangle is representing. Some of the Russians claim two Al or Cu plates are used in the construction.

                              But then.. for all I know there is a vacuum tube inside and he is using multipacitor effect which I suspect Kapanadze is employing as well.

                              If you compare the spark gap and wire color that is in fact the SR193 device under construction.
                              Last edited by Dr Poppy; 03-11-2011, 07:59 AM.


                              • #60
                                please post link to Stan Meyer video !

                                About circuit : it isn't producing sinewave but square wave, also push-pull amplifier needs dual power supply for example +12 -12 rails
                                there is something wrong with this schematic yet I agree it is very close to real one.
                                Is there any good EE here to look at it ?
                                If we drop concept of sinewave generator then maybe it is just an DC-AC inverter circuit with additional HV input.

