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Hex-controller replacement

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  • Hex-controller replacement

    Hi everybody,

    I just can't forget the sexy hex-controller in the thread...
    It was true love at first sight!
    So now I'm looking for a hex-controller replacement (ouch! so much for true love).

    Does anyone have any experience from the Aurdino board?
    Arduino - HomePage

    Or another programmable board that is fast enough?

    Last edited by nilrehob; 10-18-2009, 04:52 PM.
    Hob Nilre

  • #2
    It looks cool but I could not find specs to see what frequencies it can run
    Arduino Pulse Width Modulation | Principia Labs
    DoubleD (dave ) was looking into a pic pwm to run his Tesla switch


    • #3
      Originally posted by nvisser View Post
      It looks cool but I could not find specs to see what frequencies it can run
      Arduino Pulse Width Modulation | Principia Labs
      DoubleD (dave ) was looking into a pic pwm to run his Tesla switch
      I'm not sure yet, its a lot to read:
      found on:
      Arduino - Hardware

      Last edited by nilrehob; 10-18-2009, 05:28 PM.
      Hob Nilre


      • #4
        Check this out for the latest from Johan(watkykjy)
        Bob Boyce replication fully disclosed
        and on page 24 some of Bob`s posts
        Last edited by nvisser; 10-18-2009, 05:35 PM.


        • #5
          They all run at 16 MHz it seems:
          Arduino - ArduinoBoardMega
          Arduino - ArduinoBoardDiecimila
          Arduino - ArduinoBoardDuemilanove

          Not sure yet what max freq that translates to on an output port.
          On the forums i read 4Mhz but not very square and 2.667MHz rather square:
          Arduino Forum - Maximum pin toggle speed
          While I wrote this someone in the thread is investigating a way to get 8MHz and 5.333MHz, but it requires the Mega board.

          Here is how to use it to make a controlled voltage circuit:
          Arduino playground - RegulatedPositiveVoltageBooster

          Last edited by nilrehob; 10-19-2009, 10:10 AM.
          Hob Nilre


          • #6
            I dont think we need more than 100khz for this application. If the frequeccy are adjustable and the duty cycle can be made very small in the range of 2.5usec pulse widths it will be perfect.
            The slow risetimes will be corrected by the mosfet drivers


            • #7

              I was not sure where to post this but here is my version of a three
              coil switch for lead acid battery charging. I'm not quite finished yet.
              I have to make the coils and assemble the metal box. My switch use
              a PIC16F84A-20 running at 20MHz. This gives me a switching time down
              to 200nSec. I hope to get my coils done this weekend.

              Attached is a link to the circuit drawings, the MCU program and some
              images of my project. This is a zipped file.


              I apologize if I posted this information in the wrong thread.

              Last edited by Groundloop; 10-19-2009, 11:39 PM. Reason: Spelling


              • #8

                Too bad your not in Oz, we have a torodial here and a 3G board. If you read in wouter's forum, Bob has discussed on how to modify the 3G board to be run as a hex controller.

                Hope it helps my friend.
                Bob Boyce replication fully disclosed

                As of today 8 March 2009 Bob has kindly requested that we remove all references to his ...controller (an ATMega48 controller) from this site. Apparently using the term "...controller" without his permission, is in direct violation of his copyrights. Even though the WaterfuelForAll forum is not registered in the USA thus not falling under the jurisdiction of the USA, we will respect his wish because it is little effort on our side and then everybody is happy! Wink
                To ensure that posts on this thread is still understood by readers, all references to Bob's controller will be replaced with a reference to "microcontrolled PWM" or "ATMega48 controller" or "hx controller"

                In my post on 8 March 2009 (refer Re: Aussepom's Boyce replication) I give reasons why I believe this forum should continue its research using PIC microcontrollers with operating speed of at least 40MHz, so I am comfortable not to reference to the ATMega48 controller anymore but only reference to PIC microcontrollers.

                As to not upset the Hydroxy community, we have decided to remove most of Watkykjy's pictures.
                Wouter (Administrator)



                • #9
                  Hi Ash,

                  Making a 3 channel (or whatever number of channels) switch is easy.
                  What I need to know is the size, core used and number of turns on
                  the toroid transformer used by the guy who posted the videos of
                  the self charging lead acid battery.

                  BTW: My circuit posted here is open source. :-)



                  • #10
                    The Arduinos above all run at 16MHz.

                    This one runs at 72MHz:
                    Bugblat Cortino

                    And this one at 60MHz:
                    Coridium Corporation - ARMmite PRO Controller

                    Last edited by nilrehob; 10-20-2009, 07:09 AM.
                    Hob Nilre


                    • #11
                      That is a very large and expensive toroid meant for hydroxy production. You can get the toroid construction from Partic O kellys PJK book. Chapret 10. Bob Boyce electrolizer.
                      I am sure you can experiment on normal coils . What you see in the video is only the collapsing fields tapped by very fast diodes (mur410) from the drains of the 3 fets like in the ssg. The secondary is not even used there
                      Last edited by nvisser; 10-20-2009, 07:17 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Groundloop View Post
                        I hope to get my coils done this weekend.
                        Let us know how it works!

                        Hob Nilre


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                          What you see in the video is only the collapsing fields tapped by very fast diodes (mur410) from the drains of the 3 fets like in the ssg.
                          But how does he get the energy back to the *running* battery?
                          The only way to do that, that i have seen so far, is by using two transistors/fets for each coil, and i cant see that in the video.

                          Hob Nilre


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Groundloop View Post
                            BTW: My circuit posted here is open source. :-)
                            I just looked inside your rar-file.
                            Interesting circuit!

                            Hob Nilre


                            • #15

                              Thanks for the links.

                              I want to try to replicate the effect shown in the videos of the self
                              charging lead acid battery. As I understand it, the pulse width needs
                              to be approx. 2uSec. My switch is capable of switching down to 200nSec
                              so I'm not concerned about the mcu xtal frequency right now.


                              Thanks. Do you have a link to the "Partic O kellys PJK book"?

                              I will try this on Ferrite core coil first. I use ultra fast diodes in
                              my design. (BYV29).

                              Thanks for helping.


