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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • So, stay tuned, for more to come...


    • for overunity effects

      frequency range is 10 khz to 10 Mhz and beyond are safe to experiment

      frequencies less than 10 khz have harmful effects like shock and pain to supress these effects use alluminium split tube or alluminium box to cover the device.

      effect of pulse dc (includes bedini SSG, joule thief, etc) on geiger counter!

      the geiger counter is affected by alpha particles which is common to static ionization of air so its not a proof of radio activity.

      Colman Test Unit Improvements (Battery) #3 - YouTube

      An alpha particle is produced by the alpha decay of a radioactive nucleus. Because the nucleus is unstable a piece of it is ejected, allowing the nucleus to reach a more stable state.

      The piece that is ejected is the alpha particle, which is made up of a two protons and two neutrons: this is the nucleus of the helium atom. Helium is an inert and harmless gas, so the particles are not dangerous in themselves, it is only because of the high speeds at which they are ejected from the nuclei that make them dangerous. At these high speeds they have enough energy to break bonds in matter or ionise atoms (knock electrons off), which is especially deleterious for living cells.

      An interesting thing about alpha particles is that they do not penetrate far through matter (unlike beta or gamma radiation). They are stopped by paper! Therefore an external source of alpha particles ( or alpha radiation as it is called, for historical reasons, even though we now know they are particles) is not a big concern for humans.

      Of course the alpha particles, while not penetrating far, deposit their considerable energy in a short distance (i.e. the piece of paper that stopped them absorbs all the energy). Hence, while our epidermis, the outer layer of our skin, is basically dead cells and so is not damaged by alpha particles, ingesting an alpha emitter, thereby giving it access to our internal organs would be a concern.

      In fusion, helium/alpha particles are produced by the fusion reaction, along with neutrons. At JET we use magnetic confinement to contain the fusion reaction – because the helium nuclei are charged, they are confined by the magnetic field and do not escape. At the end of the experiment, when the magnets are turned off, these helium nuclei collide with the walls ( which are thicker than paper!) recombine with some electrons, and return to being ordinary helium gas.

      Note that the fusion reaction only continues to happen while the experiment is turned on – if the experiment gets too hot or cold, or gets too little fuel or too much then it stops. It is not like a spontaneously radioactive element (such as Americium-241 or Polonium-210).

      to safeguard these radio activity effects the unit must be enclosed in alluminium box then alluminium box is enclosed by lead box.

      do it yourself Cheapest nuclear radiation detector - Ion chamber radiation detector

      Cheapest nuclear radiation detector - Ion chamber - YouTube

      Last edited by dunfasto; 10-02-2013, 09:41 PM.


      • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
        Obviously it is D. Smith thread so probably this will get ignored once again.
        We definitely need MEG thread for stuff like Kurt is doing with BiToroid and for our approach with driving magnets bloch wall...

        yeah not a bad idea, maybe it exists, somewhere lol there is a "Bitoroid Transformer by Thane Heins" thread i post on sometimes too.

        i want to see videos of JLN's/Bearden MEG, but i guess they dont exist.

        Thane is still actively building, doing demos and stands by his claims, with even better stuff to come.

        it would be sweet if i could get magnets to intensify things. i wonder if there is any mainstream stuff about magnets acting on solid state transformers?
        In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
        In the expert's mind there are few.
        -Shunryu Suzuki


        • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
          yeah not a bad idea, maybe it exists, somewhere lol there is a "Bitoroid Transformer by Thane Heins" thread i post on sometimes too.

          i want to see videos of JLN's/Bearden MEG, but i guess they dont exist.

          Thane is still actively building, doing demos and stands by his claims, with even better stuff to come.

          it would be sweet if i could get magnets to intensify things. i wonder if there is any mainstream stuff about magnets acting on solid state transformers?
          Maybe the revival of thread would be good start for separate topic?

          Also there is no mainstream science for utilizing magnets in transformers at all. People need to make experiments then expand knowledge from scratch.


          • akula translated video

            akula translation by Stivep

            Akula expaining his device translation by Wesley - YouTube



            • nick best jt3 schematic

              Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
              I made several different versions, with different cores, different transistors, connected to many different Cfl, Led, and incandescent bulbs.
              The main trick is to be able to feed-back some juice to keep the battery up.
              That I'm still working on. Not easy to do, although the positive terminal of the battery is lighting a neon Av plug, which means that the circuit is feeding back at least 110v or more to the battery, with low current, out of the over 1000+ volts that the circuit outputs.
              This is a good device to...try to obtain a self-runner from.

              Here are some pics of a few different versions.
              As well as a video, of my Super Joule Ringer Lamp.
              Camera battery gave out on me at the end. Watch how the background lights up when I cover the lamp bulb with my hand, as the camera dims the actual lamps light output.
              Video: Joule Ringer Lamp- Lighting a 65 watt CFL bulb - YouTube
              hi nick, thank you very much for your insights.could you please give us best set up of the best jt3 you have made? I mean the best combination of parts core ,wire, load etc.
              best regards ged.


              • Gedfire:
                It all depends on what you want to do with the device, what you will connect it to, as far as an input source. Also the bulbs that you'll use on it, etz...
                I have many Cfl bulbs, so I have used those, mainly, but the led bulbs are much more economical on battery life, and give very good light. Many people have gone with the Utilitec Led bulb, for the JR 3.0, that costs about 10 dollars or so.
                Don't allow the transistor or the bulbs to run too hot, like way to hot to touch, as their inner circuits will burn out. So, add more primary winds, if that is the case, and be sure to run the transistor on a heatsink.
                There are several very good videos made by Lasersaber on his web site:
       I suggest that you watch those, if your haven't already.
                There are also some great videos on the Joule Ringer 3.0 made by Lynxsteam, on Youtube. And he also has some for sale, for those that don't want to make their own.

                Like I mentioned in my video, everything that I have has been obtained for free, so I get some satisfaction from that fact, also.
                As it has all costed me, well... Zilch!

                Here's a picture of my version of Akula's first device. I was just getting it all wired together at that point, when this picture was taken. I was using the ferrite bead core transformer from my JR 3 on it, for the HV pulses.
                Attached Files


                • MAXIMUM ALERT

                  Two days before on the Sharp Demand JEWISH ILLUMINATI CABAL from Wall-Street and Washington - Brasialian Governement with help of Sourh American branch of CIA have Busted two very famous Brasilian Inventors of Free Energy Devices known as "Electron Collector from the earth". Their names are Nilson Barbosa and Cleriston Leal.

                  They will stay in Jail until their extradiction to U.S. where will be judged for criminal offence against Wall-Street Banksters and Oil Barons from Washington and IsraHell - under the deeds "making and selling Free Energy Devices - stealing The Earth resources - Free Electrons - and conspiration and terrorist activity (attempt at closing all IOR ILLUMINATI OIL RIGS) against NEW JEWSIH ILLUMINATI CABAL WORLD ORDER - 4th Reich or 1000 years New Zion of course with depopulation of 99,99% of Humankind according to Top Secret protocol in Torah and Cabal.

                  Does the new guillotine for those angry enemies of Zion Nilson Barbosa and Cleriston Leal will be rised in Washington or Tel-Aviv will see in a next couple months.

                  Remember they have plan to start Global International selling - Free Energy Device 1 January 2014.

                  Taking in account 3500 newest 1 Billion pixels Drones in U.S. for 24h real-time tracking {Free Energy Terrosrists} in form of Drone King menu everything is possible now. Btw new FEMA camps are off course ready for all Free Energy Terrorist Inventors(all F.E.experimenters belong here) and their supporters from all over the world.

                  It's seems to me that Adolf Hitler have been a child in comparison with those SUPER-NAZI-SAGES from NEW ZOG !!

                  Stay tunned and take care !!


                  • For those who know Portuguese - Nilson Barbosa falando sobre o caso ŕ imprensa

                    Empresários săo presos acusados de receptaçăo

                    As investigaçőes do Departamento de Defesa de Serviços Delegados (DDSD), órgăo vinculado ŕ Superintendęncia Estadual de Investigaçőes Criminais (SEIC), foram iniciados a partir de uma denúncia da Companhia Energética do Maranhăo (CEMAR).

                    O delegado Paulo Roberto Medeiros Carvalho presidiu o inquérito aberto para apurar as denúncias e teve da Justiça a determinaçăo de realizar busca e apreensăo dos equipamentos de captaçăo de energia da terra.
                    No local onde seria feita a busca e apreensăo, foram encontrados tręs medidores de energia, que os empresários Nilson Barbosa e Cleriston Leal tinham tomado emprestado da Cooperativa de Eletrificaçăo Rural. Entretanto, esses medidores tinham sido penhorados pela Justiça do Trabalho para pagamento de causas trabalhistas. Vale ressaltar que os medidores săo de uso exclusivo da Cemar.

                    Por esse motivo, os empresários Nilson Barbosa e Cleriston Leal foram autuados por receptaçăo. Nilson disse a O PROGRESSO que os equipamentos foram aprovados por um engenheiro da Cemar, que inclusive fez um relatório que está na internet. “Esse invento está patenteado e năo estamos fazendo nada escondido. Tudo está sendo ŕs claras. Já tivemos contato inclusive com o Ministro Lobăo e dias atrás expusemos o nosso invento na Fecoimp”, disse Nilson Barbosa.

                    Os dois empresários fizeram exame de corpo de delito e ficaram na Delegacia Regional. Os advogados entraram ainda ontem com pedido de fiança, que neste caso só pode ser arbitrada em juízo, e os dois empresários seriam colocados em liberdade pelo plantăo judicial.



                    • Mostly Expected Results

                      Hi folks.
                      Now,this seems to get really interesting , doesn`t it ?
                      If this is all true, than "inventors" have a new 'case' freshly closed by tptb like many many others we have come to know
                      like: (where to start...?) Stanley M. just 'right after signed ' the contract to mass-produce his tech, poisoned; Ed V. Gray
                      mysteriously died right after 'signed' also a very promising contract for mass-produce "his tech";
                      Bedini threatened after the Watson`s big machine into KW range show;
                      T.H.Moray threatened countless of times with firearms after his back by tptb "cleaners";
                      Bob Boyce strange "cancer" after the bug inserted in his arm;
                      ..well at the moment I do not remeber much but anyway..
                      I mean, do we need more facts to understand that there is no way one can make profits or comercialize
                      Free Energy Devices, other than giving access to those skilled in the arts
                      to first build themselves and after a certain 'perfection' of a basement version get ready to volunteer others less skilled in the art to have access
                      in free energy technologies ?
                      Technologies that are all and more often being suppressed ?
                      This is a big Red Card for others with the same apetite as Barbosa and Cleriston
                      to "take a big load of richnes for themselves selling their invention".It`s a big no no dear inventors.

                      You have now the chance to slap hard at the face of the tptb once and for good by giving access to millions of people to quickly replicate the tech
                      harnesing the power of the internet now that we have somehow a line to communicate
                      before it becomes too late.

                      Think about it people.
                      We live in very critical times for all humankind.
                      Which part will you take:the oil cartels baroons banksters etc OR the part Tesla chosed to, to help humankind,
                      even tho only people in forums like this are really gratefull to him
                      for everything he decided to share with us all, so we all benefit from his generosity ?!
                      Please, make the right choice.
                      Best Regards to everybody.
                      << BP Ultimate + Shell-V Power + Allies (opec) = the Ultimate Power Aligators to Suck People`s Blood !-! >>


                      • You would think people would wake up, but greed and the thought of being rich gets to most folks but the end result is the same suppression one way or another.
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • Originally posted by SERG V. View Post
                          MAXIMUM ALERT

                          Two days before on the Sharp Demand JEWISH ILLUMINATI CABAL from Wall-Street and Washington - Brasialian Governement with help of Sourh American branch of CIA have Busted two very famous Brasilian Inventors of Free Energy Devices known as "Electron Collector from the earth". Their names are Nilson Barbosa and Cleriston Leal.

                          They will stay in Jail until their extradiction to U.S. where will be judged for criminal offence against Wall-Street Banksters and Oil Barons from Washington and IsraHell - under the deeds "making and selling Free Energy Devices - stealing The Earth resources - Free Electrons - and conspiration and terrorist activity (attempt at closing all IOR ILLUMINATI OIL RIGS) against NEW JEWSIH ILLUMINATI CABAL WORLD ORDER - 4th Reich or 1000 years New Zion of course with depopulation of 99,99% of Humankind according to Top Secret protocol in Torah and Cabal.

                          Does the new guillotine for those angry enemies of Zion Nilson Barbosa and Cleriston Leal will be rised in Washington or Tel-Aviv will see in a next couple months.

                          Remember they have plan to start Global International selling - Free Energy Device 1 January 2014.

                          Taking in account 3500 newest 1 Billion pixels Drones in U.S. for 24h real-time tracking {Free Energy Terrosrists} in form of Drone King menu everything is possible now. Btw new FEMA camps are off course ready for all Free Energy Terrorist Inventors(all F.E.experimenters belong here) and their supporters from all over the world.

                          It's seems to me that Adolf Hitler have been a child in comparison with those SUPER-NAZI-SAGES from NEW ZOG !!

                          Stay tunned and take care !!
                          is this real? i get that you have a special place in your heart for the Zionists... but did the "energia da terra" actually get shut down?? im gonna lose it


                          i guess copy while you can....

                          hey maybe they met with mr Smith when he was in Brazil or something? hehe
                          Last edited by mr.clean; 10-05-2013, 02:27 AM.
                          In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                          In the expert's mind there are few.
                          -Shunryu Suzuki


                          • This is a comment made a short while ago by poster Ariovaldo at concerning what is happening with Nilson Barbosa in Brazil.

                            "I'm Brazilian/American and I talked with Barbosa day before yesterday and I asked him if he had any concern about that and he said that was ok. The member " Screen" talked with him hours ago and he said that everything is ok now. I don't beleive and I will email him next monday to say what I know about bad things that happened with free energy inventors".
                            end quote.
                            Me (Nick) now:
                            I believe that they are out of jail at this moment. We'll see what happens next, but it may not be as tragic as some are making it out to be. Although I wouldn't want to be in their shoes right now. As worst things than that can still happen to them.
                            Last edited by Nick_Z; 10-05-2013, 02:25 AM.


                            • Resonant Energy

                              RESONANT ENERGY

                              Google Translate

                              A principle is usually taken TT , in addition to BB coil windings need another 300 turns , it sine with oscillator , as well there will be a reel exc . such sistkema constantly rezoansnse , now with the inductor supplies pulses to the beat of a sinusoid , as it passes through the peaks of the highest points . everything. Vspleksov there is a powerful current. Which increased by connecting a large sheet metallla or land.
                              Circuitry any , from the fact that there is a nother , more importantly exactly a sine wave at the high points , must beat the existing momentum short supply.
                              That's the whole point. Coil resonates at a frequency sine , say, 2500 Hz , with the same frequency nkladyvayutsya uzkofrontalnye pulses at resonance nachminaetsya another resonance, and as a result of increasing current.
                              Why is the oscillator circuit ? because he keeps resonance, at any load . push-pull oscillator is better , but not kacherny , there can not be controlled .
                              I do not want to show anything to anyone , not to engage in " povtorizmami ," I made myself , and you , too, according to this principle will be able to do.

                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by dunfasto; 10-05-2013, 03:45 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
                                This is a comment made a short while ago by poster Ariovaldo at concerning what is happening with Nilson Barbosa in Brazil.

                                "I'm Brazilian/American and I talked with Barbosa day before yesterday and I asked him if he had any concern about that and he said that was ok. The member " Screen" talked with him hours ago and he said that everything is ok now. I don't beleive and I will email him next monday to say what I know about bad things that happened with free energy inventors".
                                end quote.
                                Me (Nick) now:
                                I believe that they are out of jail at this moment. We'll see what happens next, but it may not be as tragic as some are making it out to be. Although I wouldn't want to be in their shoes right now. As worst things than that can still happen to them.
                                well if i was being arrested for my honest work, a person would have to refuse and start video camera, and based on PatriotAct legalized "renditions"
                                (arrested with bag over-the-head in middle of the night) for real
                       authorized to hold you without reason... indefinitely....

                                so really you have to assume they are illegal operatives and need to rightfully respond with deadly force...
                                ...but who is really going to decide to fight Blackwater mercs, when they are executing an armed home invasion... on YOU..
                                or SWAT/ ERT authorities thinking its legitimate and legal arrest
                                like during Katrina door to door unwarranted gun confiscation, and illegal Military in police jurisdiction..
                                ( known as the Posse Comitatus Act )
                                ""This law is often relied upon to prevent the Department of Defense from interfering in domestic law enforcement.[3]""
                                cause you almost invariably end up with a "hitler" if one person is given supreme military command and media control propaganda

                                hehe but of course, American troops are waking up, and even tho most of them don't know that they swore to defend the.... president?.. no ...the country?... nope ....the American people? ... wrong again!
                                ...dont realize, they Swore to defend... The Constitution !! made by those who learned from corrupt power.

                                most people also aren't aware that the second amendment to bear arms... is not just to have guns for fun...

                                ""The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. ""
                                Thomas Jefferson

                                rambling, but point is even tho they dont know who they are really supposed to defend, orders, or rights, most likely is foreign soldiers killing North Americans...

                                ...and Yes, that actually is illegal government activity as well...
                                """The Leahy Law or Leahy amendment is a U.S. human rights law that prohibits the U.S. Department of State and Department of Defense from providing military assistance to foreign military units that violate human rights [1]"""

                                so these days, you may actually have to worry about "renditions" and "red dot" lists, and the leaked videos of FEMA rail cars refitted wall-to-wall benches and shackles... in the name of security ( perpetual corruption job security )

                                sorry to rant everyone, but the "energia da terra" guys really seem to have a virtual commercial model of Kapanadze, and to even think that it would put them in jail is outraging to me. who knows what the story is, but those are my thoughts on that.
                                In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                                In the expert's mind there are few.
                                -Shunryu Suzuki

