Originally posted by Turion
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I checked your information (now that the internet came back on) and your math makes sense to me.
Like I said 2" is the average dia X 3.14 = 6.28" per turn
Next we have 1000ft(1000' x 12=12,000") of wire divided by 6.28" = 1910 turns. So it looks like bye is right, not you

We all love you Dave
When you start, the spool is .875 not quite 1"
Then the center of the spool is 2"
Next the outside where the winding stops is 3"
leaving a small shoulder so the coil does not pop off.
So the average means we take 3" and the less than 1" add that=4 and divide by 2 = 2
pie x dia = 3.14 x 2" = 6.28" per turn