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An Inquiry into MAGVID

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  • An Inquiry into MAGVID

    to find out what this thread is all about,
    download this PDF
    it is leaked information about an energy field and how to create it.
    Mathias Båge has given a very good analysis of the device in the PDF as well

    I have been working on this idea for a bit now.
    set up a small low power test and got no results,
    but various alternate ideas that keep showing up in the ARV thread and the Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs and Replication thread point to this MAGVID idea likely to work.
    also, I have seen some of what the MAGVID did in the tests with other things I tested in the past.

    So, at least to me, it really looks to me like this idea is worth replicating
    I first went at the design from the point of view as if it is a particle accelerator.
    that seems to be the point of view of the person that leaked the idea of the device on the web.
    but now I am wondering if the leaker had got the idea a bit wrong from whoever he got it from, or even potentially the techs working on it just used poor word choice to tell what was going on.
    if it is a an open air particle accelerator, then the more you optimize the design, you end up with 2 coils that are single turn and set inside each other at 90 degrees, the frequency will be the one wavelength resonance for the single turn. They will be electrically driven at 90 degrees out of phase. And will be inside a DC magnetic field at the other 90 degrees from the other 2 coils.
    so that is what I built.
    I had enough of a DC magnetic field (about 800W in if it matters), but only had about 35W in for the spinning field. I ran it in the 1.25 meter radio band.
    and it just did nothing.
    from the leaked info, they said that around 40 megajoules was a very marginal field.
    so I guess my power in was way to small. but having seen some of the effects in the 150W or less range with physically spinning magnets, so now I am left wondering if the particle accelerator idea lead me down the wrong path.
    now I am wondering if it is accelerating something like ether (or a time field)
    many models of reality don't help us here, but
    if you look at the science of wilbert smith, he says this reality we are in is made of "frozen reality", and tells you where it is frozen at. And if he is correct, the MAGVID is the sort of thing that you would build to melt this reality.
    melting reality would make that volume fluid like a dream world.
    and if this is the case, then it is all about power into the field.
    then you don't need frequencies that would be suited only to electron acceleration, and this makes it quite a bit easier to build (without having it kill you when you run it).
    so I tried building that, had about 50W in to the field in about the 40KHz range into what was about an 15 inch sphere, and got nothing form that as well.
    have thought this through, and I need more power if I want it to work.
    Strikes me as the easiest way to get more power is to make the coils resonant. A simple coil capacitor resonance is pretty efficient at bringing up the amperage in the coil, kind of a pain to tune though.
    and would need to do this in 2 to 4 coils all at the exact same frequency. Pricey, and annoying, but possible
    I am considering using 10.7MHz as that is where some plasma welders run, so the RF noise from it should be unnoticed and should be possible to get a high power source somewhat easy as harbor freight tools sells the cutters that use that part, but still unlikely to get to the quoted 40 megajoules lower limit.

    anyone else have any thoughts on the MAGVID ?
    not trying to distract from any building on likely more tangible ideas,
    I am just trying to set up things to keep in mind when testing current projects, and what might happen if you face the magnets at 90 degrees to what people are building for the Alexey Chekurkov verification. and maybe when that project is done, this MAGVID idea could be explored to more closely get all the features that are seen in UFOs in the sky

  • #2
    Hi spacecase0,

    I spotted your thread the other day but haven't had any time to devote to it and really it needs the input from others.

    I think we are learning thanks to the Alexey right now. I think that after we get some where with that then the Magvid will be thought of as alternatives are sought out and as awareness and understanding take place. I know this is true for myself and that I have gathered in a lot because of the Alexey and so now maybe I can revisit the Magvid and come away with some other understanding. You're ahead of the curve is what I'm saying. Be patient it will grow I'm sure.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 10-07-2018, 01:07 PM.
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • #3
      OK, so I've been thinking a little about this. Just as a thought, recall the big basin drones, those as well as a few others of a similar nature all showing up around 2006/07.
      Now I'll have dig out the magvid material and take another look, but I see some possibility there for a device like the magvid. Consider the Magvid as a sort of base to start from.
      A bit more time to think upon this after refreshing my memory on the machine.
      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


      • #4
        I had thought of that as well when I first saw the MAGVID info,
        but that round hollow core they have, seems closer to the ARV as to how it functions. just that it has the tall wires for capacitors.
        I also tested this setup at about 18KV and a 1T magnetic field, spun the electrostatic charge at the with a high voltage rotary switch (at whatever speed that DC motor ran at. Got no results. so I guess that I am likely wrong as to how the drone worked.


        • #5
          was going over the math on this device
          and if we are trying to move electrons as said, my magnetic field was about 1000 times to strong...
          so, looks like the earths magnetic field starts to show up as a factor in this device (because it is strong enough)
          so I start to wonder about geometry (because of questions on other threads) and what else may make this field
          so what kind of field does something like a wire pyramid make when aligned magnetically ? the more I look at it, the more the pyramid seems like it might be a low power MAGVID device


          • #6
            think I have figured this one out
            wilbert smith complained that he tried a switched magnetic field that trying to switch a much larger direct current field. His problem was that the 2 fields integrated

            now keep that in mind
            when looking at the magvid
            it uses a spinning field and a one directional field,
            so what happens if they integrate ?
            you get a vertical magnetic field that is spinning, right ?

            would seem that the idea that this device is accelerating electrons likely happens, but I am not convinced that it is the primary function of the device

            so, would seem that the description of the device should be followed as said with no second guessing.

            forgot to mention why this is a great design
            I have tried other designs, and you run in to an issue of inductance gets in the way of being able to put to much power into the field.
            I made a 6 phase power supply and put it into coils, the virtual moving magnetic field hits the speed of light at about 3 foot out (not hard to do), but the inductance of the coils is quite an issue at that high of frequency, so I could only get about 25W into the field. and I saw no effects at that low of power.
            so this is where the MAGVID idea is so neat, it uses the other issue that people run into in order to make it easier to put power into the field.
            if you set it up with 4 AC coils and the one DC coil in the center (magvid method 2), it is way easier to get power into the field, and if you use high Q capacitors to get resonance in the coils, you should get even more power into the field . and be able to do it way lower price and complexity than other methods.
            so that appears to be the real advantage it has, lower complexity and price for what you get.
            Last edited by spacecase0; 11-06-2018, 03:06 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
              think I have figured this one out
              wilbert smith complained that he tried a switched magnetic field that trying to switch a much larger direct current field. His problem was that the 2 fields integrated

              now keep that in mind
              when looking at the magvid
              it uses a spinning field and a one directional field,
              so what happens if they integrate ?
              you get a vertical magnetic field that is spinning, right ?

              would seem that the idea that this device is accelerating electrons likely happens, but I am not convinced that it is the primary function of the device

              so, would seem that the description of the device should be followed as said with no second guessing.

              forgot to mention why this is a great design
              I have tried other designs, and you run in to an issue of inductance gets in the way of being able to put to much power into the field.
              I made a 6 phase power supply and put it into coils, the virtual moving magnetic field hits the speed of light at about 3 foot out (not hard to do), but the inductance of the coils is quite an issue at that high of frequency, so I could only get about 25W into the field. and I saw no effects at that low of power.
              so this is where the MAGVID idea is so neat, it uses the other issue that people run into in order to make it easier to put power into the field.
              if you set it up with 4 AC coils and the one DC coil in the center (magvid method 2), it is way easier to get power into the field, and if you use high Q capacitors to get resonance in the coils, you should get even more power into the field . and be able to do it way lower price and complexity than other methods.
              so that appears to be the real advantage it has, lower complexity and price for what you get.
              Sorry for the delays but but getting back has been problematic and now you're well beyond my understanding. However I do grasp the issue of magnetic fields melting in to one another. I'm about sure that the AC/DC circuit of the Alexey has a lot to do with preventing this. To me it would seem to be a matter of timing so that the DC only acts on the correct part of the alternating current. Reminds me those cop target range challenges where the target pop's up and it's a shoot, don't shoot situation.

              Maybe if you think about this in terms of how Ken Wheeler has suggested flipping of the gravitational field with magnetic fields. I haven't had time to really get back to this, nor to review the material and look for possible ways that might be taking place.
              Last edited by Gambeir; 11-06-2018, 08:45 PM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • #8
                this really should be easy to understand, or at least the "how to" part, and how that links back to something we can easily see.
                so, let me try to clear it all up.
                this first part is the theory and the why of it, it might be confusing, so if you don't want that in your head, skip to the next part, but I will try to show why it is confusing and you really should read the entire thing to get it.
                when trying to figure out what gravity is, you find that the equation for electrostatic attraction is the same as for gravity (just the constant is changed). So that is our first hint. Next go look at the equations for voltage and you get some very odd math, regular physics talk of "divergence". The physics of wilbert smith say it is a divergent spin field. Go back to the equations and what wilbert smith said matches the math.
                so now with that in mind, look at an asymmetrical capacitor, we know it generates acceleration when you are charging it.
                So for the confusing part. What is the field created by an asymmetrical divergent system when it is being charged ? Someone with better geometry and math skills will have to figure out the details on that one, but my guess is that it just creates an asymmetric spin field (an an asymmetric spin field is also known as gravity)
                I am also pretty sure this is not how nature makes gravity.
                Oddly there are 2 things we read as voltage.
                And here is where the fields integrating needs to be talked about, so we take a short break for that.
                if you have 2 magnets and put them together at any angle, the fields get together and form one field (so the term "fields integrating")
                If you put a magnet near an electrostatic field, the fields stay entirely separate, so the fields do not integrate.
                make sense ? I really hope it does as there is not an easier way to say it that I know of.
                Now back to the 2 kinds of voltage.
                One is electrostatic and the other is induced voltage. Each will read on your volt meter, so they appear to integrate as far as you can see on the volt meter, but each one stays separate. M. J. Hooper spent his life proving this, so see his work for all the details.
                For now, just remember that electrostatic voltage is the electricity that is the charge that sits on a capacitor, and the induced voltage is made by a moving magnetic field (as happens in a standard electric generator). And a quick demo of how they work together, imagine an electric generator with superconducting wires just to make the math easier. Now short the output while it is running. You have seemingly no electrostatic voltage or induced voltage, yet current is flowing. What is going on here is that you have equal and opposite electrostatic and induced voltage, so you have them appearing to ingrate and end up with nothing, but the current flowing shows us that they are not integrating, each is still there and acting as it would normally.
                Back to nature and gravity being everywhere.
                The inside of a sub atomic particle is moving, the entire things are made of field forces, not that I am going to get into the formats of this (see Krafft for the details). But they make a rotating magnetic field, get enough together and they make a large field. So look at a planet, you get voltage being made by the planet, and less (or none) being made in the space around it. Another way to put this is that it is an asymmetrical voltage field. And just like the asymmetrical capacitor, the acceleration moves to the smaller plate.
                some people want some real world evidence this is happening, so here goes.
                There is a large voltage field around earth that depending on your point of view is either causing gravity or is the effect of gravity.
                And there ends up being a counter voltage that is electrostatic (just like in the previous electric generator example), this ends up being the power for lightning. If you listen to the VLF band, you can here every lightning strike on earth (Quite fun to here), the largest gap in strikes I have ever run across is about 1/2 second, and the average is extremely consistent, just not the sort of thing you would get if it were wind making friction. Also, you can measure the "atmospheric electricity" with a very high impedance volt meter even when you are inside a mostly conductive building.

                so, to sum up.
                Gravity is caused by an asymmetrical induced electric field.
                Now you could also call that an asymmetrical time field, and that would likely be more accurate, but let us not confuse things with new ideas for the moment. (but that idea should be in your head)

                part 2, now that we know what is going on, how to counter gravity ?
                we know that an asymmetrical capacitor while being charged will accelerate to the smaller plate (actual voltage polarity does not matter)
                But just when you start to get some real lift going it arks over.
                You can use high K dialectics and other fancy things to get it to work, but it is going to be pricy, physically large, and not that compatible with conductive things like human passengers.
                So the solution is to stop using the electrostatic and use induced voltage. That way you don't need fancy capacitors, you can use a solid block of copper, insulators, fraday cages, or whatever and it all still works (just like real gravity).

                Now you have 2 choices here.

                You can make a simple rotating magnetic field and get a single induced voltage, but you need it to be asymmetrical to work, so the field of the earth will be that other voltage. Not sure if you will have issues of making earth the other half of your device as the 2 induced voltages would clearly have to integrate, and I am just not sure if that is super easy or hard to do, but either way, you will be limited to a large gravity field near your device.

                you can make your induced voltage asymmetrical in the first place.
                But there is the question of how to do this.
                First you are going to need to have the voltage vertical. And the magnetic field inducing it has to be spinning, it can't just be changing in magnitude in place.
                This is where the MAGVID is the perfect solution, you have 2 magnetic fields, one spinning and the other static. They integrate and give you a vertical spinning field. Sadly this is still not asymmetric as would be ideal, so you likely need to make your static vertical magnetic coil a bit of a cone shaped (like that large coil on the ARV is to a small amount).

                looking at Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Disc,
                the magnets seem correct, the spin seems correct, but it is not asymmetrical, I am pretty sure what would be going on here is that the high voltage (AC and DC) is doing some odd integrating of the fields back to earth. Would be likely more effective to make the top ring of magnets closer to the shaft and the bottom disk further away from the shaft. But could be the separation from earth as a component would make it not a large enough effect to be noticed easy.
                And just to be clear, I go remote view most ideas and hardware before I go building it. What I got from Alexey Chekurkov's work is that he is convinced that this works. Either he got the ideas from something he watched running, or documents he saw, or something like that. But he can't (or thinks it is a bad idea) tell publicly where he got the information from.
                And at least his first attempt failed to reproduce it. So he acted like it worked and shared it with the world, adding ideas like "tricky to tune" so that others versions might actually work.
                I can't see if he ever got to work or not, now there are to many others looking at it now messing with it energetically.

                looking at the ARV, it seems to be using a method to spin the magnetic field other than how the MAGVID does. And it is angled, so that the field is asymmetric.

                did all that clear things up ?


                • #9
                  Thanks, this is probably your best post ever for me personally. Helps a great deal. Take a look at this video aljhoa posted this in the ARV thread. Might be useful.

                  Ken also mentions electrostatic attraction in the video, but where Wilbert Smith say it is a divergent spin field is correct, now appears only half correct using what we now know today about the centrifugal confluence of the magnetic field: Remember Wilbert didn't the advantage we do in this area. By the way, this video does make clear that there is the toroidal divergent spin field and a centripetal centrifugal confluent field. So there are two spin fields and not one.

                  Wheeler's video is also very helpful because he defines that there are only two types of possible antigravity systems. A repulsion type system, and which relies on another mass, a so-called MMA, or "mutual mass acceleration," and the other type which creates an artificial or false mass, otherwise referred to as the PSA, or "point space acceleration" system.
                  "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                    Thanks, this is probably your best post ever for me personally. Helps a great deal. Take a look at this video aljhoa posted this in the ARV thread. Might be useful.

                    Ken also mentions electrostatic attraction in the video, but where Wilbert Smith say it is a divergent spin field is correct, now appears only half correct using what we now know today about the centrifugal confluence of the magnetic field: Remember Wilbert didn't the advantage we do in this area. By the way, this video does make clear that there is the toroidal divergent spin field and a centripetal centrifugal confluent field. So there are two spin fields and not one.

                    Wheeler's video is also very helpful because he defines that there are only two types of possible antigravity systems. A repulsion type system, and which relies on another mass, a so-called MMA, or "mutual mass acceleration," and the other type which creates an artificial or false mass, otherwise referred to as the PSA, or "point space acceleration" system.
                    smith also tells of the 2 spin fields...
                    actually they are all versions of spin fields in the dimensions past the "tempic field", so that would be 3 of them.
                    he also tells of 2 ways past gravity, and then points to the tempic field being likely the most easy to build
                    to bad we don't have him around to ask questions to like we have for the others you talk of.


                    as an update,

                    was thinking about the MAGVID layout,
                    the guy was interested in the side effects and not the antigravity effects.
                    so seems like the center DC coil needs to be some sort of cone shaped to get the direction to push gravity around (like the large coil on the ARV is)
                    so keeping all this in mind,
                    I tried to make a magnetic spin field that was shaped
                    I did it in ferrite this time,
                    used a permanent magnet for the DC field, and one of the ferrite cores from an old TV set for the AC coils.
                    tested getting a compass to spin at 1 to 2 Hz, so after I got it to spin, ran it at 200Hz and 40KHz at about 20W. put the entire thing on a balance, checked with my accelerometer, and got nothing from it in any arrangement.
                    I did use the coils already built on the ferrite from the TV, and the one set seems great, but the other set is not quite right as it has a gap in the middle, so I wonder if that kept the field from spinning as it should have. Suppose I need to wind my own coils now and test again.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                      Please continue Robur; I know this is the sort of serious understanding accomplished through extensive study and long hours and I very much want to hear all you're willing to share.

                      A Zinc Magnesium alloy appears to be the material used in the so-called capacitor plates of the ARV/Flux Liner. While recovery of UFO debris that crashed on Hill 611 in Russia contained a matrix of fine gold wire substrate sheathed in quartz.

                      It appears to me these are different operating systems because of the materials used. The material recovered form Hill 611 suggests an operating system which is based on Woodward Effect, or so called mass cancellation, while the ARV/Flux Liner appears to be either working as described by Mark McCandlish as a form of Miguel Alcubierre's space warp drive, or by or through another alternative means.
                      maybe a bit unfair to quote a reply from another thread,
                      but it may apply here, this idea I have just will not let me be till I share it.

                      what if the fields I have been making with the MAGVID prototypes are working perfectly, and my inert test items (plastic, aluminum, wood) are the wrong thing to be using
                      the downed ships we find are not made from some inert material
                      so, I may need to run all the tests again after I get some fancy metals to test with.
                      I don't have a vacuum sputtering setup, so not sure how to make thin layered metals. I wonder how thick the layers can be and still work.


                      • #12
                        so, just to share,
                        if you are trying to get strong AC magnetic fields over a large volume,
                        this page really shows how to do it (series capacitance)
                        easy enough to build a Helmholtz coil set, but harder to figure out how to drive it.
                        this may also apply to what others are doing as well, so I thought I would share.


                        • #13
                          after reading the PDF first linked in the first post here,
                          you may wonder how to actually build this device. it takes a bit of work to convert an idea into hardware.
                          and now that this virus from china is looking bad, I will share my design work and formulas so that anyone else will have an easier time building it if they want to.

                          I will not bother with pictures as you can refer to the PDF and I can't upload here, and my drawings are not that good either.

                          so the 4 AC driven coils are set up in sets of 2 Helmholtz coils, they are physically at 90 degrees and electrically driven at 90 degrees (that also = 1/4 wavelength delay). The 4 coils are not quite a Helmholtz coil set as they are going to be squished into the correct shape.
                          I chose a single turn 27 foot diameter square coil for each. when all 4 are put together, they have a diameter of 27 foot and a height of 6.75 foot.

                          I am going to use a DC magnetic field made out of 50 foot sections of copper tubing. so the diameter there is 31.8 foot.
                          there are a few options here that I will go over in a bit. but trying to get the magnetic field strong enough so that it is generated inside the AC coils is likely going to cost to much, so the electron orbit is going to be inside the DC coil.
                          so the gap between 27 foot and 31.8 should let something (electron) orbit at the speed of light when the AC coils are run at a frequency of 19.67MHz and 36.43MHz. but the practical limit for electrons to go before they start radiating energy is about 80% the speed of light, and this gives us 15.74MHz to 29.14MHz. either way I plan on running it from 20MHz to 29MHz, there are ham radio bands in that range where it is easy to get radios and amplifiers for and potentially even legal to transmit.
                          I have thought about how to remove error from driving the AC coils,
                          the 2 opposites need to be series, but with just one turn at resonant frequency (or somewhat close as I plan on), it would take to long for standard wiring to work. so... my solution is to use coax cable, and make the cables about one wavelength long (electrically, not physically. just multiply by velocity factor, (0.78 is my cable)).
                          so each coil is connected with one wavelength of coax cable, the 2 opposites are connected in series at a junction box, and one set will have an additional 1/4 wave delay to get that 90 degrees. the 2 sets will then be connected in parallel.
                          this should make the total impedance somewhat tolerable to a standard HF radio transmitter and antenna tuner.
                          the 1/4 wave delay may have to be changed if you change frequencies to much, but the one wavelength should not because they are all the same delay time.

                          there are a couple of options for the DC coil, the one I would like to do, and the one I can afford to do.
                          I would like to have some thickness to the coil so that the field will be large,
                          but assuming that I have 2 turns (3/4" copper tubing) that are spaced 6 foot apart, I would need at least 540A, with the voltage required, this is something like 15 horse power... could likely do this with a homo polar generator quite easily. but the disk and brush connections would be a bit hard. would likely need to be a substantial thickness of aluminum with something like a mercury jet for the electrical connections. and then it would need to be totally enclosed as well. lots of pricy hardware...
                          if you want a visualization on this, go look at the ARV (fluxliner) drawings. the center disk and the magnetic coil around it, it would be set up to be self excited. so you would start it with electricity to the coil and then put in mechanical energy to spin the disk to make the field stronger. pretty easy to add 15HP in mechanical energy to a spinning disk.
                          very large magnetic fields can be created this way (and by large, I mean an infinite magnetic field with a finite and possible amount of current is possible)

                          the other possible solution is to just put the 2 coils closer together, if they are right on top of each other, they only need 25 amps to get the required field, and into the copper tubing, this should only be a few volts, so not much power at all.
                          the only real draw back is that the field is only going to be strong enough for a few inches of height.

                          if you are calculating out how much of a magnetic field you need,
                          for an electron at 80% the speed of light (or at least I think it was 80%..., it was 300MeV either way), it is going to be 0.00679/(radius in meters)=magnetic field in Tesla
                          plenty of online calculators for the magnetic field of a coil, and it is a complex mess, so I will not post that here.

                          I hope this helps anyone trying to build this.

                          what gets me the most about running all the numbers is that if I were to build this idea as I wanted to, it would end up looking just like the ARV after adding directional control.

                          one more thing, this device is explicitly made to change the energy state of what is inside it. so, you want the radio transmitter and its power supply inside the device and ungrounded, if you have it all external and plug it into the wall outlet, it is unlikely to work as intended.

                          by the way, if you are looking to see is this is how UFOs work without building one,
                          you want to look at the diameter of the glowing field around one, multiply by 3.14 and then listen on your radio at that frequency to see if there is anything there.
                          you might need to compensate for changes in the speed of light from inside to outside the device, but if you had a spectrum analyzer recording, you should be able to find the signal and link it back to sightings.
                          Last edited by spacecase0; 03-21-2020, 12:41 AM.


                          • #14
                            as an update, I built the device, only had 100W into the radio frequency power... and the DC magnetic field was not as strong as I had calculated it should have been. it did not seem to do anything useful. so, it seems as if low power tests do not make a small effect here. I guess looking at it now, it if likely to be a quantum effect, likely no effect till a specific power level.

