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An Inquiry into Alexey Chekurkov’s Flying Discs and Replications

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  • I have power supply to elector-plate.
    But I want to do something bit different
    I am still intrigued by the device spacecase0 described to me once and i want to duplicate it a bit and see how it would feel


    • OK 1 more small sought I just had and I will ask you that very directly

      GAMBEIR - Why do you think no one replicating Alexey's device?
      As you said earlier you was thinking it be the buzz of the forums. But very little is buzzing if anything - so Why would you think it is so?

      I will wait for your opinion on the matter before posting mine.


      A small correction. ''no one'' excludes SPUTINS.
      Sorry may be I worded it badly, but that is all how I was thinking at this moment in time.


      • Originally posted by robur View Post
        OK 1 more small sought I just had and I will ask you that very directly

        GAMBEIR - Why do you think no one replicating Alexey's device?
        As you said earlier you was thinking it be the buzz of the forums. But very little is buzzing if anything - so Why would you think it is so?

        I will wait for your opinion on the matter before posting mine.


        A small correction. ''no one'' excludes SPUTINS.
        Sorry may be I worded it badly, but that is all how I was thinking at this moment in time.
        If Sputins comes back we can always delete our posts is the way I see it. Both of us I mean, and so I don't see a problem, besides there's not been anything posted here for a while.

        On replications;
        The first problem is most people are not mechanically inclined.
        The next problem is the Tesla Coil and I think that's the stumbling block.
        The third problem is making the time and putting forth the effort on something you don't know for sure is real and works.

        Most people are still very mind controlled. Most people are immediately going to ignore this as another scam. I've seen all kinds of inventive explanations how Alexey is making money off this, I can see strings, fishing lines, witchcraft, you name it; blaw, blaw, blaw. What you won't see very often is people trying to explain it. What's rarer still is a qualified person explaining how they hypothesize it works like Mantim Lee does. That's rare as dinosaur teeth.

        This analysis is of course impeccable and completely conventional. Everything about it would of course be entirely right if in fact the device was actually producing 8,000Lbs of thrust, which obviously it's not.

        This tells us not that Lee is mistaken, for that's virtually impossible, after all the man has the credentials and experience so it's not an error on his part.

        The error is in the science obviously: what else could it be because the physics Lee uses is entirely conventional and his knowledge and experience with electrical systems is a literal lifetime's worth. There can be no mistaking the expertise behind the analysis.

        This also says to me that by all rights if our physics is right then the effects should be right: Right? See what I'm saying? So there's more, something we don't crock because of course we don't have real science backing up our physics. We have controlled filtered information passed down as "officially recognized and approved." Typically through peer review nonsense. They judge, you listen, that kind of teaching. Nevertheless, most people are now so incapable of thinking on their own that they have to have information given to them, and because they can not think independently the rulers can control what they believe by handing them information from officially approved sources.

        If you don't have a PHD then you're a crackpot is what the system has taught people and most people cannot escape that belief just as they cannot break from the idea that an education isn't a requirement for success. In fact most successful people don't even graduate from high school because they cannot stomach the brainwashing and brutality of that system. Most billionaires never went to college and I don't think any of them have degree's in anything. Yet again people listen to them because they are rich but won't listen to anyone else who isn't a PHD or most of all, for crying out loud of all people, a freaking doctor. Such is the state of today's citizen so it's wonder any of them do anything frankly. Be glad if one or two of em even try is what I'm thinking.

        Fortunately the entire world has yet to fall victim to the Prussian Education Model and so there's probably some kid in China or India, whose probably making 4 Cents a day doing some horrible job, but whose scavenging up crap to try to build a replication. I wouldn't look for too many Europeans or Americans to be independently minded enough to try. If there's replications they probably aren't being done in Europe or North America, and of course that's probably a good thing over all; the last thing anyone needs is Canadians with flying carpets for Gods Sake.
        Last edited by Gambeir; 04-30-2019, 09:45 AM.
        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


        • Let's talk about Ken Wheelers contributions for a moment.

          There are texts, books which are significant and recognized as landmark texts in every topic by academics. For example, to historians one such book is John Keegan's "The Face of Battle," another in non-fiction is Capote's "In Cold Blood." These are considered landmark books and are recognized as such by academics around the world. Each did things in ways not previously done and inspired or changed the format for subsequent writers, historians, and investigators. They also quite rightly brought each author respect and fame. Ken Wheeler deserves no less.

          Wheeler's book is also a revolutionary text, it too is a landmark book, it is unquestionably the most significant text ever written on the topic of magnetism, and since the magnetic field is what makes modern civilization possible it might be the most important text of all time in it's own right. It is a tour de force of great importance. Not something to be ignored.

          Wheeler is a deep and careful thinker. The video of him dropping the magnet down a copper pipe is an excellent example. Only if you're really paying attention and thinking about the meaning why he does this do you come to realize what it might be telling you, and no it's not about eddy currents either. It's about the fact that you're falling through space in an electromagnetic field just as the magnet itself is. Space is the tube, you are the magnet, and the electromagnetic retardation is the medium acting on your body.

          Wheeler single-handedly demolishes the Einsteinian gravity model with irrefutable logic. Anyone even using the idea of gravity in an explanation must immediately be considered either un-informed or else a shill for the establishment of corrupt science. If people hate Wheeler it is because he's blown their little world apart with truth's and with knowledge. Well that's just upsetting I know, but progress marches on whether we like it or not; all knowledge is fluid. It's certain that there's more to know and certainly Ken's work isn't the be all end all but it is a significant contribution by another human being and will be an enduring landmark in the pantheon of human endeavor.
          Last edited by Gambeir; 04-30-2019, 11:30 AM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • My Idea About Alexey's Replication Lack

            Hmm, I need time to figure out your reply.
            Perhaps you could later comment on the suggestion in post above

            My main view on the lack of duplications of Alexey's device is that the effect might very hard to replicate.

            Tesla coil is used and you know what it does don't you?
            It gives 4-5 different waves and millions of frequency ranges
            Like for example square wave and frequency from 1 hz to 1 Mhrz
            That is 1000000 combinations
            5 waves - 5 million.
            If coil is limited to specific voltage let's say 1000 volts max this added another 1000 to the mix.
            So we had 1000000 combinations of frequency + 1000 voltage combinations
            So, frequency that makes it do something might be like this:

            45000 hertz Square wave at 235 volts.

            And how many combinations are here to scan before you get to this?

            May be I am wrong. Got a bad headache this morning
            If I am wrong - feel free to say I am an idiot

            In november last year I said I have alternative to this may be. Well, I still do, but due to weather and neighbor problems it is tricky to execute.
            My alternative has no tesla coil - just high voltage and frequency.
            And a some other things that in comparison far, far easier to get through


            • Reply To Ken Wheeler's Post

              Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
              Let's talk about Ken Wheelers contributions for a moment.

              There are texts, books which are significant and recognized as landmark texts in every topic by academics. For example, to historians one such book is John Keegan's "The Face of Battle," another in non-fiction is Capote's "In Cold Blood." These are considered landmark books and are recognized as such by academics around the world. Each did things in ways not previously done and inspired or changed the format for subsequent writers, historians, and investigators. They also quite rightly brought each author respect and fame. Ken Wheeler deserves no less.

              Wheeler's book is also a revolutionary text, it too is a landmark book, it is unquestionably the most significant text ever written on the topic of magnetism, and since the magnetic field is what makes modern civilization possible it might be the most important text of all time in it's own right. It is a tour de force of great importance. Not something to be ignored.

              Wheeler is a deep and careful thinker. The video of him dropping the magnet down a copper pipe is an excellent example. Only if you're really paying attention and thinking about the meaning why he does this do you come to realize what it might be telling you, and no it's not about eddy currents either. It's about the fact that you're falling through space in an electromagnetic field just as the magnet itself is. Space is the tube, you are the magnet, and the electromagnetic retardation is the medium acting on your body.

              Wheeler single-handedly demolishes the Einsteinian gravity model with irrefutable logic. Anyone even using the idea of gravity in an explanation must immediately be considered either un-informed or else a shill for the establishment of corrupt science. If people hate Wheeler it is because he's blown their little world apart with truth's and with knowledge. Well that's just upsetting I know, but progress marches on whether we like it or not; all knowledge is fluid. It's certain that there's more to know and certainly Ken's work isn't the be all end all but it is a significant contribution by another human being and will be an enduring landmark in the pantheon of human endeavor.
              I do NOT HATE Ken Wheeler. I never hate anyone. I just have different Idols so to say.
              Nicola Tesla I regard as the greatest scientist that is yet to be surpassed.
              Joe Parr, Les Brown, a few people from the 1950th-1970th
              And my former associates. I will not go back on anything I have said before.
              It is unfortunate that Spacecase0 misunderstood me. But it is time to move on.

              My friend in Russia been dropping magnet down the tube in like 2005-2006. Recently too as well. He gets ''dust'' from the pipe. Dust isn't looking like copper. He don't know what dust is. I tried to e-mail Ken Wheeler last year to ask him if he also had some dust, but I never got any reply. May be it was wrong e-mail address.

              I don't have any PHD too. I have education of basic school and high school from my country of origin. But that doesn't mess with my mind. I compare what i know from school with what I see in front of me and look how many incorrections it might be.

              I read Ken Wheeler's book. Not all of it - just like 50% may be
              It just somehow doesn't sound to me like Tesla writings or Joe Parr's or Les Brown's

              I hope you can understand that.
              Can't we have an intelligent conversation on a subject without following 1 person being a must have?


              • Originally posted by robur View Post
                I have power supply to elector-plate.
                But I want to do something bit different
                I am still intrigued by the device spacecase0 described to me once and i want to duplicate it a bit and see how it would feel
                if you need help doing that, I will offer any help you need
                the key to this device seems to be using steel in an influence electrostatic generator that flips polarities on its own

                the only issue I had is: to never talk about the previous topic that got my phone hacked. it is a matter of bring up the topic, phone and internet companies do keyword searches...
                just don't talk about it again and all is fine, just like I said before.


                • Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                  if you need help doing that, I will offer any help you need
                  the key to this device seems to be using steel in an influence electrostatic generator that flips polarities on its own

                  the only issue I had is: to never talk about the previous topic that got my phone hacked. it is a matter of bring up the topic, phone and internet companies do keyword searches...
                  just don't talk about it again and all is fine, just like I said before.
                  I never hacked you your phones.
                  I never as you put ''tried to kill you'' this is ridiculous.
                  I have many different little bits and pieces of different kind of info in my possession. Those last messages I got from you were the worst accusations I ever received from anyone else before. I was accused of a few things before, BUT NEVER EVER OF THIS!
                  Made me really depressed for a long time.
                  So, you forgive me please if I feel intrigued by your offer.
                  I just want to make my peace with you for now so it doesn't hang over my soul


                  Your electrostatic wimshurst machine is interesting to me because you have said people experienced terror near it when it was working. This effect of terror leading towards something else I know of - but I won't mention that since it in the the package of ''that'' info from ''that'' place.

                  I am looking for alternatives of how to break this dead lock with Alexey's replications. As Gambeir mentioned - tesla coil seems to be the bottle neck of it.
                  There is a Russian saying - не лезь в бутылку - means don't try to get into a bottle. Bigger meaning is - don't try getting into bottle if you could get into a barrel instead.

                  Remember perhaps when I suggested to you to collect charge from that machine into capacitor and you said that be deadly.
                  What do you think TESTATIKA machine does? It does just that. The problem is testatika's capacitors weight like anchors. I believe that that energy can be collected and used. I also believe device like this can be on-board power supply for a machine like Alexey's or some variation of it.
                  Just need to make it kinda more compact and perhaps flatter. Or position it differently.
                  And perhaps make cells different shape.
                  Jor Parr's centrifuge has ''cells'' in shape of pyramids. Flatten those and make them cells on the electrostatic machine

                  1 more thing Gambeir wrote on his other ARV page. I can't find where it is. May be I misread the meaning.
                  Don't know if it was related to ARV or was it just a pointer.
                  On the diagram of ARV on it's bottom cells are shown to be of a triangle shape
                  I presume those cells are used more like TT Brown's effect. Which I am working on now and been for a while.
                  I did not report finding as another person I am working with had respectfully requested not to reveal anything and a promise is a promise.

                  And so I have drawn a few ideas. I do not call those conclusive in any way.

                  1. ARV has triangle cells that work like TT-Brown effect which needs HV. I remember post about Tank circuit, ofc What if electrostatic machine is used to power it instead?

                  2. ARV has triangle/pyramid shaped cells. What if instead of those cells put a multi-disked electrostatic machine on the bottom of it? That has triangle-shaped cells and when it spins it creates HV - Plus lifting power. And if this high-voltage it generates is re-absorbed and re-used for more lifting power

                  3. I said before I got an idea, but I got nothing to show. Oh well might just as well discuss it since I went down this road any ways now.
                  Somewhere on ARV thread GAMBEIR mentioned or someone else did about hull's electrostatic voltages. Alexey's device is in some words ''bare''
                  As skeleton-bare. It has no hull in any sort of way.

                  What if we combine ARV and Alexey's device and get something of a hybrid, but that can be started and/or controlled more easier?

                  Suppose instead of 2 disks and Aluminum plate we have 2 hull pieces. Top and bottom.
                  We charge them with high voltage from on-board electrostatic machine.
                  Hull pieces can have a patten on the inside - outside patten can create air friction.
                  Those 2 hull pieces would be set on an axel that goes through the center.
                  Or rest on a bearing that is fixed to it's rim.
                  Magnetic set would be attached to the rim of the 2 hull pieces.
                  A set of coils would be also attached some where along the rim.
                  This can also be done separately I suppose but I am just putting my view here.
                  2 hulls pieces could have sets of magnets with same pole outwards.
                  Rim piece would have indentical pole outwards so hull pieces would rest of the repelling magnetic fields making it friction less bearing
                  Second set of magnets could be placed some where else inside the hulls.
                  Facing them would be a set of drive coils. Or 1 long solid coil
                  This coil set would accelerate the hulls
                  2 hulls must be able to accelerate and decelerate separately from each other
                  Drive coils and acceleration magnets must be placed separately from the mounting magnets so their fields don't interact in a negative way.
                  Inside the hull here must be a place where on-board generator sits.
                  That is where electrostatic machine comes in. If it is placed here, but placed horizontally - not vertically - on the floor of inner chamber. That must have a separate motor to accelerate it. It could be same type of brush less magnetic motor or something else that doesn't eat much power.
                  It would be a big bonus if you can only use little power from a battery to activate it and after that it would work on the high-voltage it generates.
                  Some where on the top would need to be a cockpit or a ''bridge'' where controller is placed and radio transmitter. And may be a camera


                  So, let me outline here the principle of operation that I have cooked up so to say. This is in no way final and could be wrong. But I believe it to be correct based on my experience and previous informational sources Spacecase0 requested not to mention.

                  1. Electrostatic machine starts up and generates high-voltage
                  2. Voltage is divided and send to the activator coils
                  3. Those charge up and repel or attack drive magnets on the hull
                  4. Hulls begin to accelerate.
                  5. At the same time another portion of voltage is passed onto hull themselves to charge them up.
                  7. Or the voltage can jump onto hulls directly from activator coils.
                  8. Hulls can have a pattern on the inside or be multi-layer with electroplated layers or like TT-Brown - sandwich of dielectric layer and conductor layer
                  9. As hulls are charged up - we have high-voltage effect
                  10. Hulls are accelerated - counter spinning each other - we have a spinning effect.
                  11. Magnetic fields on the rim possibly extend onto the hulls and swirled into a vortex. A charged vortex and we could have a vortex effect.
                  12. Each hull becomes a spinning, high voltage capacitor with the following effects:
                  1.1 - Magnetically charged on the rim
                  1.2 - Electrically charged along it's surface
                  1.3 - Possibly electro-magnetic vortex forming on it's surface
                  1.4 - Some other effect or effect of Joe Parr's centrifuge could be generated if our electrostatic machine has triangle-shaped cells


                  Proposed principle of control:

                  1. Accelerating Hulls separately by accelerating 1 and decelerating other we could control vertical movements
                  2. Horizontal dor now I don't really know how we can control - except if we charge up certain coils more then the other.
                  But since here is only 1 set of activator coils this can mess with the speed of 2 hulls.
                  So, a separate control for horizontal vector needs to be put in place
                  3. All control on board can be dine the way we play with drones now. Via radio signal.
                  4. Make a fail safe switch that would automatically gently kill the engine if it gets outside of the radio range so it wouldn't fly away from us
                  5. If joe parr's effect if I may call it this way would be created in the electrostatic generator and create a bubble that extend outside hull this could power a problem for us if that bubble would also shield from radio waves
                  On other hnd it would make our UFO drone invisible to those who are watching.
                  6. Electrically-charged hull is also possibly invisible to radar

                  That is about it.

                  P.S. I forgot to mention that 2 hull pieces need to be concave or curved .
                  Possibly like a mixing bowl.
                  Something like this probably.
                  I am looking very actively for a bowl of just the right shape.
                  Not too steep
                  But some far nothing.
                  Bowl is to be used as mold form. To make such shape with a metal workshop in UK is unreal. First of all they only deal with businesses here and secondly for a small piece they would ask for me for thousands.
                  Only way is to cast it whole and make mold accurate enough to make a max 3mm thick piece. But far no correct bowl


                  That is it for now.
                  My head is empty and I have nothing to add for a long time onwards.


                  • I could make the hulls.
                    But finishing myself I can't do
                    I must be realistic.
                    The most that I can do is about halve-way.
                    Then someone else will have to finish the pieces I can't make.


                    • Gambeir did you ran out of comments?
                      I would very much like to hear what you got to say on the description.
                      But here isn't any hurry for it.
                      Weather is soo terrible here cold as i winter


                      • Originally posted by robur View Post
                        Gambeir did you ran out of comments?
                        I would very much like to hear what you got to say on the description.
                        But here isn't any hurry for it.
                        Weather is soo terrible here cold as i winter
                        a few comments on what you said
                        the TESTATIKA machine is not public,
                        it is a secret
                        so, no one really know what is going on with it.
                        unless you know something you are not telling others.

                        and I have thought about what you said earlier in this thread
                        you got what I said about what you did wrong
                        and continue to do so...
                        I only gave up after much conversation
                        I have never had someone not pay any attention to what I said more than you.
                        sorry you were depressed over what happened
                        but there are side effects of telling information of others as if it is your own, and then defending that information (even if it is bad) as hard as you did.
                        also, you discounted research many people have done. research with hard evidence.
                        the reason you got me so wrong is that you never seemed to have payed attention to anything I said
                        you push on others, and you do it hard
                        you seem to have no care for reality, only that you are correct.
                        so, now that I have told you, guess why gamber or anyone else hesitates to reply

                        some of you channeled ideas were quite neat.
                        am still set on testing the most critical one you told me,
                        but still to cold here to expect results.
                        I will post results unless YOU insist on PUSHING me off the internet.
                        after all, talk about enough "bad" keywords and god knows who hacks you to see what you are doing. and that was the issue from the start. just quit talking about that one topic not even related to energy or gravity. it is not going to get anyone anywhere.


                        • Reply To Spacecase0

                          Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                          a few comments on what you said
                          the TESTATIKA machine is not public,
                          it is a secret
                          so, no one really know what is going on with it.
                          unless you know something you are not telling others.

                          and I have thought about what you said earlier in this thread
                          you got what I said about what you did wrong
                          and continue to do so...
                          I only gave up after much conversation
                          I have never had someone not pay any attention to what I said more than you.
                          sorry you were depressed over what happened
                          but there are side effects of telling information of others as if it is your own, and then defending that information (even if it is bad) as hard as you did.
                          also, you discounted research many people have done. research with hard evidence.
                          the reason you got me so wrong is that you never seemed to have payed attention to anything I said
                          you push on others, and you do it hard
                          you seem to have no care for reality, only that you are correct.
                          so, now that I have told you, guess why gamber or anyone else hesitates to reply

                          some of you channeled ideas were quite neat.
                          am still set on testing the most critical one you told me,
                          but still to cold here to expect results.
                          I will post results unless YOU insist on PUSHING me off the internet.
                          after all, talk about enough "bad" keywords and god knows who hacks you to see what you are doing. and that was the issue from the start. just quit talking about that one topic not even related to energy or gravity. it is not going to get anyone anywhere.
                          That is very fair of you Spacecase0.
                          If I understand correctly here you wish to put this matter at rest and move on.
                          So do I.
                          So, I agree never to mention that matter again.

                          1. Yes, I agree I pushed some stuff through a bit hard. Because I believed in it at the time of talking and posting that. I still do. But I agree not to mention it
                          And all you need in this world is FAITH.
                          That is how my father was always teaching me.
                          So, I will consider this matter closed if you would.

                          2. Yes, I know Spacecase0 that TESTATIKA is not public - it is secret.
                          But I still drew a parallel between TESKATIKA and your very interesting electrostatic machine. Yes, I believe I do know some things that others don't.
                          But since we agree not to go into subject of channeled information - I cannot say it.

                          3. What I wrote on that post is not in any way concrete. It is a set of visions.
                          I will not write anymore as final version or the way I did before.
                          Everything I write from now on - if anything at all - would be written just as a proposed project plan or a plan of how I might be seeing it on my side here. .
                          Would that be acceptable?

                          4. And yes I think I did discounted other people's research because again of that matter of channeled research that didn't matched research up here. Hardly ever matched it.
                          But I agree not to mention it.

                          5. If my health, weather and finances allows I fully intend to follow in practice what I was suggesting on that sheet. It might not work out I understand
                          But I am still want to try it. And I believe that you electrostatic machine and Gambeir's ARV are keys to trying to make it work at last a bit
                          Weather is terrible here as well. Like in winter. Doesn't feel like May

                          I said everything I wanted to say on the subject for now
                          I will log off forums and look in sometimes to see if Gambeir comments

                          P.S. Not pushing anyone off internet never had this intention.


                          • Magnet orientation

                            While watching the YT video where he shows the schema, I noticed also when he brings into view the unit, the matnets are top of both rotors and of the same orientation. In the CC, he does say they are North top and South bottom.
                            I will refer to times to show what I mean. This differes from the captured schema posted also here.
                            @36:12 magnet recess is on top
                            @36:27 you can see both discs have recess on top and magnets on top

                            Polarity will then be the same for both rotors not facing each other

                            @ 31:10 he shows north up and south down

                            Had me a bit confused for a while.

                            Has Sputins done and flew away?



                            • Originally posted by Sputins View Post
                              Discs, hammered aluminium plate, six neo N42 magnets, north side facing up:

                              So the frame is coming along, but I await certain parts and assembly. Picture shows a mock-up. I might have to increase the size of the threaded rods to a larger diameter, adjustments to make and parts yet to fit.

                              The central plate, neutral plate or centre tap plate may play an important role. It may form a boundary for the positive and negative field. It’s also the position to apply the RF from the Tesla coil evenly to both halves of the device.
                              The primary coil for the Tesla Coil is almost complete, just the driving circuit remains. - I'll use the circuit Spigel used, (BSpg on the forum) using a 2SC5200 transistor. The important thing is that the Tesla coil feedback circuit self-adjusts for factors that alter the resonant circuit, (like capacitive loading) so it remains resonant at all times.
                              I made a thread about this device. Only I didn't know this thread existed at the time.


                              Amazing device. Can it be real?



                              • Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                                I made a thread about this device. Only I didn't know this thread existed at the time.


                                Amazing device. Can it be real?
                                Thanks, I think we should move wide discussion to that thread.

                                Yes, it's absolutely real. Will continue there.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

