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2018 Energy Conference Review

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  • 2018 Energy Conference Review

    Greetings to all,

    The 2018 Energy Conference was a very interesting event covering a wide spectrum of interests. This conference, under the guidance of Aaron M., has been morphing into a broader scope event that now spans four days.

    The broader scope means expansion beyond just the nuts and bolts of free energy into areas that may seem out of context, but are, in reality, on topic. A simple review of the speakers' presentations will demonstrate this point.

    The range of topics ranged from New Energy, Magnetism, Theory of Electrical Transmission, Communication with Nature, Embryology and Acupuncture, Tewari Generator, Gravity Control, Lakhovsky MWO, etc. See the details and wonder how you missed this.

    I leave it up to others to flesh out the particular presentation details and finer points of the conference, if they so desire.

    The world around us is not just this small corner of Free Energy research and experimentation. The need for a broader appeal and a larger following will drive, and ultimately expose, to a wider audience the seminal work and experimentation that takes place on these forums.


  • #2
    You make a good point about the deeper philosophical implications of all this. How deep into links between electricity and consciousness did people get?

    I do miss the old writeups -- as I mentioned in the Dollard thread, it seems like every year someone (or multiple someones) would give the conference a really detailed review afterwards. Very useful, if only to help people figure out which conference videos to get!

    But I guess this was a quieter conference with fewer people.


    • #3
      Take on Friday Presentations

      The Conference left me breathless and worn out from the non stop activities and information overload. Needed a week to at least partially assimilate everything and to savor the feeling of satisfaction.

      The conference was very well attended - packed! I missed all of Thursday's presentations, in hindsight it was my loss because the speakers were very good.

      So on Friday morning I attended Linda Hole's Qigong exercise session at 7 AM outside of the Eagles Lodge. Did this every morning and the number of participants grew each day - last day about 25-30 people. Most excellent way to start the day with a great teacher. It works!

      John Petersen-An intense and fast moving talk about multiple events and rapid changes that are occurring in technology, climate and society. He then ties all these disparate elements together into a whole framework. Personally stunned by this great expansion of perspective. Tremendous start to the conference! Very well done!

      Aaron Murakami - Bio Hacking. Another excellent presentation by Aaron detailing the impact of magnetic and electric fields on plant growth. Extremely interesting in detailing the history of experiments from the 1700's to the modern era. Some truly amazing results in how these fields enhance growth and size of plant organisms. Details on germinating seeds and impacts on other organisms from modern day experiments. Check this link - English - Most excellent, engaging and informative. Ready to try experiments in my garden...

      Ken Wheeler -Magnetism. Very entertaining and informative. Ken's inimitable staccato speaking style and humor, along with an in depth knowledge of the subject, made for a very worthwhile presentation. A lot of information here. Check out his latest updated edition for more comprehensive details - A lot of technical details and slides of his refined perception of electrical and magnetic fields. High energy and great tats, still chuckling a week later.

      Eric Dollard - History and Theory of Electrical Transmission... Another marathon presentation by the Professor - packed as usual with information overload, biting dry wit and a very unique perspective. I missed most of this due to unexpected circumstances that diverted me to other matters. I am sure that someone else will flesh this out.

      There were quite a few displays of products, videos and demo equipment in the adjoining room that provided information and up close demonstrations. More details later...

      There were many of the forum experimenters at the conference and I do urge these fine people to add their unique perspective to the wider audience. It is OK to expose yourself a bit, at least verbally in the written form. Share your thoughts!

      Feedback is good!


      • #4
        Thanks for that.

        Your comments on Aaron's talk reminds me of this video:

        The fellow shown there is also known for his work with "pyramid power". I know some people who have experimented extensively with that topic and found it very effectively enhances plant growth.


        • #5
          Take 3.1 Saturday Presentations

          Day started off nicely with the Qigong session and after being energized ready for the information assault. Surely raised my consciousness to the required level.

          Anupam Tewari - Tewari Generator - Prolonged intro into the life and history of P. Tewari by son and seguing into the generator itself. Demonstration video that showed an operating unit in India running at ~250% electrical efficiency. A. Tewari does not have any technical background so the presentation was on the light side. No slides of schematics of the device or operational theory. Design info can be found in US patent application, Rex Research. Original design is for 3 phase. Total measured system efficiency based on Output/Input is greater than 1- essentially a self runner. Coil Winding direction similar to Bedini's Window motor.

          David Alzofon - Gravity Control - Another father-son presentation. Based on Frederick Alzofon's work with a historical perspective of his theoretical underpinnings and many well known associates and teachers. Very interesting material that leads up to the D. Alzofon book. Claims that this work will change the energy paradigm. Short on technical details or schematics. Some of this can be clarified by buying the book on Amazon. Appears to be a fairly complex design that may be beyond the scope of most experimenters.

          Jim Murray - Segregated Load Analysis. Scary title for many of the audience, but Murray comes through with a very well presented and logically organized lecture outlining the process for determining the energy efficiency of experimental devices. Clearly demonstrating the need for a critical analysis in any experimentation of devices that are thought to be high efficiency. This is the method to do it correctly and is based on his many years of experience in this field as an experimenter and researcher. Tech geeks rejoice and get the video. Classic Murray technical presentation!

          In the demo area there were any number of devices, videos, machines etc. Three working devices - Peter Lindemann's simplified battery switching based on Benitez patent, two ZFM's operating for show and tell, another generator/ motor combo (gentleman left before I could get the full specifics). Usual Teslagenx display of useful SSG parts etc. The full Energy from the Vacuum and Bedini DVD's. Orgone pipes, tubes, stones etc. Asea water booth for the thirsty.

          I will hit the other Saturday presentations as time and space permits.

          Last edited by yaro1776; 07-20-2018, 01:29 PM. Reason: clarification


          • #6
            That sounds very interesting!


            • #7
              Take 3.2 Saturday Presentations

              Back again with more on the conference, however I had neglected to include this link that does an excellent job outlining the thrust and speakers of the ESTC event. It is lengthy, but gives an excellent outline of all the good stuff. Beautiful hardcopy was available at the show. Go through this at your leisure and peruse the conference at least vicariously.

              So after reading the above you will note the increasing emphasis on the Aether and the use of the word Consciousness. This plays into the next two presentations.

              Paul Babcock - Earth's Life Force Generating Mechanism. A broad and engaging presentation with numerous points outlining his personal changes and developing philosophical viewpoint over the past years. In essence, the self realization that all individuals are part of a greater cosmic whole. In some respects, reminiscent of the Gaia philosophy that was popular in the 1960's and 70's, but transformed to the current era with a distinct flavor of rebellion towards the strictures of the science establishment and its moribund perspective. Get the video for more detail.

              Prof. Robert Haralick - Subtle Energy Protocols, Experiments and Results. A detailed exploration of the recent experiments conducted with variously sourced waters on how human intention can modify and influence some basic characteristics of water. Very technical with graphical and numerical data to backup the observations. The waters appear to be influenced, and perhaps conscious of human intention. Or are we part of a greater whole and do not know it. Very interesting exploratory trail here and who knows where the crumbs will lead. Get the video for more detailed insights. Very cool!

              Dr. Gerald Pollack - 4th Phase of Water. A tremendously fascinating exploration of the ongoing research into the unusual characteristics displayed by water at hydrophilic interfaces suggesting a 4th phase of water formed within an exclusionary zone boundary. EZ water! Whoa, run this by again. Way too detailed for this short take. Review the writeup in the conference booklet and get the video. You will not be disappointed, and indeed, will be amazed. Very engaging speaker with an excellent slide presentation.

              Finish up on the last two speakers soon. On a roll with this...
              Last edited by yaro1776; 07-20-2018, 01:18 PM. Reason: word correction


              • #8
                Take 4 Sunday Presentations

                Reflecting a bit more on the 4 day conference I realized that I missed the Thursday Q and A on the Bedini RPX and Lakhovsky MWO. Holy catfish! Will now have to wait for the video since no one has commented on it.

                Karen Elkins - Man, Machine and the Matrix - Beautiful and well organized presentation with a cornucopia of most excellent photos. Her rapid speaking style and constantly changing slides were almost hypnotic. The etheric energy flowing around and through us naturally pushes all toward enlightenment. All around us is the vibratory energy of the cosmos. Whether you agree with the philosophy, the entire slide show can be considered a work of art. Enjoy the video and crank up the meditative music.

                The last presentation was The Hidden Dance by Yaro Stanchak, a further exploration and progress to date of the ZFM. Usual assault of tech info, graphs, screen shots and videos of progress with the ZFM, along with further info on Ron (B.E.) Cole.The hidden interplay of magnetic and electric fields. Of course you have to get the video, Ha! Ha! Hopefully someone else will post a comment on my presentation.

                Lastly there were two panel discussions with the presenters and as usual they were very interesting, up close and personal.

                The impromptu closing dinner at the Cricket in Couer d'Alene was a fun blast attended by around 40 to 50 people. A fitting and very fun conclusion.

                Done with this and I do hope the above comments are of use to those that could not be there. As always the opinions expressed in this review are strictly my own and may not be a true reflection of the reality.

                Yaro Stanchak


                • #9
                  Hey Yaro, that's a great writeup. Thanks!

                  Regarding "all individuals are part of a greater cosmic whole", have you seen this? (it's NSFW, you'll have to sign in to YouTube)

