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The Moray valve

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  • #16
    granite ball found in great pyramid

    Originally posted by marmstrong View Post
    Have you investigated granite as Moray's source of radiation?

    Granite doesn't seem plausible to me. However, tonight
    I stumbled upon this.

    Check out the granite ball (time 8:04 on this video) that was found in the great pyramid.
    This is the first time I've learned about this artifact.
    I wonder what it was for.

    YouTube - 1 Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. Search for the Hall of Records - Egypt
    Last edited by morpher44; 08-18-2009, 06:08 AM. Reason: correction


    • #17
      I think if you consider Moray's work as in any way "real" (as it certainly was in my opinion, and the opinion of hundreds of his day who witnessed and tested it), you must take him at his word in his book (linked above). And so the effect was definitely linked to his specially-manufactured Tubes which had a mix of Gallium and the other elements in them... Which were actually


      That Dr. Shockley of Bell Labs, who is credited with the discovery of the transistor, is known to have closely studied.

      These compounds were somehow mixed or layered along with the radioactive traces of either Radium or Uranium (Moray always refused to give any details on this part, only that it was certainly "radioactive"). But there is no way that these trace amounts could DIRECTLY and steadily produce up to 50kW of energy under any known conventional method, even today. Since we know that the tubes lasted for many years, the radioactive traces obviously did not liberate their nuclear energy quickly.

      What i found interesting was, that according to Moray's son, he had to pay over $8,000 for each tube to be made in Germany (that was BIG money in those days). this is why he kept re-using them in ever-increasing larger units, with more tube stages, and always only had one unit that operated at a time. To get the final figure of "50kW: in 1940; he had 8 tube stages. That's when the "scientist" the US government sent "to help him test" smashed the device with a hammer.

      So it probably is as stated above (and as Moray himself stated), that the radioactivity is the key to transform the radiant energy, the "Cosmic Rays" as he thought, into electricity (or, perhaps more precisely, that it acted as a small biasing "power supply" to enable the effect).

      Sometimes Moray needed "small pencil-sized dry cell batteries" to operate the device, and sometimes he didn't... What significance this has is not yet understood from what i have read. He was also witnessed several times to stroke a coil with a magnet by hand to get it started. What this shows is that very likely a voltage of some kind was needed for the tubes to initially operate. Lol, shades of Steven Mark and the "TPU"

      But although it is true as said above that there have never been any OPENLY KNOWN replications of his work; i would not bet a penny that it has never been replicated in secret

      And if a researcher did replicate it, if they had any sense they would not advertise it; as this is certainly one of the most suppressed technologies there is, and they would surly get unwanted visitors very quickly.

      Moray has NEVER been debunked. That's why his work, and his sterling character that could not be besmirched, is very important for the cause of Free Energy for this reason.

      Lol the skeptics REALLY HATE THAT

      (and that's why i use him as the "Free Energy Facebook Group's" icon photo, hehehe).

      The Free Energy Facebook Group | Facebook


      Naysayers & Forum Shills:

      Are you my "Huckleberry" ? Want "A Shot At The Title", big boy? Then come on, let's see what you got. Yeah, i'm talkin' to you.. Are you talkin' to me?

      It's called "The Moray Challenge". And you ain't got what it takes. So go home and try your luck with debunking "Astrology" or "Leprechauns".

      Hehehe. JK. Well, really not kidding: It is an open challenge to try and debunk Moray, and serious attempts from skeptics are always welcome.


      • #18
        Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
        Granite doesn't seem plausible to me. However, tonight
        I stumbled upon this.

        Check out the granite ball (time 8:04 on this video) that was found in the great pyramid.
        This is the first time I've learned about this artifact.
        I wonder what it was for.

        YouTube - 1 Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. Search for the Hall of Records - Egypt
        Thought this may be of interest - granite radioactivity,
        Don't Take a Geiger Counter Into a Granite Showroom : TreeHugger


        • #19
          granite wand

          Originally posted by john_g View Post
          Thought this may be of interest - granite radioactivity,
          Don't Take a Geiger Counter Into a Granite Showroom : TreeHugger
          So it seems to me, the granite ball should be placed on the STAFF,
          pushed into the slot there between the two copper "handles",
          completing the circuit, opening the orifice, letting the sand drain
          down into the lower chamber, and opening the NEW passage
          way into the great pyramid.

          This is not unlike the monolith in 2001. We have to prove
          that we are advanced enough to figure this out before the mystery
          will reveal itself.
          I think it makes great sense to study this problem very carefully,
          getting all the data you can. But eventually someone has
          to have the guts to push the button and see what happens. :-)


          • #20
            You've all probably seen this already but I'm putting it here because it's relevant:

            Endless Light - Dr. Thomas Henry Moray

            BTW, the entire book is well worth a read, lots of good nuggets in there.


            • #21
              Moray-like pattent circa 1987

              This patent is interesting and Moray-like:

              Apparatus for converting radio ... - Google Patent Search

              The inventor gives the components, making it easy to replicate:

              [] N34A Germanium diodes
              [] 35-47 millihenry R.F. chokes
              [] 0.47 picofarad 200V capacitors
              [] coax - 50 ohm
              [] dipolar butterfly antenna 12in x 18in

              I'm impressed that the inductors are so large and the
              capacitors are so tiny (high Q) ... and the
              germanium diodes are used.

              There doesn't seem to be a way to tune this device.

              Those skilled in the art might have fun trying to replicate this one.


              • #22
                Scan of Moray's "The Sea of Energy - 5th edition" book that is very hard to find MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service


                • #23

                  I was watching some vids about bismuth and search
                  around and found a hit re: bismuth and Moray...

                  [CTRL] T.H. Moray's Swedish Stone

                  The above has pretty technical information about what Moray did.

                  "Moray's research with radioactive semiconductors has opened the door to our
                  energy independence. These semiconductors have an increased sensitivity. His
                  greatest achievement was with a triboluminescent zinc mixture consisting of
                  pure zinc sulfide, radioactive impurities, and pure germanium metal.
                  "Artificial radiation" could be used in place of the radioactive impurities.
                  By exposing bismuth to radiation emitted from his unique high-voltage powered
                  vacuum-tube that contained radium chloride he was able to create "active
                  bismuth", today known as polonium-210. This is what Moray called "artificial
                  radiation." When added to the zinc sulfide it would glow a bluish-green. When
                  this glowing material was then doped into ultra-pure germanium it made an
                  excellent emitter of secondary electrons. Moray called this new synthetic
                  "fission material." This transistor type material is said to have been
                  superior to the Bell Laboratory transistor materials."


                  • #24
                    I've seen that circuit before - it was a set of plans that I purchased from Creative Science. Never built it but you have to take most of the info they sell with a pinch of salt.


                    • #25

                      anyone know about this magniworks perpetual motion energy generator?



                      • #26
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • #27
                          Gods power

                          Today is the first day of tubal ezekial 39
                          the sterilization of negative ions from earth
                          behold I am against thee oh Gog the cheif prince of me-she-ch
                          you will find free energy by two ballance antennas
                          with salt crystals in one and water in the other
                          do not use a microwave converter build up your crystals
                          you can ground to earth but will erase the computers
                          as ac current is not pure photons but dirty power. Thus making your metter the ground. Have a wonderfull day and praise God for today is the day he has made.


                          • #28
                            I guess i should add

                            You may not think its working because the volts read
                            low but however its so pure it is you can extend your antenna
                            the longer the more impure and more ac like current but
                            its really just dirtier voltage as pure current is not dirty
                            because most metters read backwards some how it you put it on volts
                            wrap the wires around the photon wire you get amps or photons
                            ah all you guys are smarter then me just know it works
                            and its unlimited also for all you guys that want warp stuff
                            ive also solved einstiens unified feild theory
                   i guess its not just einstien I put his and tesla and moray with Gods or rather they failed at explainig it ill do my best


                            • #29
                              Warping a light bulb

                              Search utube warping a light bulb its direct
                              photon energy


                              • #30
                                Any progress?

                                Just wondering if anyone has been trying to recreate the moray valve or machines like the one moray built.

