Originally posted by wantomake
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Motor Generators
Every battery has a frequency at which it charges best, whether it is lead or lithium. When you are trying to get gains, every drop counts. But the 3 battery system and the Modified motor were where we were YEARS AGO AS WE WERE LEARNING. They are nothing more than PROOF that the load does NOT consume all the energy that is put through it. That energy is sent to ground and WASTED. That's all it was EVER INTENDED to prove. It will not run your house or your car. It takes an incredible number of batteries to build a system that gives you THAT kind of power.
Let's say you need the power that comes from 10 batteries to run your solar powered home system over night when there is no sunlight. That means for every 12 volts of power (one battery) in order to replace it with a potential based system that does nothing more than move the energy back and forth to run loads, you would have to have Two batteries to provide the high potential, one to provide the low potential, and one to rotate in so the charged battery could rest. And it would be BEST if you had one to rotate in so battery 2 (which gets discharged) could rest before it moves to the charge position. So ideally 4 batteries for every "ONE" battery you need for "power." No creation of energy in this system, just moving power around to provide power to the loads, and keeping the batteries charged. So 40 batteries. Solar is cheaper.
Ever seen the photos of Tesla plugging lights into the ground and having them light up? He said if you put power into the ground, you could pull it back out and he used earth grounds and air grounds to accomplish his goal. Potentials.
A Boost module is a free energy device ALL BY ITSELF when run correctly. Why? If run between a high and a low potential, energy comes out of the high potential, goes THROUGH the boost module (into the "positive In" and OUT the "negative In" and is collected in the low potential. How much can be recovered is dependent on the boost module. But the important part is that the OUTPUT of the boost module is based on what went in and out of the + and - In. The "generated energy" that came from the output is all you SHOULD have expected, but you recovered SOME of what you input, or the battery WOULDN'T have charged. That is the "free" energy you got. You PAID to get the output, but if you recovered SOME of what you paid. That is the "free" energy. These inputs and outputs can be measured. Did power come out of the secondary of the boost module? Did you recover SOME of what went into it? Don't take my word for it. If you have a bench and some meters, get to work. You can run a boost module off a power supply with a meter connected between the boost module and the power supply to measure input. You can measure the output of the boost module to a load. The hard part is measuring how much the battery charged.
A Buck module is also a free energy device if operated the same way. All you were expecting was what you got OUT of it, not what you recovered of the input.
These are just TWO similar examples. there are others, and some are much better.
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Originally posted by BroMikey View PostLost 2/10ths and gain 12/10ths. This is on brand new batteries that have been well conditioned that have never been run down to under 12v, never over charged and 20-30 C rate charging for giant high dollar lead............. $200 per battery now $300 per battery after covid, so big bucks but it proves free energy.
Originally posted by Turion View PostThat underlined part isn't your quote
You, yourself said your experiment showed it takes THREE to FOUR TIMES the actual energy the battery collects to overcome impedance
BUILD something instead of insisting it doesn't work.
You see what you want.
I have every intention of running a new test using batteries that are first new and secondly able to except 99% of the charge I send them. There will be no doubt / question. I wouldn't try it if I thought the experiment would be a failure.
My setup will not be using a modmtr as lead acid will not be involved. Just how much is unclear for me so I reserve any statement till then. I have never discredited the idea but I have profuse distain from lead batteries, as I have said, never again.
Magic frequency hunts are over.However if others have lead acid and a mod mtr I say go for it. I still like the mod mtr be for other reasons. Lenz free
I have already done much of the work on a mod mtr of the Lindemann version lenz free
You guys have a good niteLast edited by BroMikey; 07-27-2022, 06:12 AM.
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That underlined part isn't your quote. You left MOST of your quote out. So here are the cherries I picked.
Originally posted by BroMikey View PostLost 2/10ths and gain 12/10ths. This is on brand new batteries WRONG that have been well conditioned WRONG that have never been run down to under 12v, WRONG never over charged WRONG and 20-30 C rate charging for giant high dollar lead. Breaks your truck axle getting them home WRONG and only men with big arms can lift. I MUST BE HERCULES, BECAUSE I CAN PICK ONE UP WITH EACH HAND $200 per battery now $300 per battery after covid, WRONG so big bucks ACTUALLY 1/10th WHAT YOU SAID THEY WOULD COST, but I AGREE 12 x $30 is a bit much but it proves free energy. FINALLY A CORRECT STATEMENT.
If you have a two way system where you run off battery 1 and go to a cap in parallel with battery 2. Then run off battery 2 an go to a cap in parallel with battery 1., what happens then?
If the load is something you can pulse so that the connection can be the frequency the battery LIKES to accept, now what happesn?
If you use the boost module to increase the voltage so you are over the battery voltage, what now?
There are steps you can take to improve a setup, but first you have to BELIEVE it is possible and actually BUILD something instead of insisting it doesn't work.
And we haven't added in the METHOD of generating energy yet (or have we?), just looking at how to move it from one place to another.Last edited by Turion; 07-27-2022, 05:02 AM.
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Originally posted by Turion View PostI provide one, and show that it HAS been shown before, and you do your best to discredit it? Why is that I wonder?
Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
QUOTE "Lost 2/10ths and gain 12/10ths. This is on brand new batteries ... so big bucks but it proves free energy."$30 X 14 = ??? wow that's cheap.
This is a warning to those thinking free energy is low cost.
This one is $216 each plus shipping $40 boat anchors
Last edited by BroMikey; 07-27-2022, 02:46 AM.
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Originally posted by BroMikey View PostLost 2/10ths and gain 12/10ths. This is on brand new batteries that have been well conditioned that have never been run down to under 12v, never over charged and 20-30 C rate charging for giant high dollar lead. Breaks your truck axle getting them home and only men with big arms can lift. $200 per battery now $300 per battery after covid, so big bucks but it proves free energy.
I bought one JUST like that last week at Lowes, and I’m pretty sure it was under $30 also. You don’t need 12 batteries. It was just to prove a point. Extra energy IS produced. You ask for an example. I provide one, and show that it HAS been shown before, and you do your best to discredit it? Why is that I wonder?Last edited by Turion; 07-27-2022, 02:15 AM.
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Lost 2/10ths and gain 12/10ths. This is on brand new batteries that have been well conditioned that have never been run down to under 12v, never over charged and 20-30 C rate charging for giant high dollar lead. Breaks your truck axle getting them home and only men with big arms can lift. $200 per battery now $300 per battery after covid, so big bucks but it proves free energy.
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