Originally posted by clarence
out shooting to practice up hunting season.

is running rough shot over our area and very few police can do much
about it.
Of course I have always had to watch my back in Detroit so it's the
same OLE different day. I love all of the info people post and many have
nearly shamed me for paying out money for my own website with all of
these freebee's.
This work is personal and keeping it private til the right experiment if
found is important. I have watched the best there is fold up shop and
quit because they were unaware of the cut throat.
Don't let them get you

I come to these forums knowing what will happen and have chosen
a screen name that fits the territory. I know I am going to me loved as
well but attacks on every front accompany. Life. Zhit and fall in some
days, same ole.
Maybe someone has the insight where a better free website for pictures
may be had. Once I found out FACEBOOK would never let me delete my
profile I stopped putting stuff up.
The latest just in is that all the major servers of GOOGLE, TWITTER
FACEBOOK and many more have issued unconstitutional policies to
stop certain materials from reaching the destination.
Censorship is now being implemented without public notification.
Not only are the big companies censoring what is being sen, are
opening all of the back doors on private citizens personal files. So
unless you don't care who gets your files, don't post them on the web.
Also have everything backed up.
