Originally posted by wantomake
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Originally I stated out with my own DIY SWER system but abandoned it as time went by.
So this AM I went back to it with a quick hurry up connection from the
neutral to three separate ground rods ( none connected to the 60 rod grid
return). Had to place a run capacitor inline to keep the inverter from growling
like a mad dog.
Placed my single household receptacle across the Captor output and the
Inverter Hot Lead and flipped the switch.
Plugged in a 4 watt night light I use for testing and a single 13 watt CFL
and both did light right up.
Checked the voltage and showed 64/65 steady volts AC. Amps on the Green # 6 AWG showed showed .2 and steady. Also the Amp reading on the Captor
itself rose a bit.
However this was the limit that it would power for now.
Had only extended the lead for the toroid Neutral connection, which was an already dedicated circuit.
I believe that an non-dedicated neutral lead would allow the full voltage to be captured by the ground return.
Will try that process next.
Thanks again,
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