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free energy elemental rod video ?

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  • #31

    Originally posted by amigo View Post
    I believe they said that with five or more different frequencies the geometry starts becoming truly three dimensional which might be the key to the whole thing.
    Hi Amigo,

    OM for example is 3 sounds. A U M. Toning together was claimed to produce the Sanskrit OM character with this method.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #32
      found this explanation at
      Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Vibration as Spiral Vortex
      check out the picture there too

      "These modes manifest in three perpendicular directions. The straight-lined is Longitudinal; the radial from the center line to the spiral is the Transverse or Shear waves; the spiral is the Raleigh, Lamb or Love wave. When any one of them is present they are all present. Magnitude may vary for each. Superimposing opposite phases will make the energy scalar or latent. Wave forms can be misleading. There are actually no waves per se. Energy moves as a polarization vector. What we see as a wave is actually the result of other forces acting on subtler and higher levels of causative actions."


      • #33
        Thanks everyone, lots of good discussion, I am glad we are not just sticking to the subject of the rod video. This way other ideas are tossed around and there's a dialogue going.

        Jetijs, if you have access to a kiln definitely try it out. I'm just afraid that there might be some tiny piece of information that has not been shared in the Electrinium booklet that could be crucial for achieving electrical properties.
        Another question is whether your kiln can heat up to smelt sand...

        Aaron that could be an interesting experiment to try on a cymatics plate. What did you mean by toning together though, just chanting the AUM or actually chanting the three sounds independently then superimposing them together?

        adam ant, I know you are trying to tell us something and if I wasn't so thick I could probably figure out what that is in this context. I have read many theories about spirals, spiraling motions and vortices in the past not relating to this subject and yet somehow I feel they all tie together, if only I could remember how...

        Damien, good links, bookmarked under "Read very soon" ...
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • #34
          that kiln or oven is specially intended for glass melting other ceramic works. It's in a local art school. The oven can be heated up to 3000 degree celsius, I think this should be enough to melt some sand (silica melting point is about 1600 degree). The hardest part would be to modify the oven so that I can lover a semiconductor bead in the "hot" zone and then slowly pull it up. I don't think that they will allow me to drill a hole in the lid.
          I must inspect that oven a little more.
          I also think, that this is turning in one great discussion
          Me like alot
          It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


          • #35
            Found this link on forum thread, it's a website with a periodic table of elements and their corresponding resonant frequencies. Should be a good start and a reference if we are to attempt anything practical.

            Numare Spectralab Inc.
            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


            • #36
              unfortunately, if i give any more info i will be breaching my contract obligations.
              i have spread the info equally through all of the technical threads, feel free to print them all out, and lay them in front of you. the answers will hit you like a ton of bricks.(should) well, at least the processes will, the technical details are still a bit tricky.

              i cannot stress enough the importance of solar evaporated sea salt. i personally consume over two TABLESPOONS per day.

              i will post the sea salt top loading procedure tonight or tomorrow, hmm it is already tonight. i guess it will be tomorrow.


              • #37
                Bryan, for what I know, the seasalt is not entirely seasalt at all, there are numerous other interesting ingredients. That seasalt is like that white powder that forms on the tubes on Myers system or in joecell or even in the conditioned battery plates in th Bedini systems. I posted a link to a video that explains this powder somewhere in this forum a while ago. It is supposed to alter the human mind in some way o increase awareness, perception and intuition. Right? Also that powder has some remarkable physical properties, like loss of weight by higher temperatures and gaining weight by freezing it. Am I on the right track?
                It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                • #38
                  What's this talk about solar evaporated sea salt, and what kind of sea salt is it when it's solar evaporated? Is this some kind of a process applied to normal sea salt or is it something pre-processed and bought in stores?

                  Are we talking about electrolytes and catalysts for some specific reactions in the human body or... ?

                  Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                  • #39
                    thanks for the link

                    solar evaporated sea salt pertains to the way it is "dried and harvested"
                    check out this link for some more info
                    Celtic Artisan Sea Salt

                    also once again in the ebook their is some info on sea salt and its function in the body in chapter twenty six


                    • #40
                      sound and salt

                      Amigo - AUM together is 3 separate tones together with one set of vocal cords. It is called polyphonic sound and is supposed to be impossible to make with one person but it can be done. If you have heard the rumbling tones the Tibetan monks make, that is the sounds of 3 notes together making one chord. I can do this myself as well as I have practiced off and on for about 8 years and it came spontaneously to me though trippy synchronicities.

                      On Seasalt, I take purified and desalinated seawater daily. It is concentrated liquid ionic minerals with 74 minerals and trace minerals. Very potent and very conductive.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #41
                        I take purified and desalinated seawater daily

                        EVERY part of sea salt is necessary, it contains within itself ALL of the necessary buffers, colloidals, and elements in PERFECT proportions. any form of processing in any way is like compairing aspirin to willow bark... willow bark is the natural form of aspirin but because of the natural buffers, there are NO side effects. (pure aspirin burns the stomach lining)

                        Damien is correct, solar evapoated sea salt refers to the method of drying the salt. Celtic Sea Salt is the number 2 choice, but if you look at the british coastlines, the Celtic drying facilities are down stream of some major sewage processing plants. it also has high sand silicates due to the proximity to the shoreline.
                        De Souza is the only company i have found so far that actually sails out 50 miles away from shore, and drops lines at least 200Feet down. this avoids ALL of the silicates and any possible human contamination. then they simply fill large vats with the water and let it dry in the sun. THAT IS ALL!!!


                        Bryan, for what I know, the seasalt is not entirely seasalt at all, there are numerous other interesting ingredients. That seasalt is like that white powder that forms on the tubes on Myers system or in joecell or even in the conditioned battery plates in th Bedini systems.
                        salt is any metal that is combined with a halogen. (chlorine, iodine, flouride etc.,)
                        sea salt to me is the only REAL salt. sodium chloride is the same as aspirin to me... poison. sea salt, on the other hand, is like natures perfect vitamin.

                        why stop at AUM??? again, there is a full "spectrum" or chanting frequencies out there (harmonics) OOOOM(like in open), AAAAAM(like aim), UUUUM(like you), IIIIIM(like I'm), EEEEM(like steam)
                        just like the high vowel sounds... and you can also use the lower vowel sounds sounds oooom(like doom), aaaaam(like stan), uuuuum(like thumb), iiiiim(like imp), and eeeeeem(like ever)

                        vary your pitch, find your harmonic octaves... you will feel it in your sphenoidal bone (HINT!!!!!!!!!)

                        if anyone can come up with the significance of the sphenoidal bone, then i will drop another bone.(google will only help a tiny bit) hahahahahaha
                        Last edited by adam ant; 10-16-2007, 03:42 PM.


                        • #42
                          thanks for the info on the sea salt

                          re sphenoid bone
                          does it have something to do with the housing of the pituitary gland


                          • #43
                            no/yes. there is a relationship there but it isnt what i was getting at.


                            • #44
                              Planets and Chakras by Dane Rudhyar | Rudhyar Archival Project | Astrological Articles

                              "The rise of the Kundalini tide represents a return to source. The life-energy which had become differentiated and imprisoned, as it were, within the depths of organic form, now leaves these "depths" and its farthest out-posts; it gathers itself into one ascending stream along the spinal path, and reaches the "throne" of the Great Mother, the Sphenoid bone, with the pituitary at its center. Astrologically, this is the "path of return" of the solar force, from Saturn to the Sun."

                              hmmm maybe if you get the sphenoid bone to "rattle" a little using harmonics
                              very strange bone
                              looks like some sort of eagle from one view
                              and sphenoid is a hemihedral square based pyramid
                              pituitary gland quite a strange gland at that too


                              • #45
                                ahh sorry posted the previous msg before i saw your reply

