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Tesla's two most important quotes, and the insanity of "Instant Action at a Distance"

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  • Tesla's two most important quotes, and the insanity of "Instant Action at a Distance"

    “There is no energy in matter other than that received from its environment [as meant Ether / fields].” – Nikola Tesla

    “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena [fields, Aether], it will make more progress in one century than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

    I did not mean by the title that there IS NO "instantaneous action at a distance (within fields)" Of course there is, within fields 'instant action at a distance' without propagation speeds

    (as proved by Tesla and Dollard and others regarding longitudinal field propagation).

    But that the entire PREMISE is 100% flawed, regarding the statement of: "instantaneous action at a distance"

    Field pressure gradients are not IN space nor therefore a modality of time.

    So what is going on "instantly" is merely field inductions, pressures occurring "under" and preceding space which is merely a modality of any field.

    So, taking the common phrase regarding fields (mag, grav, dielectric): " "instantaneous action at a distance"

    we have removed the "INSTANTANEOUS" part as merely a human perceptual flaw of immanent fields within which there is space (but never a field IN space, rather space as attributional to or of a field).

    "ACTION" can be removed, since we are only talking about field pressure gradients, inductions, charges and discharges. There are no "moment actions", since actions are comparators over 2 points in time. However the case is is that what something is in Principle it is in Attribute, likewise therefore deductively we can speak of X as both a THING/PRINCIPLE, and an ACTION/ATTRIBUTE, ........such as light-illumination, or will-willing. The very co-eternal principles, also, of and to any field.

    "DISTANCE" can likewise therefore be eliminated, since we are talking about the attribute and EFFECT WITHIN any field(s). There are no "distances" , since this is a conceptual abstraction of fields which are impinging/interacting within / to/ against etc. each other.

    ANY retardations of field action-propagation are logically only merely resistances encountered from intervening field-modality inductions/capacitance; or field voidance or counter-voidance pressures

    So, having eliminated all 3 main words within "instantaneous action at a distance", whats left? Only fields logically. .... Well, we are left with "AT"

    Field pressure AT another field
    Electricity terminating AT X as magnetism
    Magnetic moving its attribute (space) AT a dielectric ( which = dielectric inertial plane torque = electrification)
    Your body AT a location in space AT which another body's centripetal convergent gravitational field is acting AT yours.

    By the way, for the GREEKS, space IS an attribute of a field (χώρα). "Look at the wide open space here (IN THE FIELD IM STANDING IN)" !
    again, space is a field-effect-attribute.

    Space as a principle, cannot , shall not , may not, never will definitionally be anything other than a concept when speaking about merely "space (ltself)".

    There is a WHOLE book dedicated to this one greek words (χώρα) (FIELD) importance.

    All fields are definitionally Ether modalities, either convergent/divergent, spatial, counterspatial, circular, radial, inertial, centripetal, centrifugal.

    As for any "polarized (=SPATIAL)" field, it isn't IN space, rather contains space, and therefore is definitionally "polarized", .......when all this time we have considered "polarized = IN space", rather than "space = attributional construct of a polarized field".

    And as we know, there is no "N or S pole", NO clockwise or counterclockwise spins.

    the same rope turning CW on one end is turning (apparently so) CCW on the other end, but we also of course, know that the entire rope (or ball, etc) is spinning in one single direction as pertains itself, but "has space" (inverse spin) as attributional to it being "polarized" and therefore "creating a space" as definitional to its polarization, i.e. Ether modality.

    We are then merely left with an ocean of fields overlapping fields in which there are atomic magneto-dielectric and gravitational fields which prop up the volumes of atoms and their covalent joining.

    Weight is not only location specific, but also MEDIUM (Ether, water etc etc) specific. Obviously an obese person doesn't 'weight much' floating in the water and even a 10 year old can "carry" a 400 pound person in that medium.

    There needs to be a whole NEW SCIENCE for the future regarding Field Incommensurabilty or F.I. (as I coined it, pardon if that is hubristic).

    I have 3 books I uploaded you should own:

    Instantaneous Action at Distance Pro & Contra
    Forces and Fields Action at a Distance in Metaphysics Philosophy
    Action at a Distance

    If scribd says you have to "PAY" to download, ignore that nonsense, just JOIN scribd and UPLOAD ANYTHING, just ANYTHING
    You uploaded 3 things, you can DOWNLOAD 3 things

    What of the disappearing SUN thought experiment? Only 2 objects in the universe, Sun and Earth, poof, Sun is gone, earth instantly flies off into nowhere.

    Hows that possible? nothing propagates faster than light? If the sun is gone, shouldn't it take 8 mins for that missing Suns gravity to effect Earth? well Nope. There are no more "2 fields" interacting anymore...Sun is gone, so is the Earths movement around a now-non-existent place where the Sun w

    We can of course give definition TO space, but only as is meant an attribute WITHIN a field, AS a product of a field.
    A field containing space is moving at a rate of change of the field as measured BY its attribute, space.

    To speak otherwise is like saying There is light (field) expanding into/within illumination (nonsensical). Rather illumination is an attribute co-principle to and as light.
    Light,/EM , like magnetism itself being a radiation is expanding with its attributional 'field of illumination (space)'. We say we are 'in an illuminated space', when the proper causation would be that we are 'standing within the space of illumination (field)'

    How did I 'discover' that there are no fields in space? ....I came across countless discoveries along the road, and they all pointed at one unknown point, all of them pointing at a place I had never looked, I wasn't even looking for!,..... finally so many pointing fingers could not be ignored. There is no space outside of a field. It is impossible. Likewise therefore no time. Likewise therefore no inductions. Space is a property of a field, an attribute, but there are none, and never has there ever appeared ‘a field within ‘existing space’ ', because space is the effect, not the "medium" into which there is field expansion.

    As is typical of GR and QM, they have been looking at the horses ass, rather than the in the horses mouth. When a field is present, then so too space, but not "a field expanding, contracting, interacting IN SPACE".

    GR and QM have it backwards (as usual), they have reified SPACE as a 'thing' that 'does things'. Space has done nothing, never has done anything (as a principle or autonomous entity, since definitionally it has no such existence).

    .....likewise GR and QM dismiss 'fields' as a principle of space (rather than a modality of the Ether/Aether).
    To reify space is like saying "love attracts a rock".

    There IS instant action at a distance regarding fields, because space-time does NOT exist outside of a field, space is effect WITHIN a field.

    A field CANNOT,NEVER HAS terminated in space. Space is IN a field, but not the inverse.
    Counter-voidance is spatial compression, or what the commoner calls "magnetic repulsion" is spatial compression. Of course these are polarized Ether-fields, but what is being compressed is space itself, as given definition by polarized field gradients at maximum counter-voidance ('repulsion').

    Feel free to tell me I'm "full of taurus excreta "
    Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 07-06-2014, 07:43 AM.

  • #2
    Hi T.A.

    I would like to make a suggestion for a different method of making your work (books) available to the public.

    You may (or may not) be familiar with "cloud storage", like "Dropbox", for example.

    Get a FREE account, create a Folder, put ALL your work you wish to publish and SHARE it!

    All you need to do is publish the LINK to that Folder.

    If you wish to track the number of downloads, get a Google account (free) and use their 'URL Shortening' service and then publish THAT 'shortened' link!

    By the way, I have read your other threads as well and I am glad that someone is finally making a 'stir'!

    Due to my deep spiritual insight, I have known for many years that almost all so-called "scientific" theories are absolute CRAP!

    Please keep up the good work!

    Les Banki


    • #3
      Originally posted by Les Banki View Post
      Hi T.A.
      You may (or may not) be familiar with "cloud storage", like "Dropbox", for example.

      Of course I am familiar, which is why I despise the "cloud"

      There is no such thing AS a "cloud", theyre just server farms.

      I have the book on EVERY torrent site on earth, currently (just checked) there are over 120 people seeding the book

      I have it on servers in Russia, Europe, Arizona (mine).

      I have it on

      and on

      Co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak, thinks the "CLOUD" is the 'digital anti-christ'

      Originally posted by Les Banki View Post
      By the way, I have read your other threads as well and I am glad that someone is finally making a 'stir'!
      Please keep up the good work!
      Les Banki

      Kinds regards for the kind comments

      Ive got , literally HUNDREDS of hard drives, and a hair over 12 Terabytes of PDF books.

      Google SUX, and as founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak, HATES the cloud. I agree with him

      I own a few diff. websites and have things spread all over the world.

      My "religion" is DATA PROTECTION

      You should check out this work I wrote for the website, people seem to love it:

      Methodology to protect your data. Backups vs. Archives. Long-term data protection
      Methodology to Protect Your Data. The Short BIBLE OF DATA PROTECTION!
      Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 07-11-2014, 12:54 AM.


      • #4
        Hi Ken,

        I arrived here looking on internet for another very famous quote of Tesla, namely "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena [fields, Aether], it will make more progress in one century than in all the previous centuries of its existence." I can not find anywhere the original text in which appeared this statement by Tesla. And since I do not like handling, I ask if do you know when appeared for the first time this statement, and in what publication.

        I liked very much how you destroyed the "so clear" meaning of phrase "instantaneous action at a distance", forcing dogmatic minds to twist their way of thinking or to simply say "full of taurus excreta" about it

        the same rope turning CW on one end is turning (apparently so) CCW on the other end, but we also of course, know that the entire rope (or ball, etc) is spinning in one single direction as pertains itself, but "has space" (inverse spin) as attributional to it being "polarized" and therefore "creating a space" as definitional to its polarization, i.e. Ether modality.
        I think it is of major importance to understand WHY "we also of course, know that the entire rope (or ball, etc) is spinning in one single direction as pertains itself"! How we can udnerstand this, being also part of the same fields, of the same manifesting ether!

        What of the disappearing SUN thought experiment? Only 2 objects in the universe, Sun and Earth, poof, Sun is gone, earth instantly flies off into nowhere.
        This is a great paradox between the speed of light as a speed limit and the gravitational field. The imediate argument of relativists will be "at cosmic scale the gravity is not a force, but a space-time curvature"! Yes, why not! We ended up the curve even the concepts, just do not give the division with rest!


        • #5
          I know Ive seen the quote in the book TESLA SAID and one other place, I cannot recall.

          Ive been killing myself in experiments and discoveries, and I proved two of my formulas tonight alone, I would celebrate but its too late, TOMORROW

          also I have about 60 more pages for the new book to crank out, I have SO MUCH to add, just TONS.


          • #6
            Thanks for indication! I'll continue to look for by myself. And congruatulations for achievement! I see your last videos and posts about the discovery, and also the debate on overunity! You really have patience and willingness to spend time with that guys! And btw, thanks for Roy books! I didn't find one of them (MBOL) anywhere!
            Last edited by sadang; 08-09-2014, 09:34 AM.


            • #7
              Hey TA
              So if a magnet falls in a forest...
              ... of course... instantaneously!

              Really enjoying and learning a lot from your posts, Ken.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                Hey TA
                So if a magnet falls in a forest...

                So if a magnet falls in a forest... IT BREAKS

                Making a very informative video tonight, should help people grasp a LOT.

                thin powerful ring magnets love to "FOLD" themselves so easily.

                I broken an expensive one other day


                • #9
                  Another sad attempt to twist Tesla's words so to support someone else's theory. Tesla would never support any "field"-theory, because that is exactly what he meant by "mathematical garb" in

                  The theory (referring to relativity) wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors.
                  A field is something without physical existence. It is a mathematical construct to explain otherwise inexplicable observations.
                  When a magnet attracts another magnet, there MUST be a medium to convey this action.
                  Any child can understand this!
                  This medium is ether, filling all space and giving space its attributes that are required for many things that "just empty space" could never do.
                  A field is only describing this action, NOT explaining it.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                    Another sad attempt to twist Tesla's words so to support someone else's theory. Tesla would never support any "field"-theory, because that is exactly what he meant by "mathematical garb" in
                    Proving you never read my book which says "mother nature doesnt do math"

                    There are only 4 Ether modalities, those modalities are "FIELDS"

                    Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                    A field is something without physical existence. It is a mathematical construct to explain otherwise inexplicable observations.
                    Nope, what fields "do" and influence are math constructs,

                    youve committed the FALLACY OF ATTRIBUTE REIFICATION

                    Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                    When a magnet attracts another magnet, there MUST be a medium to convey this action.
                    MAGNETISM ATTRACTS NOTHING,....radiation displaces, You suffer the same illusion the rest of the world does about how a so-called "magnet" works.

                    See here:

                    Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                    This medium is ether, filling all space and giving space its attributes that are required for many things that "just empty space" could never do.
                    A field is only describing this action, NOT explaining it.

                    wrong again, the MEDIUM is the Ether yes, but there are no "fields expanding in space", only space as posterior to fields/the Ether in perturbation.

                    No such nonsense exists as "empty space",
                    its a PERCEPTUAL FALLACY and construct of dumb humans (most of them)

                    "Empty" is a qualification of another "X is empty of Y".

                    No such nonsense as emptiness.

                    Look at the emptiness below, see it? Its a picture of the Ether.

                    No Ether? Ok, see the "emptiness"?? .....Ok,.....YOU DO???

                    Ok, someone (you) were looking at it, therefore it contained a WITNESS, and negates the definition of EMPTINESS


                    • #11

                      No, that is right TA, I have never read any of your books, and I will probably never waste my time on them.
                      Nope, what fields "do" and influence are math constructs

                      You really have a sense of humour! Fields doing math!
                      Seen the first half of your video too, but the tears of boredom in my eyes prevented me from seeing the remainder. The first tears appeared on seeing the word "counterspace", and now I have even used that hideous term myself!
                      Ok, someone (you) were looking at it, therefore it contained a WITNESS, and negates the definition of EMPTINESS
                      If I look at something, that something contains me???

                      EPD will soon be forgotten history. He would rebuild "Wardenclyffe but better" amongst other things that he can not deliver. He has cashed in on his fame and that is the end of it.
                      You TA, you make a worthy successor!
                      Trading one pixie-dust fairy tale world for another and making sure the truth will remain hidden. Good Luck!



                      • #12
                        Wow Ken, can you feel the love?

                        Just no pleasing some folks.

                        BTW, that article you did on "C.A.R.D.", it beats even the strategy used by many big corporations. Good stuff there. All bases covered. I need to incorporate some virtualization addendums to it, since that is all I use anymore.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Les Banki View Post
                          By the way, I have read your other threads as well and I am glad that someone is finally making a 'stir'!

                          Due to my deep spiritual insight, I have known for many years that almost all so-called "scientific" theories are absolute CRAP!

                          Please keep up the good work!
                          Much agreed. He may crack the nut wide open. If we can just take it and run with it...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
                            Much agreed. He may crack the nut wide open. If we can just take it and run with it...

                            I have such a mountain of new data, and experiments, some I cannot talk about just yet. Some biological, others using optics. etc.

                            I have RIGHT NOW ALONE, another easy 150 pages to add.

                            Check out video 60 when I upload it

                            I will have likely about 120 VIDEOS IN TOTAL.... which is just ABSURD, but there is so so so much STUFF.

                            Here are two pictures below, for amusement....... see any similarities

                            just as a pondering.

                            REAL MAGNETISM PICTURE from Ferrocell, the other, well you know.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                              Eric P Dollard will soon be forgotten history.

                              I see you are insane. Good luck with that.

